Reign of Winter (group two) (Inactive)

Game Master Whack-a-Rogue

Ruined Temple
Loot List

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Male Catfolk HP(54/134) Sub(54/134)
AC21/Touch11/Flat 20 | Fort+13/Ref+8/Will +5| Init +3
Stealth + 0, Perception +9, Sense Motive +8, Survival + 9, Intimidate +6, Diplomacy +13, Ride+15
Class (Samurai) (10)

I suppose the two halflinf could ride double on the same horse >.> and i had sort of meant Pulling Erika behind him on his mount, or if she knows how to ride, we could have a halfling each behind us, its more of a speedily travel thing than a combat idea. Horsethieves >.<

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9


Male Human (Varisian) Witch 9
HP:64/66| AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 17 | Fort: +8; Ref: +8; Will: +9(+2 vs. fear) |Init: +6;Perc: +11;Stealth +2;Survival +2
Evil Eye (at will)| Cackle (At will)|Misfortune(At will)| Feather Fall (At will, self)| Levitate (Once per day)|Fly(9/9 Minutes)|Stardust 2/2|Ward(At Will))

"Thanks, Lyosha, but I think I c... he looks at his legs still shaking "maybe it's a good idea to mount on the horse, yes".

When asked his name by the woman he will answer "I'm Zsestrian, miss". The raven then adds "I'm Crow, miss".
"Also, are you all right too? You seem a little distressed." the witch says to Blik.

DM Your Benevolent Dictator, did I learn anything from the Knowledge check from before? At least if it was a spell or not?

Also, I was a little worried that we don't have an healer, too.
I would do best as a battlefield controller/debuffer, but I could use wand of CLW until I get Misfortune Hex next level.
We'll have to save up for the wand, tough :/

HP: 138/138 | AC: 22; T: 17; FF: 17; CMD: 27 | Fort: +14; Ref: +16; Will: +12(+2 versus fear) | Init: +5; Perc: +26; Stealth +18; Survival +20
SSGOW Sexy Shoeless Tailor of War 13!

Well you could pick up healing hex too. And if we didn't also need a trap-finder, I would have kept my spellcasting so I could use a wand of CLW.

"Name's Hobbes of the Bitterleaf clan." He says to everyone.

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9

A quizzical look appears on Neverhome's face. "Hobbes? Did you know you have the same name as a halfling?"

HP: 138/138 | AC: 22; T: 17; FF: 17; CMD: 27 | Fort: +14; Ref: +16; Will: +12(+2 versus fear) | Init: +5; Perc: +26; Stealth +18; Survival +20
SSGOW Sexy Shoeless Tailor of War 13!

"I am a halfling so that works fer me."

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9

The look of quizzicalness soon becomes one of incredulity. "You are not a giant." He says this as if it's a matter-of-fact.

HP: 138/138 | AC: 22; T: 17; FF: 17; CMD: 27 | Fort: +14; Ref: +16; Will: +12(+2 versus fear) | Init: +5; Perc: +26; Stealth +18; Survival +20
SSGOW Sexy Shoeless Tailor of War 13!

"Criminy, what are you babblin' about? In what cockamamie world do ya live in? Halfings are not giants. Sexy shoeless gods of war? Yep. But not giants."

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

"...methinks the lady at the bar lied to me."

HP: 138/138 | AC: 22; T: 17; FF: 17; CMD: 27 | Fort: +14; Ref: +16; Will: +12(+2 versus fear) | Init: +5; Perc: +26; Stealth +18; Survival +20
SSGOW Sexy Shoeless Tailor of War 13!

"What dame sold you that swampland??"

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9

"Some lady who was reading story about halfling grabbing star. Never seen halfling before. Assumed they were really big."

HP: 138/138 | AC: 22; T: 17; FF: 17; CMD: 27 | Fort: +14; Ref: +16; Will: +12(+2 versus fear) | Init: +5; Perc: +26; Stealth +18; Survival +20
SSGOW Sexy Shoeless Tailor of War 13!

"Well, ya don't need to be tall to reach fer the stars."

