Ryuko's Adventures in Ustalav: The Hauntings at Harrowstone (Inactive)

Game Master Ryuko

Discover the menace hiding in the darkest corner of the Inner Sea, the country of Ustalav, where brave men fear to tread.

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Male Half-orc

Know Religion. (Whispering way):1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

“They believe ’true’ life begins with undeath. At a very basic level it is the credos of those who are or who strive to become a litch. You will find no written record of its teachings they may only be past by word of mouth. It is a very old philosophy though some of the very first practitioners remain to this day. In essence Undeath is the true form to which followers must subscribe but constant life death cycle of the world contradicts this so first the world must die. That is all I know on the subject but please refrain from asking me how I know.”

If thats too much feel free to scale it down Ryuko

Male Human Super Cruel DM 10

Ok Ladies and Gentlemen, This Ap has a major focus on research, which will start here. I'd like rolls to determine these spoilers, each topic requires its own roll, and gives information on lower DCs of the same topic. You will know information on Harrowstone via Knowledge (history or Local) and about The Way via Knowledge (Arcana or Religion). You may roll both checks for this first time only. Any character who makes the check and says they're sharing their knowledge allows the whole party to know, and certain checks may unlock additional research.

Harrowstone DC 10:
Harrowstone is a ruined prison--partially destroyed in a fire in 4661, the building has stood vacant ever since. The locals suspect that it is haunted, and don't ever go near the place, though there is always gossip on it.

Harrowstone DC 15:
Harrowstone was built in 4594. Ravengro was founded at the same time as a place where guards and their families could live and that would produce food and other supplies used by the prison. The fire that killed all of the prisoners and most of the guards destroyed a large portion of the prison's underground eastern wing, but left most of the stone structure above relatively intact. The prison's warden perished int he fire, along with his wife, although no one knows why she was in the prison when the fire occurred. A statue commemorating the warden and the guards who lost their lives was built in the months after the tragedy and still stands on a riverbank just outside town.

Harrowstone DC 20:
Most of the hardened criminals sent to Harrowstone spent only a few months imprisoned, for it was here that most of Ustalav's executions during that era were carried out. The fire that caused the tragedy was, in fact, a blessing in disguise, for the prisoners had rioted and gained control of the dungeons immediately prior to the conflagration. It was only through the self-sacrifice of Warden Hawkran and 23 of his guards that the prisoners were prevented from the escaping--the guards gave their lives for the town of Ravengro.

Harrowstone DC 25:
At the time Harrowstone burned, five particularly notorious criminals had recently arrived. While the commonly held belief is that the fire began accidentally soon after the riot began, in fact the prisoners already had control of the dungeons and had been in command of the lower levels for several hours before the fire. Warden Hawran triggered a deadfall to seal the prisoners into the lower level, but in doing so trapped himself and nearly two dozen guards. The prisoners had begun escaping when the panicked guards accidentally started the fire in a desperate attempt to stop the riot.

Congratulations, you unlocked the research topic of The Five Prisoners, which may only be researched and not immediately know.

The Whispering Way DC 10:
The Whispering Way is a sinister organization of necromancers active in the Inner Sea for thousands of years.

The Whispering Way DC 15:
Agents of the Way often seek alliances with undead creatures, or are themselves undead. The Whispering Way's most notorious member was Tar-Barphon, The Whispering Tyrant, although the society existed long before even that mighty necromancer.

The Whispering Way DC 20:
The Whispering Way itself is a series of philosophies that may only be passed along via whispers--The philosophies are never to be written down or spoken of loudly, making the exact goals and nature of the philosophy difficult to discern.

The Whispering Way DC 25:
Exact details are difficult to discern, but chief among the Way's goals are discovering formulae for creating liches and engineering the release of The Whispering Tyrant. Agents often travel to remote sights or areas plagued by notorious haunts or undead menaces to perform field research or even to capture unique undead or ghosts. Their symbol is a gagged skull, and those who learn too many of the Way's secrets outside of the organization are often murdered, and their mouths mutilated to prevent the bodies from revealing such secrets via Speak With Dead.

