DM Rennick |

Normally I completely agree with Jlord (Heck still do) but I'd been reading Barcas' Kingmaker of Korvosa and went poking through their OOC when you dissapeared. A friend relayed the Info to them, so I knew it was not just a neglect thing.

![]() |

Yeah. Still feel bad that I didn't get to make the rounds fully and apologize for having to leave. Am gonna make it up though, have already started. Im going back and apologizing to all the games I left as we speak. Also getting back in contact with everyone is cool. I've met a lot of great people in the games I've been in like Jonasty, Ringtail, Barcas, and all you guys! And a lot of great GM's. Am just happy I could come back, even if it is just to see how everyone is! :D

Purplefixer |

Sorry about the long break! I just started getting back online today! Had a major computer malfunction, managed to cook some parts, lose some data, etc, etc. I'm back now, and looking forward to getting back into the PbP.
Holidays can severely curtail your acquisition of parts...

Tellar Bronsev |

I'm for the 3k and the info. From a purely OOC perspective, hiring a crew isn't that expensive. Average hireling prices are in sp and cp. You give a sailor a gp and he's richer than half the NPC's in Riddleport. Obviously that's a quick and dirty (and munchkiny) breakdown but those last 1000gp aren't gonna hurt us too much in the crew department. And I'd like to know where we're headed next. :-)

Edgar Arrowni |

1,000 gp for info...?! ouch. I sure hope it is worth it... -_-'
With how angry Edgar is getting at this crafty old man, He's about ready to just take the sword and start leveling into Barbarian...
Also, The crew will probably be more expensive than an average crew. We are not hiring for a standard sea voyage, we are out to make revenge and war. They are gonna want more money than the average sailor that just has to deal with the see and an occasional pirate attack. plus we are looking into sailors that can fight, too.

DM Rennick |

1,000 gp for info...?! ouch. I sure hope it is worth it... -_-'
With how angry Edgar is getting at this crafty old man, He's about ready to just take the sword and start leveling into Barbarian...
And thus, Old Wazir has fulfilled the role for which he was made. :p
I like him, a lot actually, and as the game goes on you may learn just how much he has his crafty little hands in.

DM Rennick |

If it was a PC making the decision I wouldn't have asked for this. But just deciding what the NPC does is just me picking what I want.
That said, and I'm only saying this because group consensus will have you asking Wazir;
to quote the core "The GM might rule that some topics are simply unknown to common folk." I can guarantee he knows more than the locals do.

DM Rennick |

Hey guys, I'm in a show week right now and expected to be able to update during breaks between rehearsals and runs... >.> not sure what I was thinking.
So yeah, update's coming, probably tomorrow afternoon/evening. If not then on Friday.

Rennick |

Shows went great, just got in from the post-run festivities. Pretty quiet all told, but I'm wiped enough that I'm going to wait a day. Tomorrow's a day off so I'll have a good update up for you.
Also, to make it easier on myself - with Paizo's new layout for the Online campaigns. I'm switching my main profile to plain ol' Rennick. Hence the game name change.

Rennick |

So on my list of "to do's" that I have, you've gotten your magic stuff sold off, and secured your supplies (as well as some clothes for yourselves)
Left to do:
- Get a crew
- Get a new spellbook built for Eaton
- Get any personal gear you guys feel you need.
We can RP or gloss over any/all of these.
On top of all this:....
:P congrats. So we will need to lapse some time (I'm thinking a day or two this go around) for your practicing and training to account for that.
So I need to know what you guys want to focus on or pass over for our next update. I'm guessing there will be a couple of small jumps (example: gloss the equipment, come back and RP questioning the rat, gloss the crew and training, then get on your way hunting down Eredin (or whatever else it is you plan to do))
Lemme know asap please.

Phaedra Valerius |

Yay, level up time. How do you wish to handle the hit points? Rolling or taking average, re-rolling ones, that sorta thing.
I'm fine with glossing over the training and crewing of the ship plus the purchasing of equipment, food and whatever other mundane items that are required for the day to day operation of a ship. Oh, and new clothes that fit are getting added to that purchase, Phaedra currently feels like a child playing dress-up.
I'll go level up, pick spells and skills and do the hit points after your answer. :)
Editing to add Level up:
2nd level Hex: Evil Eye
New SKills:
Knowledge Arcana, Knowledge Nature, Knowledge Planes, Spellcraft,
Profession Sailor, Profession Cook, Use Magic Device
New Spells added to Familiar:
Hypnotism, Remove Sickness

