Sanosuke's Mormont's Gauntlet (Inactive)

Game Master Shanosuke

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Both Martian Level 20 invader

You have managed to escape the terror of Mormont's hoards for a moment but find yourself trapped on the eastern coast. There are a few other survivors (Other players) here and Mormont's men will catch up soon. You have three choices.

The first option is to head north into the Aggonath mountains. These mountains are wild and uncharted with no roads or easy routes leading into them. Rumors tell of fierce warriors and monsters that dwell in these mountains. The trail would be difficult at best but pursuit would be difficult for Mormont’s men, assuming you’re good at climbing.

The next option is the Enggamar Jungles to the south. These lands are also unmapped and have no roads. There are horrifying stories of the jungle being haunted by ancient spirits and monsters. It is said, no one who ventures in ever returns. Who knows what horrors wait in this jungle. On the bright side, it is a difficult area to traverse and the stories of this jungle reach to even Mormont’s land and his men are likely to be quite superstitious, but what if the stories are true?

The final option is the sea. The ruin port is said to have a ship but there are no sea charts and the players have no idea what is beyond the horizon. Many ships that have sailed to far have disappeared. There are rumors of pirates and seamonsters out there. It is a guarantee that Mormont’s men will not follow as they have no reputation for sailing, but do you?

The choice is now before you and you have little time to think. You must confide in the people you just met weather they are friends or strangers, they are your only chance for survival.

Making knowledge checks regarding each direction will reveal more information about the location you wish to know more about. And make sure everyone agrees to which direction you will all head. I will post the next step once everyone has decided.

The slight red-haired halfling falls forward on hands and knees, gasping into the wet sand.

"So. Much. Death." he manages to spit out before he begins to retch, heaving and shaking at the same time. He continues for a few moments before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and struggling to his feet.

"I'm not the best sailor, but I reckon I can get a ship sea-worthy. And those mountains are going to be hell for the raiders. I can climb. Well, I mean, IT can climb." He shudders at the memory of the white-furred demon ape that is somehow his salvation and doom both.

"I'm not for the jungles. I can't hunt to save my life, and spirits... I'm not one for spirits. I guess I vote the mountains. Then the ship, if it comes to that."

The halfling sits back down, rifling through a backpack he had hastily grabbed in the flight. He starts pulling things out: a waterskin, flint and steel, his precious crossbow, a club that seems to be an unfinished chair leg, a series of wood-working tools, and finally six small vials of pale blue liquid marked with a symbol of a crutch and bandage. He examines each thing before repacking them with care. It's all he has left of home.

Male Elf Alchemist 2

The white-haired elf stops running once he reaches the beach. The folds of his coat open, and you can see 11 vials with a similar liquid to those that Tam has, although they are not marked as such.

"I've been in those jungles, and they aren't that bad. I've been researching in there for years, and no harm has come to me except for this," he points to his right ear, which is missing the top quarter, "and that's because one of my colleagues accidentally shot me. In all these years, I've never seen a single 'spirit', and the dinosaurs in there are easy to avoid, if you know where to go. If we go onto the sea, provided there is a boat at the dock, We will without a doubt run out of water. As for the mountains, they have very sparse resources. It is in my earnest opinion that we should go into the jungles for our best chance of survival. Water is easily obtained, and if needed, we can easily construct a shelter with the resources around us."

The elf goes through the pack on his side, sees that everything is in order, and closes the flap.

Nye plops down on the sand, his head spinning and aching, "I need a pint."

Male City Elf Wizard 1st

Jogging with his bow in hand, Aldo arrives on the beach where a few survivors had began to gather. He takes a knee and listen's to the survivors words, the sounds and sights of the battle not far off. His eyes drifted to his father's short sword at his side bearing the crest of Darpuul and he winced."With no climbing equipment, the mountains would be nearly impassible, and I'm no sailor. Elf you say you've ventured into Enggamar and yet you've returned to stand here. It seems the best choice to me. He stands to his feet and keeps his eyes peeled, arrow nocked, he prepares for the worst as he catches his breath." Whatever we do we must do so quickly. Darpuul has fallen and Mormonts men will be hunting survivors soon."

