jimibones83 |

This is the discussion for RotR.
Since a statement is needed to open this thread, I'll use it as an opportunity to state the desired format for the gameplay thread. Its pretty typical, but here I this anyway
Player talk
"Inner dialog"
@Name "Telepathy"
Feel free to proofread after hitting the Submit Post button and then edit if something didn't come out right. I accidentally bold huge sections of text that weren't suppose to be bolded all the time. It's easy enough to fix afterword.
Spoilers can be read by anyone, but will typically be of no direct interest to anyone but those listed on the spoiler. If I have info that I want to make certain no one reads except who's intended, I'll PM you and usually ask for a "Roger" reply so that I know you received it. No need to use spoilers for dice rolls.
I think that covers it, and will forever be the first thing in dicussion if reference is needed:)

Narvolo |

Reporting for duty. What's the guidelines on spoilers? Generally, if I'm not listed on a spoiler, I don't read it. Some folks like reading other people's spoilers, which sort of defeats the purpose of them, but whatever.
Some GMs like all dice rolls in spoilers. So, that's one thing we should probably get added to the formating post above.

jimibones83 |

Reporting for duty. What's the guidelines on spoilers? Generally, if I'm not listed on a spoiler, I don't read it. Some folks like reading other people's spoilers, which sort of defeats the purpose of them, but whatever.
Some GMs like all dice rolls in spoilers. So, that's one thing we should probably get added to the formating post above.
ty, added

Nicolae "Nic" Plamen |

As a note, I currently have alchemical reagents on my sheet, but I should have asked first, are you going to allow Power Components and Reagents from the Adventurer's Armory and Alchemy Manual? If not I can change those out for normal equipment.

jimibones83 |

As a note, I currently have alchemical reagents on my sheet, but I should have asked first, are you going to allow Power Components and Reagents from the Adventurer's Armory and Alchemy Manual? If not I can change those out for normal equipment.
I'm not framiliar with them but if its Paizo then it should be fine. If they aren't on the pfsrd and I don't have the book containing them then I'll probably have to restrict them, but most things can be found on the pfsrd

Nicolae "Nic" Plamen |

They are from Pathfinder products, and are available for review on the d20PFSRD site if that is the one you to which you are referring.
The PRD does not have items or rules from the Adventurer's Armory or Alchemy Manual listed.
Either way is fine by me, the boost is minor, it is more for flavor and gives a caster a way to "sharpen their swords" as it were from time to time. Plus the Craft Alchemy and Profession "Cook" gives Nic the ability to be useful in the community, crafting items needed and earning enough to keep a roof over his head, food on the table, and refreshments in his flask.

jimibones83 |

@Nicolae & Narvolo when you guys get time can you format your skill something like this
Knowledge(Arcana): +6 [2 Int +1 rank +3 class]
Perception: +7 [1 Wis +1 rank +3 class +2 racial]
Spellcraft: +6 [2 Into +1 rank +3 class]
@Narvolo other than my preferance^ for skills, your sheet is great. Thank you sir:)
@Nicolae couple questions for you but I'll PM you since they are for you only, no reason to clutter up Discussion

Blue and Nu |

Ok. I've figured out how to create an alias (yay, me!). Now I just need to learn how to add all that useful information about my PC like the others have.

Blue and Nu |

Set-up alias. Check. Okay peeps, how did you get all that stat info in your subheader? Did you change the field names in the profile or just add it all in the class/level field?

Narvolo |

Checking in going to be making some minor tweaks to formating and might change starting equipment a little.
Not sure you know this, so if you do, please forgive me. You made a pathfinder society character alias, which is why your name tag is green instead of blue. This isn't a pathfinder society scenario (which has additional rule sets). You may want to keep your pathfinder society characters separate from regular characters so that it is easier to manage should you actually join a pathfinder society scenario in the future. If you don't plan on doing that, then it really doesn't matter.

jimibones83 |

OK, I checked out how Eleazar had done it on his profile and, as I suspected, it was just added to the class/level field, so I did the same.
I misread what you were wanting to accomplish. I thought you were having trouble getting all your info formatted on your sheet. It looks great at a glance though, good job
I'll give it a more thorough look here in a bit
Kus-Kus |

