Rise of a Regent Campaign Thread

Game Master Illydth

A prince sent into exile returns to his homeland to take back his throne, save the region, and maybe even the world.

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Did we clear the first floor? If so, let's go up. If not, let's go back down and make sure there's nothing behind us. Also, we might want to send a PM to everyone. There were some glitches with the notification system last week and I wasn't seeing updates on some of my other games. So we might want to make sure that everyone knows we're moving on.

Female Human Sorcerer (favored) 4 / Witch 1

I am currently out of town for a funeral. Will be able to post when I get back.

Male Human Ranger 5

Sorry to hear that, my thoughts and prayers.

Male Human Ranger 5

Maybe I'm too into stepping into another dimension!

Female Human Sorcerer (favored) 4 / Witch 1

lol, I have to admit it might be fun. I'm just not sure what kind of dimension it is with baboons and baboon-demons running around. Sounds kind of dangerous.

Male Human Ranger 5

That's true...damn this curiosity of mine!


BTW, Nice touch on the last post Selena. I enjoyed that :)

Male Human Ranger 5

I'll be gone tomorrow. RL group is meeting!

F Human Rogue 5

So out of town for a Valantine's day/Anniversary weekend. Not sure how much posting you'll see out of me before Monday. If need be DMPC me.

Male Human Ranger 5

All, I will be unavailable starting tonight Friday, 8/9/2013, without internet or cell service until the evening Sunday, 8/11/2013.

Female Human Sorcerer (favored) 4 / Witch 1

Finally got Internet Connection back after almost over a month. :(

Glad to see you back Selena. Any chance you can check back in with Trout's game? (This is Drovya, btw.)

Also, maybe the rest of us can do a roll call, see who's around, who's MIA and try to get this game going again.

Male Human Ranger 5

Still here! Good to see you back Selena!

Female Human Sorcerer (favored) 4 / Witch 1
Thantos the Mage wrote:

Glad to see you back Selena. Any chance you can check back in with Trout's game? (This is Drovya, btw.)

Also, maybe the rest of us can do a roll call, see who's around, who's MIA and try to get this game going again.

Oh, Trout's game....? There are so many games that quit in my absence, that I don't see where that one is. I thought it had been ended too. :( I'll look for it.

F Human Rogue 5

Wow, welcome back!

Male Human Ranger 5

Any updates DM? :)

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