Rennick's Unhallowed Waters PbP (Inactive)

Game Master Rennick

A Tale of adventure and intrigue upon the High Seas!

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Small crunch change. Moved the 14 from dex to wis since the bonus to her survival and heal skills made more sense.

Eaton Starse, of the Noble House Starse, The Iron House Starse, The
Iron Lord (Son of the Iron Count)

The Crunch:

CG Human Hex-Crafter Magus
str 12
Dex 13
Con 10
Int 16
Wis 10
Cha 16

Artistic Dilettante (Taldan - Human): +1 trait bonus on appraise
and craft armor.
Mercantile (Campaign): Diplomacy and Linguistics are class skills,
and +1. (Gain 1 language)

*Appraise 0+1/3/4
Craft (Armor) 1+1/3/+8
Craft (Weaponry)
Diplomacy 1+1/3/+8
Know (Arcana)
*Know (Local) 1+1/3/+5
Know (Nobility) 1+3/3/+10
Know (Dungeoneering)
Know (Planes)
*Know (Nature)
*Know (Religion)
*Know (Geography)
*Know (Engineering) 1+1/3/+5
Linguistics 1+1/3/+8
Perform (Dance) 1/3/4
Profession ()
Profession ()
Use Magic Device

Languages: Common, Varisian, Azlanti, Dwarven, Draconic, Celestial
Ragged (formerly extremely expensive) Travelers Garb

(H) Noble Scion (Class Skill: Know: Nobility) - Scion of Lore
((Inner Sea World Guide p288))
Improved Unarmed Strike (1)


Your Background:

It is impossible to discuss young Lord Eaton Starse without first
discussing Count Iocab "Iron" Eroden-Starse and his wife, The
Countess Cloe Starse. Iocab's violet eyes (inherited by his son)
and sharpened features, along with his midnight hair, are
considered by most to be 'clear indications' of thick Azlanti
blood. Further, with his claim of direct descent from Aroden, and
Countess Cloe's verifiable direct relation to the crown of Taldor,
how could their eldest son and heir be anything BUT magnificent?
All well-justified Taldan snobbery aside, he's just that lovely.
That grand. That brilliant. *THAT* captured by pirates! Oh...
we'll get there, no worries.

Baby Lord Eaton was born a mere nineteen years ago only a year and
a half after the near-scandalous wedding of Lady Cloe Starse (8th
in line to the Taldan throne at the time) to a mere commoner of
fantastic cosmic power. A potent enchanter in his own right, Iocab
The Elegant turned his attention on the lovely Lady Cloe and wooed
her right out of her shoes. Nearly twenty years of adventuring and
spell-research had left him quite wealthy, and with only a few
pawnings of great and powerful magical items (some of his own
making) the construct master put aside his in-laws' mad request for
dowry and shooed them with a flick of his reality-bending fingers.
A decade ago it was all scandal and rage, but local tempers have
cooled, and there is no doubting the potency of the possible
pedigree bred into the House of Starse. Less than two years after
the wedding, Count Starse was murdered by beardless hooligans on
the street, and it took only another eighteen months for the
Dowager Countess Starse to fall silent beneath the pall of an
unmistakably broken heart.

Baby Lord Eaton grew into Young Master Eaton at his father's
miraculous side, watching tables walk and stone vanish into gas.
He learned his first words of Azlanti with his first words of the
common Varisian, and could speak fluent Dwarven by 6 years of age.
His father insisted on excellence in decorum and arcane skill,
while his mother's over-paid tutors taught him courtly decorum and
the lines of heredity and the languages of the heavens. He learned
the artistry of chain and the accurate dance of the falcata, and to
his father's delight was able to blend both arcane and martial
masteries into a sum greater than its parts.