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9

"Hmm. She said the same thing too."

HP: 138/138 | AC: 22; T: 17; FF: 17; CMD: 27 | Fort: +14; Ref: +16; Will: +12(+2 versus fear) | Init: +5; Perc: +26; Stealth +18; Survival +20
SSGOW Sexy Shoeless Tailor of War 13!

"Smart dame she is."

Male Catfolk HP(54/134) Sub(54/134)
AC21/Touch11/Flat 20 | Fort+13/Ref+8/Will +5| Init +3
Stealth + 0, Perception +9, Sense Motive +8, Survival + 9, Intimidate +6, Diplomacy +13, Ride+15
Class (Samurai) (10)

"You all can call me Silence" The strangely armored feline began atop his mount. "If there is indeed some sort of trouble ahead that we can do something about... how do you all handle yourselves in a fight?" He asked aloud trying to get a place and idea for himself set.

Druid (Bat Shaman) 2; HP: 23/23 | AC: 19; T: 14; FF: 16 CMD: 14 | Fort: +5; Ref: +4; Will: +7(+9 vs. fear) | Init: +5; Perc: +10; Stealth +11; Survival +10
6/6 | Cantrips: Guidance, Stabalize, Read Magic | Level One: Magic Stone, Mudball, Cure Light Wounds; Domain: Sleep

Blik hangs on for dear life, obviously uncomfortable atop his galloping horse, and seemingly unfamiliar with the workings of a saddle. He'll turn to answer Zsestrian, having worked most of the shakiness out of his voice.

"I-I've never been on a horse b-before. They can't hear well, how do they a-avoid trees?"

The small halfling will cling to the horse, focusing on speaking, answering Silence's question to avoid looking at the ground.

" I am a Shaman, I speak for the night. I-I can use the magic of nature, and I'm good with a sling..."

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9

Hustling to keep up with the mounts Neverhome timed his words with his breaths. "Fighter nyet! Survivor da!" As he ran he felt a familiar beast start to stir within his mind, one he thought stayed in Irrisen. As the cold started to bring back more and more memories of old he drew one of his harpoons.

Male Human (Varisian) Witch 9
HP:64/66| AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 17 | Fort: +8; Ref: +8; Will: +9(+2 vs. fear) |Init: +6;Perc: +11;Stealth +2;Survival +2
Evil Eye (at will)| Cackle (At will)|Misfortune(At will)| Feather Fall (At will, self)| Levitate (Once per day)|Fly(9/9 Minutes)|Stardust 2/2|Ward(At Will))

Finding for a moment his usual cheerful attitude, he says with a grin to Blik:"Oh, I think horses know very well how to avoid trees. Some horses, though, like to throw YOU at the trees.".

He then turns to Silence:"Hm, well... I don't know what my powers exactly come from, but Crow taught me a couple of spell. I'm very weak, and I don't know how to directly harm enemies-I can barely wield a knife!-, but I can make harder for them to defend or attack"

Female Human Time Thief 1
HP: 9/9 | AC: 15; T: 13; FF: 12; CMD:15 | Fort: +2; Ref: +5; Will: +2 | BAB:0; Melee:+2; Ranged:+3 | Init: +3; Perc: +0; Stealth +7; Survival +0

"So...Hobbes, Blik, Neverhome?" Erika looks inquisitively around the group. "My name is...Er...Erika. Pleased to meet you all." She smiles sheepishly and grips Silence tighter as the mule bounces down the road.

HP: 138/138 | AC: 22; T: 17; FF: 17; CMD: 27 | Fort: +14; Ref: +16; Will: +12(+2 versus fear) | Init: +5; Perc: +26; Stealth +18; Survival +20
SSGOW Sexy Shoeless Tailor of War 13!

"Me? I'm the fastest fighter around. Your typical globe trotting hero."

@Zsestrian: you're not really sure what happened. If it was a spell, it was very high-level.

