Edgar Arrowni |

Here is Edgar. I noticed a problem with the account saying that my name was already choosen as well, but it made the account, it just won't let me change the profile pic.
Any recommendations on a light martial weapon Proficiency I should take? Having trouble deciding.

Purplefixer |

Hiiiiii... I'm Purplefixer, your local Lawful Evil Rules Vampire. Ask me some questions, and I may or may not tell you lies, at my discression, for anywhere up to 200$ an hour, pro-rated.
I'll be playing Eaton Starse, the Iron Magus. ;p
Well spotted, sir! o.q Monocle smile!

DM Rennick |

I'm a pretty big comic nerd, you'd need to be a lot more vague to slip one past me, :p
On a much less cool note, I planned on starting today because it's my day off, lots of time to brainstorm the opener... I just got called in. So, I MAY be able to get our opening up tonight, but more likely it'll be tomorrow.

EatonStarse |

There we are! All included. Fear the mighty spell-power of my Acid Splash!
I'll be waiting with baited breath.
And without tiny shards of metal threatening to kill me by burrowing into my heart in any way. >.>
Yes I want a living suit of armor. No it doesn't need to be painted red and gold. Yes I want to fly and shoot beams out of my hands. The similarities end there! >.> Mostly.
It's an homage! I read the class and went... "Hngh. I could totally do Iron Man if I could find a way to make the armor fl... Oh look, Hexcrafter! Witches can fly as a spell-like ability!"
How could I not? This isn't nearly as bad as my invulnerable Aasimar Monk who shot lazers from his eyes...
Now On Deck: Shield Specialist Fighter with throwing and returning on his shield. Who will in no way be a captain in the Andoran military. Probably.
And I'm not the one who came up with an Alchemist archetype that turns your character giant, purple, and angry! GNOME SMASH!
Because gamers are nerds, and we love to sneak our other hobbies into our gaming. LN Half-Elf Monk. ... Spock much? If at any point the half-elf says 'fascinating' send him to the corner.
Even without the Iron Man reference, the concept sounds like a -blast- to play. Wearable Constructs? Immunity to magic? Shooting Scorching Rays? With secondary BAB? Flying at will (or near enough by 7th level)?! Sign me up!
I have plenty of time, but on that back burner needs to go thoughts for what I'm going to call the construct, if/when I am able to make it. Certainly can't go with Jarvis. ;p
I'm really eager to start the RP and see where it goes, since my combat-inept character with acid splash can basically kill rats if I make the spell-failure chance (assuming manacles) and that's all at the moment. I'm seriously considering dropping my Int by 1 and raising my dex and str by one each... O.o I'd like to live to see 4th level. But I conceptually need SO many skill points. I didn't get to take half the knowledges I wanted, and no spellcraft. I'll be playing catch-up if I can get him to survive to three. But that's part of the fun of first level characters. So much to look forward to, so much to gain, so far to go.
Just cross your fingers no one is knocked overboard trying to tackle a flat-footed half-blind pirate! That happens at first level. Also, people kill things with doors.

EatonStarse |

/me vibrates impatiently in the hopes of being beaten and hurled into the hold like a sack of very valuable grain...
Pirate Leader: "Why should we believe you when you say you're a nobleman?"
Eaton: "Because... unlike SOME player characters, *I* spent a first level feat on it."

DM Rennick |

Lol, careful. I've known DM's who've turned smaller statements than that into player requests or ideas.
*scribbling furiously in DM notebook* Have fireball explode in Eaton's face, causing damage to heart... if he survives the check... and must be repaired by a clockwork mechanis..*looks up*.... what?
We are officially started! YAY! *kermit dance*
The game is up here: Unhallowed Waters
I'm still working out if we'll be using anything for documents or whatnot and I'll let you know what I need once I have that sorted. for now, go post!

EatonStarse |

What is this 'senility' of which you speak? Everyone knows that in Pathfinder, old men have sharper vision and hearing, crisper memory, get confused less often, and speak more clearly, and with greater force, than young men! It's how you can tell you're getting closer to dying of old age!

DM Rennick |

While I haven't worked out every detail of how things happened (Example: Fort Rannick was reclaimed but then pretty much forgotten - you know, like the adventure does itself,) assume that all three of the original "varisian" trilogy have happened. The "Heroes" of the first two APs will be the iconics featured in the books (So for RotRL it'd be Mereisiel, Valeros, Harsk, Seoni and Ezren.) Not sure about the third because I'm running out of Iconics, :p
But yes, it's after the events of Crimson Throne.

Purplefixer |

Excellent, thank you.
In our campaign, with the death of Ileosa, we animated three of the former lords of Korvosa as Juju Zombies and set them up with disguise/gentle repose amulets to rule the country after Ileosa's death. I'm aware MOST groups would not have had a highly charismatic necromancer on staff and wouldn't have allowed such an incredibly heinous trick. :D
Out of curiosity, who's in charge of Korvosa now? In case Eaton has to spout off about some noble trivia or current event.

DM Rennick |

By Cayden's cup! you guys write alot. (Which is awesome)
though there will be a bit of (very minor) editing on my part - specifically in relation to Emilia answering folks.
Things to keep in mind: The bottom of the pit is not filling, think of pouring water on a beach, the sand absorbs it.
the pit is 7 ft deep, So an easy climb out - if not for the pesky wooden cage cover.
I'll be updating when I get home from work.

DM Rennick |

Alrighty, you can post out of order, but I will be writing the results to the order given, so if two people attack the same enemy, the higher initiative takes priority.
ACs and HP for them are posted so you can determine the outcomes of your rolls without needing to wait for me.

DM Rennick |

Hey guys,
Today's going to be delayed, for two reasons.
First of all, as I've mentioned before I have a big move coming up, and need to sort and pack.
Secondly, I'm trying to find some new (to me) ways of making my games here run more smoothly, and I'm finally sitting down and figuring out how to use MapTools, so I can have some quick and easy maps for you guys for encounters.
On that note, could everyone put up an email for me, so I can make a google docs (something else I've never used) account for us to upload these maps. thanks!