Ugh... you guys had better appreciate... I had to type all that out.

Male Half-orc

Know Arcana: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 to aid my initial check and if Urgma casts guidance on me prior to recalling the knowledge I get 20 and my original post still stands.
Or you know I could just roll again it’s up to you oh great and wise DM

Male Human Super Cruel DM 10

I think that Fasir's total can be 20... after all, his background is pretty tied to them. I'll let it go.

Male Human Paladin 1 (Undead Scourge)

Knowing you had to type it all makes it harder to resist opening it if any of these rolls fail.

Knowledge (untrained) 1d20 ⇒ 14

Religion (untrained) 1d20 ⇒ 12

Maybe a slight bonus for being a Pal of Iomedae and a big huge fan of the force who stopped the Whispering Tyrant? ...grovel grovel)

To Tyrgrim:

Zax holds up his hand and nods his head as Tyrgrim finishes. I think I see where you're coming from and I appreciate what you hold as the goal. Our disagreement is merely in your approach. Intimidating someone to comply with your idea is not what I see as a first resort. With a slight laugh he continues I mean, I have two older brothers and I tell you now every bloody nose, split lip, knife tick to the belly ... it only made my want for revenge stronger. I don't want to see the commoners about Ravengro in that situation because it will be the Lorrimor name they curse.

He takes a sip of his wine. I also want to know that we can all act on the Professor's last wishes as a team with no dissent amongst us. We don't have to like each other but this will likely be easier if we work together.

As Fasir heals himself Zax looks on slightly puzzled. He too has been tainted by the perception of necromancy being the bedmate of liches and walking dead.
A slippery slope, friend. I hope you can control it without the burden of a mortal body wanting more than it's share of life. I trust the Professor has given you the guidance you need to travel in the light.

At the mention of the Whispering Way, Zax pounds a fist on the table and looks at Tyrgrim. OUR enemy has a name, friend. This is an appropriate focus for that fire of yours.

And now to see those rolls to determine what knowledge Zax may have.

Male Ulfen Human Cleric of Gorum 1

Take 10 on knowledge, since untrained checks cannot reveal more than DC10 stuff anyway

Tyrgrim gives a slight scoff at the mention of playing nice with the commoners "My station as a favored cleric of Gorum would be more than enough to have every man, woman and child that ever hoped to bear arms and be a full-fledged member of ulfen society to respect me without having to coddle them. I am not used to having to cater to the weak, but in order to achieve what Petros have put before us, I will have to learn the ways of the south, as much as I disagree with them."

Looking at the pile of books, the large ulfen seems to contemplate something before turning to Fasir "I am not versed in history and lore, but since this is a process of arming ourselves to fight evil, as Petros sa succinctly put it, I can bless the efforts of those who do know those things."

Tyrgrim uses Guidance on everyone who have the skills trained, so they get +1 to the checks.

Edit: Noticed Fasir calling for Urgma to cast said spell, so made it generic.

Male Human Super Cruel DM 10

Kendra sits in her chair, stunned by the revelations as you speak. "My father may have been murdered." She whispers to herself quietly. "Murdered by The Whispering Way..." She seems to be rather in shock for a few minutes as you all speak to one another, then stands. "I extend the hospitality of my house to you, should you wish to sleep, and I advise you do. Many of you have a pledge to help my father and I and I intend to hold you to it in the morning." She stalks angrily from the room, headed for the stairs. "Take any of the open rooms, there are certainly enough of them."

Female Human (Varisian) Bard/1

After her interviews, Anca requests that she speak with the boy that Kendra mentioned earlier, the one who is responsible for posting messages. Whether or not she meets him specifically, she will offer the sum of two silver pieces to show her to the apothecary's shop, the sheriff, and finally to any place that she might find more appropriate clothing in the morning. She will then retire to her room, and secure the doors and windows. She will wash, and then go to sleep.

Urgma speaks to Kendra "You have my oath that I will do all I can to track down these despecible murderers."