Eltumal Woodsoul wrote:

"I've been in those jungles, and they aren't that bad. I've been researching in there for years, and no harm has come to me except for this," he points to his right ear, which is missing the top quarter, "and that's because one of my colleagues accidentally shot me. In all these years, I've never seen a single 'spirit', and the dinosaurs in there are easy to avoid, if you know where to go. If we go onto the sea, provided there is a boat at the dock, We will without a doubt run out of water. As for the mountains, they have very sparse resources. It is in my earnest opinion that we should go into the jungles for our best chance of survival. Water is easily obtained, and if needed, we can easily construct a shelter with the resources around us."

"If you can guide us, then I'll go into the jungle. I've no skill for living off the land, but I can build us a shelter if you can keep us fed and watered. And, well, I suppose the Beast will be at home there."

Both Martian Level 20 invader
Eltumal Woodsoul wrote:

The white-haired elf stops running once he reaches the beach. The folds of his coat open, and you can see 11 vials with a similar liquid to those that Tam has, although they are not marked as such.

"I've been in those jungles, and they aren't that bad. I've been researching in there for years, and no harm has come to me except for this," he points to his right ear, which is missing the top quarter, "and that's because one of my colleagues accidentally shot me. In all these years, I've never seen a single 'spirit', and the dinosaurs in there are easy to avoid, if you know where to go. If we go onto the sea, provided there is a boat at the dock, We will without a doubt run out of water. As for the mountains, they have very sparse resources. It is in my earnest opinion that we should go into the jungles for our best chance of survival. Water is easily obtained, and if needed, we can easily construct a shelter with the resources around us."

The elf goes through the pack on his side, sees that everything is in order, and closes the flap.

The Enggamar jungle is the southern jungle and few have traveled to far into them and have returned. If you had then you would be aware there is something horribly wrong with that particular jungle.

The following Checks regarding each location will reveal more info about them
Knowledge Engineering (Technical Details)
Knowledge Local (Rumors and hearsay)
Knowledge History (The history of the Mountains)
Knowledge Geography (Mapping the mountains)
Knowledge Nature (The wildlife of the mountain)
Climbing (Gaining good ideas to help those who can't climb)

Profession Sailor (How hard would it be to sail these waters)
Knowledge Geography (Where to go on these waters)
Knowledge History (Know what has happened in the port's past)
Swim (Should things go wrong who would be able to swim)

Survival (How easy will it be to survive in the jungle)
Knowledge Local (Rumors and hearsay)
Knowledge History (The history of the jungle)
Knowledge Geography (Navigating the Jungle)
Knowledge Nature (Wildlife Possibilities)
Knowledge Religion (Determine the nature of the rumors of the jungle)

Make these checks to obtain the following infos.

Male Elf Alchemist 2

Which jungles would I know, then, from my Dino experience?

Survival 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Knowledge (Nature) 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

Survival 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15.
Swim 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24.
Shano, should i include bonuses that I think might apply from my free trait? Or will you add those in as appropriate?

The tall young man you've heard called Silent steps into the clearing, clearly winded from the flight, though his breaths are somewhat steady. His strange curved blade is buried beneath an over-stuffed backpack wrapped in a folded canvas, and a spear is propped up over one broad shoulder. He stops on the outskirts of the group, looking everyone over. When his strange golden-yellow eyes fall upon Aldo and Joe (fellow watchmen), he dips his head in acknowledgement.

He sits quietly while the group discusses plans, finally leaning the spear against his shoulder while both hands work furiously in a series of gestures.

Sign language:
His movements are the smooth, practiced motions of one accustomed to speaking with his hands. "Anyone know Hand Speech?"

One of the elves, the one who claims to know the jungles, replies with his own hand gestures and a slight look of relief comes to the boy's eyes.

