Ruins of Pathfinder: Reign of Winter (Inactive)

Game Master Robert Brookes

"I will show you something different from either
Your shadow at morning striding behind you
Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you;
I will show you fear in a handful of dust."

T.S. Eliot

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Liberty's Edge

  • HP 25/25
  • AC 20( T: 12/ FF:16)
  • Fort + 4|Ref + 2|Will + 2
  • Init + 2
  • Perception +1

kudos on the voice reference! haha

For this portion of the adventure, we will remain at the meeting in Almas until such a time as the PCs agree to disembark.

Once you have satisfied any questions or concerns regarding your intended destination, let me know with a post over here just saying that you've no more questions to ask.

At that point I will transition the group six hours ahead to their journey aboard the Red Wraith. During that six hour downtime, you are free to assume your character has purchased any goods you need. With Almas being a metropolis and the Eagle Knights assisting in procurement you can find any item that you can afford.

If you have any questions about things you can do in the downtime, don't hesitate to ask :)

Female Human (erutaki) Druid (arctic) 3 / Guardian/Hierophant 1

I've got nothing currently. I'll ask if something else comes to mind due to other player posts, but I'm good for the moment.

First levels: 2/4; THP:17/21; HP:43/43; MP:4/5
HP:43 THP:21 / AC 17/21, T 11, FF 16 / Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5 / Perception +2 / Initiative +3

I'm good as well.

Liberty's Edge

  • HP 25/25
  • AC 20( T: 12/ FF:16)
  • Fort + 4|Ref + 2|Will + 2
  • Init + 2
  • Perception +1
Talavuc wrote:
I've got nothing currently. I'll ask if something else comes to mind due to other player posts, but I'm good for the moment.


Male Dwarf Cleric (Forge-Master) / 3 Mythic Guardian 1

I should be good as well. I hope my covering for Fenyx is fine. I'm running under the assumption that he has deemed not to speak directly at this time. From his background his character seems the arrogant type that could pull something like that off.

I think that works very well and I was kinda hoping to see something of the sort, too.

Female Human (erutaki) Druid (arctic) 3 / Guardian/Hierophant 1

I figure that he's still in mourning for his friend. Hopefully we'll hear from Kagehiro sooner rather than later, but considering his situation, I'm not surprised.

Also, I'm sure that Ar'Zarrcal and Talavuc are going to get along excellently. This'll be fun.

Yeah, Kage's taking some time off and that's totally understandable.

Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3

Ah guess I should've posted on here instead of in-character. I'm ready to go!

Please disregard my last in-char post, since I can't delete it or edit it. I durped.. I need to pay closer attention to this board as well as the In-Char one.

Male Grey Elf (Fey) Magus 3/Champion/Archmage 1 AC 16/12/14/ HP 30/30 / F +5 R +3 W +3 (+9 vs cold weather) / Init. +2 / Perc. +9 / Mythic 3/5)

Im ready to move along.

Looks like we've reached consensus. I'll be posting a forwarding of the story in a couple hours.

Male Dwarf Cleric (Forge-Master) / 3 Mythic Guardian 1

Current spells of Ar'Zarrcal

0th: Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison Purify Food and Drink,
1st: Animate Rope, Endure Elements, Air Bubble, Lead Blades

I will be casting the memorized Endure Elements upon settling into his cabin.

Liberty's Edge

  • HP 25/25
  • AC 20( T: 12/ FF:16)
  • Fort + 4|Ref + 2|Will + 2
  • Init + 2
  • Perception +1

just a heads up, busy day ahead of me, so that might be the only post i can manage today

gotta take my cat to the vet
gotta hammer out a set list
gotta run some errands/pick the lady up from work
go play a show later

I may be able to post in the next few hours or later tonight, but i cant promise anything.

Thanks,Sorry for any inconvenience!

Apologies in advance on the map for this encounter, I didn't consider how awkwardly the grid lined up until I'd finished uploading it after I made it this morning. I was in a bit of a rush.

@Cap'n: No worries!

M Disciple of Brimley 20

I should be home and able to post reliably by this evening. I will spend some time reading through what has happened already when I return, then look at finding a decent "in" to start participating. Thanks for keeping me onboard btw; I greatly appreciate it.


Glad to have you back, if you need to take any time off at all during the game just say so, I think we'll all understand.

We've presently just started an ambush combat encounter, and I have Fenyx "asleep" in his cabin, but it hasn't been openly described. If at any point you feel ready to join in on the encounter, just roll initiative and I'll add you to the initiative order. Fenyx is below decks, so it'll take him a full round to get topside at any rate.

