Rennick's Mourning Dawn - an Eberron PFRPG (Inactive)

Game Master Rennick

wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

This is the thread for out of character discussion, questions, comments and announcements.

Basic rules of the game, just restating from the recruitment thread mostly:

- This will be a Role play heavy game, not a hack and slash. If you don't enjoy this style of game, perhaps this isn't the game for you.

- Try to keep a posting rate of 1 to 2 days, I will do the same. Sometimes I get extremely busy in spurts and will try and warn you ahead of time if there is going to be a lull.

- Have fun!

I will post the opening thread soon!

Thanks for picking me. I am also exited that scranford will too be playing with us.

Here also, ready and happy to go!

Also, regarding your message, I like both concepts a lot, but feel this one better tied to Sharn and investigation. If we feel that two changelings might be too much or shift the game too much, I've looked at other races in line with the concept I had in mind and would see no problem in changing the race while keeping the concept (I would get a dragonmark though!).

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12

Yea! This is going to be a fun one. Been trying to get in on an Eberron game for ages. And of course love playing with Chops and DW on anything. I'll get Klick ready to roll tomorrow.

DM Rennick:

I've been thinking, I could go elf or human without much trouble or change. In both cases, I would like to see Nik'o with a dragonmark. Shadow of course for elf, though he wouldn't know from which house... Unclear for human, though I like Passage a lot. Let me know what fits best in your plot. I'll be happy with changeling too, no worries. Just want to make sure you have everything you need and more for a good story.

wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

Dreaming Warforged:
My own choice would be to change the race to either of those two; because I like having less of the non-standard races (just a personal thing) and also I like the idea of having an Amnesiac Dragonmarked heir (loose term, not te PrC) In the end he's your character and you should play what you want. The plot itself is actually pretty fluid so either will work. That'll make more sense when I write out our "mission statement" in a couple hours. So short of it: I think I'd like a different race, but it's your choice.

wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

Alrighty, my mission Statement, for lack of a better term:

Where I stand on running D&D games right now: I love DMing, it's my favorite part of D&D and I have a blast with it. That said, over the past two years, I've been DMing very neophyte groups. While fun, this ended up with a lot of railroady plots because they just weren't used to RPing enough to go off on their own. I'm tired of this and want my players to have more freedom.

That said, storyline is my favorite part of a game. I have no interest in runnning a dungeon crawl. That said, in the past I would devise a basic plot line and try and guide my players along it. This time, I'm working a basic plan for what my bad guys will do if no heroes oppose them. How and whether you react is up to you.

I try and give every game I run a little bit of a different feel. With Eberron it should be very "cinematic" in its approach, but at the same time I want it to feel like its real, so You should run your characters as such, Where do you live, eat, sleep? How do you pay the bills? These are all things that should be thought of, though they probably should, rarely, be our focus.

A large part of this, at the beginning at least, will be about what your characters choose to do with their new lives in Sharn, Do they hunt down every lead on their pasts? What if those leads run dry? Will they pick up the pieces and start over? if they do, then how?

My current idea for this game is like a good TV show, adventures are overall self contained but link into an overarcing plotline, though as players you may end up changing this on me.

And like I said before, have fun!

Just got back from picking up a bunch of used Dungeon Magazines and sourcebooks from my FLGS, psyched for this game, will have an update by tonight!

wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

The Game's afoot! you can find it with the link!

Rennick's Mourning Dawn - An Eberron PFRPG

New race! Human with the Mark of Passage.

@ DM Rennick: Thanks for the Mission Statement. It helps to see where the game can go.

@ Scranford: one way to get your dot is to post with your base avatar, then edit to change it to your game avatar. Sometimes, just posting with your game avatar is enough.

Scranford, I'm surprised you haven't asked yet about the dice roller ;-)

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12
Dreaming Warforged wrote:
Scranford, I'm surprised you haven't asked yet about the dice roller ;-)

Oh don't worry. I'm sure I'll get around to it :-)

Male Elf Cavalier 1

Thank you for having me on board!! I'm sorry for the delay in input... Had some RL to deal with. I will post tomorrow for sure.

wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

I am travelling this weekend, probably won't be posting until Tuesday because of this.

On top of this I was accepted to an international grad school today... kind of been a shellshocked whirlwind of a day, hence no post today, sorry folks.

Congrats on grad school!

And thanks for the heads up. Always appreciated.

Yes, congrats! Do you know where you're going yet?

wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

I'm back, game's updated!

thanks for the well wishes, I'm going to be going to Loughton England to study Acting at the East 15 Acting school. It's part of the University of Essex.

Sounds pretty cool. Good Luck!

Male Human

For personal reasons I will not be updating my games tonight. I apologize for the delay.

No problem. Again, thanks for the heads up!

wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

Try to keep the OOC talk, questions you have for me and such here, it keeps the other thread less cluttered.

Sihdrin: My mistake, The Valenar are known for using a variant of doublebladed swords, similar to two scimitars welded together by the hilts. I assumed this was what you meant and not the Paizo-style curveblade found in the PFRPG sources.

