jimibones83 |

alright it will go something like this
Narvolo: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Kus-Kus: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Natalia: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Vanea: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Zeehna: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Eleazar: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Blue: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Nicolae: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Goblins: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
When it's your groups turn, its first come first serve between you. After all 3 members of your group have gone then it is then next groups turn. your group has 6 hours maximum. If you haven't acted by then, then you will be considered to be taking a full defensive action where you stand and it initiative count will move on to the next group.
Click the link and move your token. Once you are where you want to be, hit enter, copy the new web address, and post it to the thread with your actions. The next guy will use your link to play off of.

jimibones83 |

Since I'm in the first group, I'll go first.
Two goblins charge Vanea and attack, while another does the same to Narvolo and another to Blue.
And now Kus-Kus or Nicolae can click my link and take their turn.
As you can see, clicking the link in my prior post still takes you to the map that was valid at the time of that post. This is useful, but dont forget when you are done moving your character to hit enter and attach the new web address to a link included in your post:)
If you haven't added a link to a post yet, its just as simple as bolding your text. Format is in the 'How to format your text' spoiler.

Nicolae "Nic" Plamen |

jimibones83 |

Kus-Kus |

Okie dokie, let's give this a shot.
Kus-Kus moves 20 ft. to the left, Quick Draw's a shortspear, and lobs it at the nearest goblin.
Shortspear: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
My rolls had better improve. Otherwise, I'll look like a little jackass.

jimibones83 |

^youve got it as well.
now it would be group 2's turn and the 3 of them would go first come first serve. pretty easy right? i like this system and this map program alot. this is going to work pretty well i think. go ahead and finish out the initiative order if you guys want, so everyone gets a chance to give it a shot. I'm re sizing some images now so we can get combat underway in gameplay

Natalia Irvington |

Posting from a mobile device incapable of ditzie editing, so just my action then.
Natalia moves 10 feet to the left and 1up. Looking at the right goblin in front of the redhead, she snap her fingers, " Hey there"
Cantrip Jolt
Ranged touch: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
Electric dmg: 1d3 ⇒ 2

Narvolo |

Narvolo sneers at the little green thing next to him. "You are puny. I will crush you." Becoming extremely angry at this puny green thing next to him, Narvolo enters a blood boiling RAGE (a free action). Lifting DOOM BRINGER over his head, he tries to slam it atop the puny green thing's head.
Earth Breaker with Rage Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Damage if hit: 2d6 + 9 ⇒ (6, 1) + 9 = 16
The swing misses his mark, as the puny green thing is too small for DOOM BRINGER. "Stand still so I crush you." Narvolo remains where he is.

Narvolo |

Posting from a mobile device incapable of ditzie editing, so just my action then.
If you find yourself in that spot, just say where you want to move and anyone can move you on the map easy enough and post a link.

jimibones83 |

Posting from a mobile device incapable of ditzie editing, so just my action then.
Natalia moves 10 feet to the left and 1up. Looking at the right goblin in front of the redhead, she snap her fingers, " Hey there"
Cantrip Jolt
[dice=Ranged touch]1d20+1
[dice=Electric dmg]1d3
Yeah I forgot to mention that it doesnt work on mobile devices. Handling it as you did will work just fine in a pinch though.
If anyone has to take their action from a mobile device I'll move them to the place they posted when it gets to my initiative unless someone else got to it before me.
NOTE* small request, not a very big deal, but lets format "I move 2 left and 1 up" in occ text though. I know I prolly appear picky but I'm just trying to establish a nice uniform thread from the beginning. Thanx to all for putting up with my anal retentive crap lol

Narvolo |

I updated Narvolo's profile as well based upon gameplay personality.

