Savage Kirthfinder

Game Master Kirth Gersen

"Savage Tide" AP using Kirthfinder houserules.

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Current HP: 28/28 -- Perc: -1/+1 in cities -- Inspiration: 14/14 rnds -- Vanderboring Estate Map
Kirth Gersen wrote:
(shaken: -2 morale penalty to Diplomacy to recover your poise and/or seize social dominance.)

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 14 + 2 - 2 = 15

Jym shrugs.

"I assure you that the assessment of time wastivities is mutual! I had hoped that a captain such as yourself would be able to react to an unexpected situation without such defensiveness, but it looks like Captain Venkalie's recommendation was unfounded. I'm not sure what I'll tell her when you're not included on the voyage when she's expecting you to come along.

"I am confident, however, how my mater will feel when I next write her and include details of your rudeness! You may not put much stock in her opinions, but you'd be surprised how fast her gossip can spread!"

With that 1, it may be up to Elebrin to save this interview. But don't be afraid to decide to not hire the captain. As Kirth said above we have plenty of others we can tap.

M Goblin Beer Snob 1/Freethinker 3

DM Kirth: Gleeful Derailer of Railroads.

M Goblin Beer Snob 1/Freethinker 3

Ixotl looks over at Uro and sees that the big orc is staring through the wall, seemingly at something miles away. He immediately recognizes this as his own look, upon emerging from Mictlan, and realizes that Uro is having a harder time fully returning -- he must have been that much closer to death, or even actually dead. Hopefully, the spells will wear off soon.

Your interviewee didn't seem aware of a problem, and the 1000-yard stare probably helped with Uro's intimidation factor. Uro's would-be follower might be concerned, but you're out of potions and there's no telling what his babbling even means.

All -- Uro is OK, but may be not be able to post much for a couple more weeks. You all can decide what you're doing with the bullywug captive -- if you keep him around long enough, he'll eventually pick up some Common.

HP 28/28, AC 20, Perception +13 (+2 fav terrain, +2 fav enemy)

I'm glad he is OK. That's the most important thing.

Ixotl cuts the interview short, realizing that Skald's lack of civilized social graces means he's probably less likely to be offended by Ix's brevity.

"No. Finding him will have to wait. See you on the docks."

M Goblin Beer Snob 1/Freethinker 3

Skald nods distractedly and slinks off.

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M Goblin Beer Snob 1/Freethinker 3
Jym Withawye wrote:
Does the AP as written assume that the PCs haven't made any more progress in retrieving Lavinia's fortune than we have? Or is that a variable?

As near as I can tell, it assumes you're murderhobos who kill all the Lotus Dragons and loot their HQ, leaving you with plenty of gp and Sasserine safe from crime -- and yet it still assumes you sail off to this godforsaken colony for some reason.

HP 18/18 | AC 12 {16} DR: 3/CI | CMB 2 CMD 14 |Perception +6/+8 {Bright/Not Bright Light}

Elebrin smooths the front of her outfit and sighs inwardly asshe brushes a languid hand on Jym's back and turns her ever more opaque gaze on the captain, Humans make it so...complicated

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Good leaders delegate, much like good captains I suspect? The lady Vanderboren trust our judgement so our judgement holds the purse strings at this time. We mean to make a journey and have need of reliable sailors and captains.The need to impress is here and now. Can we all break past the posturing and talk about what you might truly offer us?

Elebrin offers the question with a lilt that borders on actual confusion. Did human households not have a tradition of competent stewards and representatives like Elven ones? She had, until now, assumed the traditions of money and status were generally universal...

M Goblin Beer Snob 1/Freethinker 3

24 = 24. Wow.

Captain Vandirose stops. You can see her about to turn around and leave, then she looks at Elebrin and says, "Maybe so. People hire me, they get no nice talk or happy songs. What they get is a firm hand on the tiller, a sense for the tides, and a willingness to do anything in pursuit of the voyage."

She pauses and says, "if you want a smartly-dressed crew standing at attention and marching like they was in a parade, or a captain who says 'yes sir,' and 'no, maam,' then it's best I do go now. Which is it?"

