Pixie Rogue |

This session finds the party healed up and considering their next course of action after their battle with Redfang, the Gnawer in Darkness, and the subsequent visit to return the Bearded Anvil to the Midgard dwarves.
In gratitude, the dwarves have awarded the heroes each an item of power according to their preference. Thinking back on their discussion with the Witch-queen, it appears that the next step in their assault on Demogorgon is to secure the aid of the Queen of Succubi, Malcanthet.
Gavaeriel's considerable knowledge of planar knowledge comes in handy as she explains to her allies that Malcanthet rules over the 570th layer of the Abyss, a realm known as Shendilavri. She also points out that they can access the realm via the Styx on the Sea Wyvern with its protected status on the highly variable and mystical river or they can use the wakeportal on the ship to plane shift to the Abyssian Ocean and sail into the layer's placid Scarlet Sea.
They agree that sailing on the guaranteed safety of the Styx is preferable despite the likely delay involved in sailing Charon's river. Arriving in Shendilavri, they find the waters of the bay of the city of Miomanta crowded with black barges filled with demonic overseers and souls, living and dead, destined for various types of slavery.
A marilith demon tending to the docks sees the Sea Wyvern and assuming that it bears more slaves, waves the ship in. The captain looks at the heroes, a question in her eyes, and they all nod - it only makes sense. Once the ship is tied off, the crew all retreat, relying on the protection Charon has extended to the ship to keep the demons at bay. It does appear that the Boatman's edict will hold sway.
The heroes tell the marilith that they wish to meet with Malcanthet. She smiles and tells them that all they need to do is get in line, then. It is obvious from watching that those that get in line are stripped of all possessions and then led off by their new taskmasters. With honeyed words and diplomacy, they suggest that this is not what they have in mind. After some hesitation, she relents and tells them that they are welcome to attempt to achieve an audience, but they will not be allowed in unless they are "properly clothed for an audience" - meaning naked. As they query her for the particulars, they determine that they can retain much of their gear as long as they go without shirts, trousers, - and armor.
They (grudgingly, in at least one case) strip down as directed and leave their gear on the ship. The marilith points them to a glabrezu demon that sullenly leads them to the palace of Malcanthet that looks over the city. Leaving them at the door without so much as a word, he returns to the docks.

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Entering the palace, the party finds naked demons cavorting with writhing mortals. Often, exhausted, slack-jawed souls can be seen slumped against the rose-colored walls, their eyes empty and skin puckered and withered. The floors everywhere are littered with bodies, some sleeping, some fading into emptiness as though approaching incorporeality. The demons, however, are untiring and insatiable, as though they are absorbing the life energies from the mortals around them.
The chambers of the palace are all filled with this carnival of flesh, a maze of debauchery and erotica and cloying odor. Demons and wide-eyed visitors, including the party, wander from room to room and hall to hall. After wandering fruitlessly for a time, the party asks a glabrezu for directions to Malcanthet's chamber. The creature listens, smirks, and walks away. Trying again, they speak to a marilith. She strokes the paladin's jaw and pouts that he doesn't want to stay with her. With an invitation to return, she gives him directions to the chambers.
Arriving in Malcanthet's pleasure dome, they find a vast chamber packed with young, strong humans, elves, and other mortals, all of them shining examples of beauty and virility. The room is near body temperature, and the air is filled with moans and cries, some delighted, others surely the sounds of despair. At least three succubi and a dozen vrocks are here feeding on the flesh and souls around them rather than taking part in the more pervasive activities.
In the center of the chamber, a full thirty feet from any of the bodies otherwise covering the floor and over a 100 feet from the party. The floor is so full of bodies that the party opts to rely on magic to get to Malcanthet's attention. With a spell, Gavaeriel causes an azure panel to appear in front of the party and a second to appear 25' from the divan of the Queen of the Succubi. As they step out of the dimension door, they realize that her divan is literally made up of arms and hands coming up from the floor. And as each PC steps forward, hands rise out of the floor to support them, as well. The gnomish cleric Loegare is obviously a little uncomfortable as the hands support his naked flesh.
The Queen of the Succubi looks the party over, a little smile on her face, before she speaks, "My, my, my! What fine-looking visitors! I do so enjoy volunteers. Welcome to the Palace of Flesh and Delight. How long are you staying?"
When the party makes their pitch to Malcanthet to aid them in their fight against Demogorgon, she (quite obviously) feigns shock, interrupting with, "He is my lover! How can you dare suggest I would side against him?" She pauses for a moment, then laughs. When she does, every demon and every mortal in the room laughs as well. When she stops, they stop. The half-orc inquisitor mutters, "Nice trick."
Malcanthet's extreme beauty and profane nature combine to throw off the party as they continue with their pitch especially as she interjects lewd suggestions of what she would like to do with this member of the party or that one or comments on their physical charms, quite visible in their current state of dress. Suddenly, she begins a throaty laugh and she laughs and laughs until the party begins to believe that she has come unhinged without warning. As before, the others in the room laugh and laugh with her. Just as suddenly, she stops and stares at the minotaur. Also as before, the rest of the room stops laughing - except for one voice, which suddenly turns to a scream that is abruptly cut off.
She pays no attention to the unfortunate laugher and says, "Oh, you are treacherous, and I like that. You remind me of Graz'zt, in a piddling mortal way. I might help you, but first I need one of you to look in my eyes. And if you can survive that, I might help you. Or I might not. You're really inno position to bargain." She points to the minotaur and says, "I choose you. Step up and kneel! You know you'll never have a chance for bliss like this again. Look into my eyes and tell me you'd like a kiss to seal this bargain..." The minotaur shakes his head, not trusting himself to speak at this point. Eyes narrowed, she looks through the rest of the party, but the paladin steps forward - understanding the danger, he trusts in his goddess to protect him, and he does as the demon demands. He feels his very life force being drawn from his body as his formidable defenses are overcome and the experience leaves him stunned and speechless for a moment. Staggering back to his feet, she whispers loud enough for the party to hear, "You and your predecessors have served me well so far, returning that silly idol to that old bat and then releasing the wretch Shami-Amourae. Just like I planned. So don't balk on me now, my precious puppets!
"Demogorgon has two heads, and has always sought to unify them. His two greatest generals, Bagromar and Tetradarian, are clones, each representing half his nature. The more bestial of the two has just returned from a great success in the Blood War; he rests with his army in a mountain camp on Pazunia, very near to my fortesss of Valenon there. His success has gone to his head, filled him with ideas that he's the better of the two. Someone as delightful as you should have no problem convincing General Bagromar to betray his cloned brother, hmmm?"
She smiles and pushes Darvin back and addresses the party more loudly, "There; that wasn't so bad, was it? Now, go fetch my old friend Crimson from her home and I'll give you the Iron Flash of Tuerney the Merciless to aid you in your efforts. Or, if you'd prefer, I can tell Demogorgon everything about what you're up to?" She taps her fingers in irritation on the scales of a marilith that sidles up to her. All around the audience chamber, demons are pouring in. "I'm waiting," says the demon queen, "and I hate waiting." When Loegare attempts to ask for information about where to find Crimson, he is met with a glare and the party opts to figure it out for themselves. When they turn, they find the path out of the room clear and they make their way out of the palace.