So to Everyone: The Warforged has a single bladed curve blade. I would change the description but I can't edit the post.

Normally everyone would be too far from the Warforged to attack with melee strikes, but I'll use the given atk and dmg rolls for once the distance is closed.

Just wanting to make sure I understand correctly: OOC description of our action, like move to D4 and Power attack, should remain in the IC, right?

wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

Yeah, little notes like that should stay over in the other thread (Though I tend to not use maps or grids so it would be "I move to flank" or "I run screaming in the other direction" It is also an option to post a couple different actions.

IE: If he can Drizzt will move to melee range and use a charge atk. If he's to far away he will draw his bow and fire.

It's also recently come to my attention that you may want to let me know what sort of actions you tend to do, in case you end up having to miss a posting day so I won't slow the game more than needed.

DM Rennick wrote:

Sihdrin: My mistake, The Valenar are known for using a variant of doublebladed swords, similar to two scimitars welded together by the hilts. I assumed this was what you meant and not the Paizo-style curveblade found in the PFRPG sources.

Yeah, that's cool - I orinally looked at going with the Valenar double-scimitars, but it would have used up sooooo many feats. Maybe on a fighter or ranger...

Klick wrote:
Hey guys. I’ll be able to post (Hopefully) this week, but on a business trip to PR. Don’t let me hold up the game however just GM NPC the characters if you need to move forward before I can post.

I know its business but have a good trip and if you can check out a bioluminescent bay. My wife and I went kayaking in one while we were down there and it was pretty sweet.

I never had a chance to look at it, but three opponent can, by moving around their target in a five foot step circle, all flank.

wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

Yeah, as long as you all can hit him then everyone gets a +2 for flanking,

? Do you mean that there is no flanking bonus if someone misses?

wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

Nonono, not if you do hit him, just if you can.

Standard rules from the pfrpg, as long as the target is in a square that you and an ally threaten, you get the bonus.

That's really good. Scranford rolls a crit and confirms, in absentia!

He would argue that it wasn't done on the dice roller, which would make me chuckle even more!

Menawhile, I have to find a way to roll above ten...

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12

I'm thinking maybe the GM should make all my dice rolls for me!!!!

DW...What makes you think I don't trust this forum's Dice roller??? :-).

When I find the time, perhaps I'll just link all those good quotes!

AFTK? Absent For The Killing?

wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

I'm down with a high fever and need to start a new job tomorrow with very late hours. Because of this I'm going to take a break until late Sunday or Monday. Sorry for the delay.

I'm starting a new campaign...

Let me know if you're interested.

wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

Because of a much harder workload than I was expecting, I am putting all my games on hiatus. Please check back around thursday/Friday, I'll be starting discussions on our respective PbP futures. thanks everyone.

wouldn't you like to know! Dungeonisius Masterius Evil Genius/9999999999999999

"hey! where are these discussions we were told were coming?!"

Sorry for not posting when I said I would, I've been down and out with a broncial flu that's had me floored for a few days now, and still pretty bad.

I'm just going to jump to the meat of things and ask people for what they think. My new job is doing set-ups, take downs and serving for events and banquets at my city's casino. What this means is that my work schedule is hectic, and not on any sort of a regular basis. I could work 7 days a week one week and 1 day the next, I could work a 5 hour shift one day, then work a 19 hour shift the next (this has already happened.)

I can't keep a day to day game going right now, I just can't. So our options are these, as I see em.

We call it quits.

We reduce the posting rate to once or twice a week, and every needs to accept that I can't always say when those updates will come.

Alright, so what are people's thoughts?

Hello Rennick,

Sorry to hear about your flu. I hope you get better fast.

As to your schedule, RL comes first and I thank you for letting us know so clearly.

My personal experience about weekly posts is that I go nuts, and eventually quit. It happened in three games so far (they didn't start that way).

So it just wouldn't work for me.

I'll keep an eye on the thread in case other arguments are presented.

If I don't get the chance, I thank you for this intro game. I hope we'll get the chance to play together some other time.

I mirror DW in his thoughts. RL comes first. No point in beating yourself up to try and keep a schedule on a game. I also think posting only once per week is disastrous. It is hard to keep up interest in that. You should concentrate on your health and your job. Other games are always out there.

We could put the game on sabbatical and if you find yourself able to continue, revive this thread and we can continue. Don't feel bad because pbp's are hard to keep up and the dozen or so that I have started, only three have lasted for the last year, and I attribute that mostly to luck.

Male Human

Thanks for the understanding guys, It's with a lot of sadness that I am putting this game on indefinite hiatus.

Thanks to everyone for playing and I'm sorry things got cut short. If I do get a chance to run another PbP in the future, I hope you'll all consider trying for it.

thanks guys!

Yeah, I'm in agreement with the others about the low posting rate - generally haven't seen that work well. I'm sad about going on hiatus, b/c I really enjoyed the start! I will continue checking occasionally and will be ready to hop in if you are ready to continue.

Thanks again!

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