M Goblin Beer Snob 1/Freethinker 3

Jym Linguistics: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Elebrin Linguistics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Jym Streetwise: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24
Elebrin Streetwise: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

M Goblin Beer Snob 1/Freethinker 3

Elebrin is concentrating so hard on her diplomacy that she misses some subtleties that Jym immediately picks up. Captain Veldirose's speech is affectedly crass, but they way she sometimes phrases thoughts and sentences that imply a solid education that she tries to hide. Jym is thinking she's probably a child of nobility who rebelled against that life and, lacking the musical skill to become a neo-beatnik like the members of Steely Dan (if they existed in Sasserine), instead became a sailor. He suspects that she's devoted enough effort towards perfecting that persona that she's probably a very good sailor, but he suspects her rebellious streak might make her less effective in managing a crew.

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Oh for an encounter with Steely Dan!

Bal glances sharply up at the priest from his work - an expression of amusement chases his initial uncharacteristic skeptical reaction, however his tone is polite enough in reply:
Ah well met Father Feres. I am Bal - I apologize for confusing you with the caterer- you can see my hands are rather full here. As a mighty smiter of heathens yourself, perhaps you could help me with some sorely needed spiritual perspective? Based on your previous smiting experience, hypothetically speaking what would you do with a heathen captive who, after attempting to take your life and that of your friends, has been thoroughly beaten and is now at your complete mercy? The ball peen is hanging on that peg right there. indicates said hammer with a grimy index finger

M Goblin Beer Snob 1/Freethinker 3

Knowledge: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Father Feres replies, "Well, has this heathen now vowed his life to Heironeous? If so, it would be a breach of faith to harm him, yes? And of course, as the patron of honor and valor, Heironeous would never condone the slaying of a helpless captive. Therefore meseems you must convert the heathen, assuring yourself that he truly repents his vile past and renounces it entirely."

HP 18/18 | AC 12 {16} DR: 3/CI | CMB 2 CMD 14 |Perception +6/+8 {Bright/Not Bright Light}

Elebrin oblivious to the language play looks to Jym for a sign of approval or to see if the halfling was well and truly done with the woman and ready to move on to the next...

Current HP: 28/28 -- Perc: -1/+1 in cities -- Inspiration: 14/14 rnds -- Vanderboring Estate Map

Jym shrugs and switches to the Sylvan language to converse with Elebrin.

"Eh. I'm sure she knows how to sail. I think the attitude is something she thinks will help her run the ship better. She's probably intimidated by you and subconsciously attracted to me. It's your call, Elebrin. I'll be on the other ship with Captain Venkalie. But if you don't want to, we can find another captain."

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Sadly, Father, the creature is either unrepentant or else uncomprehending of discourse and reason - it is only cowed by superior physical might. Left unguarded it would do whatever harm was within its power, then flee. The decision has already been made, but were it up to me, I would release it far from here, unarmed, and be done with it. Nonetheless I thank you for your wise and humane counsel. Did you wish to speak to Lady Vanderboren before you leave?
Bal lays down his workpiece and pulls the scorched leather apron that bears witness to his many recent near disasters and close calls over his head, before striding past Father Feres into the courtyard in search of the others.

Bals Private Opinion:
If asked his opinion of the good Father in private, Bal states He seems a wise, devout and humane man. Doesnt know what a hammer is, or doesnt wish to dirty his hands, however.

Bals Public Opinion if asked in front of Father Feres:
Turning towards Father Feres, Bal inquires Father you seem to be a wise, devout and humane man. Tell me, back in the forge, you appeared to ignore my request for assistance with the piece I was working on - why was that?

M Goblin Beer Snob 1/Freethinker 3
Bal Main wrote:
Turning towards Father Feres, Bal inquires, "Father you seem to be a wise, devout and humane man. Tell me, back in the forge, you appeared to ignore my request for assistance with the piece I was working on - why was that?"

"What... I... ah... I am a man of God, not a base laborer!"

M Goblin Beer Snob 1/Freethinker 3
Bal Main wrote:
The decision has already been made, but were it up to me, I would release it far from here, unarmed, and be done with it.

Actually, we're still waiting for Uro to rejoin the game and make that decision.

Bal, unable to find his comrades in the courtyard or adjoining rooms, returns, but no longer sees Father Feres. Mulling over the good Fathers admonition to attempt to convert to the glory of Heironeous the defeated, defenseless foe, and his own hasty rejection of that wise counsel, Bal concludes that he has in some measure fallen short of Heironeous's standards and expectations. Shaken of faith, he decides that, counter to his usual approach to all things, retreat and contemplation of this matter is sorely needed.

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