By the time Young Lord Eaton reached 11 years of age he had
mastered his first cantrips, and begun his physical regimen with
his tutor, a sensei of the Stalwart Fist (arranged some fifteen
years before his birth by his late grandfather!). It was during
these formative years that Count Iocab gained the name 'The Iron'.
Six Iron Golems were enchanted to act as his honor guard, and he
put them to work for six months in the mines of Highhelm as a favor
and contest to the dwarven king, a patron from adventuring years
past. As a result, the Starse family secured contracts for
enormous loads of iron, becoming a foremost power in the export of
iron from Taldor, and in the manufacture of the arms of war.

Weapons, armor, barding, and even some exotic devices claiming to
match the fabled firearms of Alkenstar became highly sought after
commodities that the Iron Count could offer cheaper, easier, and
instantly delivered via teleport to anywhere in Avistan and the
northern Mwangi Expanse. Eaton would travel with many of these,
meeting the warlords and masters-at-arms that his father did
business with, watching the iron made to spill men's blood grow
ever more common in the world at large.

Young Lord Eaton has grown tired and unhappy with his father's
business, and yearns for love and adventure of his own in his life. His father, now into his sixties, is growing frail in his old age,
and has greatly slowed his actual involvement in the arms trade,
but the name lives on, indelibly inked in blood. It has even begun
to slip into public knowledge that Count Iocab Starse may be
rusting around the edges, his eyesight failing entirely.

Eaton has managed to make the acquaintance of Eriden, if not become
outright friends, and brought a set of Taldan hair-pins, all
mithril-chased darkwood "Better than mere elven-wrought art" for
Young Madame Emilia, an age-mate and possible target for the idle
lord's fancy. The Iron Count's business with the Valdemar Shippers
ensured a rather constant stream of contact between the two
families, and the Countess -insists- on proper observances of
decorum for such a valuable ally. Valued at over a thousand pieces
of Taldan gold, the pins themselves are no pittance, but what
greater prize would the lordling himself be? Without his spellbook
he'll quickly run short of arcane power, and without that pouch of
exotic components he's virtually helpless, right? A wizard without
his tools and all?

Your Personality:

Young Lord Eaton is a hero waiting to happen. He drinks too much,
he sleeps around a bit too much, he has a faint 'better than thou'
aire to him, but in his heart of hearts, he wants to help people.
He wants to be a better man than his avaricious father. He wants
to make a dent in the world that the gods won't soon forget, and he
wants that dent to fill up with peace like the scars of those many
wars his father has supplied have filled up with so much blood. He
is repentant, and that's why he drinks. He is lonely, and that's
why he whores. But he is a hero, and even a broken heart cannot
keep him down. Not when he can bind it in enchanted iron, and
strike out against those who would shroud the world in darkness.

Your Appearance:

Frankly, gorgeous. With the sharp, aquiline features of his
reputed Azlanti ancestry, and the striking violet of his sharp
eyes, the Magi could grace the cover of trashy romance novels from
here to Katapesh. He is tall (just over six foot) and lean, with a
swimmer's build and a certain grace. Thanks to readily available
healing magic and his families piles upon piles of gold, he has no
scars, and he keeps his hair clipped to a neat tousle atop his
head, short on the sides. He wears a beard, perfectly groomed and
tightly curled against his chin and jaw into a van-dyke, the
whiskers midnight against his fair skin.

What do people know about you:

Publicly acknowledged as a spoiled, snobbish playboy, Lord Eaton is
also hailed as a lack-wit, a hound dog, and a fop. He is assumed
useless, as so many Taldan nobility are, as if people have
that his father is a powerful Enchanter and Golem
Crafter of no small repute, who once ran with a highly dangerous
crowd and did some highly dangerous things, and really learned the
value of a good weekend at home, by spending so many weekends up to
his elbows in the entrails of monsters, warlords, and monstrous
warlords. (Not to mention evil cults, dark fairy circuses, and an
uprising in the dwarven lands.) People make assumptions, and the
usual result is rolled eyes, curled lip, and "Oh... one of -those-.