Sign language:
"I don't know anything about sailing, but I know how to swim. I can hunt if we stay on land, so my vote is the mountains or the jungles. If you know the jungles like you say you do, then I'll support you."

When his hands stop their gesturing, the young man takes up the spear again, walking on silent feet to stand by Eltumal. He stops, turns back to the group, hikes his thumb to his chest then points to Eltumal.

Both Martian Level 20 invader
Eltumal Woodsoul wrote:

Which jungles would I know, then, from my Dino experience?

Survival 1d20+5
Knowledge (Nature) 1d20+9

I do apologize for not clarifying. The jungles are pretty much all around Darpuul. You'd know them all. Mostly the ones to the west and north west. Your knowledge on Enggamar depends on your knowledge skill. Which I will determine the results of momentarily once others post.

Silent, I will apply your bonuses when applicable. This situation your fatigued due to the drain your previous dream caused.

Male Elf Alchemist 2

"Well, it looks like Silent wants to go to either the Mountain or Jungle. He doesn't speak, but he understands the spoken language. I suppose I will be his translator."

just dotting this for my reading pleasure

Profession: Sailor: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Shanosuke wrote:
Silent, I will apply your bonuses when applicable. This situation your fatigued due to the drain your previous dream caused.

Baaaah! Stupid precognition... always makin' me tired! :)

As the group continues discussing options, Silent taps the tall elf on the shoulder.

Sign Language:
"I'll go patrol while a decision is made. We should hurry. Don't leave without me, though."

A slight smile registers in his eyes as he looks at the retching halfling.

Sign language:
"Though I"m pretty sure I could follow that scent anywhere."

Then he sets his spear on the ground, drawing his blade as he disappears into the foliage around the group, his eyes seeming to glow briefly as he looks back one more time before passing into the gloom.

He doesn't go far,.. twenty or feet away from the group and will skirt around them, watching for signs of immediate threats or pursuit.

Male Elf Alchemist 2

"He's just going to scout around. As long as we don't forget him, he's fine with any decision we make."

mathpro18 wrote:
just dotting this for my reading pleasure

2nd that motion. Incredibly curious how this is going to go.

Both Martian Level 20 invader

Don't forget that the traits specific to Mountain, Jungle, or ocean enable you to make untrained knowledge checks regarding those areas. Just saying. I'm still waiting on a few other posts. If I don't get any response from them withing the 14 hours then I'm gonna NPC'em and move on.

M Human Fighter 1

Breathing hard from his flight from the town, Joe stops and catches his breath, noticing there are actually several others there as well. As he listens to the conversation at hand, Joe notices the Silent guy nod at him. Joe smiles and nods right back. He then notices he's using a lot of hand gestures, having absolutely no idea what it is he's doing. That elf guy looks like he knows what he's saying. I wonder if I can learn that. No wonder he never talked to me. He shrugs. Well there's that elf fella. And the no talkin' fella. And that small fella who keeps talkin' 'bout some beast. And then there's that guy, I know I've seen him I just can't remember who he is. And then there's the fella who looks like he's had a bit to much to drink. "Hm." He says to himself as he takes in the survivors that are left.

"Alright. I'm good with whatever way we go, fellas. I ain't too picky. It's too bad we can't go straight for that Mormont fella. Hiding behind all his armies, dangit!" He gets a little irritated but then he calms and his demeanor becomes lighter. "Alright, alright. I'll save that for another time. Okay fellas, my name's Joe MacGillicuddy. Most people call me Mac. Others call me Joe. But I sure as heck won't tell you what my sisters use to call me!" He laughs. "So who are you fellas? Guess we ought to know each others name so we know what to call each other." He says after he finishes laughing at his own humor.

Male Tengu Ranger (Trapper) / 2

A hooded man rides out of the woods, a donkey trailing behind slowly by rope.

Hopping down off his horse, he begins obviously listening to the conversation, taking in all the opinions and information.

