Rise of the Runelords

Game Master SweeperAZ

A local festival, what could possibly go wrong?

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Male Human Rogue 1

Weylyn wakes late. Well, later than he'd meant to.

Quick face wash, scrub the pits, scratch a knife across the cheek and he's off.

Walking briskly, Weylyn passes home and shop alike grinning like an idiot. So this is what purpose feels like?

He keeps his eyes straight ahead to avoid temptation, but he can't help snatching a cooling meat pie from a low window.

I hope mum is still in her sleep...

He shoves the tart in his pocket wrapped in a kerchief.

Entering the Dragon, Weylyn spots Oded at a table and head over.

"Madam Ameiko! May I trouble you for some food? Dark bread, fried eggs, and burnt bacon please."

Elf Wizard (Conjuration) 4/ Hp: 32/32 Init: +5; Perception +11(+13); AC 13(17)/13/10(14); F+2, R+4, W+5; CMD: 16

Real life takes priority. Thanks for making time to game with us.

Berenwyr ends his elven reverie reasonably early and performs his arcane morning ablutions and meditations with rigorous discipline while Singe squawks irritably at him, obviously hungry. After cleaning his mask, robes and boots with a quick flick of prestidigitation he dons his usual garb, belts on his dagger and spell component pouch, hefts his walking staff and resumes his reading of the large tome on Thassilonian history. Nose in the book, he makes his way down the stairs, staff thumping on the wooden steps to announce his arrival.

Whole grains, fruit, and is that fried fish I smell? Some of those if they're the small, tasty ones I should think, he mumbles to waitress as he passes her by. He finally takes a seat with Oded and Weylyn, and continues to peruse the weighty tome, occasionally mumbling to himself Fascinating, just fascinating while Singe flaps up to the rafters and loudly quorks,
Corn! Corn ar gyfer Singe! Singe llwglyd! Corn nawr!

Corn! Corn for Singe! Singe hungry! Corn now!

Male Human Rogue 1

"Beren, your bird wants something."

Weylyn chuckles as he bites his bread.

Male Human Paladin/1

Darius pulls his head from the chamber pot for the second time and after pausing to make sure that, this time, he is truly done, he walks over and washes his face and rinses his mouth...again. "I swear by any god that is listening that I will never touch another sip of that thrice-damned liquor." The young man tells his reflection in the mirror hanging by the rooms door.

He walks slowly down the steps to the common room, each step feeling like his head is being squeezed by a cloud giant. Seeing the others, he walks over and lays his head, gently, on the table, wincing with each word that passes between the companions.

Male Human Rogue 1

Seeing Darius waddle down the stairs, Weylyn mumbles something to himself and walks to the bar. A moment later he returns with a glass of water and a vial of what looks like salt. He empties the vial into the water and puts it firmly in Darius' hand.

"Drink this. You'll be yourself in less than 10 minutes."

Bought Alchemist's Kindness for 1 gp. It appears in the APG and cures a Hangover in 10 minutes.

Male Human Paladin/1

Eyes still closed, Darius downs the drink and returns his head to the table without a word.

So PF has a version of Thank Prime. Nice.

Those that did order breakfast get it before long. The patron that is woofing down his breakfast finishes, tosses some coins on the table and leaves.

The waitress looks at Darius, "Feeling well enough to stomach some food? Some bread and fruit would do you well."

Male Human Paladin/1

Lifting his head and opening one eye, Darius answers the girl. "Yes, my dear, we must soldier on."

Male Human Rogue 1

For the record, I am really enjoying the roleplay with you fine people.

Male Human Paladin/1
Weylyn Dell wrote:
For the record, I am really enjoying the roleplay with you fine people.

Same here!

Once everyone's together, we can move on to whatever scene comes up next.

Male Dwarf Fighter - 1

All set.

Well, if the paladin isnt too much of a girl after last night, perhaps we're off to see the mayor and sheriff? And, from what I saw of the lot of you conversing, I bet you got more information than we had yesterday.

Oded swings off the chair and hops down, ready to head for the door. His newer, slightly smaller, axe hangs next to a shiny shield whose appearance has yet to be marred.

Male Human Paladin/1

Darius stands and slams his hand down on Oded's shoulder. "Yes Master dwarf! We can not find adventure here!" He booms and the wince turns to a smile. "At least not until we are once again deep into the cups!" He gives a great guffaw as he follows Oded to the door.

Let's see, where were we...

As soon as you finish up your respective breaking of yon fast and head open the door to the inn, Deputy Drum falls inward. It appears that the randomness of life conspired to have you open the door just as he pushed on it to open it.

"Ah, there you are." he says, picking himself up from the floor.I was sent to collect you. The Sheriff is ready to talk to your group about the hunt."

Male Human Rogue 1

"Excellent Drum! Still deep in your cups I see!"

Weylyn strolls gladly out into the morning, not waiting for Drum's rebuttal.

Male Dwarf Fighter - 1

Fantastic. Time to get this little show on the road.

Oded sidesteps the deputy before heading out after Weylyn, looking back to check and see who exactly would follow.

Elf Wizard (Conjuration) 4/ Hp: 32/32 Init: +5; Perception +11(+13); AC 13(17)/13/10(14); F+2, R+4, W+5; CMD: 16

Berenwyr gathers up his bird, book and staff and gives the deputy an inscrutable look of deepest sympathy as he passes through the threshold into a new day.

Male Human Paladin/1

Darius falls into step with the others.

Male Dwarf Fighter - 1

And then there were four.

Oded looks behind him, and sees who is following.

Fine. The girly ones can have the run of the tavern. That is, until the women see what the rest of us will do.

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