Rennick |

Edgar Arrowni |

Edgar rolls his Hit Dice! 1d8 ⇒ 1 However the die seems to magically nudge over to the 4!
Edgar’s Hit Points increase to 21! (14 +4 roll +2 con +1 fav)
+1 to Edgar's Base Attack bonus!
+1 to Edgar's Reflex Save!
+1 rank to Acrobatics, Appraise, Diplomacy, Knowledge (Local), Perception, Profession (Sailor), Sense Motive, Stealth 8 skills
Edgar learns the Evasion ability! Edgar can fully get out of harms way!
Edgar receives the Combat Trick Rogue Talent! Edgar gains the quick draw feat!
Gonna try to get an idea of what those gems are worth...
Appraisal 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 Tourmaline
Appraisal 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 White pearl
Appraisal 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14 Zircon
Appraisal 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 Sardonyx
Appraisal 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18 Lapis lazuli
Appraisal 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19 Freshwater (irregular) pearl

Rennick |

I'll get you the costs of those asap, need my notes.
And thanks, now I have the Final Fantasy VI medley in my head for level ups. :p
On a sidenote, the artwork for The Old Wazir has been updated to a much cleaner vector art. (Is pretty :D ) Still looks far too sweet, but what can you do. He was also inspired by Jafar's disguise in Aladdin.

Edgar Arrowni |

I'll get you the costs of those asap, need my notes.
And thanks, now I have the Final Fantasy VI medley in my head for level ups. :p
On a sidenote, the artwork for The Old Wazir has been updated to a much cleaner vector art. (Is pretty :D ) Still looks far too sweet, but what can you do. He was also inspired by Jafar's disguise in Aladdin.
Heh, Final Fantasy VI is my favorite game of all time! If it had a level up medley I'd of used that instead!

Edgar Arrowni |

I messed up.
I meant to put a skill rank into intimidate at the level up, and I forgot to. I don't want a retcon for that last skill roll with the were rat, but I was wondering if I could put a rank into intimidate instead of stealth this level.

Rennick |

Edgar - No worries.
Alright, house keeping time: First of all divide the loot however you see fit,
Here is what you will receive for selling off the Armor and the shield 453 gp.
After dividing please list off what your characters are purchasing for themselves. Most equipment is available in Riddleport, for ease we can say its all at Player's Guide prices. Check with me for more obscure or eclectic stuff
If you have any other business in the City of Cyphers, lemme know so I can work it in.
Eaton: It will cost 150 GP to have your spellbook rebuilt for you.
This can be reduced to 135 (The cost of writing without making a profit for the young lady) with a DC 25 diplomacy. Or a DC 20 and a *ahem* night of Eaton's time.
Everyone please let me know these ASAP, my next post will be the gloss over to get us back on the waters.
Long term campaign stuff:
I've been reading a lot of "Dungeon Master Experience" by Chris Perkins over at WotC and it has some interesting advice, one I'm putting into play now. Consider us in the first "Season" as it were, of the game. I'd like everyone to give me a list of three things they would like to see happen during this season. It could be something your character wants "I'd like to build an Iron man suit" it could be something on a larger scope "I'd like the party to participate in at least one full on naval battle" or something that interests you as a player but wouldn't be something your character would think of "I'd like to transform to a different race."
I can't promise everyone will get everything they ask, but I'm shooting for at least one for everyone. Ideally post them here in a spoiler tag, but if you really want to make sure no one sees them you can PM them to me.
I've added Hero points to the game. Rules for them are in our Campaign's main page. Cause of the Lvl up, everyone now has 2 points.

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Health Roll-1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Skills- +1 Rank to all I have, bar Escape Artist. Took rank in Intimidate.
BaB- +1
Saves- +1 Ref / +1 CMD / +1 CMB
SQ- Ki Pool (3/day), Ninja Trick (Shadow Clone)
Hero Points- 2
I would also like Sin to become the head of a group of spies / assassins.

Edgar Arrowni |

Here is the treasure list I have so far. If there are numbers in the sell column of an Item, then I am assuming we are selling it. If your character's Name is in the wielder column then I assume your keeping it. If there is something you want or don't want let me know and I will adjust it.
With the Below questions unanswered, we have about 757 gp each, (including a share for Emilia, but not for Donnel)
Few Questions.
453gp for the armor and the shield. Which armor and shield is this?
Did we find anything of value to add from the wererat?
How much is the flintlock pistol and the gems worth? (I 'might' keep the gun if it is not overly expensive.)
Are Dervish's sketches worth money as art?
If we are shopping before getting the crew, then we need to make sure we have enough to pay for them. Do we have an idea of what it will cost?

