Edgar Arrowni |

With out current equipment, I think rodents of usual size will be enough of a challenge...
Of the pirates gear, there is a scimitar, a dagger, and two small spears. Edgar would prefer the knife, but he could wield any of the weapons.
DM Rennick, could we scavenge up some clubs from the wrecked grate?

Edgar Arrowni |

Sorry for all the philosophy, but I think Eaton and Edgar are knocking heads on very important themes of their personalities and backgrounds. And I can't help but enjoy the heck out of it.
With this much semantics, I find it funny that our characters are of the same alignment. I believe that Edger's views are CG, (and what he says, and how he acts are two separate things entirely) but, DM Rennick, if you think Edgar is acting too neutral, I will understand if you wish drop the alignment down to CN.

Purplefixer |

I thought Edgar was just being -particularly- hungry for vengeance because of Emelia being involved.
Heheheh... Edgar and Eaton actually know each other from the whole 7 years he's been on the Northstar. Eaton made occaisional contact with the siblings and the uncle, almost always at his father's side, because of their business ties. He always addresses people by correct titles and treats them with some form of respect, even if it's -thin- respect. He has difficulty really seeing anyone who does anything less than manage the staff, until he specifically wants something from them. Then he's all smiles and direct attention and remembering of names. It's rare he forgets a name. His mother's direct influence, there. *whip-crack*
Eaton sticks to the idea of the 'Articles of the Sea' because they directly benefit the code of conduct required by nobles and navy sailors. They're the ones that guarantee (mostly) that nobility are treated well when taken as prisoners, because the ransom is always paid. They're also the ones that allow a captain of a ship to hang anyone who commits crimes on his ship, or to keel-haul them. Every Navy Sailor is expected to abide by them and know them, and every nation has their own versions. I imagine a Chelaxian naval vessel would have TERRIBLY labyrinthine and cruel articles, but even they have separate standards for commoners and nobles.
It's that pompous dual class thing in action.
I'm having a -blast- with the friction too, and I keep checking myself to remember that Eaton is a chaotic rebel from a lawful background, and a snob, and a know-it-all, and a party-animal, and to keep all those balanced in his behavior.
Along with a 16 charisma. @.@ Must... play... the stats...

Phaedra Valerius |

It's how you treat commoners that Phaedra is most interested in. You really managed to tick her off with the barmaid comment. I foresee her almost liking you a number of times on this trip until you stick your foot in your mouth again. :)

DM Rennick |

I'll have an update later today. I am loving the debates and character growth that's already happened.
I'd like a tally of spells used so far, because unless I miss my count, Eaton and maybe Phaedra have used all of their 0 level spells.
Also, Eaton please give me a book and page reference for your construct armor feat you mentioned. I'm still debating if you're going to be able to make this suit (And it'll be a ways away anyways. As a warning)

Phaedra Valerius |

From the PRD
Cantrips: Witches can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table 2–10 under “Spells per Day.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again.
From this it was my understanding that cantrips could be cast once a round for an infinite number of rounds. Thus I have not been keeping track of my cantrips. If you wish to put a limit on the number of cantrips a day Phaedra can cast, just give me the number.

![]() |

Here is hoping I find a better weapon than what I have! hahahaha
Speaking of weapons... I just realized my profile is wrong. I can't finesse with a Katana can I? heh! Unless our lovely Dm would like to rule that way...? Probably not though. Hahaha! Think I'll just change it to a Wakizashi :) Not as powerful but still cool!

Purplefixer |

Same! ;p
I also started this adventure with no 1st-level spells prepared. That there would be a battle and the magus would not use his color spray and shock shield strains credulity. So out of good spells. Left with exactly what is on the character sheet, which will continue to be updated as we play.

DM Rennick |

I'm glad! that said I'm afraid Real life got in the way of updating yesterday and I move to the UK tomorrow, so I'm going to be on Hiatus for a bit. Probably a few days to a week, depending on how things work when I get there.
thanks guys!