"My opinion is the jungle. I have rope, but no pitons. Climbing rough spots in the mountains, and in a hurry, will cause injury or worse.

As our new friend the elf has said, fresh water will be hard to come by on the seas.

I'm certain enough that we can find sustenance enough in the jungle, though Mormont will be hot on our tails. We would no doubt have to make quick time, which makes trapping nearly impossible.

I don't like our options at all, but unless someone has an idea to scale the rocks, or a way to guarantee water, I don't see a better one.[/b]"
Kn:Geography1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Kn:Geography1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

Male Tengu Ranger (Trapper) / 2
Joe "Mac" MacGillicuddy wrote:
"So who are you fellas? Guess we ought to know each others name so we know what to call each other."

Jivaji returns to readjusting the load on his donkey's back.



Haven't needed to use that for a long time. Most just call me The Trapper."

As you turn towards Jivaji, you can plainly see the feathery surface of his skin, the prominent avian beak protruding from the hood, and the talon-tipped fingers that deftly maneuver the buckles on the mule's cargo saddle.

He turns back to the group, and lifts his hood from his face.

"I am tengu, I hope my appearance does not startle you. You may have heard of my kind. I come from far to the west and from a life very different than this one. My life now comes from the land, and I will not let some maniac to take it now. I suggest we decide quickly and move out."

Both Martian Level 20 invader

Upon tallying the results made, few people are able to discern any real useful info.


Your knowledge of nature tells you that as far as you've seen, Enggamar is not any different than the jungles you've been exploring. Dinosaurs would be the most dangerous threat.
Your survival makes you question you ability to contribute food to the party.


You look at the woods and conclude that this would be the best direction when it comes to food and water. They wont be so easy to acquire in the mountains or at sea.
You know you could swim if it came to that though others may have some difficulty you may be good enough to help others should it come to that.


Your sailing skills should be adequate to get to safety. Though your not sure the others would be of much help if a storm were to hit.


Both the mountains and the sea do not favor a trapper or your animals. Either of those choices would force you to leave the animals behind and on top of that, there is a low abundance of resources. Jungle seems the best option

The party seems to be leaning towards the jungle save for the halfling Tam. The one major weakness to the jungle is that Mormont's men will have the easiest time following you there. With luck though, you may be able to lose them all the same.

"My name is Tam. I will go along with the jungle, then, but we must hurry. I was pursued and I'm sure Mormont's men will be upon us soon. We must leave now and may the gods have mercy on us."

Nye rummages through his pack and pulls out the corked barrel of ale he rescued from the sinking yacht. Pulling the topper he takes a long drinking letting the refreshing drought wash over his dry lips. He looks around at the survivors of the raid noticing a few face he recognizes. A couple of the watch he vaguely knows from the mornings after a good night in the tavern, the guys who would prod him awake and send him on his way after disturbing his restful sleep in the back alleys. He listens as they debate the best way to go and says, "Bah! Jungles, mountains, sea... its all useless. They will be upon us soon, best just figure out the best way to die. You can't hide from their ruthlessness. He punctuates his doomed proclamation with another swig of the ale.

Character sheet should be complete now

From the forest comes a spirited and lively chirp and a small thrush appears and salutes you. Soon after, the leaves are moved apart by the thin hands of a handsome svelte elf wrapped in a green cloak. "Greetings... Looks like we are all that's left of Mormont's onslaught. I am called Gylwinth and would prefer to stick with as many people as I can for the time being."

Knowledge (nature): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

"I have some knowledge of the forest, though I hear they could very well be worse than Mormont's men..."

I'll see how things go for game purposes. As I've mentioned to Shanosuke, I might have to bow out early and apologize in advance. But who knows. Reminder: I leave Friday for about a week.

Male Tengu Ranger (Trapper) / 2

Jivaji finishes fiddling with the straps on his donkey, and turns to the old man with the bottle.
"Seems rather odd, running all this time, giving up and dying now."