I wonder if I can get him to buy me lunch." Similarly lazy and
useless people often make the mistake of actually getting him to
party with them for long periods of time, because he's too polite
to tell them to go F- themselves, and they're too boorish to take a
polite hint.

What does your character want in life?:

Eaton wants people NOT to think of him as a fop, a lack-wit, a
hound-dog, and a useless Taldan lordling. He has worked HARD to
gain the meagre skills he possesses (and truthfully, can slap the
tar out of most people who would try to threaten him) and would
really like justly deserved recognition. Not that that's a primary
motivation! He has plans, to undue some of the harm his father has
done. To surpass the old man with a sort of 'one construct to rule
them all', and to have that construct governed by the intellect of
a good, and free man. Something powerful. Something unstoppable.
A weapon to force peace and to defend the helpless, to break the
chains of the oppressed and kick down the iron towers of those who
stomp on their screaming backs. He wants someone who sees though
all the fluff that surrounds him and can cut to the heart and see
the real him. Someone to inspire him and to be inspired by him.
He wants to be worthy. He wants to be a hero. It'll probably get
him killed.

Blarg; I haven't had time to finish working up an application. Yay for a busy weekend. I'm going to have to withdraw at this point. Have fun, folks!

All else being equal...

I'm really looking forward to getting to play my FIRST Paizo Forums PbP game. I don't have any under my belt. I've played IRC and MUD and even run ORPG games, and played a PbP vampire game, but never Pathfinder.

Even if its not this one. Try not to stagger under the weight of my background! I got carried away! S'why I didn't get it done till after class today. ^.^

DM Rennick - Is there anything else you care to see from your submissions before you close the thread and pick the lucky few?

and Purplefixer -Welcome to the world of Pathfinder PbP. :)



"Button, button, who's got the button... my money's on the witch..."

Color me intrigued. Needs to find me a new picture for Eaton if I play this campaign for my alias.

Yes, welcome Purplefixer; you'll find Pathfinder lends itself well to a PbP format. As you probably learned with your Vampire game, you just have to have a fair amount of patience and be willing to roll with the punches.

Dotting for interest. Should have full app later this evening.

Welcome to Paizo, Purplefixer!

I don't need anything else, no, but some notes:

I have a really busy life, hectic even, so while I try to update every day (save weekends) it doesn't always happen. Realistically its ever two days, and I do have stretches of time where I dissapear, mostly cause I'm working alot of doubles. If it's any more then a 2 day wait I will pop onto the OOC thread and let everyone know.

I'll be going on Hiatus at the start of September. I'm moving from Canada to England to start my Master's Degree.

So yeah, like Itharian said, patience and roll with the punches.

If these caveats are enough to make anyone leary I reccomend you pull out of the running.

And I want you guys to know that if I don't pick you, it is not a comment on you or your characters! there are too many amazingly well done characters. I am going to be starting a Sandpoint based PbP soon and hope that anyone who didn't get in on this round tries there as well.

Shadow Lodge

Purplefixer, welcome to the boards!

Just in case others didn't notice... Eaton Starse = Tony Stark

Totally missed it. That does explain his personality and background though.

Well spotted, sir... well spotted. There is a definite homage.

Now to find out if you'll let me take the Craft Construct and "Construct Armor" modification from UM to make his full dream a reality!

Of course, not getting craft construct till -fifteen- may put a crimp in his style. Sadly, I have to rely on Kukri to get the job done.

-.- Stupid no 18+ threat weapon gloves...

I...missed that, and now I can't stop laughing and squeeing. Well played, sir, well played!

