Shadow over Riddleport

Game Master Joana

"We cornered his drunken ass in the Goblin last time. This time, we won't show any mercy. We'll kill him for what he did to Larur, and then he'll tell us where Lil is." -- Braddon Hurst

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M 1/2E Magus 4 :2223a1: BAB3 CMB/D:5/17 AC/T/Ff:16/12/14 Init2 Perc1?3(F:9) HP36/36 FRW6,5,3(F:6) UMD11 Scft10 Alch/K:Arc/K:Lcl/Appr7 Ride/Climb/Swim/Dance:6 Dipl/Intim/Acrobatics5 Sense Motive3(F:6)

I tried to find that rule, instead found things suggesting passage was possible. And in my own verisimilitude check, the bouncers have IUS, wear impressive rings, or rely on the AoO for movement within their threatened area. But mostly, intimidate. :)

Checking the map - I'll edit this post in a minute (turned out 30) with move orders.

Move to F11.

Hp :26/26; AC 11(15) / 11 tch / 10(14) ff; Fashionable Merchant 4

Sometimes mages just sit around and watch...

"Better part of valor ... better part of valor!"/Khalid

Nah, the party will be thanking you later if you have another encounter before resting. :)

I just realized I forgot to crop off the dead space at the bottom of the last map. Sorry it made your map so small, Tendal.

Sorry, busy Saturday. Will get descriptions of interiors for Phillip and Tendal and answers to questions for the rest of you in 24 hours.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Snake's action are probably not legal game terms wise, I don't know. It doesn't matter though... it was fun! :)
And somebody's got to at least attempt to teach these big mouth punks a lesson. :)

Aside: I was a big fan of 24 and it kind of reminded me of Jack Bauer, so, I couldn't resist. ;)

M 1/2E Magus 4 :2223a1: BAB3 CMB/D:5/17 AC/T/Ff:16/12/14 Init2 Perc1?3(F:9) HP36/36 FRW6,5,3(F:6) UMD11 Scft10 Alch/K:Arc/K:Lcl/Appr7 Ride/Climb/Swim/Dance:6 Dipl/Intim/Acrobatics5 Sense Motive3(F:6)

Well, three attacks is three rounds... And 14 more damage might make it so you can't question him anymore...

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness
Gristav wrote:
Well, three attacks is three rounds... And 14 more damage might make it so you can't question him anymore...

Honestly, I'd be shocked if he is our level or even 3rd level. And he was never hit, just stunned. And if all he had was 14 hp's... okay, there's just no way that's all he had. Especially after the main dude had a TON of hp's(That dude was impressive, I gotta say). With main dude having a ton of hp's, that'd be a huge drop off for his minions. But even if that is all he had, at worst he's unconscious.

As far as questioning him? It'd just be time to move on to the next guy. :)

Javell DeLeon wrote:
As far as questioning him? It'd just be time to move on to the next guy. :)

Snake negotiating :)

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

LOL!!! That's just greatness! Oh man that is such a great show.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

I say we hide them in the underbrush.

Hp :26/26; AC 11(15) / 11 tch / 10(14) ff; Fashionable Merchant 4
Joana wrote:
Javell DeLeon wrote:
As far as questioning him? It'd just be time to move on to the next guy. :)
Snake negotiating :)


I LOVE that scene!

That looks like one vote for the underbrush and a whole lot of abstentions. Underbrush it is.

M 1/2E Magus 4 :2223a1: BAB3 CMB/D:5/17 AC/T/Ff:16/12/14 Init2 Perc1?3(F:9) HP36/36 FRW6,5,3(F:6) UMD11 Scft10 Alch/K:Arc/K:Lcl/Appr7 Ride/Climb/Swim/Dance:6 Dipl/Intim/Acrobatics5 Sense Motive3(F:6)

Sorry, very busy. Was just as well, because I actually thought the third had got away. I suppose that shows how busy I've been. Will try harder.

Braddon took down the leader in the grease; Gristav color sprayed Cappi for Braddon to secure; and the third man attempted to escape but was taken out by Gristav's arrow.

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

The midget raconteur is back in open control for another two weeks - still reacclimatising to such luxuries as hot showers, fresh milk and non-rice dishes... but I'll survive ;)

I've just been re-reading Abercrombie's First Law trilogy... so probably best I wasn't in charge of questioning... otherwise a bit of Glokta might've seeped through.

Welcome back!

What you've missed on the boards: RAGE! over Ultimate Equipment errata! (Jingasa is the new Crane Wing.)

Also, Starfinder!

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4


Please be like Dragonstar.... :-D

Male Humanish Emergency Medical Doctor/3; Pilot/8; Argumentative/4; Biologist/5

Seriously. Starfinder looks like a blast.

Just the base setup is fantastic. "Golarion is gone..."

So, the plan is for Braddon to climb back up the rope, raise the platform for the others to get on, lower them down, and then climb back down himself?

Will get a description of the cave up tomorrow.

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4
Joana wrote:
So, the plan is for Braddon to climb back up the rope, raise the platform for the others to get on, lower them down, and then climb back down himself?

That is what will happen... whether we plan it or not. :-)

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

Just chiming in that I'm still here - just had a massive weekend so wasn't able to get into the right frame of mind / have available time. Should get some good sleep tonight though and be back up and running tomorrow.

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

Right - back offshore again tomorrow... will be out there for another couple of weeks again. Back to KL on the 25th of June.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Noooooooooooo! Dang that stinks. Well, all I can say is: don't have too much fun. ;)

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

No risk of that unfortunately... I'll try to not get too sunburnt though :P

All right, does the party want to run up the signal flag?

If they do, do they intend to wait on the beach or return to the tower?