The donkey's leash in hand, Jivaji mounts up again. "I'm with Tam and the others on this one. The jungle may be haunted, or cursed, or who knows. But the dangers of the mountains or the sea may not ever get the chance to kill us if we starve first.

Besides, I know for certain I can't take Fazmir and Asha to the mountains or the sea.", he gestures to the horse and donkey respectively.

"This may not mean much to anyone else here, but Asha carries all of my hunting gear. As I said I will gladly provide food for those that travel with me."

Male Elf Alchemist 2

"I am Eltumal. As long as we've got food and water, I should be able to keep us hidden from dinosaurs. If we're decided, I'll go get Silent."

Eltumal will go find Silent, motioning with his hands,

Sign Language:
"It looks like everyone is coming to an agreement. It looks like we're going to the jungles."

Tam climbs to his feet, glancing nervously toward the town. "I haven't lived this long to give up now. Let's go. We need to hurry."

Jayse nods from where he squats in the shade of a near-by tree. He takes one last look around before standing and following back to the group.

No sign of Mormont's killers... yet... that's a good thing.

He re-enters just in time to catch a few more introductions, and his hands go to his backpack straps. Setting the over-stuffed thing on the ground, he rifles around until he finds a one-foot square of slate-board. He pulls it out as he grabs a small piece of chalk from one of his belt pouches and writes a quick something on the slate-board.

"The board wrote:
"'I'm Silent. We should get going before Mormont's killers find us.

As he begins putting his board and chalk back up and grabs his spear, his eyes fall on the exhausted and emotionally-strained halfling who introduced himself as Tam. The tall youth walks over and gets Tam's attention. He points to his legs - from hip to foot - then at Tam's. Then he mimes picking up the halfling and putting him on his shoulders and marches a few steps.

Male City Elf Wizard 1st

Aldo scoffs disgusted at Nye, recognizing him from the taverns, but besides this stays silent. There was quite a group of survivors gathered and he wasn't opposed to the jungle. "Aldo Alessi. He says, placing his hand over his heart."I do not know the landscape but I'm a solid shot and the Halfling is right. We must Go. "

To the Jungle!

Silent, the boy wrote:

As he begins putting his board and chalk back up and grabs his spear, his eyes fall on the exhausted and emotionally-strained halfling who introduced himself as Tam. The tall youth walks over and gets Tam's attention. He points to his legs - from hip to foot - then at Tam's. Then he mimes picking up the halfling and putting him on his shoulders and marches a few steps.

Tam shrugs, then clambers up onto the lad's back, pausing only to pull out and load his crossbow. "Can't hurt to be careful."

Nye's head aches from the heavy nights of drinking, and the sun burns a hole in his brain but he recognizes the watchman's snort easily enough. The half-elf stands up on the beach and faces Aldo looking rather disheveled for a thirty year old man dressed in frayed and faded robes. His free hand rubs the patch of a long defunct merchant and shipping house as he says, "You judge me? Where were you when the ports were destroyed, or when this raid started? Where where you when they took....." Nye's voice trails off, he is lost in thought for a moment and then he takes a deep swig of ale. Wiping his chin with his sleeve he continues, "The jungle is death and the mountains are impossible. If you want to live, you got to get off this gods cursed land and seek a new way across the sea, of course you'd have to be a fool to charge back into Darpuul with all Mormont's men about. Anyway you choose your bound to end up dead." He takes another drink thinking about the sea, and what ports there may be out there.

Knowledge geography 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Knowledge local 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
Profession sailor trait 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

Both Martian Level 20 invader

Mormont's men can be heard. They are closing in. The time to consider your options is up. Since the majority of you are calling for the Jungle, that is where you decide to head. TO THE JUNGLE!!

YAY! The first group ever to start this campaign with the jungle! Almost every group I've run heads to the mountains for some twisted reason or another. Now I get to throw Dinosaurs at you all. You are all going to die! I'm so excited. Just kidding about the dying part. I don't plan on killing any of you.