Urgma then turns to the rest of the group:

"Who's with me it seems through our links with the professor, we share a common new enemy. An enemy with a name is an enemy less feared. I have judged them evil, and for that, they must surely face our wrath, and be sentenced!"

Holding her holy symbol aloft, Urgma says:

"On this day, I swear to Magrim that I will do my unrelenting upmost to track the Whispering Way down. When we meet, and meet we shall, I shall sentence them, and if they are found wanting, they will surely die."

Male Ulfen Human Cleric of Gorum 1

Tyrgrim folds his arms over his chest and grunts "Agreed! Servants of dark gods. Few enemies are more deserving of my wrath."

He looks to Zaxarii "I feel a little more focused now, but I would still like to have the duel, if for no other reason that to see your skill with the blade before we are cast into life and death battles." he smiles, a flicker of excitement in his eyes at the promise of combat to come. "I am thinking first blood, so we don't accidentally lob each others head off!" he jests and slaps his back with a laugh.

First blood duel rules is basically half weapon damage, with no strength bonuses (so the d6 classes like rogues and bards could survive it too). Was in some dragon magazine back in the time when the internet was new, 3.0 was just out, and man got his information through such things rather than nice compilation sites :P

Male Human Paladin 1 (Undead Scourge)

Looking between Tyrgrim, Fasir and Urgma: By the light of The Inheritor I swear to avenge the Professor's death and end whatever dark plot the Whispering Way is involved in here. They must be stopped.

Putting his hand on Tyrgrims shoulder and looking him in the face. I'll be honest, I don't want to duel you but if it's what you need to establish respect I will not decline. Instead, though, I propose a tally of known Whispering Way operatives brought to justice as a measure of worth. Eyebrow raised waiting for Tyrgrim's response.

Male Half-orc

Fasir shows little interest in watching the upcoming duel. Instead he starts perusing the book shelves for volumes on the Harrowstone. Fasir will retire to his old room with as many books as he can manage and settle in for an evening of reading.

Specifically I’m looking for any maps, blueprints or written descriptions of the interior layout and making notes. Also I would like to scribe a scroll of Mage armour the cost of doing which is 12.5gp (12.5 X 1 X 1 =12.5) Spellcraft to do this is automatically passed on a take 10. Have I got this correct?

Prepped spells for the morning:
1. Magic Missile.
1. Ray of Enfeeblement (DC 15).
0. Acid splash.
0. Detect Magic.
0. Disrupt Undead.

Male Human Super Cruel DM 10

Slight thought... You guys don't actually face any WW agents until Book 3, just a meta reason to maybe make a different tally.

Fasir and everyone else I suppose: Researching takes 8 hours of reading, cyphering and picking through books. The Professor's library is particularly well stocked on books about the Whispering Way, and grants a +2 to rolls to research them. Any library allows research checks with no roof untrained, or to aid another on a better check. At the end of the 8 hour session, a researcher makes another Knowledge check and learns the new information appropriate to the DC above. Got that?

One last thing: Everyone good to sleep?

Male Human Paladin 1 (Undead Scourge)

On second thought, I suspect we'll not encounter the fiends until Book 3! The duel is on!

Zax is good to sleep (assuming he collects or sends for his horse and other gear which is at the inn). If the duel needs to happen it can pick up the next morning or we can retcon it behind spoiler tags.

Female Human Lawyer/1 Teacher/4 Lifeguard/2 Swim Teacher/1 Bar/1

Urgma is also good to sleep,after I think attempting to look at the books for clues re. Whispering way, casting guidance on those reading the books.

due to none of whispering way stuff happening til later, guess many judgement calls in the meantime.

Attempting a die roll: knowledge: religion 1d20 + 4 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 4 + 2 + 1 = 20

Male Ulfen Human Cleric of Gorum 1

Tyrgrim laughs at the sentiment of competing with him on how many cultists they each slay "Excellent spirit! But Gorum demands his priests honor him by taking on some manner of combat challenge one per day preferably, and at least once per week, or his favor will vane." he explains with a determined look. "Besides, as a warrior yourself, are you not eager to try your hand against another?"