Ar'Zarrcal and I have been keeping Fenyx in the background and making Ar'Zarrcal do all the talking. It would be a dramatic entrance for his first act to be showing up and kicking ass :)

Also, I want everyone to give their honest input on combat organization. I've never quite run combat like this before online (not using a real-time updated virtual tabletop) so if it gets confusing trying to figure out who is where, let me know.

I have a account, and if I can get it working on my mobile we could always switch over. But if this works for everyone, all the better.

Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3

I've done Roll20, its a good system, though this seems fine so far as well.

Female Human (erutaki) Druid (arctic) 3 / Guardian/Hierophant 1

I use roll20 for my Tuesday night games and find the system to be pretty good.

I'm worried by the greater possibility of people misinterpreting or missing information on the map with having to check back and forth. Is there a way to include markers on the map? I've used maptools and photoshop for it in the past.

I can do markers on the map, but the issue is that I only have access to my image editing software at home, so updates on the map would probably only happen once a day or so. I agree about the potential to miss things/misinterpret things.

It turns out that works on my iPhone. I just need to find out how much of a data hog it is, since I don't have unlimited data.

Male Grey Elf (Fey) Magus 3/Champion/Archmage 1 AC 16/12/14/ HP 30/30 / F +5 R +3 W +3 (+9 vs cold weather) / Init. +2 / Perc. +9 / Mythic 3/5)

I'm not able to access, pazio's pbp forums works best for me. For what it's worth Lucent, I think your doing a great job so far!

Thanks, Teladon! That was another reason I didn't initially go with roll20, accessibility for everyone.

I did forget to include a spoiler for you, earlier, about what you heard on your Perception check. It was the clunking sound of something crawling its way up the hull of the ship. Which, in hindsight, was probably obvious.

Male Dwarf Cleric (Forge-Master) / 3 Mythic Guardian 1

I am foolishly without my armor and unfortunately Forgemaster/Rune-Forged have little they can do against undead (No channel energy). This could be painful.

Important question DM, do I convert to heal spells (Ie, Cure Light Wounds) or do I convert to inflict? Ar'Zarrcal is technically LN, but I leave this ruling up to you. (I don't have channel energy, so I can't default to that)

It depends on the deity you chose. A neutral cleric worshipping an evil deity converts inflict spells. A neutral cleric worshipping a good deity converts healing. A neutral cleric worshipping a neutral deity gets to choose, and that choice is permanent.

Male Dwarf Cleric (Forge-Master) / 3 Mythic Guardian 1

Lissala and/or the Dwarven Pantheon. I suspect at this stage, he prays to Lissala.

That makes sense, evil goddess of runes. If you wind up bending Ar' over time, I could see him gradually falling back into the service of his old gods and choosing to change his channeling if he winds up venerating a good dwarven deity. I love how many paths of development I can see in all these characters.

Out of curiosity, would you guys be interested in seeing a wiki put together for the Ruins of Pathfinder setting? I presently have one for my +30 years future Golarion campaign I run at home.

Sagas of Golarion

I could make a similar site for this setting with the timeline (still working on that) and character profiles, etc.

Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3

Actually Lucent, that would be awesome. The Ruins of Pathfinder is a very interesting setting that, while still feels like Golarion, is much more ripe when it comes to potential action due to all of the conflict.

I was actually considering about asking you if I could use the setting in a heavily-modified Kingmaker campaign I'm considering on running with a RL group - Where the players are IN the Stolen Lands (and for some reason have no memory of before it was stolen) and eventually find out that it is Stolen in the literal terms and must seek to free it.


Half-orc Eldritch Viking | HP: 24/31 | HD 3/3 | Relentless 1/1 | Wind 1/1 | Surge 1/1| 1st 1/2 Inspiration! | Active: Prestidigitation
AC 16 | Str +5 Dex +0 Con +5 Int +0 Wis +1 Cha +0 | Initiative +0 | Passive Perception 13, Darkvision

I'm back. I've skimmed the 100+ posts. Some posts stared at my orc who wasn't at the initial meeting. Him Ordrud having been sent ahead. The story and characters are very richly detailed. Well done.

Looks like I'll be watching combat for awhile. Lucent, please PM me with details for my character to divulge when introduced.


Dark Archive

Male Chelish Human Fighter 1/Gunslinger 2/Guardian 1
HP 39/39; AC 19, Flat Footed 17, Touch 12; CMD 19; Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +2; Perception +7; Initiative +3

Yeah the few of us who did that Ordrud had an oopsy moment as we forgot you weren't there. XD

@Ordrud: All back from vacation? Faaaantastic. I'll be able to introduce you shortly after combat once the ship reaches Falcon's Hollow.