Your team willing or not is forced into the Enggamar Jungle. Mormont's men have picked up your trail and give chase. You have no choice but to simply try and outrun them. You manage to keep ahead of them just barely.

After several hours of running you come to a strange fog in your path. It is very thick and seems to be moving in towards you. Mormont's men can be heard all around. The fog my be your chance to lose your pursuers once and for all. With that knowledge in mind you barrel into the forest blindly picking your way through the fog. Those of you with jungle or dino traits are able to maneuver through the fog leading the others behind.

Eventually you work your way through the fog and emerge into the darkest most overgrown expanse of Jungle ANY of you have ever seem. The canopy is so knotted together that its hard to believe you are even still outside. The sounds of Mormont's men cannot be heard. Strangely though, the fog you passed through is simply lingering behind you. All you see is thick fog, it almost resembles a wall. Now it is late in the evening and there is a clearing where you can set up camp for the night if need be.
I will need survival checks for food and water every day. DC 15. Every 5 points you beat the DC by feeds another within your group. Rolling a 1 on the D20 brings about a hunting mishap. Those can be nasty, so no one roll a 1.

Now. Once you are settled. Talk and then call it a night when you finished. Be sure to appoint watches. I will post the next leg of the campaign once everyone is settled for the night.

Male Tengu Ranger (Trapper) / 2

Jivaji dismounts quickly, tethers Asha to Fazmir, and Fazmir to a tree. He turns to the group, beak agape as he pants thirstily.

Tugging his waterskin from his pack, he wets his throat just enough to talk hoarsely.

"I will scout ahead with someone familiar with the jungle or the beasts within it. Also I will trap the obvious entrances to that clearing once we settle in. If Mormont's bastards can find their way through that infernal fog, hopefully their cries of pain will alert us to their presence."

Stealth while scouting1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Perception while scouting1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
After scouting around with anyone willing, he will then try to harvest food, and then trap 4 areas, and a 5th he will try to set up a string+bell alarm.
Survival to find good spots for the bear traps & alarm 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Survival to spot food sources 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

"I will take any watch, but I cannot see through the darkness. If any are better suited, please feel free."

And I will probably be mostly absent the rest of the night. NPC if needed, but I will try to be back on.

Shanosuke wrote:
…You are all going to die!

Always good words to hear from the DM's mouth. :)

Silent staggers to a halt, hands on his knees as he sucks wind in gasps. Tam notices that he seems surprisingly fatigued… more-so than the run should have made the healthy-looking young man.

As the rest of the group stumbles out of the fog, the young man casts his eyes around the clearing as he eases the halfling down onto the dark, overgrown jungle floor. Seemingly safe clearings have been the hunting ground of more than one type of predator. Survival check to make sure this is a good place to set up camp, hoping to avoid major predator areas as well as something concealable. 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18. Will Premonition trait or Scent help here?

Before the halfling can wander off, Silent grabs his shoulder, holding up a finger for patience. He fishes a whistle out of his belt pouch, and hands it to Tam. He sets down his pack, once again puling out slate and chalk.

On the board, he wrote:
In case there's trouble while we're hunting

He then makes his way over to the strange bird-man, tapping the winded Aldo on the shoulder on the way by - indicating the hunter should follow. Setting his spear and pack down once again next to the horse and mule, he pulls his blade out and gets the bird's attention. Then he points at his chest then the bird, moving in a stalking fashion. Then he puts his hand over his eyes, as if he's searching.

Silent will help with the hunting/gathering, moving quietly with his eyes, ears, and nose open.
Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
Stealth 1d20 + 6 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 6 - 2 = 24; fatigue.
Survival for food 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16.

His legs burning from the long run, Gylwinth is only too happy to finally settle. As his eyes wander his surroundings though, he realizes just how oppressive those are. I wonder if we haven't just chosen the path of fiercest pain... Better keep those thoughts to myself! Morale is everything in this place.