Edgar Arrowni |

Rennick |

Heyo from the UK, The trip over was relatively painless, we're currently on the hunt for a flat, but we've managed to get a decent guesthouse for a temporary solution, run by the british version of your favorite grandmother (Unless your favorite grandmother is british.)
I'm working on our next update now, and hope to get this game rolling again, though my posting will remain eratic until we get all settled in.
Also, Eaton please give me a book and page reference for your construct armor feat you mentioned. I'm still debating if you're going to be able to make this suit (And it'll be a ways away anyways. As a warning)
Still need an answer

Purplefixer |

I'm absolutely still on board...
And I ENTIRELY missed your question, Rennick! Sorry bout that.
Construct Armor
Requirements: Craft Construct, Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
animate objects, the construct modified must be the same
size as the creator
CR Increase: +1
Cost: 35,000 gp
This modification allows the construct to be worn like armor
by its creator...
I'm sure I'll be fine in regular armor until I can afford it, but the idea is to eventually do this with either an animated suit of full-plate or a full-on golem.
Might even look into a custom construct if allowed, somewhere between the power of a large animated object and the true golems, but that's a discussion for 2012, sounds like. ;p

Purplefixer |

Yeah. I think we may have lost our ninja.
Hey Ringtail. I'm sure Tar has told you, but I felt I needed to say something too. Im out of contact for a little, till I can fix my laptop or get a new one. Ill be back as soon as I can. Sorry bout this.Aerodus & Flit

DM Rennick |

I'll NPC him, Not his fault his comp broke during my hiatus. It'll be a stong and silent kind of ghosting, but he'll be there.
Now on Eaton's questions of skills:
Yes, Knowledge (Local) is the skill that pertains to laws, my mistake there, but the issue is that (local) is not supposed to be a global skill. To use Eaton as example, he's Taldan and that's where he grew up. So his knowledge would pertain to local laws, customs and what not there. It can be argued that places where the character has spent a consistent amount of time in their backstory (To continue using Eaton as an example: He's spent a lot of time over the years visiting Magnimar, and it's our current location, so I'd allow it to apply around Varisia.) Or that they have a strong affiliation with (A large portion of Eaton's father's company works through Absalom, so while he hasn't spent a lot of time there personally, I would let him roll it at a minus) But if the party ends up in Sargava or Osirion, it doesn't make sense to me that Eaton would immediately know the traditions and customs of the country he's just pulled up in port to.
Now all that said, I'm a role playing DM way more than a roll playing, so it wouldn't take much (A line of text during party downtime like "Eaton goes to the library, or questions the local constable at length over drinks) to allow the skill to apply to a new location. but just off the cuff is a stretch.
This will apply to the next answer as well.
Bluffs and intimidates: I mis-explained before, my mistake again, but the difference between intimidate and bluff would be whether your character has the capability to do something/ Know what they're talking about/ has the possibility of being true.
So to use our two interrogators as examples: Edgar is completely capable of slitting Wat's throat. Eaton is able to acid splash his face. Whether either of them would do such a thing or not, these would be intimidate checks.
As mentioned above and before. Eaton does not know the ways and customs of Cheliax's navy. He's going off of the stories and rumors of the devil worshiping country. And The only thing his "Lord" status grants him is the possibility of being ransomed, especially as he has no lands or holdings of his own right now. Eaton is not able to enact the laws of Cheliax (Or any country, except Taldor's laws, and even that gets complicated depending on who's lands one is on) And Eaton would know that. So what Eaton did would normally be considered a bluff.
In the end, use your best discretion and if, as DM, I feel it's a different skill, I'll tell you and swap the numbers.

DM Rennick |

Initiative wasn't rolled up because I assumed you were waiting for Phaedra, so this round she would be ahead of Edgar. I need clarification: Is Edgar still finishing him off if he's already asleep?
And Don't worry about the critical fails. They are just normal miss rolls. It doesn't make sense to me that an expert swordsman would lose his sword an average one in twenty times.

