About Edgar ArrowniMale Medium-sized Humanoid (Human)
Str 17* (+3) ; Dex 16 (+3); Con 14 (+2); Int 10 (+0); Wis 12 (+1); Cha 8 (-1)
hp 21 | Temp 0 | NL 0 | Total hp 21 (2d8+3toughness+4con+2fav)
Edgar has long blond hair, tied back behind his neck. He has green eyes and usually tan skin from working on the dock. He is tall and always has good posture. Although he doesn't wear them often he has glasses to make reading maps easier. He likes to dress nice, usually wearing an explorer’s outfit. He actually has a bit of a regal swashbuckler look. Personality:
Edgar seems to be a pretty laid back guy, but he is in truth a constant worrier. He is always going over things in his head. Although he is fine with groups, when singled out he tends look for a place to escape. This behavior is probably why he can’t seem to get the love of his life to notice him. Despite all this, he can be very heroic and impulsive at times, puthing himself in danger to help others. Edgar has a strong sense of mercy. Especially towards pirates. He understands that many of them were forced into such a career through desperation. He is very protective of Emilia if she is endangered and often tries to locate her first if something happens. Background:
Long ago, Edgar was taken by pirates from his mercantile father, whom was killed in the pirate raid. Not wanting to be sold off into slavery, the young boy of 8 slipped his bonds, stole a sword and tried to fight his way off the ship when they were taking him and the others to the slavers. The captain of the ship was impressed, and gave Edgar the opportunity to become a pirate. Knowing the sea, and not wanting a worse fate, Edgar accepted. As the years passed, Edgar learned how to fight, steal, and kill to survive. At first he never really liked to do such things, but he had learned to do what was necessary to survive on a boat of cut throats. He became a cutthroat himself. Four years passed since “Eddie the Arrow” joined the pirates, and the pirate ship attempted a raid on a ship called the north star. It was the last raid Edgar ever took part of. While raiding the ship, Edgar made it to a room on the ship, and saw a pirate standing over a beautiful little girl. She was kneeling on her bed, holding a small knife, with a look of horror in her face . The blood from a wound across the pirates face dripped from the blade. “Fine! If you’ve wont give me wot I wont I’ll just take et from your corpse!” the pirate yelled as he drew his cutlass out. Before Edgar knew it, he was behind the pirate, slitting his throat. As the pirate dropped, he watched the woman. She was the most beautiful woman, Edgar had ever seen. She was like a painting, or a statue of a goddess. She was about his age, possible a few years younger. He could barely take his eyes of her. He had never taken a woman before, especially a woman this beautiful. About to move forward, Edgar looked into her eyes once more. Those tearful terror stricken eyes. He could not stand the way she looked at him. It shocked him. Like him, she was not even a proper adult yet. Was he going to be the one to ruin this girl? No he couldn’t, not such a beautiful woman. He slowly turned in shame from the girl, and made his way back to the door. The door ripped open as two of the ship’s crew ran in and grabbed Edgar, wrestled him to the ground and tied him up. Before he knew it, he was dragged out onto the deck and placed with a small group of the other surviving pirates. The pirates had not had a good run in the last few months and they were desperate and ill prepared to make the raid. The captain of the ship started speaking. Edgar really wasn’t paying attention. He was going to die. He really didn’t want to die. He barely had begun to live. Despite how tough he had become, he couldn’t hold back the tears. One by one, the pirates were ran through and pushed over the side of the ship. As Edgar’s death came closer and closer, the girl appeared before him and looked into his eyes. He didn’t know why. After a moment she spoke with the Captain, and argued with him. Finally, after all of the pirates save him were dispatched, the captain walked up and spoke to him. “Emilia claims that you saved her life. Is this true?” All Edgar could do was sob and nod his head. “Why?” The captain said in a harsh tone. Trying with all his might to speak between the sobs, Edgar replied “I-I d-don’t know!.” There was a pause, and the Captain continued. “Emilia wants me to show you mercy. I’ve never shown a pirate mercy. Why should I do so now?” Edgar nearly choked. He was given a chance. What could he say to save his life. He couldn’t think. All he could say was “I’ll do anything…” The next thing he noticed was an immense pain in his stomach and he doubled over from the force of the captain’s kick. “You filthy cur, You and your brethren killed a lot of good men. My men. And you grovel and plead for your own life? Where was their mercy? Where was their chance at life? “ The captain turned to one of his crew. “Keep him bound and throw him in the brig while I decide what to do.” The captain, Fredrick decided that Edgar would be given a chance. If he could prove his worth on the now under crewed North Star. He would allow him to live. Edgar took the offer and put his all in helping the North Star’s Fleet. It was hard at first, a lot of people took out their pain from lost friends on him. He was a member of the pirates, so Edgar couldn’t really blame them. Edgar was good on the ship, and after the voyage, the captain even let him stay on as a cabin boy, despite everything. It has been seven years since then. Edgar has worked hard, moving up the ships ranks and finally took over a recently retired Navigator’s position on the North star. As his first chance as ship navigator, the North Star was once again attacked by pirates… What People Know About Edgar:
It has been seven years, most of the old fleet has been replaced, so only a few people aboard the ship new that Edgar was a pirate. Of those who do only few hold any resentment of Edgar for the crimes he’s done as a child. Edgar is a hard worker and always strives to do the best he can. What Edgar Wants in Life:
Edgar has gotten a good position in life as a crew member of the North Star, and as Navigator he has a very respectable position. However, his one true goal in life is Emilia. The Seven years he has known her, she has only increase in beauty. However, It’s like Emilia never seems to notice him out of the crew. Still, Edgar has made Navigator now, and he has saved him money on a ring, in hope ask her to marry him. He’s pretty sure he will be turned down, Emilia being who she is and all, but he just can’t give up on her. Edgar has bought the ring to give her on this voyage, but now it is lost to their captors. Combat Post Template:
hp 21 | Temp 0 | NL 0 | Total hp 21
Story Awards SKILLS +1 Profession (Sailor} Level 2