PFS Thornkeep The Accursed Halls (Inactive)

Game Master Tyranius

Tactical Map
Door of the Seven Stars

Dark Archive

I am opening up two tables for Thornkeep The Accursed Halls for PFS Credit.

If you would like to play please sign upon the spreadsheet found


You can also comment in here to help find you easier.

Grand Lodge

When would the game start? I'd like to join, but need to finish this character first ( Paladin level 1)

Silver Crusade

I'd like to join! *signs* Looks like a lot of divine.

Liberty's Edge

Diversity though... the two Druids are different. . Melee and Caster.

Grand Lodge

work on my character, should finish tomorrow evening

Scarab Sages

Just need to finish on Casthel, and I am in. should finish tonight

Grand Lodge

I would also like to join with Bolger.

Scarab Sages

second table... We may need more healing...

Silver Crusade

How exactly does this work?

what does WL mean?

Dark Archive

@ Caemillia- Hoping to start before the weekend.

@ Hung Dong- WL stands for waitlist.

Liberty's Edge

Just signed up. I will stat up for level 1 cleric once the specs are given.

Dark Archive

Pfs legal stats

Liberty's Edge

Ok. I'll get on that asap tomorrow.

Liberty's Edge

...And done. I'll be adding backstory and flavor when I get done work tonight, but here's the crunch and the registered character with PFS.

Silver Crusade

Thanks for organizing this. I signed up on the Google sheet.

RP Flavor:
Stergil Vryce, D.V.M., is at your service! He is a graduate of medical AND veterinary school in Absalom. Since childhood, he has had an unquenchable curiosity about the fauna of Golarion, and has sought to research and document as many species as gnomanly possible.

His devotion to Nethys came about at the start of his time at 'Uni', when he became swayed by the mantra, 'knowledge above all else'. Seeing some of his fellow student's more questionable research, however, has led Stergil to believe that knowledge must forever be constrained by the urge to heal, as described in the Hobbicratic Oath.

Stergil joined the Pathfinder Society as a way to 'travel the world, and meet strange and exotic new creatures', while having an expense account (his own research and menagerie of creatures has proved extremely expensive) He hopes to convince the Silver Crusade that it should work to protect all creatures of Golarion, not just the sentient races.

Grand Lodge

Caemillia is ready!

Dark Archive

I am also ready...

Scarab Sages

I am Ready

Silver Crusade

Ready too also.

Dark Archive

Ok I will post out the tables by Friday and get things underway.

thank you

Liberty's Edge

Also checking in with a ready! See you at the tables on Friday!

Dark Archive

Table 1 will be played on this Campaign thread or found Here

Table 1



Table 2 will be played Here

Table 2

Hung Dong

Silver Crusade

Thanks, Tyranius.

Scarab Sages

Thank you

Silver Crusade


Dark Archive

Yea anytime.

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