Edgar Arrowni |

Initiative wasn't rolled up because I assumed you were waiting for Phaedra, so this round she would be ahead of Edgar. I need clarification: Is Edgar still finishing him off if he's already asleep?
Right. I re-posted in the main thread. Hopefully it makes more sense.
Edgar has not killed the pirates and, unless immediate danger is present, is not slitting their throats.
Phaedra made it seem like they wouldn't wake up for a little while. One of the pirates yelled out that we escaped, so Edgar is listening to see if obvious reinforcements are coming.
If he doesn't hear anyone coming he will ask his question to the group. Despite the conversation with Eaton earlier, Edgar really doesn't want to kill the pirates if he doesn't have too. He just wants to get everyone out of here as safely as possible.
If it is obvious that more pirates are responding to the yell, Edger will finish off the Pirates. (or at least start to, coup de grace is a full round action.)
(Not sure type of action listening is.) Picking up the axe and offering it to someone. Move & standard action right? I am assuming he can pose his question while doing this. If we are still in initiative and if he is doing more than what he can fit is a round, he will continue doing that into the next round unless something prevents him from doing it.

Edgar Arrowni |

Ok, now Edgar has started to kill them.
I have started a treasure file to keep track of the treasure. As far as I am aware, no one has claimed any weapons yet, except for some makeshift clubs that I did not add to the list. Edgar is a rogue and is only proficient with the dagger and the small sized spears. Even if a weapon is the wrong size or non-proficent, Edgar recommends taking a weapon just in case. Anything with "Drop?" next to the listing I am assuming we did not take unless someone wanted it.

DM Rennick |

My problem is that I never said whether the pirate passed or failed the will save for the sleep spell, I asked what Edgar would do if it passed. The actions you guys have been writing are based on an assumption I haven't verified.
My intention is, and I'll admit this was my bad for this last encounter, to post AC and HP for Bad guys that are basically not bosses, so that you guys can speed along your posts. Not posting inits was also my bad. That said you shouldn't assume fails or passes on saves.

jlord |

I think I understand what happened. I think you misunderstood me and then I misunderstood you misunderstanding me.
If Edgar acts before the pirate falls asleep...
Edgar quickly attempts to move around to put the pirate between him and Sin and tries another strike at the man.
Melee: Dagger 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21 |Damage1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 |Crit:19/x2
If actually flanking...
+2 to hit above
Sneak Attack 1d6 ⇒ 3If the pirate is already asleep, he turns his head to Phaedra and asks. "How long are they out for?"
If they don't have much time, Edgar will try to finish the one in front of him off quickly.
This was the answer to your question all along. I definitely could have worded it better though. I did not mean to sound like I was assuming that the pirate would fail the save. I meant that if the pirate was awake I was doing this action. I did assume that Phaedra would continue trying to sleep him until he was down. that is why I posted it like that.
Then when you posted, this question:
Initiative wasn't rolled up because I assumed you were waiting for Phaedra, so this round she would be ahead of Edgar. I need clarification: Is Edgar still finishing him off if he's already asleep?
I thought you were confirming that he was alseep, and if Edgar was going to kill him. Phaedra made it seem like we had some time to decide to kill them, So Edgar listened to make sure more pirates weren't coming. Edgar was not going to kill a helpless pirate without checking with the party. If there was not time to check with the party, Edgar was going to do them in.
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I will try to be a little more precise with my posts.
I will often post a few "if's", If I don't know the exact initiate order, or is I have reason to believe that something may change before it gets to my turn.

DM Rennick |

Hey Purple, I assume you meant to edit your post and not quote yourself?
That said guys, if you do hit a bad guy, feel free to write how you hit them! Use their HP as a guide (Dealing 1 point to a guy with 14 hp is a cut, not a vicious impalement, knocking a guy down to 2 points means he's really hurt!) and if you knock them to the negatives, then you get to talk about their mortal wounds!
Anyways, it speeds up play a bit, and gives you all a bit more creative freedom.

DM Rennick |

Our first encounter map is in our shiny new Google Docs map folio, found Here! If you have not received an email inviting you to share the folder so that you can edit it, it's because I don't have your email. Please get them to me asap so you can move your PCs around as needed.
Pretty simple, and they'll get more detailed as I experiment, but it serves for now. The girl you don't recognize is a placeholder for Emilia, the other three are the pirates.

Purplefixer |

Yes! That's what happened! Whoops. I must have hit reply to myself instead of editing myself. O.O
Oh well. But yeah, I didn't know if I hit him or not... because I am oblivious and completely missed the 15AC. >.>
Yay! Eaton staggered a pirate! Let's have him shift to U5 please, when he steps up to tag injured Pirate 1. That means he drops him to 0hp. ^.^