He gets up after a few minutes: "This is where we'll hole up for the night?" Shouldn't we push through until dark? All right, they certainly know better than me!

Feeling the pain in his legs, he calls his familiar, extending a finger on which the bird can set: "Not too tired are we? I should like to meditate on certain arcana. Would you sit a while with me?"

Mmmh, yes! If I get some rest, I'll memorize something for my legs...

As he watches the others set off for hunting, he offers his help.

Cast Ray of Enfeeblement as needed. Aid Another Survival: 1d20 ⇒ 15.

Male Elf Alchemist 2

"Well, this should be interesting. How many of you have experience with jungles again?"

Stealth while getting food1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11 +5 if concerning Dinos
Survival Check for Food1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

"I'll take a watch. I've got pretty keen eyes."

"I have a little experience of the jungle, but not really about surviving in it. As to taking a watch, I would gladly take one, but would ask to have it either at the beginning or at the end, for I need to rest completely in order to recuperate enough to use arcane power... Hope you don't mind..."

Male Elf Alchemist 2

"Of course it's not a problem. We need everyone at their best in order to survive. We're in this together now, whether we like it or not."

M Human Fighter 1


Jivaji Varesh wrote:



Haven't needed to use that for a long time. Most just call me The Trapper."

As you turn towards Jivaji, you can plainly see the feathery surface of his skin, the prominent avian beak protruding from the hood, and the talon-tipped fingers that deftly maneuver the buckles on the mule's cargo saddle.

He turns back to the group, and lifts his hood from his face.

"I am tengu, I hope my appearance does not startle you. You may have heard of my kind. I come from far to the west and from a life very different than this one. My life now comes from the land, and I will not let some maniac to take it now. I suggest we decide quickly and move out."

"Awright, Trapper it is then. And no, can't say that I've ever heard of your kind. But that's okay with me. You're on my side, that's good enough for me, fella!" He says with a big smile and a nod of welcome.

Joe then turns to Nye, feeling sorry for the drunk. "Hey fella, don't you worry none, awright? Ol' Joe's gonna do all he can to help keep all these fellas alive." He attempts to encourage him. "It's best we get movin', like Tam there said. No time to waste!"


"I ain't much of a jungle fella, but if any of you need help in fendin' off critters, I can shor' do that!" He tells them excitedly.

Survival 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Male Tengu Ranger (Trapper) / 2
Silent, the boy wrote:
He then makes his way over to the strange bird-man, tapping the winded Aldo on the shoulder on the way by - indicating the hunter should follow. Setting his spear and pack down once again next to the horse and mule, he pulls his blade out and gets the bird's attention. Then he points at his chest then the bird, moving in a stalking fashion. Then he puts his hand over his eyes, as if he's searching.

Jivaji nods. "Yes, it seems everyone is keen on clearing the area. Perhaps we should spread out and form a search line. Eltumal? Gylwinth? Does that sound reasonable?"

While waiting for a response, Jivaji suddenly mutters a throaty squawk.
"Kah! I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner."

He unshoulders his pack, holding it in one taloned claw, reaching in with the other. Seconds later the other claw resurfaces with a brass object.

"Silent, here. You can use this to alert us all to danger." He holds out his hand with his thumb grasping the underside of the bell so that the clapper is tight against the side.

"See, you can keep the bell silent while holding it with one hand. Oh, maybe this will help as well."

He reaches back into his pack, and extracts two foot of string, which he severs with a quick snap of his beak.

"Maybe you can tie the bell to your wrist or your body?"

Male Tengu Ranger (Trapper) / 2

Before closing up his pack, something catches Jivaji's eye inside his pack.
"Oh yes, I remember this. A gift from a mage I led back to town."
Jivaji pulls a slender, but poorly enameled wand from his pack. He holds it up in the light as his beak jitters. He shakes his head as if broken from enchantment.