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Standing outside the palace, the party has a fair view of the bulk of the city of Miomanta. The sprawling central district lies below - this appears to be where the bulk of the unfortunates that were getting off the black barges were being sent from the docks.
The city appears to be a combination of beauty and ramshackle slums. The palace behind you is amazing in its fantastic design, but many of the areas below are haphazardly thrown together and seem to be threatening to fall down at any moment.
Surrounding the central district is an array of thirteen temples in various levels of disrepair. Some have similar designs to temples you recall from Sasserine or other cities you have visited, but a couple are too foreign for you to put a name to them.
Darvin, still looking pale from Malcanthet's kiss, seems to be strangely magnetic at the moment - even you who have traveled with him for months now find yourselves more drawn to him. Taking advantage of this, he flags down a passerby and inquires as to who Crimson was and how to reach her.
The demon starts to chuckle at the paladin's bravery, being here in the first place, but stops when he looks at the man closely, especially his neck. After a moment, it says, "You seek one of the Radiant ones, she of the Peloran decor." He shuffles forward and points downhill. "That is the home of Crimson." With another glance at the paladin, the demon continues on his way.
The structure he referred to is one of the temples in disrepair, this one appearing to be dedicated to Pelor before whatever calamity befell. You find yourself standing on the street looking at the ruined temple.

Pixie Rogue |

Fast forward
The party stands, slightly wounded, slightly winded, but really unscathed after their battles with the flask's inhabitants. Try as they might, however, they cannot get the flask to disgorge the remaining entity or entities. After a couple minutes' effort, a slow clap can be heard and the witch Iggwilv fades into view.
"Impressive, I guess. I have a confession to make, 'heroes' - I know a bit more about the Iron Flask of Tuerny the Merciless than I let on. He has told me a thing or two about it."
She holds out one delicate hand to receive the artifact. "You've done well - though you wasted some potential allies as the holy are wont to do - and there is only one entity left. If you will allow me, I will take care of it for you once the flask becomes active again. I will return it to you tomorrow, ready for its intended purpose."
Assuming you agree and let her take the flask, she adds, "Prepare yourself tonight. In the Blood Shallows, the army of your enemy maintains a supply depot known as Feedgut that is very important to the supply lines of his war machine. Disrupting it will benefit your future plans. More importantly, my information indicates that there is a hidden aspect of Obox-Ob himself under Feedgut. You will need to enter the camp and cast freedom to release the aspect, then use the flask to capture it. There are legions of demons present, so you will need to find a way to reach the top of the tallest hill - that's where I believe the spell will do its work. It is up to you whether you choose to destroy the camp yourselves or let the aspect do so before you capture it, but the more damage done, the better for the battle to come."
She looks at the elven wizard, "You do have freedom in your repertoire, I assume?"

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After a successful tactical strike against the supply depot at Feedgut and, more importantly, the successful capture of the Aspect of Obox-Ob, the party flies back to the Sea Wyvern waiting in the Styx just off the Blood Shallows.
Shortly after arriving on deck, Gavariel (forgive the spelling, I did not try to confirm it) receives a message she recognizes as a sending. It comes from the Witch-Queen.
"A blow well struck. What next? General Bagromar's army has returned to camp in Pazunia. Have you found other allies to aid you?"
How do you respond? What do you want to do?