First levels: 2/4; THP:17/21; HP:43/43; MP:4/5
HP:43 THP:21 / AC 17/21, T 11, FF 16 / Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5 / Perception +2 / Initiative +3

You can upload your precreated maps to Google Drive and then inset our avatar images to use as tokens. That's what I do. Save you from having to upload a new map everytime you update. Off to read gameplay, though I also have a busy day so I might not get to post until much later.

Interesting, I forgot about that in the Crusade game.

Can everyone readily access google docs?

Male Grey Elf (Fey) Magus 3/Champion/Archmage 1 AC 16/12/14/ HP 30/30 / F +5 R +3 W +3 (+9 vs cold weather) / Init. +2 / Perc. +9 / Mythic 3/5)

Sometimes I can, other time I cannot. Don't worry too much about me. If I can't I'll just need your help in placing my token based on my description of actions.

Half-orc Eldritch Viking | HP: 24/31 | HD 3/3 | Relentless 1/1 | Wind 1/1 | Surge 1/1| 1st 1/2 Inspiration! | Active: Prestidigitation
AC 16 | Str +5 Dex +0 Con +5 Int +0 Wis +1 Cha +0 | Initiative +0 | Passive Perception 13, Darkvision

Googledocs work great in another game of mine.

EDIT Can you post the battle map in the title where the TS Eliot quote is? It would help having it in a location that doesn't move.


First levels: 2/4; THP:17/21; HP:43/43; MP:4/5
HP:43 THP:21 / AC 17/21, T 11, FF 16 / Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5 / Perception +2 / Initiative +3

I've found it by far the easiest. You can just drag and drop all sorts of things. Monsters, objects (just do a google image search for whatever you want, right click->copy image->paste in the Google Drive drawing), or use the poly line tool to draw out templates for spells. It even has layer function so you can send the templates to the bottom layer, and all the tokens show up on top. Also you can use the same drawing over and over again. Just delete the background and upload a new one once the combat's over.

Male Grey Elf (Fey) Magus 3/Champion/Archmage 1 AC 16/12/14/ HP 30/30 / F +5 R +3 W +3 (+9 vs cold weather) / Init. +2 / Perc. +9 / Mythic 3/5)

Lucent, I think you made a mistake in your post and sub'ed my name out for Talavuc's.

AGH! I did that a few times, I thought I got them all out. I've been mentally swapping your names for a while now. Alas, my fingers! I'll see if I can edit it.

And as you all may have noticed my posting speed slows to a crawl on the weekends. ;)

Male Dwarf Cleric (Forge-Master) / 3 Mythic Guardian 1

Apologies for any delay I caused. I didn't have internet access at all yesterday or most of today. I finally got the cable running again after much complaining to my service provider.

No worries!

Also, I put a link to the google docs version of the map in the campaign info tab.

First levels: 2/4; THP:17/21; HP:43/43; MP:4/5
HP:43 THP:21 / AC 17/21, T 11, FF 16 / Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5 / Perception +2 / Initiative +3

My internet at home is also down. Using a cellphone to post for now, but it may cause some delays for Rasso until it gets repaired.

Thanks for the update Rasso! Posting from a phone is a pain, I've discovered. I do not envy you.

Male Dwarf Cleric (Forge-Master) / 3 Mythic Guardian 1

Is E6 Zombie still entangled via my animate rope spell? What bonuses, if any, do I receive to hit it? It should get a -2 to hit if entangled and a -4 to dex. That might make it easier to strike.

Also, what weapons did the crew have and are there any fallen weapons near at hand? I believe I will need a bladed weapon.

The entanglement on that zombie ended since it died. Another zombie has moved into E6 and the rope can only use the tripwire trap one time during its duration, so it can't entangle a new zombie.

The crew were wielding short swords (piercing weapons). Two are down in their gore-filled squares on the map. The captain has a pair of battle axes, but is currently only using one in two hands. The other is in a loop on his belt (which you could grab as a move action, since he is willing).

The battle axe's stats are 1d8 damage, 20/x3 for critical hits.

Male Dwarf Cleric (Forge-Master) / 3 Mythic Guardian 1

... and being a dwarf, I am automatically proficient with Axes. Excellent!

EDIT: or it would be excellent if I had the Zombies rolls. My dice are not so kind, on either the to hit or the damage.

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