Rennick's Unhallowed Waters PbP (Inactive)

Game Master Rennick

A Tale of adventure and intrigue upon the High Seas!

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Female Human Skald / 5 [HP:43 /43] / AC:17 / Saves: fort+6, reflex+3, will+4

Still hanging around. :)

hp 21 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | F +2 | R +6 | W +1 | Init +5 | Per +6 | Hero 1

I'm still here.

Male Undead (Augmented) Monk 1/Expert (Gamer) 2

Still here!

Male Undead (Augmented) Monk 1/Expert (Gamer) 2

(Just watching the wrong part of the thread the last two days. >.> )

Male Human

Really glad we still have everyone, Unhallowed Waters is pretty much my baby, I'm going to be sad if she ever tanks before her time.

Just a note, I have gotten my hands on "Isles of the Shackles," Pirates of the Inner Sea" and the first part of Skull and Shackles. I plan on using all three to some extent, so if there's something in them you'd like to use please feel free to let me know. (As always I'll want to familiarize myself with it)

Male Human

Latest post edited for Player-Ninjaing. :p

Female Human Skald / 5 [HP:43 /43] / AC:17 / Saves: fort+6, reflex+3, will+4

Still around, just busy. Assume Phaedra's just quietly following behind Eaton for most of the talks.

Male Undead (Augmented) Monk 1/Expert (Gamer) 2

I'm VERY impressed with Skull and Shackles so far, but I'm not yet familiar with Naval Combat.

Makes me a little sad we don't have a gunslinger on board. Canons are -awesome-.

(My party has just entered part 3.)

Male Human

I haven't gotten the chance to read the adventure yet, but I'm sure Paizo will rock it as they do. I'll be mining them for some ship stuff and optional rules for sure.

You guys are at a point that there's little for me to add, so converse away and I'll jump things along when you're ready or if there's a lull.

Male Human

Oh! And I wanted to give a small teaser. There's one plot thread that has been planned almost since the game's start and we just got our first hint of it this week. I don't expect it to unravel soon but I'm posting this so that when it happens I can go "Aha! see!"

Male Human

It's my intention to move things along by either late tonight or tomorrow morning my time, unless someone objects.

Male Human Oracle 2

Sounds good to me, I've put my 2 cents in.

hp 21 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | F +2 | R +6 | W +1 | Init +5 | Per +6 | Hero 1

I will be out of town till monday. I will post when I can but DMPC me if needed to keep things moving.

Male Undead (Augmented) Monk 1/Expert (Gamer) 2

Awright, I guess. Move us forward,Rennick!

Male Human

It's a coming.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human Ninja / Lvl 2

-Slinks in with tale between legs- Sorry... I got in to a spot of trouble... If you will have me, I am here.

Male Undead (Augmented) Monk 1/Expert (Gamer) 2

Sorry. Class 5 storm knocked out our internet for several days there. That's what I get for living on the edge of a swamp in the second windiest city in the world!

Male Human

Sinders: No worries man, I haven't been the most attentive man around either lately.

Eaton: No worries,

I am sorry guys, but with one play finished and two more going up for a two night run in a city an hour away next week, I am in no shape to update. Just popping in to say I havven't forgot about you guys. Updates will resume in July! >.> So close.... @_@

Going to try to get some conversation-y updates going with Pwindle soon (Sin, feel free to chime in if you want) but major update will wait until July when I can actually run an encounter if I wanted to.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human Ninja / Lvl 2

Cool cool. Thanks man. Ill do just that! :)

Male Human

Hi Everyone,

So summer vacation is here and I've got some free time again, That said I disappeared for a bit and I'm worried we've lost our players. So I'm checking in to see if you guys still want to play this game? I hope you do, but I'll understand if you've moved on.

Male Human Oracle 2

I'm still here. I'll need a little refresher when we get started back up but I'm on board.

Male Undead (Augmented) Monk 1/Expert (Gamer) 2

*twiddles thumbs and waits eagerly*

hp 21 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | F +2 | R +6 | W +1 | Init +5 | Per +6 | Hero 1

I'm still here. It would be nice to increase the pace of this game a bit though.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human Ninja / Lvl 2

Am here! :D

Male Human

yay! Glad we have most everyone, hopefully Phaedra will turn up shortly.

And Edgar, I completely agree, and I feel horrid for how things dropped off with this game. My plan is to get everything organized and start updating regularly by tonight or tomorrow.

Male Human

Actually, to speed things up a bit, we're just going to throw this to an OOC vote, and then I'll update accordingly in game.

When we last left off, Pwindle told the group that a Red Mantis assassin was gunning for the Lord-Mayor, a man currently in the process of extorting almost everyone of you.

So the question is; Save the Lord-Mayor or do you let the fat little porker die?

Female Human Skald / 5 [HP:43 /43] / AC:17 / Saves: fort+6, reflex+3, will+4

I'm back. We finally got power back last night. Over a week with no power (which means no AC) with the temps up in the high 90s. The kids and I were miserable, but all is better now, though there are still alot of downed trees to clean up.

Phaedra's vote would be to let the corrupt little porker die.

