Rise of the Runelords

Game Master jimibones83


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Male Half-elf Ranger 3 (hp 27/27 | AC:17 | T:14 | FF:13 | CMD 18 | Fort +4 | Ref +7 | Will +1 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +6 | Perc: +8 | Speed 30 ft.)

"Well, their 'orsechoppers are not designed to be used from on top of the 'orse."

Blue quietly tries to open the outbuilding door, looking for evidence of horses. Before he opens it, however, he thinks about the dead goblins and the power of a horses kick, and stands to the side of the door as he opens it.

Female Sylph - Bard 2 / Fighter 1 [HP: 20/20 | Spells: 1(3/3) | Bardic Performance: 9/9 | Arrows: 29/40 | AC: 17, 13T, 14F | F2 R6 W3 | Perception: +5 | Init: +5]

"What do you think we'll find down there, Copper?"

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Eidolon(Quadruped) (HP 10/10; AC:16, T:14, FF:13; Fort:+2 Ref:+5 Will:+0; Init+3; Perception +12) (Effects: None)

"I dunno. More goblins probably. And hopefully Nualia so we can stop this mess. I just wanna go back and hang out at the Rusty Dragon." He whispers back.

Male Human Evoker Level 3 (HP 17/17 | AC:16 | T:12 | FF:14 CMB: 2 | CMD:14 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+3 | Will:+4 | Init:+4 | Perc: +7 | Speed 30')

Nic will move near to Natalia. We are getting to be getting no where like this, neh. I am thinking we should be to sticking close and with the quickness, scan these upper rooms then be to seeking our foes below.

We seem spread out and have lost a bit of focus. Perhaps our GM can get us back on track for what we have searched, scanned, or not yet checked.

F Aasimar Cleric

Well let's assume we all gathered at the room, now that Copper is checking the door.

"Agreed, spreading out in here is too risky for common sense."

The door to the outbuilding is nailed shut, with boards nailed over those nails. The door itself is splintered and cracked. Rohan kicks the door in and out charges an enraged horse. Blue calms the beast, but it would take a tremendous amount of work to tame. He insists on setting the creature free before continuing, to which the party seems happy to oblige.

There is little else of interest on this level, save for the stairs described by the captive goblin the day before.

Male Half-elf Ranger 3 (hp 27/27 | AC:17 | T:14 | FF:13 | CMD 18 | Fort +4 | Ref +7 | Will +1 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init +6 | Perc: +8 | Speed 30 ft.)

"Poor beast. Now I'm really annoyed. Let's 'ead down and put an end to this menace."

1st Level Spells - 2/2 Summon Monster 1 - 5/5
Summoner 1 (HP 14/14; AC:14, T:11, FF:13; Fort:+2 Ref:+1 Will:+1; Init+3; Perception -1)


Male Human Evoker Level 3 (HP 17/17 | AC:16 | T:12 | FF:14 CMB: 2 | CMD:14 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+3 | Will:+4 | Init:+4 | Perc: +7 | Speed 30')

Nic will allow the fighters to take the front, then station himself near the ladies, allowing them to proceed or follow behind, however they prefer.

Nic will set his Ioun Torch into orbit around his head, giving off light for the area.

Ladies, I would be honored to serve alongside you once more, bowing slightly and then letting them follow or lead as they chose.

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Serve us, Nic? Really?

Playful wink

Female Sylph - Bard 2 / Fighter 1 [HP: 20/20 | Spells: 1(3/3) | Bardic Performance: 9/9 | Arrows: 29/40 | AC: 17, 13T, 14F | F2 R6 W3 | Perception: +5 | Init: +5]

The word, 'alongside', seems to be quite... vague, for Vanea Nic.

female Half Elf Bard (1); Ini +1; HP 10/10; AC 14 T 11 FF13; Fort+1 Ref +3 Will+4; Perc +7; Bardic Performance 7/7 left

Well, supposing you're lying on a couch,on your side, and the man is right behind you, he can serve you alongside. And the longer the side, the better.

Naughty grin

Nothing vague there, dear.In fact, I can even be more descriptive, if you want. Dare me. Please

slaps Eloviel's bottom twice, her emerald eyes twinkling

Male Human Evoker Level 3 (HP 17/17 | AC:16 | T:12 | FF:14 CMB: 2 | CMD:14 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+3 | Will:+4 | Init:+4 | Perc: +7 | Speed 30')

Nic offers only a raised eyebrow and noticeable wink in reply to the ladies' banter, then ducks off after the fighters, motioning to Natalia and the ladies to follow, quickly to avoid a smack from Vanea should one be forthcoming.

Female Sylph - Bard 2 / Fighter 1 [HP: 20/20 | Spells: 1(3/3) | Bardic Performance: 9/9 | Arrows: 29/40 | AC: 17, 13T, 14F | F2 R6 W3 | Perception: +5 | Init: +5]

Unsuccessfully avoiding the playful slap, Eloviel responds "Well, I don't see any couches here Vanea but please do tell... Perhaps we'll find a, er, dungeon? for you?"

F Aasimar Cleric

"Alongside soft cuffs and new boots?"

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