DM ShadowBloodmoon |

So a friend of mine asked me to run yet another Pathfinder game IRL, but alas that time is limited, however I do have some online time available. So I plan on running Rise of the Runelords with the possibility of adding in side adventures and possibly even parts of other APs in the area. Note: I always think this epically... practically, we will see what we can accomplish..
I'm looking for roleplayers more than optimized characters, with that being said here are creation guidelines for those interested. I am saving a spot for my friend to join us, so I am looking for 3-5 more people.
Standard Fantasy 15 point buy
All Standard Races, others by request
All Classes Available
Average Starting wealth
Two Traits, Three with a drawback- would prefer using UC's History to come up with available traits, but I leave that to you. Also, all AP traits are available, but it has to fit your background. Of course, all Rise of the Runelords traits are available.
If there is anything I missed, please ask. I would like to see stories in your backgrounds, something I can tie into the campaign.
I will be putting all your characters into HeroLab and using that to keep track of things.
I can commit to a minimum of one post a day, barring unforeseen circumstances. With that, let the apps begin! (T-7 days til start).

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I'm interested by your setting (roleplay first) and i never play this campaign.
My character is Titinambule, a traveler gnome, illusionist.
As I'm in 20 points, I can minus his charisme, so he'll have 16 instead of 18. I'll change his trait excitable by an campaign trait, i don't know wich yet.
I prefer CRB character, so there's very few things from another book in Titinambule.
I begun an online PFS scenario, but it's now finish (you can read them to have a look on my RP).
IRL, I'm french and I speak english rather well, but sometimes, you can have problems for understand some of my sentences. Excuse me for that.
So, I don't think i have something more to add. If you have questions?

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

@Titinambule- No questions as of yet, my French is horrible even though I studied it for a few years, so we're even.
@Kurgan and all- yes, full HP at first level
@D-Kal- Lissala huh? I made an illusionist monk for her once, just because she is technically dead doesn't mean she can't live again.. I'll allow it.
@Galt- I'm cool with a kobold warrior, definitely sounds interesting, will have to determine why the locals haven't hunted him down as of yet though...

Galt Ironscales |

Then allow me to humbly submit Galt Ironscales, Kobold Fighter of Iomedae.
As for why the locals haven't hunted him down yet, I'm hoping a combination of his polite demeanor mixed with some goblin hunting will give him a tolerance with the locals. Perhaps he rode in with a caravan who can attest that he's an odd member of his race who's generally peaceful and curious about larger cultures. Galt is genuinely interested in started a society of kobolds who'd be more accepted by the larger races and mimics their practices (to prevent a massacre of tribes like his when he was just a hatchling), so he's in Sandpoint to observe the festival going on and pick up a few pointers on how to go about his task.
Male Neutral Good Kobold Fighter, Level 1, Init +1, HP 14/14, Speed 30
AC 18, Touch 12, Flat-footed 17, CMD 12, Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +0, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 1
Bastard Sword +3 (1d8+1, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow (20 Arrows) +3 (1d4+1, x3)
Scale Mail (+5 Armor, +1 Dex, +1 Size, +1 Deflect)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition None
Traits Day Raider; Wild Forest Kobold
Ironscales spent the next 17 year training under his tutor, though all questions to his true heritage (it was obvious to Galt that he was no direct relation to Sir Edrick) were deflected. Still, Galt persisted, overcoming his racial tendencies in weakness and trouble to become a great warrior, though he lacked the devotion to Iomedae that his master did.
Finally, as part of his final graduation from training, Sir Edrick answered Galt's questions about his origins, much to the kobold's horror. Sir Edrick was the reason his tribe was destroyed, and as Sir Edrick was not getting on in years, the paladin gave Galt the opportunity to take his rightful revenge on the knight and kill him. After much mental struggle, Galt refused, claiming that doing so would only make him like the kobolds his master tried to eradicate to begin with.
Instead, Galt opted to leave, taking his master's magical blade, Earthrake, and travel around, in hopes of finding a tribe of his own and teaching them to be more civilized so that a tragedy like that of his own would never befall them or any kobold again. Although Earthrake is a magical blade, Galt has yet to unlock its power for himself like his master has, and so he continues to practice with it. His travels have recently led him to Sandpoint, where he has stopped to watch this new festival consecrating a new church. Galt hopes that doing so will give him insight into developing a more "civilized" kobold tribe.
Galt inhaled, ready to plunge the sword into his master's throat. And he waited. And waited. He tried, came close, and withdrew the blade again several times. Sir Edrick exhaled, giving him a stern expression. "If you're going to do it, don't hesitate!" he barked, narrowed his eyes. "Hesitation leads to death! You should know that by now."
Galt snarled angrily at his teacher's words, drawing back and plunging the sword forward. Sir Edrick's eyes closed... then opened, looking down at the sword. Galt had missed. Intentionally. His hands shook as he pulled the sword back, before dropping it and stepping back. Sir Edrick quirked an eyebrow at him. "Sir Edrick Colthouse! Loyal servant to her divine majesty Iomedae!" Galt said, finally speaking with authority.
"...rise. You have offered me the chance to take revenge on you for your crimes against me and my tribe... and I respectfully decline. I... cannot take your life. To do so would merely prove that you were wrong to take me in and train me. That I am no better than the kobolds you believed my tribe to be. Weather that is true or now, I do not know. All I know is that to kill you would undo the years you have spent training me... and prove that I am no more than the monster you believed my tribe to be."
Sir Edrick stared firmly back at the kobold, before standing up and drawing his own blade, comparatively massive to Galt's, and placing it on the kobold's shoulder, tapping it. "Galt Ironscales. You have proven yourself to truly be a champion of Iomedae, an exemplar to all who strive to complete her great work. In honor of your triumph and completed training, I name you... SIR Ironscales. And for sparing my life, I grant you one final gift- my blade, Earthrake." Sir Edrick raised the sword, stabbing it into the ground and stepping back, bowing. "May it serve you as it has served me..."