Male Human Paladin 1 (Undead Scourge)

Eager? No. I was enjoying a break from the continual drilling of the Cavalry and the absence of my pestering brothers. But, comfort can lead to laziness and dull senses. Let's play, then.

Assuming we move outside, etc.

First blood then. Shots are pulled to keep this from getting out of hand and I trust if it does get out of hand you'll patch us up. Zax holds up his long sword in a respectful salute before adopting a combat ready stance watching Tyrgrim for recognition that the duel has begun.

my crunch (to save time):

initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 (this divided by 2 or base weapon divided by 2?)

Male Ulfen Human Cleric of Gorum 1

Before battle, Tyrgrim unsheathes his greatsword for the first time; a masterfully crafted blade, a wide blood-ridge littered with ulfen runes that form a passage from the Gorumskagat, the only holy text of the faith. He raises it to the sky and give a loud roar before he starts praying in skald; "Stridfader, ik beder ad thir, signe thinne kamp, slig ad åre blodir æra thig."(Battlefather, I pray to thee, bless this fight, so that our blood honors thee) he touches his symbol, and blesses both combatants before assumeing a combat stance.


Seize the Initative Domain ability (roll twice for initative, keep the best):
Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15 or 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

Since Tyrgrim has a lower initiative modifier, he loses initiative, and the attack hits. First blood rules is half weapon damage, no strength.

As duels tend to be between competent warriors, it is over in a flash of steel only seconds after beginning. Being struck by his blade a split second before his own blow would have connected, Tyrgrim locks his arms and stop the heavy blade less than an inch from impact and looks at the paladin with a mask of surprise before he grins and laughs heartily "Well done! It seems Gorum wills that I hold my judgement and anger, and defer to your will, eh? At least for a week, when I will challenge you again... lest we have enemies to fight! HAH!" he invokes a divine spell and touches his wound, which vanishes completely, leaving a decorative scar. Then he pats Zaxarii on the back as he heads back to the house "Come, sverdbroder, share a drink and tell me the story of your warrior path!"


Spellcraft DC17: Cure Light Wounds
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Male Human Super Cruel DM 10

Assuming everyone heads in to sleep, you may have a spoilered conversation between you two if you don't wish to.

The morning after dawns to a firm thunderstorm crashing about the house. The firm downpour of rain must have been going for a few hours to have left such large puddles outside your windows. As all of you trickle downstairs you see that Kendra is hard at work in the kitchen, preparing a rather large repast of Bacon, Ham, Eggs and bread. The smells drift even upstairs and those still dressing can smell them and feel their stomachs rumbling before they even make it to the stairs.

As you make it down Kendra invites you to start on the bread, saying that the rest of the meal will be brought out when everyone's together. Once the others make it to the table, she brings out more than enough for everyone, and each of you is able to eat your fill. Kendra sits after bringing you all your food and choice of drink and steeples her hands. "Well... you've all promised me that you will help me investigate what happened to my father. How do you intend to start?"


Anca is woken by the noises outside her door. It seems there are several people attempting to be quite quiet outside.

Female Human (Varisian) Bard/1

Anca Untrained Disguise 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

I did not order breakfast, Anca muses whilst rising. Her rose gold curls have been worked into plaits that wrap around her neck. Anca gathers a robe and pulls it over her shoulders, disguising her scars from the full view of the public. In the interest of saving you the time, even though the GM is supposed to roll this in secret, I've done it above.

Anca goes to the door and opens it, looking outside before she speaks.

"Good morning. How might I assist you?"

Male Ulfen Human Cleric of Gorum 1

"By the gods! THIS is a breakfast! How is a woman that masters house, cooking and hospitality such not fending off suitors with both hands?" Tyrgrim praises as he eats as one might expect him to; well beyond twice the portion of a normal person.