Here's my concept... hopefully it's interesting engouh to get in. :)

Male Lizardfolk Paladin (Divine Defender, Holy Tactician, Warrior of the Holy Light) 1
LG Medium Humanoid
Init +1; Senses Perception +1
AC 13, touch 11, flat-footed 12. . (+1 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +3
Spd 30 ft., Swimming (15 feet)
Melee Claw (Lizardfolk) +2 (1d4+1/20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +2 (1d3+1/20/x2)
Spell-Like Abilities Detect Evil (At will)
Str 12, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 16
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 13
Feats Hardened Scales
Traits Child of the Temple: Knowledge: Nobility, Navigator
Skills Acrobatics +9, Diplomacy +7, Knowledge: Geography +5, Knowledge: Religion +5, Survival +2, Swim +9
Languages Common, Draconic
SQ Aura of Good (Ex), Hold Breath (x4) (Ex), Weal's Champion +3/+0 (self), +1/+1 (allies) (1/day) (Su)

Weal's Champion +3/+0 (self), +1/+1 (allies) (1/day) (Su) - 0/1
Aura of Good (Ex) The paladin has an Aura of Good with power equal to her class level.
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use Detect Evil at will (as the spell).
Hold Breath (x4) (Ex) You can stay under water longer than normal.
Swimming (15 feet) You have a Swim speed.
Weal's Champion +3/+0 (self), +1/+1 (allies) (1/day) (Su) Self bonus for 1 rds. If hit then allies get bonuses vs same foe for 1 rd.

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Appearance: Tall with bluish-green scales and gold-flecked eyes, S'skaar (pronounced S-scar-ar) appears to be a typical member of the Lizardfolk race, but should anyone approach close enough, they will see some humor and joy reflected in his eyes which is atypical for his kind.
Personality: Quiet and reserved, S'skaar has a tendency to observe rather than speak. Because of his upbringing, he's managed to be understanding about people taking him for one of his more savage kinsfolk, and tries to calm their fears when they take a breath from berating or cursing at him. When he enters combat though, his tendency is to be quick and precise, striking where he feels it will do the most good to protect his companions.
Background: S'skaar's beginnings were relatively humble. Born among a tribe of his own kind, his early years were typical for a lizardfolk. However, when he was just 5 years old a band of marauding ogres and giants tore through the encampment, killing everyone in their way. The marauders were pursued by a group of adventurers led by a cleric of Sarenrae. Feeling guilty that his actions had forced the marauders through the lizardfolk's camp, he took S'skaar back to his temple to raise.

Growing up, S'skaar endured everything from bullying and assault by the other youths of the temple, just because he was not a typical humanoid. He found himself studying more and more the martial arts rather than the divine ones. He also found himself being called by the goddess herself to serve. As he approached what would be an adult age for humans, his father, now patron of the temple sent him on a mission to far lands in search of a holy relic. To reach the lands, he took a working passage on the North Star as a navigator.

What do people know about you:Follower of Sarenrae, good sense of humor when with friends.

What does your character want in life? To prove himself worthy of Sarenrae's faith and to lead the temple.

Updated the crunch.

DM Rennick wrote:

Tellar Bronseve - One of the more interesting Oracle characters I've seen, and well suited to the game. Get me some basic crunch (Stats, your trait) and what not. The more the better, but not needed at the moment.

Just making sure you saw the additional section I posted with the character stat build. I'm glad you like the concept, I've really wanted to run an Oracle for a while now and I'm also a huge fan of nautical campaigns so the two together really helped get the creative juices flowing as they say.

Ditto for being a huge fan of nautical campaigns

Here is Tommy Ten Tows in all his glorious avatarness.

Same here regarding nautical campaigns that's why I'm running one of my own. Just wanted a chance to play in one as well. :)

Though for nautical campaigns I really love 7th Sea.

Sovereign Court

ahhh... 7th Sea :) Swashbuckling Adventures book of brokeness for 3.5 :)

Alright, you guys REALLY did not make this easy on me, and I wish I was better at DMing larger groups because honestly I have a ton of crumpled papers, each with party lists and some of them are completely different, I could make an entirely new party on top of this one. :s If Only.

So that said, Thank you to everyone. If you did not get in to this game, please apply for my upcoming Sandpoint PbP (Ad will be up tomorrow!) Because There's a lot of you I'd love to RP with that I can't give a chance to yet.