GM Rolls:
Silence: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Blik: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Erika: 1d20 ⇒ 5
Hobbes: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Neverhome: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
Zsestrian: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Crow: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

The trip takes about 90 minutes. As you near the forest, the temperature drops noticeably. You've been walking through an inch or two of snow, but this deepens the closer you get to the treeline. As you approach, a sight of destruction and carnage greets your eyes. Dead humanoids and horses lie sprawled across the ground. A carriage stands in the middle of the road, its team of horses missing or cut free. Another overturned carriage lies broken next to the tree line. To the south, more bodies have fallen around what appears to be a statue of ice. A snowy trail leads deeper into the forest.

You hear muffled sounds coming from the closer carriage.

Map link is under my name. Move yourselves as needed, but please assume we're in rounds unless I state otherwise. Don't worry about the snow yet, it's not deep enough to be a factor. Have fun! :-)

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9

Neverhome will put away the harpoon and draw his greatsword while moving closer to the first carriage. As he does he turns to the group and puts his pointer finger up vertically against his lips.

HP: 138/138 | AC: 22; T: 17; FF: 17; CMD: 27 | Fort: +14; Ref: +16; Will: +12(+2 versus fear) | Init: +5; Perc: +26; Stealth +18; Survival +20
SSGOW Sexy Shoeless Tailor of War 13!

Hobbes nods his head and draws his sword as he follows Neverhome.

Just an FYI: you can move yourselves on the map. :-)

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9

oohhhhh I see peoples moving by themselves :3

Druid (Bat Shaman) 2; HP: 23/23 | AC: 19; T: 14; FF: 16 CMD: 14 | Fort: +5; Ref: +4; Will: +7(+9 vs. fear) | Init: +5; Perc: +10; Stealth +11; Survival +10
6/6 | Cantrips: Guidance, Stabalize, Read Magic | Level One: Magic Stone, Mudball, Cure Light Wounds; Domain: Sleep

That's a handy map!

Blik readies his spear and follows quietly after Hobbes.

Stealth: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29

Female Human Time Thief 1
HP: 9/9 | AC: 15; T: 13; FF: 12; CMD:15 | Fort: +2; Ref: +5; Will: +2 | BAB:0; Melee:+2; Ranged:+3 | Init: +3; Perc: +0; Stealth +7; Survival +0

Erika looks a bit ill at the death scene in front of them. She moves forward cautiously. Seeing the others drawing weapons her hand toys with the blade on her hip. She looks to Silence, "Oh no...this is terrible. Can we help them? Oh no oh no...."

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9

Neverhome jerks his head back towards Erika and makes a quick sweeping motion with his hand in front of his neck.

Male Catfolk HP(54/134) Sub(54/134)
AC21/Touch11/Flat 20 | Fort+13/Ref+8/Will +5| Init +3
Stealth + 0, Perception +9, Sense Motive +8, Survival + 9, Intimidate +6, Diplomacy +13, Ride+15
Class (Samurai) (10)

He frowned as they approached the carnage his grip tightening on the naginata. He halted his horse Mule (yes he named his horse mule hes a cat.) And slowly dismounted. He was... interested in that ice statue, it didnt add up at all, plus mixed with the sudden winter outbreak had the fur up so to speak. He wished he could read battle sign like his father could. "I wonder whom was in this carraige yes yes?" He asked moving closer to the ice statue... his horse stamped its feet and followed after a moment.

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9

A man named Raven with a raven named Crow and a cat with a horse named Mule. That does it. Get fox. Name it Fish.

HP: 138/138 | AC: 22; T: 17; FF: 17; CMD: 27 | Fort: +14; Ref: +16; Will: +12(+2 versus fear) | Init: +5; Perc: +26; Stealth +18; Survival +20
SSGOW Sexy Shoeless Tailor of War 13!

I was thinking of getting a wolf at 4. I could name him Cat.

