
Tellar Bronsev's page

95 posts. Alias of Jonasty1031.

Full Name

Tellar Bronsev




Oracle 2










Ships's Chirgeon

Strength 11
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 12
Charisma 16

About Tellar Bronsev

current HP 23/23

Wintry touch: 6/6
1st lvl spells: 5/5

Tellar Bronsev
Male Human Oracle 2
N Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +1
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 23
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +4
Spd 20 ft.
Melee Morningstar +2 (1d8)
Ranged None
Special Attacks wintry touch (6/day)
Oracle Spells Known (CL 2, +1 melee touch, +2 ranged touch):
1 (5/day) Cure Light Wounds, Ray of Sickening (DC 14), Shield of Faith, Touch of the Sea
0 (at will) Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize, Purify Food and Drink
Str 11, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 16 (human bump to Cha)
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 12
Feats: Extra Revelation, Toughness
Traits: Fisherfolk (+1 to survival and swim checks. Survival and Swim are considered class skills), Resilient (+1 to Fort saves)
Skills (current ACP -1): Acrobatics +5(1 rank), Heal +5(1 rank), Knowledge: nature +7(2 ranks), Knowledge: planes +7(2 ranks), Knowledge: religion +6(1 rank), Profession: sailor +7(3 ranks), Spellcraft +6(1 rank), Survival +6(1 rank), Swim +6(2 ranks)
Languages Common, Aquan, Celestial
Gear(weight lbs): MW Chainshirt, MW Morningstar, spell component pouch, belt pouch, Ink(1 oz vial), potion cure light wounds, peasant's outfit, hammock, waterskin, 312gp, 8sp, 4cp
Encumberance: 0lbs (Light load is x)
Revelations: Wintry Touch (melee touch attack, 1d6+1 cold damage, 6/day)
Ice Armor (+4 armor bonus to AC, 1hr/lvl (2 total hours), must be spent in 1 hr increments)
Oracle's Curse: Lame (base land speed reduced by 10ft, speed is never reduced due to encumberance)
Fav class: 1 hp, 2 sk

Character Bio:

Tellar looks like many a deckhand seen on the seas of Golarion, with long brown hair that hangs in a tangled mess to his shoulders and deep blue eyes. His skin is darkly tanned and there are smile lines around his eyes. The one thing that draws the eyes instantly is his left leg, which is mangled and ruined. Huge chunks of meat are missing and ragged tooth shaped impressions run it's length where the shark made a meal of him. It gives him a noticeable limp but otherwise doesn't seem to effect him much, least not his mood.
Tellar is generally a happy fellow, enjoying the company of his shipmates and friends. When he is forced away from the ocean for extended periods of time, Tellar does become more agitated and irritable, quick with an angry word and even a fist on occasion. But as long as he is within site of those deep blue waters, very little can ever shake him.
Tellar Bronseve had always been able to feel the ocean in his blood. Since he was a small child, he would travel the local waters with his family, fishing and when time allowed swimming. The times he spent away from the water were always the hardest he could ever imagine as a child. As he grew older, this love of the sea only strengthened, guiding his choices in life and landing him on different vessels that would keep him out on the water as long as possible.

This devotion was tested however in a single moment that would change Tellar's life forever. People still talked about the storm, how it had been one of the nastiest any could ever remember. Some claimed that the Eye had shifted briefly, bringing it's howling wind and seas to wreak havoc on new oceans. Whatever the cause whether divine or simple chance, many men were lost during the storm.

Tellar was had been on board the Maiden's Scale for a brief time when the storm hit and the ship foundered. Men screamed and wood shattered as the waves pounded the ship into oblivion, her hull sinking fast into the depths. Hours that felt like days passed until finally the storm abated and the few who had made it through were left adrift, facing a new threat. The few survivors clung and floated on the driftwood that had been their ship as the currents took them. Some who were injured couldn't maintain the strength needed and simply sank, sacrificed to the sea. Others, delerious from the sun, drank the ocean water in desperation and soon died as well.

Finally a lucky few spotted land in the distance and decided to risk it all for a chance at life. Tellar and the other remaining survivors abandoned their fragile rafts and began to swim towards shore. They were only a hundred yards out when the first fin was spotted. Motivating them as few other things could have, they swam for shore as hard as they could. Most of them didn't make it.

Tellar was so close and then suddenly he felt a stabbing pain and a tugging on his leg. The waters around him filled with red and he was only dimly aware that it was his own blood coloring the water. It was over in a matter of moments, the shark having apparently lost interest and swum away. Tellar washed ashore, his leg in tatters and blood pouring out into the surf. As he lost conscioussness, Tellar could feel a cold heavy weight settle into his very being, a chill that seemed to dull the pain in his leg away. Tellar knew he was dying.

Waking up later Tellar saw that he was still lying on that same beach, his leg healed although he could quickly tell that he would never walk on it the same again. Of the rest of the survivors there was no sign. Tellar wanted to chalk his earlier feelings up to delerium and pain yet his bleeding had stopped and he could still feel that cool weighty presence in his very being.

Eventually he managed to make his way back to civilization, hitching a ride on a passing freighter back to port. For a long while he despaired of ever seeing the open ocean again as few captains would welcome a gimp into their crews but Tellar had inherrited a strange new power on that lonely beach. A calling from the sea itself, that infused him with the strength of the open waters that allowed him to care for his fellow sailors in a way undreamed of by him.

Tellar has since spent his time as the ship's chirgeon, healing the men of their ailments and travails. Far from being cast off, Tellar has finally found his true calling on the waters of the world. And whether he knows it yet or not, the oceans have found their voice in the worlds of men.

What others know about Tellar:
Tellar is happy to tell others of his harrowing tale, knowing that sailors love a good story to help pass the long days at sea. They also know of his love of the ocean and that despite an event that would have landed many an old salt, he still travels the waves to this day.
What does your character want in life?:
Tellar wants what he has wanted since the first time he swam in the surf near his home. The sea. No matter what it takes, what sacrifices he must make, the sea is his home. He will weather her moods until the time when she finally reclaims him to her heart.