Beorin Boulderstep |
Beorin takes one of the eggs carefully and places it in his pack making sure to cushion his cargo among the softer items.
"Best we make it out now lest their mother comes back." he points out.
GM Baerlie |
You pick up the eggs and Tariq investigates the lizardfolk before you leave the area. The lizards carry a heavy wooden shield, a morning star and three javelins each. Cathry stands watch and looks out for other lizards while the eggs are securely packed into the transport bags.
Does each of you take one egg?
You leave the area and it seems Beorin's words were heard by the beast. A few hundred yards from the dinosaur nest, the ravine suddenly falls silent — no birds, monkeys, or other jungle creatures are audible. A few heartbeats later, a bellowing roar echoes through the ravine, causing countless small birds and animals to abandon their hiding places and scatter as quickly as possible. A series of great shuddering cracks herald the downfall of several trees in the distance, and a second thunderous roar pierces the air, followed by the frantic shouts of panicked humanoids. Suddenly, a massive dinosaur bursts out of the jungle to the southwest, pursuing a dozen leather-clad explorers through the ravine. The furious creature sweeps up a straggler into its massive jaws and flings the screaming victim off into the jungle, roars, and rushes toward its next target.
After skirmishing with the lizardfolk, the scattered Aspis agents crossed paths with the female tyrannosaurus, and the fleeing explorers begin running down the ravine toward you.
Fighting such a powerful creature is virtually impossible in Subtier 1–2, so the plot provides some kind of a chase. It's not a standard Pathfinder chase, but some adapted version (you are not pursuing a target, but you are the ones who are fleeing for your lives). You select for your PC which of the two options you want to roll for and the highest result will count as a success, with every other roll above 10 counts as an aid another with a +2 bonus. Each failed check allows the dinosaur and the Aspis agents to make headway. A natural 1 and failing a DC15 Reflex save will break one egg. You may also be creative and come up with a solution how to slow down the Aspis agents behind you, such as casting scatter to destroy an obstacle or create a barrier for the agents and the dinosaur. Chase Map is up in a minute!
Chase begin
The rival agents flee in the face of the stampeding dinosaur, heading straight towards you.
Acrobatics DC20 to run away, or CMD 22 to block them
Irisus Versicolor |
"by the color of jatambe!" color spray dc 16
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Irisus Versicolor |
[ooc]if needed acrobatic: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
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Cathryn Nesteruk |
Fools! What on earth did you think you were doing? Now everyone is in danger. So how to slow this beast down?
Cathryn removes her fishing net and spreads it out, hopeful to create a trip hazard, then, for the sake of her egg, runs.
She decides that now is a good time to lose control and get mad, throwing reason to the wind and surrendering to the natural instinct to run, yet furiously injure anyone who gets close to her that is not among her protectorates.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10 +4 from rage.
Reflexes: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Beorin Boulderstep |
Beorin Casts Obsuring Mist as he too tries to get away by blocking them
CMB1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
GM Baerlie |
While everybody else tries to get away as fast as Cathryn tries to stop the beast with her net. She ties the net at some old trees and roots to create a barrier. The dinosaur and the agents neet some time to get around.
@Irisus: I just checked the color spray spell, the range of the spell is 15 feet, the dino and the aspis agents are farther away, you can redo your action if you want, but I'd say the net is enough to slow the dino down and you can safe your spells for later.
The dinosaur’s thunderous rampage causes some rubble to fall right in your path. You need to navigate through the boulders or simply shove them aside.
Survival or Strength, or creative solution
Irisus Versicolor |
so, i dont have cast it remember his childhood, Irrisus will try to pass the obstacle. survival: 1d20 ⇒ 19
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Beorin Boulderstep |
Oh dear....The dice hate me.... Hopefully the obsuring mist helps. A roll 1 following a roll of 2
Survival 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
The dwarf was woefully out of his element and knew it. He hoped that his companions had an easier time of it.
I mean come on. Swift short movements. Not Fast long Runs. He grumbles to himself.
Cathryn Nesteruk |
Cathryn, still outraged and not fully in control of her mind, attempts to use the rubble that fell before her to create a hazard for the dinosaur, moving it behind her, in hopes it will either trip a running dinosaur or serve as a variation on cantrips.
Dice, please be kind this one time . . .
Strength: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Have any of you noticed that, no matter what she's doing, Cathryn couldn't make a good roll even if she had a +10 to every action?