He sits with a piece of bacon in his hand and points it towards the books from last night "Your father's journal mentioned some leads. I am thinking we-" he looks to the others and rolls his eyes "well, at least the ones who does not scare the tiny locals, would ask the church about the prisoners. Criminal scum tend to be sneaky little s!$$s, and if they are haunting the place, maybe one of em pushed the gargoyle free? If that is the case, I would think we should know about em, like your father said; learn about evil to destroy evil. Also, we should go check out the false crypt he mentioned. he suggests and takes a bite from his pointing-bacon "When hunting, one brings the best weapon one can find for the job! Mmm-mmm. Damn this is good bacon!"

Male Human Super Cruel DM 10

Over a half dozen children stand rapt outside of Anca's door, all between the ages of 8 and 15. Each of them looks up expectantly as she opens the door, then bursts into noise after a moment. "I can take you to the Sheriff!" claims a small girl. "I know the whole town like my hands!" says a pimply teenaged boy. "I promise I'll not getcha lost." Comes the voice from a larger girl around 10. It seems Anca's offer of silver for a guide has not gone unheeded. Away from the group stands one boy with sandy brown hair, who looks away, disgusted, but his glances keep coming back to the group.

Female Human (Varisian) Bard/1

Anca smiles and retrieves her purse. She will dole out her copper pieces to the children waiting, then crosses the hall and salutes the disgusted boy who has not spoken at all. "You are the child who Mistress Kendra mentioned, who posts the bills?" she inquires. "Please order breakfast for me, and I will meet you below in one quarter of an hour. It was your services I requested, and I have no intention of reneging on my offer."

Anca Diplomacy 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Anca will return to her room, wash and dress properly, then come down and eat. She asks the boy on their ranging to show her to the store where she might purchase more clothes (a standard traveler's outfit for 8 gold), and when he has delivered her to the sheriff's office, she will pay him the promised sum of two silvers.

Male Human Super Cruel DM 10

The boy thrusts out his chin defiantly. "Aye lady. Pelvin Elkarood's the name. My dad owns the place. I'm a lil annoyed to be honest. These kids," He points at the other children, happily running off with copper coins. "Won't even work for a living until some new person steps in with a big payoff. I put in the work every day, just one copper for each 5 copies of a newspaper or other message. I work for my pay." Pelvin nods and heads downstairs at your instructions.

When you get downstairs you find a breakfast of apple-spice soup waiting for you, and Pelvin stands near the door waiting for you to finish. He leads you to the center of town and into Ravengro General Store, which seems to be a sort of controlled chaos, with five girls of various ages and similar looks getting ready to head to class at the same time. You manage to buy a traveler's outfit from Luthko Avanaki, who takes your purchase with a smile under his set of Masterwork Plate Mail that looms on the back wall. He then leads you across the square to the squat, stone building that serves as Ravengro's Jail. He takes his payment with a smile. "Mayhap you traveller's aren't as bad folks as my da's friends think. Thanks for the money, milady, call me if you need anything further."

As you enter the jail there is a man sitting behind a desk by the door. His head down and his large coat draped over the chair behind him. He writes quickly with his quill, his long bearded face looks up at the entrance. "Hello? Do you need to report a crime?"

Female Human (Varisian) Bard/1

"I have heard it said that the apothecary is some manner of enchantress," Anca jests, "but I have not substantiated the rumors. If it will not take up too much of your time, sir, I would like to know whatever details this office has concerning the death of one Petros Lorrimor, my former employer."

Anca Diplomacy to Gather Info 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Tucking into the feast, "a find spread indeed Kendra." Urgma happily seeks to satisfy her voracious appetite.

Turning to Tygrim and the others, Urgma says

"we should indeed check out the crypt, it seems a good place to start. We should also look at the gargoyle, see if it has been tampered with and if there are are any clues by it. We should also speak to anyone who witnessed the sad, unfortunate event."

Gesticulating with her knife at various points in this to emphasise key elements, Urgma turns to Kendra.

"is there anyone you trust to stay close to you - I feel there is a possibility you may be in danger too. Whilst we investigate, it would make my mind rest easy knowing someone watches over you. We live in uncertain times."

