Shadow of the Demon Lord (Inactive)

Game Master bookrat

Current Map and Key
Map of the Northern Reach

Land of Rûs Map
The Northern Reach Map

The Land of Rûs

The waters of four oceans divide the lands into eight continents, with numerous islands of varying sizes scattered among them. The continents boast diverse landscapes, with towering mountains, pestilential swamps, rolling plains, and primeval forests as old as the world. Deserts and badlands, prairies, hills, rivers, lakes, and jungles sustain a wide range of life.

Beneath the mortal world’s surface stretches a vast labyrinth of tunnels, caverns, great galleries, and bottomless chasms. In these lightless grottos lies a violent and often terrifying world that the peoples living above have never conquered. Into the subterranean depths the wicked flee. Here also, exiles might find refuge and misguided people hope to bury evils from another age.

Arching over the world is a vast, azure expanse by day and deep blackness speckled with stars by night. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and a single moon, Tarterus, is a whole other world, its surface obscured by boiling clouds in which lightning dances. Some believe Tarterus is a dark cousin to Urth, a world inhabited by all manner of warped and terrifying things. Others believe the gods created it to hold those primordial deities they cast down at the dawn of time.

Links to the world setting:

Setting Overview Part 1

Religion, Magic, and Science

Setting Overview Part 2

Religion in Detail


Geography of Rûs

Northern Reach Part 1 - History

Northern Reach Part 2 - Geography and Climate

Northern Reach Part 3 - Settlements

Northern Reach Part 4 - People and Culture

Links to Game Mechanics:

Attack Roll and Challenge Roll

Ability Scores

Derived and Other Scores


Range & Distance, Obscurement, and Illumination

Social Interactions

Anatomy of the Combat Round

Moves and Actions in Combat

More Attack Options