Rennick |

Armor and shield - The Half-plate and Tower Shield, I'm factoring in what Eaton would bargain for them.
The Wererat's gear is crap, Old Leather and a rusty shortsword.
The Gems:
Tourmaline 53gp, White pearl 66gp, Zircon 31gp, Sardonyx 21gp, Lapis lazuli 1gp, Freshwater (irregular) pearl 2gp
I'm playing it so that the value of the gems are what you can sell them for, buying them in the shop would be more expensive. makes more sense then letting you find something for treasure, that can only be treasure, and then holding out on you for it.
Pistol: Missed it, sorry. Same rules at letting you get 1/2 price, so that's 500 gold.
art: >.> Might be able to get a copper or two selling them in a seedy Riddleport tavern. But it wouldn't be for "art"
Crew: A fully trained and capable crew (Trained Hirelings) will cost you 135 gold a month. (16 crew members at 3 sp a day)
that said, I'm ruling that for this month, you can take it out of Emilia's share. We'll see what happens next month.

Edgar Arrowni |

Ok then, Everyone gets 880gp 4cp, plus any item with your name next to it. Double check the list and make sure you have all of the items, and let me know that your all set so I can clean the treasure list out. If you have something you don't want to keep, just go ahead and sell it yourself and put it towards your new gear.

Edgar Arrowni |

+80 Sell Mwk Leather Armor
960.04 =
-250gp Buy Mwk Chain Shirt
710.04 =
+7.5 Sell Scimitar
710.54 =
-315 Buy Mwk Scimitar
395.54 =
-20 Buy 10 daggers
375.54 =
-2 Buy 2 saps
373.54 =
-8 Buy 2 cold iron daggers
365.54 =
-42 Buy 2 silver daggers
323.54 =
-12 Buy Heavy Mace
311.54 =
-2.5 Buy 5 darts
309.04 =
-5 Buy 50 bullets and a sling
304.04 =
-100 Buy 2 cure light wounds potions
201.04 =
-2.6 Buy a Back pack, Bed Roll, Winter Blanket
198.44 =
-1.1 Buy Caltrops and marbles
197.34 =
-.1 Buy 10 chalk
197.24 =
-5 buy Medium Chest (simple inset lock build in)
192.24 =
-10 buy compass
182.24 =
-2 buy crowbar
180.24 =
-1 buy flint & steel
179.24 =
-2 buy Bowling game and multiple Board games (Chess, Siege, Wyvern's Race; 5sp ea)
177.24 =
-1 buy Grappling hook
176.24 =
-1 Buy wooden holy symbol of Gozreh
175.24 =
-1.1 Buy ink and ink pen
174.14 =
-1.5 Buy shaving kit
172.64 =
-7 Buy hooded lantern
165.64 =
-10 Buy mirror
155.64 =
-1 Buy 10 pints lamp oil
154.64 =
-2 Buy 2 belt pouches
152.64 =
-2 Buy 100ft rope
150.64 =
-1 Buy 10 sacks
149.64 =
-.5 Buy sewing needle
149.14 =
-1 Buy signal horn
148.14 =
-20 v smoke stick
128.14 =
-.02 Buy 2lbs soap
128.12 =
-100 Buy Mwk thieves tools
28.12 =
-2 Buy 2 waterskins
26.12 =
-.02 Buy whetstone
26.1 =
-20 Buy alchemist's fire
6.1 =

Rennick |

Edgar - all looks good. You'll be going shopping during the next day, :p Update should be up shortly.
Just a heads up: I'm not sure when but I know that I'm going to be implementing some house rules into this game at some point, to help facilitate the story I'd like to tell. I'm not saying what they are or even what they pertain to yet, as I'm not sure when they'll crop up. I'll say they're taking from PFRPG and 3.5, and they (at least the ones I'm talking about right now) were primarily designed by Monte Cook.
Yay DM-Vagueness. :p

Phaedra Valerius |

How about some ship to ship swashbuckling battles a la Errol Flynn?
No pirate themed game would be complete without some kind of buried treasure that needs hunted down. :)
I'll have to think more on what I'd want for Phaedra in the long term.
Dagger / 2 gp
Light Crossbow / 35 gp
Crossbow bolts (20) / 2 gp
Light Mace / 5 gp
Clothing (traveler's outfit) / 1 gp
Clothing (hot weather outfit) / 8 gp
Clothing (hat) / 1 gp
Clothing (scarf) / 1 gp
Clothing (scarf, pocketed) / 8 gp
Backpack / 2 gp
Bedroll / 1 sp
Blanket / 2 sp
Bag (Waterproof) / 5 sp
Chest (medium) / 5 gp
Fishing Tackle / 20 gp
Soap (1 lb) / 2 cp
Waterskin / 1 gp
Wand of Cure Light Wounds / 750 gp
Money Left
43 gp / 2 sp / 2 cp

Purplefixer |

Sorry, it's 0-Week with my first week back at university for... *counts fingers* .... I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH FINGERS! Over a decade. On top of that, I've met a new artist for my publishing company, and have been working like mad on the book. Even my table-top gaming has suffered. I checked this board monday morning and then completely forgot about it the -rest of the week-.
I'm here! I'm back! My bad!