Male Human Super Cruel DM 10

"Wouldn't know anything about that ma'am." The long faced man says placidly. "But about the Professor. Open and shut. Kendra called that he had not gone home one day. We gathered a small group of deputies and some of the Pharasmins from the church, headed up to Harrowstone, and found him outside, crushed by a gargoyle. Damn shame too. He was a good man. You think there's more to it?" The man's dark eyes drill into you. "I'd be the man to see. Benjen Caeller. And you are?"

Female Human (Varisian) Bard/1

Anca holds out her hand. "Anca Ravarath, of Ordanto, formerly of Karcau and Caliphas," she replies. "I was in attendance at the Professor's funeral. The procession was obstructed by a mob who claimed that he was a necromancer, led by an elder man..."

Anca Intelligence Check to recall/describe the ring leader 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

"There is no cause to press charges, but I did find his terminology highly suspicious.

"Also, might you be aware if there have been any other groups of strangers in the town recently?"

if needed... Anca Diplomacy 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Male Human Super Cruel DM 10

Timing:1d6 ⇒ 2

Male Human Paladin 1 (Undead Scourge)

Zax tidies and puts himself together before coming down the stairs. Well well! This breakfast looks amazing! Ms. Lorrimor you've certainly gone out of your way. Thank you so much. He fills his plate and begins eating slowly, enjoying each bite of the home-cooked breakfast.

He nods at Tyrgrim's statement. I was thinking the same. Look for the tools left in the false crypt, visit Harrowstone to investigate the site of the accident, maybe we can find some clues. See if we can locate the mysterious etchings he referenced, they may lead us somewhere. He continues eating and glances over toward Fasir. I wonder if he was able to find anything in the books here last night.

Oh, and I don't mind visiting the church to retrieve a list of those who died at Harrowstone. It may be helpful to know more about those folks.

Male Human Super Cruel DM 10

Kendra smiles at Tyrgrim's words, though she eats very little herself. "So you shall be going to the crypt then?" She inquires "Perhaps you should speak to Father Grimbarrow. I doubt the villagers would take kindly to you invading our graves without permission." Her temple bunches up in concern. "And I know that the Pharasmins keep extensive records, but they aren't fond of outsiders. Unfortunately neither is most of the town."

So, get a move on, who's heading where to do what?


Sheriff Caeller nods. "Heard of the ugly business at the Professor's funeral. Had a talk with a few of the men involved. Stupid men, and in their cups as stupid men are wont to do. Gibs got them riled up, and they decided to stop a threat." The disgust in his voice is obvious though the only sign on his face is a slight twitch of his lips. "No charges, since they did nothing. Glad you talked them out of it. Some of your friends look like they could do some har--" Benjen is interrupted by a shouting voice and a sudden crash as the door comes open. A man in his early twenties comes in, breathing hard and yelling. "Sir! Looks like someone done killed someone down by the monument sir! You'd best come see." Without a word, the Sheriff sweeps on his coat and retrieves his wide brimmed hat and follows the boy. "We'll speak again later if there's need, ma'am." He says apologetically as he follows the man away.

Female Human (Varisian) Bard/1

Anca Untrained Disguise 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Anca Bluff (False Modesty) 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

'Gibs' is the leader's name. Perhaps Kendra will recognize it, Anca muses. Anca does not startle when the young man enters, but calmly moves aside so that he can deliver his information. A murder?

Anca bows her head in a salute to the sheriff when he exits, but does not speak. She exits soon thereafter, and for a few moments follows the direction the pair is walking with her eyes, then collects herself and her skirts and proceeds to the Lorrimor residence.

Upon arrival, Anca knocks politely at the door and waits to be bidden to enter. She is pleased when she hears the sound of bar and lock being drawn back to admit her, recognizing that some had the sense to secure the door. Anca smiles at Kendra.

"It is pleasant to see you again, Mistress. I trust that my tardiness has not barred me from enjoying the company of your companions?" she says with false modesty.

When invited in, Anca follows Kendra to the eating area, where she sets down her recent purchase, and addresses the group assembled.