M 1/2E Magus 4 :2223a1: BAB3 CMB/D:5/17 AC/T/Ff:16/12/14 Init2 Perc1?3(F:9) HP36/36 FRW6,5,3(F:6) UMD11 Scft10 Alch/K:Arc/K:Lcl/Appr7 Ride/Climb/Swim/Dance:6 Dipl/Intim/Acrobatics5 Sense Motive3(F:6)

Ah well, missed the party. Good luck lads.

Maybe I'll be able to confirm the mother ship from the tower.

Sorry, guys. Had a busy Father's Day weekend with a lot of family stuff, and my son leaves for camp tomorrow so I spent today packing and making checklists. The bus leaves at lunchtime tomorrow, so I'll advance the gameplay thread tomorrow afternoon.

Hp :26/26; AC 11(15) / 11 tch / 10(14) ff; Fashionable Merchant 4

Thats ok. I had a test today. 8 hours in a testing center in Chicago. Yee ha.

Sorry for the delay, guys; I'm trying to find the time to get the map and combat set up. Should have us up and running within the next few hours.

EDIT: Okay, there we go. Got it done before dinner.

Hp :26/26; AC 11(15) / 11 tch / 10(14) ff; Fashionable Merchant 4

Moderately crazy that I have never pondered as a DM:

If you get surprise, can you delay in the surprise round to reset your initiative to go first? I can't think of any reason why you couldn't...

Wow, that is a weird question. My first reaction was that you can only delay an action you could have performed on your normal initiative. Mark Seifter agrees with that view, that you can only delay a move or standard action.

But are you delaying an action or delaying your initiative? Delay says "you take no action and then act normally on whatever initiative count you decide to act." Well, if you choose to act on an initiative count in round one, acting normally would mean getting a move and standard action.

Since you're basically giving up an action in exchange for choosing when to act in the following round, I'm going to allow it.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

I think it's a fascinating question. I find it amazing that after all these years of playing this game, there are still questions out there that you typically wouldn't even dream could arise.

I mean, how many times does a situation like this EVER come up? That's pretty wild.

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4

500 pages of rules and I can't find a thing.
I thought there was a thing on resetting your initiative somewhere.
I could see how you could rule for or against it.
On the one hand, last in the surprise round becomes first in the regular round and gets a full action at no cost.
On the other hand, first in the surprise round acts after everyone else who isn't surprised and essentially gains nothing.

I can't wait to try it on another GM :-)

There was a 3.0 option called Refocus that let you use a full-round action to treat your Init roll as a natural 20 (and thus move to the front of the queue next round.) It was eliminated in the update to 3.5 when the developers apparently realized you could accomplish the same thing by delaying to the top of the round.

Hp :26/26; AC 11(15) / 11 tch / 10(14) ff; Fashionable Merchant 4


Glad I am not the only one who was perplexed by the possibility.

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

Back on dry land again! - though still getting over the 20 hour commute it took me to get home yesterday (woke up at 4AM, got home at midnight).

During the day will be kid herding time, then tonight I'll get some posts in.

Yay! Just in time for the combat. I was hoping you'd get back before I had to take Phil's action for him. :)

Note to self: Make sure Braddon doesn't win initiative with a clear charging lane. :P

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4


Fortunately, I almost never win initiative.

M 1/2E Magus 4 :2223a1: BAB3 CMB/D:5/17 AC/T/Ff:16/12/14 Init2 Perc1?3(F:9) HP36/36 FRW6,5,3(F:6) UMD11 Scft10 Alch/K:Arc/K:Lcl/Appr7 Ride/Climb/Swim/Dance:6 Dipl/Intim/Acrobatics5 Sense Motive3(F:6)

A triumph, of a sort. Even if he shoots me, he'll feel guilty. :)

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness
Phillip Hargreaves wrote:

Duke of Delay

Lol! Duke, duke, duke, of delay, lay, lay...

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

It's a reference in a Joe Abercrombie book as well - Duke Rogont in Best Served Cold ;)

Brett Scabb wrote:
"Now look," he addresses Phil deprecatingly,

I left the "self-" out ahead of that "deprecatingly" and only just noticed. He's supposed to be belittling himself, not Phillip. :P

Phillip Hargreaves wrote:
maitea gonbidatua - beloved guest

Aww. If Samaritha were here, she'd be getting all verklempt. Maitea is what Malkith always called her....

M 1/2E Magus 4 :2223a1: BAB3 CMB/D:5/17 AC/T/Ff:16/12/14 Init2 Perc1?3(F:9) HP36/36 FRW6,5,3(F:6) UMD11 Scft10 Alch/K:Arc/K:Lcl/Appr7 Ride/Climb/Swim/Dance:6 Dipl/Intim/Acrobatics5 Sense Motive3(F:6)

Owe a post. I even know what I want to say. Just haven't had time with catching up at work after the 4th, and chores at home left undone for the holiday.

I expect to post tomorrow.


Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)
Joana wrote:
Phillip Hargreaves wrote:
maitea gonbidatua - beloved guest
Aww. If Samaritha were here, she'd be getting all verklempt. Maitea is what Malkith always called her....

Nah, she thinks Phillip's a mensch so even if she heard there wouldn't be anything to kvetch about. One wink from Phil and she'd think it was all bubkes ;)

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

Blergh - on my last day onshore before heading back out to the platform for another two weeks tomorrow. Will be off from 9th to 23rd July.

hp 7 / 38; AC 16; Init +2; 3 Str damage Male Half-elf Ranger 4

Things are just getting interesting. Catch you soon.

Oh, and btw- doing 5 weeks holidays next week (8 days time). Will have net access but posting will be erratic due to travelling Europe :-D

Male Halfling Inquisitor of Calistria (Heretic archetype)

Nice - where in Euro are you headed?

We've done England, Germany and France... but have a bunch more countries on the list.

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