Male Catfolk HP(54/134) Sub(54/134)
AC21/Touch11/Flat 20 | Fort+13/Ref+8/Will +5| Init +3
Stealth + 0, Perception +9, Sense Motive +8, Survival + 9, Intimidate +6, Diplomacy +13, Ride+15
Class (Samurai) (10)

The mule is named Charger cause you know

Male Human (Varisian) Witch 9
HP:64/66| AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 17 | Fort: +8; Ref: +8; Will: +9(+2 vs. fear) |Init: +6;Perc: +11;Stealth +2;Survival +2
Evil Eye (at will)| Cackle (At will)|Misfortune(At will)| Feather Fall (At will, self)| Levitate (Once per day)|Fly(9/9 Minutes)|Stardust 2/2|Ward(At Will))

As soon as they approach the carriages, Zses can feel a rush of uneasiness coming from Crow.
Who could have done this...
"What's happening?" he whispers to the raven. In turn, the bird points with his beak to the carriage.
Zsestrian will readies his dagger and follow after the others. Crow will fly high, circling around the two carriages.
When is possible, Crow will usually do this. He can do barely anything in a fight, and I surely don't want my walking spellbook to get killed :P

While he moves, the witch will look at the scene trying to understand what happened
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
and Crow will do the same
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

Worried by the strange statue, he will throw a quick glance at it, too.
Knowledge(Arcana): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Knowledge(Nature): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Knowledge(Planes): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

What an ice statue is doing here? Something's very, very wrong...

It's not a statue - it's a person covered in ice!

GM Rolls:
Zombies: 3d20 ⇒ (13, 1, 6) = 20
Party: 6d20 + 24 ⇒ (15, 4, 13, 9, 15, 18) + 24 = 98

As you approach, the muffled sounds from the carriage grow louder, and Silence can see that the doors are barred shut with a spear. Before he gets a chance to say anything, the bodies on the ground stand up! Whatever force reanimated these Zombies left them (you assume) angry - or at least very hungry....

Surprise Round complete

Round One
Your turns

To speed up combat, I roll initiative for everyone and calculate the average. Depending on results, either the PCs will go first, or the enemies will go first. Therefore, if anyone has any situational Initiative stuff (like the Diviner Wizard thing), I need to know about it. Also, I keep the map updated as close to real-time as possible and will note any necessary status effects there. All I ask is that you clearly indicate your movement path (via text description or arrows). Good luck! :-)

Male Human (Varisian) Witch 9
HP:64/66| AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 17 | Fort: +8; Ref: +8; Will: +9(+2 vs. fear) |Init: +6;Perc: +11;Stealth +2;Survival +2
Evil Eye (at will)| Cackle (At will)|Misfortune(At will)| Feather Fall (At will, self)| Levitate (Once per day)|Fly(9/9 Minutes)|Stardust 2/2|Ward(At Will))

Ouch, first combat and I can't do almost anything :/
Anyway, can we move through those trees( Bushes? those green thingies near us)? Suppose not...

You can move through the individual trees normally, but the thick cover at the bottom of the map counts as difficult terrain. :-)

Druid (Bat Shaman) 2; HP: 23/23 | AC: 19; T: 14; FF: 16 CMD: 14 | Fort: +5; Ref: +4; Will: +7(+9 vs. fear) | Init: +5; Perc: +10; Stealth +11; Survival +10
6/6 | Cantrips: Guidance, Stabalize, Read Magic | Level One: Magic Stone, Mudball, Cure Light Wounds; Domain: Sleep


Blik will yell out, his voice strangely high pitched. His dark irises will seem to consume his sclera as he quietly chants.

"Rocks and stones,
They shatter bones,
That crawl and moan,
Their death unknown."

Blik will drop his spear (free action)
Cast Magic Stone on his bullet pouch, affecting 3 bullets (standard action)
Pull his Sling off of his belt (move action)
Load his Sling with an enchanted bullet (free action)

Magic Stone:

Magic Stone
School transmutation; Level cleric 1, druid 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, DF
Range touch
Targets up to three pebbles touched
Duration 30 minutes or until discharged
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless, object); Spell Resistance yes (harmless, object)
You transmute as many as three pebbles, which can be no larger than sling bullets, so that they strike with great force when thrown or slung. If hurled, they have a range increment of 20 feet. If slung, treat them as sling bullets (range increment 50 feet). The spell gives them a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. The user of the stones makes a normal ranged attack. Each stone that hits deals 1d6+1 points of damage (including the spell's enhancement bonus), or 2d6+2 points against undead.