"Anyhow, I could never use it. Don't have the magic talent. Ehh.. so. Um. It is supposed to have curing charges. Maybe one of the magically inclined can make use of it?" He offers it out to the apparent magic users nearby.

Male Elf Alchemist 2

"I've only used one once, although it was nearly second-nature to me. I'll take it, I suppose, if you have no use for it."

Silent looks at the bell and string, then smiles as his fingers raise to his lips.


He drops his fingers and shrugs... apparently he can make noise if it's necessary. Though he does nod his head in appreciation as he moves off to ready for the hunt.

Male Tengu Ranger (Trapper) / 2
Eltumal Woodsoul wrote:
"I've only used one once, although it was nearly second-nature to me. I'll take it, I suppose, if you have no use for it."

"Ok by me. I hear I can learn to use it, but I think when it is needed, I should be doing other things instead."

Silent wrote:


Jivaji puts the unoccupied hand to to the side of his hand.

"Hah. Yes, I see. Well, that lets me keep the bell for a tripwire alarm." He stuffs the bell and string back into his sack.

Male City Elf Wizard 1st

Aldo does his best to help out in the hunt.
Survival check for hunting=1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Stealth check for hunting=1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

"I will take a watch as well." Aldo will state late
Perception check while on watch=1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Silent, the boy wrote:

Before the halfling can wander off, Silent grabs his shoulder, holding up a finger for patience. He fishes a whistle out of his belt pouch, and hands it to Tam. He sets down his pack, once again puling out slate and chalk.

On the board, he wrote:
In case there's trouble while we're hunting

Tam nods and takes the whistle. "Thanks. It was good of you to carry me. I could not have kept up with that pace."

Tam looks about as the bustle to begin setting traps and gathering begins. He gathers firewood, selecting good, dry wood as best he knows how. After firewood is gathered and a fire is started, Tam nods to the group.

"I am not as tired since Silent carried me. I will take the first watch. I have no particular ability to see in the darkness, but... the Beast does. It will lend me its eyes when my watch comes. We will be safe." When his watch comes, Tam concentrates until a strange sigil begins to glow on his forehead and a white mist coalesces around him. Suddenly his form is that of a white furred ape easily as large as the rest of you, a slight halfling no longer. The ape nods its head, its red eyes staring eerily around. It walks to a nearby tree, climbs it easily and perches about 10 feet up, staring into the night.

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16 with darkvision

Both Martian Level 20 invader

Hunting will went well. You have managed to yield enough food for the party by harvesting various veggies and taking out several small mammals and other critters. I was tempted to make you fight something, but I'll save that for later. For now, get comfortable. I will throw evilness at you all later :)So no major incidents befall you today.

[ooc]Okay, I went ahead and rolled a dice for who had the morning watch. Results came up Aldo. So this is for him based off his perception. The rest of you can make a perception, just remember your all still asleep.[ooc]

Aldo and anyone who makes Perception Score of 25:

You hear what sounds like whimpering and whining approaching the camp. No sign of whoever is making to noise though. It sounds as though it is passing by the camp. Do you want to investigate? Or let it pass?

I no one acts or is able to act to the above spoiler, then the day will roll on. The jungle is still dark with the only luminescence coming from the think spots or small openings in the canopy. The fog is still floating right where it was last night.

Male City Elf Wizard 1st



Aldo is intrigued and will do his best to investigate, without revealing his presence, or the location of the camp to whatever he hears, and also without leaving his post. He served on the watch ever since he could remember and he doesn't want to risk the camp or the sleeping survivors.He keeps an arrow notched as he moves swiftly

Stealth Roll to keep from being detected1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

Perception1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Both Martian Level 20 invader
Aldo Alessi wrote:


** spoiler omitted **


For Aldo:

You move forward trying to keep quiet. However, you stubble on a branch. You are able to notice a startled Halfling pointing a crossbow at you. His whining has stopped. "Move an I shoot! Now who are you!?" You both have your weapons at the ready. What do you do?

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