So without further ado, The Party for Unhallowed Waters is:

- Sinders
- Eaton Starse
- Tellar Bronseve
- Phaedra Valerius
- Edgar Arrowni

I will have an OOC thread up shortly, and the game should begin tomorrow (I think, no promises)

Thanks for giving me a chance and I look forward to playing with all of you. I'll have Tellar's profile created shortly.

I am jacks crushing disappointment... good luck to everyone it looks like a great game

Unhallowed Waters OOC thread

I wish everyone that was chosen the best; I'll be watching for the Sandpoint thread.

Dark Archive

Thanks for consideration...Good Luck to everyone selected

-cheers for Sinders-

Thanks for considering me, I'll stick around and wait for your Sandpoint thread. :) Question: Do you mind if I dot your high seas game once it starts?

I wouldn't mind at all,

And thanks (to everyone) for applying. This wasn't easy and in some cases (Acidrica and Fraust definitely) it wasn't an easy call at all. Decisions were based off character backgrounds, writing, how I felt they fit into the party and what plot hooks I could see in their backgrounds. People who had Rogue like builds had a harder time because there were just more of you, Kale and Phaedra was honestly a dice roll, the two were so close in my mind, and Qualin was looked over specifically because Fraust expressed such an interest in the Sandpoint game that I decided to wait for that one to accept him.

Did you care for my (Itharian) background at all? Should I count it out entirely when I apply for the Sandpoint game, and start from scratch?

The fact that I made it a hard decision for you just fills me with glee. Glee I say! Kale was originally thought up for a game in Sandpoint, so I'll probably just revert him back to how I originally made him once recruitment starts, if you're alright with that. :)

Thanks again for the awesome! Recruitment is hard, I recently had to start two games instead of one because I couldn't decide on just 6.

I liked Itharian quite a bit, actually. And he was definitely one that was hard to cut (and has his name on a number of those discarded party lists) You'd need to tweak the second part of his biography, as this won't be a sea faring game, but he's a strong character that I really enjoyed.

Shadow Lodge

Wow... I really did not expect to be picked but thanks Rennick, really! :)

Thanks acidrica! I appreciate that! :D

I think I might have gone a bit over the top in the characterization but he just flowed so well lol. I tried to differentiate by going the sea bard route but I like him so much the next time I see a sea based campaign he is definitely coming out again. Any suggestions you have that would have made him better?

You kidding?! I loved Tommy! Sadly I can't always pick just based on what I love.

When I selected this party one thing I had in mind is I wanted it to have a balance. Meaning I wanted: One "warrior" character, One "Skilled" character" one "Mage" one "Healer" and one extra as a swing vote. I knew early on that I would make the fifth another "skilled" character because of how many had applied, and that the premise lends itself well to it.

So the first one of these skilled characters picked was Sinders. I liked his background, I want to see the Ninja in play, and honestly I've been lurking on DM Barcas Kingdom of Korvosa and I really, really enjoy reading his posts as Alejandro, so he won the first spot.

The second spot eventually (and after a lot of back and forth) went to Edgar because as cliched as it could be, I like that "Will Turner" vibe I got from the character and the links he built between a number of the NPCs I mentioned.

So I guess the only advice I have would be to build your background with more ties to the storyline, if you can (Maybe a paragraph on Tommy's life so far on the North Star, after all stowaways don't get treated well, so was he hiding, or a crewman?) but again don't take this to mean I didn't like Tommy, cause I did.

Shadow Lodge

Aww shucks! You enjoy Alejandro? I am flattered, really. Heh! I usually hate what I write, but that has ALWAYS been the way. Thanks Rennick!

Sounds good Rennick. I had fun writing him and I think he is definitely going to be put forth into the next adventure having ANYTHING to do with the water because he was just so much fun. Thanks for the idea about tying him in to the plot lines I will definitely do that in the future :)

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