Male Human Oracle 2

Kill the pig!

Male Human

one more vote to let 'em die will seal it, :p Anyone else want to chime in?

Shadow Lodge

Male Human Ninja / Lvl 2

Save him and hope for mercy!

Male Human (Taldan) Hexcrafter Magus 2

Warn him and let him and the Mantis duke it out. He deserves to die, but we can't just let a man be assassinated.

hp 21 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | F +2 | R +6 | W +1 | Init +5 | Per +6 | Hero 1

After thinking it over, Edgar would have to vote on let him die. Even if we did save him, there is no reason he would have to help up or change his stance. He might be able to help Phaedra and Edgar out with their criminal back ground, but I doubt he would be willing to even if we did save his bacon.

And if we did try to help him, we would be going against a red mantis. Last thing we need is to get the attention and bad side of an assassin guild.

Too much trouble with real long term consequences for a 'potential' payoff.

I say we move on and get a bit of a fresh start on something else.

Male Undead (Augmented) Monk 1/Expert (Gamer) 2

Yeah... we're level 2. Well within the realms of 'whoops, sneak attack!' Might want to wait until we're.. uh... significantly stronger before we start taking on the likes of the Red Mantis Assassins.

Find us some kobolds. Or a flumf.

Male Human

Haha, funny how posts sneak up on you.

I hope no one minds, but I'm going to push to get the game moving away from Magnimar and back onto the open waters. It isn't that I don't love Magnimar, I do, but I didn't mean for this to be a city-based game and because of the hiatus I feel we should get back to the boats as soon as possible.

On that note, does your group have any interest in Rechristening The Laughing Rogue?

Male Human

And I'll give Tellar and Phaedra another day to post. PM them tomorrow if I haven't heard from 'em.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human Ninja / Lvl 2

How about we name it "The Sea Linnorm"? Linnorm's are cool. And it is a ship so "The Sea" makes sense. I vote for the Sea Linnorm.

Female Human Skald / 5 [HP:43 /43] / AC:17 / Saves: fort+6, reflex+3, will+4

I'm fine with moving back out into open waters. Phaedra felt more comfortable out on the ship than she does here in the city. Phaedra is okay with renaming the ship, but doesn't have an opinion of her own what to name it at the moment.

Male Undead (Augmented) Monk 1/Expert (Gamer) 2

Bad luck to rechristen a ship...

But I don't think Eaton knows or cares about that. :D

Let's sail!

hp 21 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | F +2 | R +6 | W +1 | Init +5 | Per +6 | Hero 1

Edgar does and would make mention of that to the others. Plus the laughing rogue name has kinda grown on him. I vote to keep it as is.

Male Human Oracle 2

Didn't think you were waiting on me. Of course Tellar would rather return to the see. No preference to the name change thing. From a mechanical standpoint, the Skull & Shackles AP has a whole section in the second book about refitting and renaming a ship so it's not recognizable by others, which I wouldn't mind so that we're not constantly being chased by people who recognize the ship. But ultimately, I have no preference.

Male Human

Not waiting on you per se, but I'd like to give you guys a chance to post. Just working out some stat stuff before my next update.

Female Human Skald / 5 [HP:43 /43] / AC:17 / Saves: fort+6, reflex+3, will+4

Ooh, Tellar brought up a good point. Would our characters want to rename and refit the ship so it would not be recognizable or do we want it to stay the same to attract the attention of its sister ships?

Male Human

The ship is technically Emilia's, though she would take any advice from the PCs, as her plans for the ship ties directly into them.

At the moment, Emilia isn't squibbing the ship, merely repairing and upgrading a bit (Read, getting it up to Standard specs, because it wasn't before) and we'll be using the 3 masted sailing ship specs)

So anything else, renaming and refitting, or any additional upgrades will be up to you.

Male Human

Oh! And if you do want to rename, but can't think of one. I suggest "The Sea Wyvern" because it sounds cool, and would be a nod to the original adventure path that spawned this one.

Male Undead (Augmented) Monk 1/Expert (Gamer) 2

"The Loyal Sister"

hp 21 | AC 17 | T 13 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | F +2 | R +6 | W +1 | Init +5 | Per +6 | Hero 1

Rennick's up, Tellar's on deck, Phaedra's in the hole...

Initiative order: Edgar (24), Sinders (22), Alchemist (16), Fighter (15), Eaton (14), Tellar (6), Phaedra (4), Eredin (3)

Male Human Oracle 2

Yep, I just saw that. Apparently the game thread was inactive long enough for me that it didn't show any of the new posts when the game resumed. I'm all caught up now and waiting for my turn.

Male Human

Sorry guys, flew home a couple of days ago to find that my parents internet was down. and with my phone currently being a british one, I couldn't get online.

Updates should be up within an hour.

Female Human Skald / 5 [HP:43 /43] / AC:17 / Saves: fort+6, reflex+3, will+4

Sorry, like Tellar the ingame thread didn't show any new posts for me. Didn't realize stuff was happening. I'll go get caught up.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human Ninja / Lvl 2

Sin rolled a 16 but his bonus made it a 22, if that changes it up any.

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