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A couple of questions, since I know very little about RotRL:
First, is this about the initial rise of the Runelords? Upon reading the player's guide, it sounds more like the rise of the dormant Runelords from ages past. So, just to be clear, this is post-earthfall, correct?
Second question, and this might sound random, but how much of this campaign takes place around water? Any? 10%? 20%?

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As the party requires a healer, I have created a Varisian Oracle of Life for the campaign.
With some kindly strangers aid, she was able to find her family again but it soon became clear she was touched somehow by the divine. She was given intricate tattoos marking this blessing, tattoos she still bears on much of her body. Soon she began to perform miracles such as creating water and light through sheer faith. Still she was also cursed by her gifts, often babbling in a Celestial tongue whenever she faced a dangerous situation.
Eventually Zenovia came of age and was given a choice to either stay with her family or spark out on her own. But the gifts she bore as an Oracle ment a normal life was not in her destiny and thus she left her family and headed on her way to Magnimar to seek her fortune. Along the way hearing of a festival in the town of Sandpoint, she decided to stay for a few days to experience the events before continuing her journey.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

I can see some tough decisions ahead of me... characters are looking good guys.
@D-Kal- This is definitely after Earthfall, regarding a possible return of runelords to Varisia. As far as water, Sandpoint is a coastal town and magnimar is a coastal city. The Yondabakari river is nearby and may or may not be a way of travel to other areas of the adventure which also include waterways, so maybe 30-40%.
@Alazar- I'm pretty open to almost anything as long as it adds to the story.
@Ellis- same as above, I'd even go so far as allowing a full Orc if it fits the story. In this case, if you are happy with half orc, I'd allow the SWD.

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Well then, I need to make a choice between the aforementioned support cleric or a coastal barbarian. Though perhaps you could help me with the decision by telling me if the Mad Dog and True Primitive barbarian archetypes are permitted?

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

@D-Kal- Hmm... well I usually don't allow things I don't have the books or HeroLab files for, but in a quick look over both of those, I think the True Primitive would be a better fit, but you would need to determine what would be their reason for suddenly wanting to be among others not of the tribe and trying to be part of 'normal' society.
That being said, I do have all the Paizo books and I also allow 1001 Spells from Rite Publishing(I believe) for HeroLab, in case anyone is wondering..

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

@GM Kyle- I had thought about that, especially considering most people start with 20 point buy anyway, but as I said, I want the game more about story than attributes and numbers, so starting them as 'average' heroes to become figures of legend is what I'm going for. At some point, if the campaign goes long enough, I may bring in Mythic power.. hint hint...

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Actually my barbarian is both Mad Dog and True Primitive, as the archetypes don't overlap. He is my most thematically-built character at the moment, though not overly lacking in crunch power. He is, however, somewhat silly, being the self-proclaimed Crab King. I'd imagined him being comfortable in the city, just that the trappings of city life are beneath him. But if you think it's just not a good fit, I'll finish up the cleric and have him submitted promptly.

Kror Stormshield |

Just have a look on introduction book. I don t find campaign trait for players, only feat.
The original player's guide didn't have traits because Paizo didn't come up with the idea of them until Second Darkness.
Some of the sample campaign traits work well for Runelords characters.
The new player's guide for the updated hardcover of Runelords has traits in it as well.