Blue and Nu |

The chattering of goblins makes Blue's pulse rush. "Won't Daviren be sour he missed this opportunity!" thinks he. With a small twist that sends his travel cloak flaring elegantly for the benefit of onlookers, Blue takes a few steps and attempts to leap upon the dais. (As his move action. Whether he succeeds or not, he draws his bow and nocks an arrow as his standard action.)
Jump: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Narvolo |

Other programs are puny. Ditzie will crush them.

jimibones83 |

@Narvolo Ok, I'm totally getting what your saying now. Everyone who rolled above me on initiative should be in the same group which will go before me, then me, then everyone who rolled below me in another group.
This encounter wont last long so tomorrow when we get to the encounter that counts we will definitely do it that way, which will certainly speed things up!
EDITED* Cuz now I understand lol

jimibones83 |

To clarify, if vanea hasnt went within 6 hours of my post in gameplay then it will be group 1's turn in full initiative. I'm confident people in group 1 will take their turns but if for some reason they didnt then 12 hours after my post in gameplay then it would be group 2's turn
this will be a little easier and faster tomorrow when we get to a real encounter and i post a proper initiative grouping for the next encounter

Vanea Lothmatis |

I'm sorry, but I'm French.^^
So i'm on European time, sleeping when you're awake and posting like possessed rabid bunnies.
Vanea tries to swing her mace at the small hateful thing
Mace attack: 1d20 ⇒ 7
damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5
but miss

jimibones83 |

Possessed rabid bunnies, lol
Head over to gameplay and catch up, its yur turn over there. This was just a round of mock battle so I could tell if everyone understood how to update the map.
What you do is click the link in the last post to open the map, move yourself where you want to go, click enter (which generates a new web address), copy that new web address, and paste it in your post with your description of what your doing with your turn. Then the next guy will use your link since its of an updated map

jimibones83 |

@Vanea yur in group 1, so now that the surprise round is over its actually your turn again (I screwed up initiative amd we just rolled with it). That song would certainly take more than a surprise round to sing though, so if you would be so kind as to post that you continue to sing that would be great, unless you want to cut it short right after your started and do something else lol

Blue and Nu |

Oops, I guess I might have mentioned that I'm in Germany. And yet, I imagined the idea of play-by-post is that you could be anywhere. Nice touch with the Puccini, Vanea.

jimibones83 |

Oops, I guess I might have mentioned that I'm in Germany. And yet, I imagined the idea of play-by-post is that you could be anywhere. Nice touch with the Puccini, Vanea.
yes, but this particular pbp game is special. we are trying to achieve a fast pace so i figured it would be helpful for everyone to be in time zones that weren't to far apart. its ok though cuz we got several of ya's over there so we will work with it

Narvolo |

PST, or GMT -7
My default language is "Google Translate".

jimibones83 |

Its now Group 1's turn. Its first come first serve between the members listed under Group 1. Group 1 has a maximum of 6 hours for its members to complete their turns, at which point all members of Group 1 who have not taken their turn will be considered to be standing in place taking the full defense action, and initiative will move on to Group 2. If all members of Group 1 complete their turn before the allotted 6 hours then Group 2's turn begins when final post was made by Group 1.

Narvolo |

You might need a few different color objects to represent spells (and perhaps a dead being indicator). Players can drag the color objects down and use them to indicate their target(s) as well of spells and/or range attacks. You can copy them from my folder if you wish, #61172.

Nicolae "Nic" Plamen |

I just realized when I checked up before turning in for a few hours, I stated the spell duration was 2 rounds, when it should have been 2 minutes. Sorry about that, I was rushing to finish some other work around the kitchen.

Narvolo |

Well, I'm lazy and just do it each time. But, to alter the original, you select "edit photo" under the drop down of the thumbnail, then go to the modify photo tab, and then in the scale section you can change the size.
Never done it, but that's the way to do it. I think that would work if you had maps that always had identical size boxes. But, that's not likely.
As for the spell effects, ya. we make them pretty small if it's specific to a mob. But, since one of them is casting an AOE spell, they can drag a circle icon and resize it if they want to be specific, or they can drop it down and you calculate the radius and what is and isn't affected.
Or you can make multiple of them to represent dancing lights spell. My group is familiar with ditzie so they know to resize stuff. Those icons can come in handy in case there's a 3rd dimension you are trying to emphasize, like a map with a belltower, I put the red circle and said that's where the 3 story belltower is on the map. Never know when you're gonna need that kind of thing or what a player might cast.