Ryuko's Adventures in Ustalav: The Hauntings at Harrowstone (Inactive)

Game Master Ryuko

Discover the menace hiding in the darkest corner of the Inner Sea, the country of Ustalav, where brave men fear to tread.

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Male Half-orc

Studying The Whispering Way +2
Guidance (if possible) +1

Knowledge (The Whispering Way) 1d20 + 7 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 7 + 2 + 1 = 27

Male Ulfen Human Cleric of Gorum 1

Tyrgrim pats the sheriff on the shoulder "When you cannot find the lair of a beast, you set a trap. I reckon whomever did this is inclined to come back and study their handiwork, or who knows, maybe the culprit ran out of blood and intend to continue another night? I say we keep an eye on this place, and if our macabre artist returns, we jump the whore-spawn!"

Male Human Super Cruel DM 10

"Well, ye're free to do so. I'll be sending a couple people out to clean up, so I doubt anyone'll be coming back before nightfall, and I can't really spare anyone to watch it." The sheriff spits on the ground, a sign of things best not spoken of. "You happen to catch him. Make sure you either bring him to me," He lowers his voice to a whisper. "Or make sure I don't hear about it. All right by you?"

Fasir finds several manuals that were buried in the books which lead him to a treasure trove of Whispering Way information. Got everything from above.

Male Ulfen Human Cleric of Gorum 1

Tyrgrim grumbles and looks to the others "I am not very stealthy. If we are to spring a trap, we need someone who can avoid being seen by the culprit." he scratches his head and looks towards the temple "Maybe we should go talk to the priests before setting the trap, as we have a good while before the sun sets?"

Female Human (Varisian) Bard/1

"There might be another way. The sheriff suggested that this area is one that is known for regular visits by youth. Perhaps we might be stealthy within plain sight?" Anca suggests. "In this instance, we might solve two problems, maintaining order and a sense of normalcy among the community, and discovering the threat."

Male Ulfen Human Cleric of Gorum 1

"Oho? Is that an invitation to pretend to be your significant other? Not scared I will beat you over the head and drag you to my cave for animal-like rutting?" he echoes in jests and taps the top of her head for effect "I think the pious warrior might be a better match, as I am hardly a youth anymore. Thought he seems rather rigid, and you might have a harder time to make him pass for a lustful local."

Female Human (Varisian) Bard/1

"I extended no such invitation, and you have already testified that my slender frame and demeanor stirs no desire in you," Anca states. She looks to the sheriff. "Surely you've a deputy that might be interested in a passion play?"

Male Human Super Cruel DM 10

Internets finally working on my phone. Don't expect long posts, but I'm not dead yet.

The Sheriff nods. "Aye. I'm right certain I could rustle up a healthy young man to pretend to fancy a pretty noblewoman." He looks out toward the town, then nods. "I'll have a lad out at the road's fork a bit before nightfall, you can meet him then."

Female Human (Varisian) Bard/1

"How convenient," Anca answers, and spares a glance and a soft smile for Tyrgrim. "Perhaps upon the road we might even fall in love," she jests and laughs softly. "I only hope that this ruse will confound the subject."

Anca looks to the memorial. "What was the name of the Warden's lady?" she inquires.

Male Ulfen Human Cleric of Gorum 1

Sense Motive:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Female Human (Varisian) Bard/1


Hunch is that Anca doubts that necking with some random peasant warrior is really going to convince whomever it is that's coming there, especially with no prior knowledge of the conspirator.

Male Human Super Cruel DM 10

"Dunno." The Sheriff said dismissively. "Should be on the monument I suppose." He nods toward the road. "I've got more work to finish. A couple of those men you sent away yesterday ended up in a brawl last night, need to talk to them and get them out tonight. I'll speak to you more later. Suppose there's no reason to protect the scene anymore." The spare man nods in companionship and begins striding away.

Male Human Paladin 1 (Undead Scourge)

Zax's face becomes flush as Tyrgrim suggests he play the role of midnight suitor. He avoids eye contact with the others as his mouth opens and closes several times, his mind spinning as he tries to find words to casually dismiss the idea.

Oh no, I don't even know this woman. How could I possibly remain alert while pretending to be romancing her. She's very pretty and it would be nice but she's also married. Gosh, I don't want her husband to find out and think I've conducted myself in an unfavorable way. This is really uncomfortable ... there has to be another way...

He's visibly relieved when Anca suggests one of the Sheriff's men play the role and the Sheriff agrees.

I, or we, should go talk to the priests at the temple, I guess, see if they have any information that may be useful. Hopefully they're not too standoffish.

Looking up at the group he wonders outloud Think it's worthwhile for one of us to go with the Sheriff to question those men, maybe see where the rumors about Professor Lorrimor started? Or what the brawl was about that landed them in jail?

Female Human (Varisian) Bard/1

Anca gives a slight inclination of her head in a nod. "Very like. Curious that I was at the tavern last night and heard no such disturbance. If these men brawled, it was likely amongst themselves, out of public view... but then," she pauses narrowing her eyes, "how would the Sheriff have been informed of the altercation?

"If you've no further need of me, I should like to acquaint myself of the ways here, and there is no greater authority than the Sheriff."

Male Human Paladin 1 (Undead Scourge)

A high pitched noise draws Zaxarii's attention toward the sky. A dark shape trailing smoke emerges from the clouds growing larger as it descends.

His eyes grow wide. His knees weaken. Panic overtakes him and he is paralyzed with fear.

As the shape draws near it appears to be a rock 2-3 feet in diameter and it moves directly toward Zax as if guided by some unseen force.

No! No! Not again! He shouts.

The rock smashes into his body, crushing him into the dirt.

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