"Greetings gentleman, mistress," she inclines her head to Urgma. "My time without was not without occupation. I have learnt that the apothecary of this town is reputed to be a witch, the name of the man who accosted us at the cemetery, and that there is some manner of trouble at 'the memorial?'" Anca pauses and looks to Kendra for more information. "The sheriff and his deputy are investigating. I thought we might find and interview this Gibs character, but I should like to learn that which truly startles this sleepy community."

Male Ulfen Human Cleric of Gorum 1

A large hand smacks down on the table, making the dining-ware jolt and rattle "Trouble? Let's go then!" Tyrgrim states as he rises and slings his large sword over his back. "When we find the cantankerous old git, he pauses and looks to Zaxarii "Specified that I did not spew my bile WITHOUT cause, aye? This arse has given me plenty cause." then looks back to Anca "I am guessing you want to do the interviewing, lest I make him piss his breeches with my foreignness and healthy complexion." he jests and heads for the door, eager to see some manner of resemblance to action.

Female Human (Varisian) Bard/1

"A moment, if you will," Anca interrupts. "I had a thought, to minimize confusion and... allusions to titles that are beyond my current means, I would change my clothing. If you would give me just a few minutes. Perhaps Mistress Kendra might inform us where we can find this memorial? I thought it rude to skulk to locate it, myself."

After Kendra informs us of the location, Anca will spend a few minutes changing into her explorer's outfit, letting her rose gold braids continue to decorate her neck.

Anca Untrained Disguise 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Male Ulfen Human Cleric of Gorum 1

Perception:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Tyrgrim takes Anca to the side as they are ready to leave "Seems I owe you an apology. From the state of your body, it seems you have seen your share of combat." he places a hand on her shoulder and smiles "If you are any GOOD, I cannot say, but by Gorum's beard, it is commendable that you have survived whatever caused such scars. My hat is off to ya," he slaps her back and laughs "if I had one!"

Female Human (Varisian) Bard/1

Anca Bluff 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Anca inhales sharply when the priest touches her, but does not cringe or shy away. "Some persons are artists with a knife, others have hands blunt as the tools themselves," she dismisses. Anca smiles softly. "It is a... relief that we have managed to find some basis for an understanding."

Male Ulfen Human Cleric of Gorum 1

Sense Motive:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

"Oh..." Tyrgrim's color seems to fade a little as he contemplates her words "You were not fighting? I'm sorry. Being tortured by ones enemies is uncommon back home, and the thought didn't even strike me." he gives her a determined smile and look her in the eyes "Wear them with honor, and draw strength from the anger at the bastards who inflicted them to fuel your will to fight! Then Gorum will smile on your resolve and grant you victory!" he grins and pats her comradely on her back "If you get shanked again, come to me, and I will fix you right up, eh?"

Female Human (Varisian) Bard/1

Anca Bluff 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

"Have I given the false impression that I would be one taken alive?" Anca replies, then waves the gaffe away with a gesture. "It is not my intent to be struck in the course of our acquaintance."

I am assuming that any of you who are interested can hear this conversation that Anca and Tyrgrim are having. It is not meant to be private.

Male Human Super Cruel DM 10

Anca, Tyrgrim, and whoever may have followed them arrive to a very odd scene. What must be a significant portion of the town stands in a circle around what must be the monument. The monument is a statue, with a large marble base bearing many names carved into it. Above the base is a man with very thin, sharp features and a large badge pinned to his chest looking sternly down with his hand on his blade. The whole of the monument is a bit obscured at the moment however, as it is splashed with a red, sticky substance, likely blood.

Perception DC 10:
Even from here you can tell the blood is real, purely by the scent of it over the crowd.

Heal DC 15:
While you can tell that it is blood, there is most certainly not enough here to have been from a dead human. Perhaps a small animal.

A few men, likely the Sheriff's deputies, stand around keeping the crowd at bay, while the Sheriff himself stands at the base of the statue, peering around for clues. As you get closer, you can see that the base of the statue has been inscribed with a large letter 'V' written in the substance.

Female Human (Varisian) Bard/1

Anca Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Anca Untrained Heal 1d20 ⇒ 9

"Blood," Anca recognizes, and touches her fingertips to her mouth. She glances at the Sheriff, and keeps her place. Anca looks about for the source. Given the amount, it should be a rather large animal. "Do you see a source of this blood?" she asks anyone who is listening.

