Pixie Rogue |

Our gaming group's live have changed to the point where we are rarely in the same place at the same time and we miss more gaming opportunities than we make. We are hoping to use the forums here to create a hybrid gaming experience. The forums lend themselves to background data (and archiving) and role-playing opportunities, but we still want to get together around a virtual table for the more active interactions like fights. As it is, we might meet once in a month to play - and lose the entire gathering to background sharing that is forgotten by the next time we meet. And I'm talking about the DM forgetting here, I won't presume to speak for the players.
So, this is an experiment to combine those characteristics together. As a result, we will not be recruiting for this thread because the players are already involved in the game - it is a long-running and oft-delayed Savage Tide AP.
That said, bystanders are welcome to make comments in the discussion thread if they so desire. We are far from the near-professional players that frequent these boards, so we might not use optimization advice that is offered, but we still appreciate suggestions.