DM ShadowBloodmoon |

@DoubleGold- If it fits in with a good story, I might allow it, but as I don't have anything to go on other than the Paizo stuff and what's in HeroLab, we'll have to see. I like the idea of the race, but there are others in the main rules that are similar...
@Boshak- Through the grapevine, you have heard of a theater in Sandpoint that every Wealday has an open stage for performances. They have a festival coming up and what better time to show off your Skald skills... Just a thought...
At this point we have the following in the running:
My friend will be playing a Ninja, but he hasn't confirmed race as of yet.
- Titinambule, Gnome Illusionist
- Kurgan, Dwarf Ranger (Skirmisher)
- Nar'a, Human Witch
- Galt, Kobold Fighter
- Zenovia, Human Oracle (Life)
- Kror, Dwarf Ranger (Dungeon Rover)
- Darien, Aasimar Paladin (Iomedae)
- Cedric, Half-Elf Alchemist
- Kerak, Half-Orc Barbarian
- Liu, Human Monk
- Boshak, Dwarf Bard
I believe that's every one so far.. Quite a good mix, I should think. Lots of good stories, which will make this more difficult, but I love it. I'm half tempted to run two groups at the same time, but within the same story, sometimes running into each other, sometimes not... but anyway, one step at a time. T-6 days.

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I built my character to be a Combat Healer. She's built enough to wear medium armor and hit things (with a 14 strength) but also can cast healing spells without provoking due to one of her revelations. Unfortunately I don't have selective channeling yet as at level one it was MORE important to get the Extra Revelation and Extra Channeling feats to maximize my healing potential.

Burma "The Tusk" |

Burma "The Tusk" (Ellis Mirari's character)
Female LE Half-Orc Scarred Witch Doctor[b], Level 1, [b]Init +5, HP 11/11, Speed 30
AC 12, Touch 11, Flat-footed 11, CMD 9, Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +3, CMB -1, Base Attack Bonus +0
-Great Axe -1 (1d10-1, x3)
-Fetish Mask (+2 Intimidate, Heal)
-Haramaki (+1 AC, no spell failure)
-MSTWK backpack
Abilities Str 8, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 10
Feats Improved Initiative
Traits: Resilient, Black Sheep (apothecary)
Burma "The Tusk" (as she is so called by her associates, after the exaggerated visage of the fetish mask she wears) is a travelling ascetic who believes that the experience of pain is the key to enlightenment.
Originally, she was a member of an orc tribe, daughter to the local shaman, but when it became apparent that the alleged "wisest" member of the tribe was a mere fool in fancy clothing, she decided to strike it out on her own spiritual journey. One night, a forest she had been camping in was set ablaze by a strike of lightening. She was badly burned, but managed to escape, and in that moment she had her spiritual awakening. She carved her fetish mask from the wood of one of the charred trees and started on her current path.
Unfortunately, she's had to sacrifice some of her dignity in order to survive. Rejected by most folk she encounters—which does not bother her—she is forced to do menial labor for countryfolk and act as a thug for organized crime syndicates in cities and towns—which bothers her TREMENDOUSLY. She's biding her time for something—ANYTHING—to happen that might give her an opportunity to break out of her current situation.

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Im going to submit Dacar Ghrunt, a dwarf Alchemist.
Male Dwarf Alchemist (Crypt Breaker, Trap Breaker) 1
NG Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2; +2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities
Defensive Abilities defensive training (+4 dodge bonus to AC vs. giants)
Speed 20 ft.
Ranged bomb +3 (1d8+3 Acid)
Special Attacks bomb 4/day (1d6+3 fire, DC 13), +1 on attack rolls against goblinoid and orc humanoids
Alchemist (Crypt Breaker, Trap Breaker) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4):
1st—cure light wounds, targeted bomb admixture
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 5
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 13 (17 vs. bull rush, 17 vs. trip)
Feats Ricochet Splash Weapon, Throw Anything
Traits enduring mutagen, scholar of the ancients
Skills Appraise +7 (+9 to determine the price of nonmagic items with precious metals or gemstones), Disable Device +5, Heal +6, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4, Perception +6 (+7 to locate traps, +8 to notice unusual stonework), Spellcraft +7, Survival +6, Use Magic Device +1; Racial Modifiers alchemy
Languages Common, Dwarven, Giant, Goblin, Orc, Thassilonian
SQ crypt breaker's draught, trapfinding +1
Other Gear 105 gp
Special Abilities
Alchemy +1 (Su) +1 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Bomb 1d6+3 (4/day) (DC 13) (Su) Thrown Splash Weapon deals 1d6+3 fire damage.
Crypt Breaker's Draught (Su) Rather than develop mutagens that increase their natural armor and physical abilities at the expense of their minds, crypt breakers focus on the creation of special draughts that can enhance their senses. When a crypt breaker drinks one of these drau
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Defensive Training +4 Gain a dodge bonus to AC vs monsters of the Giant subtype.
Enduring Mutagen (+10 minutes) Because of special training, your unique body chemistry, or the uncovering of an alchemical secret, your mutagens last longer. The bonuses and penalties granted by your mutagens last for 1 additional minute per alchemist level.
Hatred +1 Gain a racial bonus to attacks vs Goblinoids/Orcs.
Ricochet Splash Weapon Make an attack roll with a splash weapon if it misses and lands in another creature's square
Throw Anything Proficient with improvised ranged weapons. +1 to hit with thrown splash weapons.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
It been years since I found a path to my goal, to rediscover many of lifes forgotten mysteries. I had been spending weeks in a ruin of the acient Thassilonian, when I hear rumors of another ruin that might lead to better results.
So I get there only to find that a celibration is about to be held. Its a nice thing to do once in awhile. While keeping my nose in a book, lets me research my favored subject, the anceint Thassilonians. My true passion comes from dungeon diving, finding a ruin that has never been found or explored before has givin me plenty of pleasure. For now I think I will rest and see what this sleepy town of Sandpoint has to offer.
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Seth Parsons |