Now hopefully one of them will stay out of melee. Damn you Presice Shot!

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9

Neverhome will move five feet to see around the carriage. "What in Hell?" Seeing them move in on Silence he will head for the nearest one and attack.

Greatsword Swing: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18 damage: 2d6 + 3 ⇒ (5, 6) + 3 = 14
Just putting damage up as well for speed, let me know if you rather I don't until the attack is actually confirmed.

"Return to your loved ones!" he shouts as he swings at the undead.

Neverhome's swing cleaves Blue Zombie in two.

Rolling attack and damage together saves time for me. :-) The greatest problem with PbPs is the slow pacing of combat. Any time savers are appreciated.

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9

Gotcha, also WOOT! First Blood :3

And you're not even raging. :-)

Female Human Time Thief 1
HP: 9/9 | AC: 15; T: 13; FF: 12; CMD:15 | Fort: +2; Ref: +5; Will: +2 | BAB:0; Melee:+2; Ranged:+3 | Init: +3; Perc: +0; Stealth +7; Survival +0

Erika flinches as the zombies rise to their feet. Looking around at the rest of the group she slips off behind the trees removing her bow as she does so. Standing between two of the trees she takes aim at the second zombie, just in time to see Neverhome's sword cleave it in twain. Huffing slightly she re aims at the zombie near the other cart and fires a shot at its head.

Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
AttackRed: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
DamageRed: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Erika's shot hits the Zombie right between the eyes. Doesn't seem to slow it down, though.

Male Catfolk HP(54/134) Sub(54/134)
AC21/Touch11/Flat 20 | Fort+13/Ref+8/Will +5| Init +3
Stealth + 0, Perception +9, Sense Motive +8, Survival + 9, Intimidate +6, Diplomacy +13, Ride+15
Class (Samurai) (10)

Silence hisses as he draws his katana,slashing at the zombie nearest him.
katana: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
[b] "Back to death, you poor soul." He finiahed after the slash.

sorry about the delay, medicine had me pretty much knocked out all day.

Silence's slash takes a chunk out of Green Zombie's arm, but it remains upright. Is your mount going to do anything?

Waiting on Hobbes and Zsestrian. :-)

HP: 138/138 | AC: 22; T: 17; FF: 17; CMD: 27 | Fort: +14; Ref: +16; Will: +12(+2 versus fear) | Init: +5; Perc: +26; Stealth +18; Survival +20
SSGOW Sexy Shoeless Tailor of War 13!

Hobbes just keeps moving, his little legs not giving him enough speed to reach anyone. :(

HP: 0/187(226) | AC/T/FF 16/13/16(21/11/21) CMD 30(34) | Fort +18(21) Ref +9 Will +11(14) | Init +2 Rage 23/32 | Acid Res 10 Cold Res 2 | Fortification 15% | Death Curse DC 17 | Darkvision 60ft, Blindsense 30ft
Perc +13 Intimidate +8 Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (Nature) +7 Stealth +2 Survival +9

Charge under the carriage?

HP: 138/138 | AC: 22; T: 17; FF: 17; CMD: 27 | Fort: +14; Ref: +16; Will: +12(+2 versus fear) | Init: +5; Perc: +26; Stealth +18; Survival +20
SSGOW Sexy Shoeless Tailor of War 13!

You make a good point. Can I charge green?"

If you make either an Acrobatics or Escape Artist DC 15 to avoid getting stuck in the undercarriage. :-)

HP: 138/138 | AC: 22; T: 17; FF: 17; CMD: 27 | Fort: +14; Ref: +16; Will: +12(+2 versus fear) | Init: +5; Perc: +26; Stealth +18; Survival +20
SSGOW Sexy Shoeless Tailor of War 13!

Dex: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Hobbes ends up hitting his head in the undercarriage..

"Grumble, grumble..."

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