Beorin Boulderstep |
Its that time of the Dice
GM Baerlie |
Lucky enough, Irisus' survival result plus one assist is enough to overcome this obstacle ;)
While most of you follow Irisus Cathryn tries to push the falling rocks in the dinosaur's way, but she almost breaks an arm while doing so.
After the falling rocks you reach a relatively open patch of ground which gives the tyrannosaurus an opportunity to build up speed, and she draws dangerously close to you.
Stealth or Attack, or a creative solution
Beorin Boulderstep |
Thinking quickly, Beorin once more calls upon his diety to hide him from his foe as he brings forth more mist.
Obsuring Mist. lol
GM Baerlie |
Attack Cathryn: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Beorin brings forth more mist to slow down the pursuer. The mist makes it hard for them to see the path.
A waterfall feeds a pool and stream that cut across a broad section of the ravine, and sharptoothed fish are leaping out of the water in anticipation of a meal.
Beorin Boulderstep |
Swim 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
My Rolls are simply terrible.
Beorin looks at the fish in the water and decides to just chance it, plunging in an attempting to swim.
Cathryn Nesteruk |
Cathryn is relieved that she was able to parry off the dinosaur's attack, but privately vows never to let herself get that close to danger again.
The water proses another problem when they get to it. Wishing she hadn't wasted her fishing net, Cathryn carefully considers her options. Feeling fatigued and realizing that she has no knock for acrobatics and that she's got too much gear to either try it or swim fleetly enough to escape the carnivourous fish anyway, she decides that she can't get across right now. She'll have to use what she has on hand, the fish.
First, she pricks herself with her scimitar just enough to get some blood, then allows blood droplets to enter the water.
She hopes that the blood will attract the fish to her and turn them away from the party members. She does not enter the water, however, and keeps just tantalizingly out of reach of the fish.
When the others are away, she turns to the dinosaur.
"Over here, you big bully! I'm waiting by the water. Come and get me, dinosaur!"
But she also sets about creating a trip hazard in case the rivals should appear, so that they will fall into the water rather than be a threat to her. Variation on a survival check; checking for natural resources to create a slick surface, but leave a non-slick path for herself to evade the approaching danger just in time as her enemies slide into the water and become fish food. Survival: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23.
Basically, what she is doing is hoping to get either the rivals, or the dinosaur, to enter the water. Even if it means that Cathryn dies in the process, she is willing to do this if it keeps the men safe.
Irisus Versicolor |
Irisus check in the jungle. Perception1d20 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 - 1 = 12
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Beorin Boulderstep |
Plucking Fish out of his beard was one thing but now the path seemed blocked. Flinging a fish in irritation at one of their obvious rivals, Beorin attempts to find a better way.
Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
GM Baerlie |
Cathryn risks her life to give the others a chance to move away, but she's able to get away fast enough so the dino does not get her. After the vines area you come to an area with dense foliage. Big dinosaurs can’t fit through tight spaces, and you can slow your pursuer by slipping through a particularly thick copse.
Kn. nature/Excape Artist
Irisus Versicolor |
knowledge nature: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10 irisus also help
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Beorin Boulderstep |
Beorin can't make either checks....
GM Baerlie |
The group, even Beoring with some help, is able to get through the tight spaces. The ravine wall is just ahead, and the Aspis Consortium agents burst from another stand of trees and race for the same set of handholds. One of the trees growing along your path bears a single glowing fruit.
in order to retrieve the fruit, a PC must elect to roll the obstacle check twice and take the lower result as well as succeed at a DC 15 Acrobatics or Climb check to snatch the pear.
Handle Animal/Attack
La Corneille |
La corneille don't need to climb because he fly, et take the shiny fruit
attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
-Posted with Wayfinderattack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Irisus Versicolor |
attack: 1d20 ⇒ 19
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Irisus Versicolor |
"to hit!" even if i don't know what i hit
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Irisus Versicolor |
or now it is a good chance to use color spray
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Irisus Versicolor |
To hit.
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Beorin Boulderstep |
Attack 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Good Lord!!!!!!!!! I haven't rolled anything above 10 for the last few rolls...
Attack 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Climb 1d20 - 4 ⇒ (17) - 4 = 13
Beorin struggles but he gamely attempts to do his very best not wanting to be the one to pull his companions down but it seemed that Torag had set him up for trying times indeed.
GM Baerlie |
@Beorin: but you are always lucky not to roll a 1; you passed this obstacle as well, no need for a color spray, unless you really want to use it now.
While some of you try to pick up the fruit on the way up, you barely manage to pass this obstacle. The cliff top is just ahead — and the
tyrannosaurus right behind!
Climb or Strength/Dexterity