*DYNAMIC ENTRY!* "BOO-YAH! Not to worry, you all can relax... I am here at last!" *looks up and around at his compatriots* "And clearly not a moment too soon. This group of sorry saps is in desperate need of some good looks." *smooths head fringes*
Ready for action.

jimibones83 |

First off, I'd like to thank everyone for working with me to format their sheets in a way that was easy for me. You guys rock and thank you very much.
I sent out a few minor requests, but i can navigate everyones sheet pretty easily now. As your sheets get more complex with new gear and abilities, I will likely continue this process. I appreciate everyone's willingness to make it easy on me:)
That said, gameplay should be open by tomorrow evening, Monday evening at the latest. All that's keeping me from opening it right now is that I want to figure out how I'm going to handle maps first, which I'm going to start working on tonight. Once gameplay's open, feel free to start posting. The game will start out at the Swallowtail Festival, so feel free to post and mingle for a while. Once everyone's showed up I'll start moving the game along.
Cheers to a well paced and fun game guys!

Narvolo |

1) Me to figure out maps
See PM. Should clarify what you're having an issue with, or when it's a bit later US west coast time you can give me a ring.

Narvolo |

Is everybody ok with the Slowpokes section I posted under the Campaign Info tab?
It's your game, not my game, so I hesitate to give advice. But....
If you want a faster game without people missing the post, you should consider grouped initiatives. I've been playing a lot of PbB games, and I promise you nothing slows down the game more than doing combat in complete initiative order.
So, in my games, the DM rolls initiative, and let's say there are 6 players and 4 identical mobs and 1 special mob. Let's say Players 1 & 2 roll really well, then the special mob, then players 3-5, then the regular mob, then the last player (rolled a 1 or something).
it would look like this:
Player 1
Player 2
Special Mob
Player 3
Player 4
Player 5
Regular Mobs
Player 6
So, players 1 and 2 can post in any order. Then the DM does the special mob action, then:
Player 1
Player 2
Special Mob
Player 3
Player 4
Player 5
Regular Mobs
Player 6
Then players 3-5 can post in any order...and so on. Then regular mobs go, then you get:
Player 1
Player 2
Special Mob
Player 3
Player 4
Player 5
Regular Mobs
Player 6
Since the posts are much faster using this approach, I give the last person in the initiative set 6 hours from the last post. Some people might post in discussion what they intend to do, and I do it for them, but they have to take my roll as DM.
I promise, this system is much faster than doing it player by player, and you wont have as many people missing their post in the 4 hour window.

Narvolo |

I will normally do posts like that via PM, but I think it might have been helpful for others to see that particular one. That and the map makes the game far easier. I've already figured out my character's personality in two posts. I've been thinking of what to call the Earth Breaker. Finally got a name for it.

Vanea Lothmatis |

I've read the original RotRL players guide, and I cant see which campaign trait to take, as there are very few (Big game hunter, City/Country born, Totem spirit and Varisian Tatoo that i can't use, and Lone Wolf..)
Or do i miss something?

Vanea Lothmatis |

done. Looking at it. I should have finished my character sheet this afternoon.
I still have to buy my equipment, and maybe twist a thing or two (Domains & Skill)
But most is done, as you can see in my profile

Vanea Lothmatis |

I think everything is ready, if you want to check.I'll wait your appproval before posting in play, if you don't mind.
I still have some money, but i didn't know if we are allowed to buy scrolls of spells. I could have spend a little more money on my armor for aesthetics ( a well cut, form fitting leather armor is what I have in mind)

Kus-Kus |

You mean like a test run of gameplay/combat/encounter stuff?
Yeah, sure, I suppose. I'm all for jumping right into things and figuring out from there, but I can understand the need for organization as well.
Up to you, I'm peachy either way. :)

Narvolo |

Isn't that what weak first encounters are for? I call them the work-out-the-kinks encounters. Usually takes 1 or 2 of them to get it right. People forget this bonus, that bonus, link the map, move their character, what spell actually does what.
Had a guy in my other game cast Daze on an ooze in the first encounter and yells at me when I said it still attacked him. Look at your spell perhaps? Oh yeah, oops.

jimibones83 |

Im not worried about bonuses, i just figured it be good to go through a single round of mock combat so i knew everyone understood to hit enter, post the link, answer any questions. no need for dice rolls, just move your piece,say what you do and post yur updated link. ill be ready in just a few minutes