Submitting Saif al-Din of the Fiery Sun, former slave turned warrior priest of the Sun Goddess Sarenrae.
I'm still filling out his background, but it'll be awesome I think.

DoubleGold |

@DoubleGold- If it fits in with a good story, I might allow it, but as I don't have anything to go on other than the Paizo stuff and what's in HeroLab, we'll have to see. I like the idea of the race, but there are others in the main rules that are similar...
Okay, so here is what I will go for bird form, I had a hard time deciding between the ones most often kept as pets: bird, dog and cat.
Backstory: (definitely having this up and seeing if it is allowed before adding in the rest of the crunch, backstory may be expanded to fit traits and feats and other crunch, but this is the most important part)
Kane was an elf that grew up with his pet named Hue(elf owl) He bonded well with his pet, in fact he took his owl everywhere. Not only did he take the owl everywhere, but the owl could speak. Kane and his owl played together they did things together and people were impressed. In fact, the owl even helped people with their math and science homework. Everyone enjoyed Kane's pet and they wanted to have a pet like that. The elf owl tried to teach other birds the tricks he learned, but few could learn them and even the ones that could only had only a basic understanding. Kane started to train for combat later on in his life and Hue was now very old, older than any owl should have lived, but Hue was respected and an anti-aging spell was put on him so that he would live much longer. Hue watched Kane is his practice battles and gave him good feedback in addition to what Kane's instructor gave. One day a group of Orcs decided to attack the town, and this time Kane was in battle for real. It was a rough battle and Kane had gotten in behind an Orc after a while and one of his allies threw a Chakram at one of the orcs. They were in good position and although the orcs had the numbers, Kane and his allies had better battle tactics, home-field advantage, and were eliminating them quickly. The Chakram was a good throw and would have severed the head of the lead Orc, but it was a tragic accident. The Chakram went to the left of the Orcs head, which would have severed the head however, Kane was just behind that Orc and off to that left and instead a slight misjudgment had instead killed Kane by way of friendly fire. The Orcs were killed off, but poor Kane, it was a tragic accident, leaving him headless. Hue cried when he saw poor Kane die, and Hue knew it his heart that Kane's friend would not have done this on purpose, that this truly was an accident, a sad and unfortunate accident, but nonetheless had ended Kane's life. The friends of Kane asked the Gods for advice. The deal was that if Hue was sacrificed his soul would live on with the Gods and Kane's body would bond with the owl's head, leaving part of Hue with Kane. Hue was okay with this, he knew he would miss Kane and wished to give him one last gift, his life back. Hue had been sacrificed in front of an alter where he died peacefully, his soul lived and on and Kane was able to live again.
Out of character comments during the backstory:
yes there is an actual owl called elf owl.
even though elf owls are not a speaking bird, almost any animal with enough int or training can speak even dogs, though it won't be clear words more like sounds but that can pass for works and well and you won't be able to have a conversation with most of them. Not to mention, birds are the ones most likely to be able to speak.
Now that backstory is finished, the species says to roleplay it a lot like a human, but the backstory would fit better to roleplay it a lot like an elf, this doesn't change abilities, just roleplay of the character. Why do I want this, well mostly because I like animals, if you decide against this, I'm okay with whatever animal race(s) you'd allow.