Male Human Paladin 1 (Undead Scourge)

Skipping historical chatter, etc. to try to stay with the current action...

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 20
Heal: 1d20 ⇒ 6

By the light of the sword... Zax mumbles as he stares at the monument. What is the purpose of this monument? And do we yet know whose blood that is? he asks to some of the townsfolk around him.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12 (if necessary... if not, just so I can add 7 to a roll)

Male Ulfen Human Cleric of Gorum 1

Perception:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Heal:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

Tyrgrim pokes at the blood, rubs it around his fingertips, smells it and tastes it before spitting "Bah, I have patched up enough warriors to tell you right off the bat; this is not from a human. Neither the amount nor the texture fits. Human blood tend to be richer, more saturated." he wipes his hands in the dirt and looks to the others "I am guessing a dog or a cat. Anyone missing a pet?"

inb4 the locals start spreading rumors that Tyrgrim is a cannibal/vampire :P

Female Human (Varisian) Bard/1

Anca Knowledge Local (Monument) 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Anca spares Tyrgrim a sideways glance. "A pet, in this community? More likely it were some farm animal," Anca suggests as diplomatically as possible. Taking 10 on local to know that Ravengro is a farming community. Hopefully is not too meta "We should hope that that is the case, it would narrow our search significantly. Livestock has some value to its owner."

Urgma also goes there.

Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Speaking to the others, she asks "Can you tell who's blood it is? Is there any body we need to find?Who the statue is of may be relevant here. Do we know if anyone heard or saw anything? " she asks the sheriff.

Male Human Super Cruel DM 10

Anca knows this is the monument to Warden Hawkran and the other guards who died the night of the Harrowstone fire. The statue is of the warden himself, wielding his prized longblade Justice, and the names of all those who died that night are engraved upon the marble slab at the bottom.

The Sheriff steps forward at Tyrgrim's words. "Aye? You're sure it's not human?" At Tyrgrim's nod he looks about. "Still an odd bit of trouble. First the Professor dies... now this sort of thing?" He gestures to the statue, his face as impassive as ever. "No one claims to have heard or seen anything. Couple of kids came up here. It's a popular spot to... well..." Sheriff Caeller finally shows the first hint of emotion, embarassment, and his face reddens. "Teenagers use it, let's just say. Tis a nice view, and it has an air of romance, what with the Warden and his lady dying together. Couple of them came up here this morning and saw this. Went and got my deputy first thing, and the git scared folk into thinking it was a murder." He gestures with his coat to the crowd. "Now we got at least 2 dozen people out here, and there's no way even my deputies prize hound could follow the scent. Probably trampled any tracks too."

Anyone may make a Survival check to search the area for tracks, though it'll be difficult.

Female Human Lawyer/1 Teacher/4 Lifeguard/2 Swim Teacher/1 Bar/1

Urgma's survival roll: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

Male Half-orc

After a breakfast where he doesn’t eat very much Fasir will remain behind offering to protect Kendra whilst studying the Petros’s books.

Male Human Super Cruel DM 10

Fasir, what subject will you be studying specifically? Remember the Libraries let you roll untrained without a limit, and the Professor's library offers a +2 bonus regarding the Whispering Way.

Female Human (Varisian) Bard/1

Sorry for stalling on this game. When I post multiple times a day in my game, I need to take some hours to not simply walk up and meta the stuffing out of this game.

Anca Perception1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Anca Survival 1d20 ⇒ 4

Anca is very careful about the placement of her feet as she approaches the base of the statue to read the names carved there. She noted with a small amount of frustration that the Sheriff had not mentioned the name of the lady in question, and suspected that it should not be terribly difficult to distinguish hers from the others. After all, it made very little sense for a woman to be counted among the employees at a prison, in any capacity.

Would it not be far more romantic had the warden and his lady lived together? she muses. I do believe that the man confuses tragedy with love. Curious, that...

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