Puppet String Theory

Game Master Prof. Skyraper

Mammon, the world gifted by Magic. This world is home to a strange yet familiar society based on transforming the planet to be a God's host. Though there is more to the world, people and God that will surely be anything close to familiar.

This discussion thread will be used for extensive out of character conversing and a place for information and questions about the campaign that does not immediately pertain to gameplay.

Please post here so that I may add you to the player list.

Male Human Ranger 2

Hey there I will be posting more!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Fighter 2

Hows my opening post? My finalized character is good to go too!

Some misconceptions, all good though. The Summoner Taboo is bringing a living creature into the world, not Kloysster. Also the Canopy is pretty much as described, it is the upper part of the Foliage, home of higher caste members and the churches. And Bon is a term when addressing some one of a higher caste. "How are you, Bon Estrada?" the baker says. "Quite well, Bo Maxim. I'm currently on my way to Bon Cuellar's estate." in this case Estrada is higher caste than maxim but lower to Cuellar.

The Asleep: Now as a decimated minority the Asleep are few and far between on the world of Mammon. In Awaken society the Asleep are often viewed as contemptible thieves and heathens. Asleep society is based on the region but is easily boiled down to surviving. Hence Asleep in The Drifts have most likely taken to marauding; taking advantage of the enormous sandy wastes to stake out a living by raiding unprotected Awaken travelers or other bands of Asleep, or Asleep living in The Roots have possibly managed a form of passive and symbiotic relationship with the Awaken; perhaps working as laborers or tradesmen. As said before, the goal of the Asleep is usually not to please a God, or acquire wealth, the goal is to live.

Barbarian: Barbarians are just that. In groups of Asleep that have either been removed from civilization or have a place for these berserkers Barbarians act as either independent destroyers or champions of the down trodden. Caviler: Cavaliers are commonly Asleep warriors and mercenaries that hail from The Rifts or other open environments where the use of mounts is very common place. Cavaliers may also be honor bound defenders of the Asleep, acting as sentries and protecting their susceptible people. Gunslinger: Before The Pearl technology on Mammon was rapidly increasing, firearms began to become commonplace. Asleep that either retrain the knowledge and art of gunwielding or those just lucky enough to happen upon an armory commonly become Gunslingers. From militia men to outlaws Gunslingers are coveted in Asleep society. Fighter: Fighters are the the most common warrior the Asleep have to offer. Fighters are incredibly various and are impossible to generalize. Rogue: Rogues tend to be true survivalists. They may be cut throats or agents, tricksters or thieves. Rogues are the personification of The Asleep's will to survive through any means.

Male Human Ranger 2

How's the campaign comin?

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Fighter 2

1d4 ⇒ 3
1d4 ⇒ 4
1d4 ⇒ 2

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Fighter 2

Dread soul

Rob hum:AmKn-0047 John 30y
Avg lifestyle GeneCorp Logistics

13 STR 14 Dex 12 Con 10 Int 12 Wis 10 Cha

Climb 5 Ride 6 HA 0 Craft fletch 0
Craft misc 0 Prof clerk 0 Perc 0
Swim 5

Add traits:sacred touch/ magic touch acid splash

9gp 9sp 9cp credits
Travel cloak+cwby hat+sandal
Backpack mw
Club - weapon cord
Unarmed strike
Sling - 10 bullets
Blowgun 10 darts
Gauntlet 1d3
Punch dagger 1d4 x2
Blade boot 1d4 x2
Quarterstaff 1d6
Hly symbl slvr necklace
Signet ring
Quilt cloth chest piece dr/3
Flint steel
Holy water (flask)
Signet whistle
Silent whistle
See needle
Utility belt
Skeleton key
Smoke goggles
Silk rope grap hook
Filter hood
Cold suit
Heat suit
Blessed bandage
Guard dog
Fishrod(block and tackle)

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Fighter 2

Scratch QuickDraw with endurance

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Fighter 2

John works at GeneCorp as a logistics member. He deals with supplies, deliveries, work orders, and company details. He was constructed as an enlisted aide to UN forces. His frame was superseded and dropped. Being of sentient construct, and per Sentient Act of 2274, he was released from gov control and left to function himself.
John enjoys collecting trinkets and has taken a recent interest in fishing.
He has a quaint personality and a response adaptive social billet.

Male Human Alchemist(Rage Vivisectionist)/2

Wikas Zuma

Age: 31 Weight: 195lbs Height: 6'2" Size: Medium

Human Commoner/1

Str: 10 +1d4 ⇒ 3
Dex: 10
Con: 10 +1d4 ⇒ 4 + 2
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Cha: 10 +1d4 ⇒ 4

HP: 9
AC: 12 (10+2)
Fort: 3 (0+3) Ref: 0 Wil: 0

BAB: 0 CAB: 0, CMD: 10, Initiative: 0, Speed 30ft

Swim 2(1+1), Intimidate 3(1+2) Perception 1

Antagonize, Persuasive

Heavy Mace(Baton): 1d20+3; 1d8+3
Leather Armor: AC +2

Male Human Alchemist(Rage Vivisectionist)/2

Wikas "Mad-Tongue" Zuma was born into the typical life of the future common criminal. Drug addicted mother and a father who he'd never know the young boy found true family in a dangerous group of clingers known as the 'Chips'. Being naturally convincing and conniving the boy took to the life of a thug with ease, developing into the common street-scum that plagues the impoverished. Being a Chip, Wikas partook in the usual behavior of a clinger; extorting local Junks, slinging bootleg Sky, harassing Muts and even stepping toe to toe with the other clinger-chapters.

Living the typical criminal life Wikas eventually hit the typical criminal speed bump, earning five hard years of 'condensed population' and neural-habilitation. Considered lucky to not be 'processed' like most of the common scum-buckets, the once hard thug was reduced to just another convict. In Gorgado-Brand-Neural Penitentiary the common convict is given(or forced) a second chance, their minds and personalities subject to neuroscience that gets them ready to be reintroduced into society.

Wikas left the 'brain-tank' with an enforced distaste for illegal activity, a new tolerance for Muts and a knack for computer logic. His parole deal set the man up with a white-collar job at GeneSafe to be one of a million code-monkeys. Despite his intimidating tattoos and his uncouth thuglike demeanor Wikas is content with pushing keys and shooting the sh*t around the hydro. However, sometimes, when a story of a clinger turf-war or act of arson catches the old gangster's attention he can swear his computer knowledge feels fuzzy and that old devious itch forms in the back of his mind... How long is that neural-habilitation good for anyhow?

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