PFS Scenario 04 - The Frozen Fingers of Midnight - Table B (Inactive)

Game Master Tarondor

Travel to the Land of the Linnorm Kings to save Pathfinder Skelg from a terrible freezing curse.

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The Exchange

Sylvan Sorcerer 1 (wildblooded seeker) - HP 8/8 - AC: 13/T: 13 /FF: 11 - Perception +1 - F: +2/ R: +2/W: +1 CMD: 8, Init. +8 Ambroscious Elephant HP 11/11 - AC: 20/T: 12/FF: 18 - Perception +5 - F: +4/ R: +25/W: +1 - CMD 15 Init +2

"We'll be right up, you just cast any short duration spells now and we'll be right with you! Unless you are a mate of Skelg's in which case he's cursed and we need to figure out how to break it, except you are probably ensorcelled..."! Zandibus calls.

Turning back to his companions he adds, "Didn't he say something about giving the boat to some woman?"

Silver Crusade

Male Aasimar Paladin/10 [HP:85/85] [AC:30/T:13/FF:29] [Perc.:+3] [F:+14/R:+9/W:+13] [CMB:+14, CMD:25] [Speed: 20, Init.:+1]

"Indeed, Skelg did mention a woman named Natalya would be here and that she could help. Let us go speak with her." And with that, Owyn will make his way up the stairs.

Grand Lodge

Ranger 2; HP 20/20,- AC 18/T: 14/FF: 14 - Perception +7 - F: +4/ R: +7/ W: +2 - CMB: +3 - CMD: 17, Speed: 30, Init. +4

Shaking his head, still unable to fully comprehend what is really happening around them, Haraldir follows paladin after a few steps, knowing that he needed a bit of space in order to be most effective if it comes to a fight.

Grand Lodge

AC(23)19/Touch18/Flat14/CMD27||HP53[53]|Fort:+6;Ref:+8;Will:+7(+2 for encha/compul)|Percept.+14|Init.+9 Elf Wizard (Wood Mage) 6 Fighter (Lore Warden) 1 Eld. Knt 2

Caradeum follows the others up the ladder, now at the ready.

The quartet of heroes returns to the iced-in upper deck of Haldy'r ship to confront a dark-haired beauty with pale skin and snow-white hair regarding you with calculation. In a thick northern accent, she speaks. "You say you know Skelg. Why are you aboard my ship?"


The Exchange

Sylvan Sorcerer 1 (wildblooded seeker) - HP 8/8 - AC: 13/T: 13 /FF: 11 - Perception +1 - F: +2/ R: +2/W: +1 CMD: 8, Init. +8 Ambroscious Elephant HP 11/11 - AC: 20/T: 12/FF: 18 - Perception +5 - F: +4/ R: +25/W: +1 - CMD 15 Init +2

"He's got this curse, Skelg, dying in bed, and we're trying to stop that - we're against it. Can you help us help him?" Zandibus asks.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Excellent time for a a Diplomacy die roll, Zandy.

Grand Lodge

AC(23)19/Touch18/Flat14/CMD27||HP53[53]|Fort:+6;Ref:+8;Will:+7(+2 for encha/compul)|Percept.+14|Init.+9 Elf Wizard (Wood Mage) 6 Fighter (Lore Warden) 1 Eld. Knt 2

Do you have a reroll Zandibus?

"Madam, everything my companion says is true. He needs you now."

Diplomacy: 1d20 ⇒ 17

The Exchange

Sylvan Sorcerer 1 (wildblooded seeker) - HP 8/8 - AC: 13/T: 13 /FF: 11 - Perception +1 - F: +2/ R: +2/W: +1 CMD: 8, Init. +8 Ambroscious Elephant HP 11/11 - AC: 20/T: 12/FF: 18 - Perception +5 - F: +4/ R: +25/W: +1 - CMD 15 Init +2

I do not sadly. Shipping for the tshirts is cost prohibitive as I live in the UK :(

Grand Lodge

AC(23)19/Touch18/Flat14/CMD27||HP53[53]|Fort:+6;Ref:+8;Will:+7(+2 for encha/compul)|Percept.+14|Init.+9 Elf Wizard (Wood Mage) 6 Fighter (Lore Warden) 1 Eld. Knt 2

Don't forget the Player Character Folio grants you a reroll. I bought one and always have it with me, but have never written in it. Something for the future? I believe the PDF version is legal as well.

Silver Crusade

Male Aasimar Paladin/10 [HP:85/85] [AC:30/T:13/FF:29] [Perc.:+3] [F:+14/R:+9/W:+13] [CMB:+14, CMD:25] [Speed: 20, Init.:+1]

Owyn will try his luck as he explains the long story of their arrival here and what Skelg's condition is and how he came to be in such a state.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

"I will tell you what I want. I want Skelg. I want the Lantern and I want to go home to Irrisen. Give me the Lantern and promise you will convince Skelg to leave the south and join me in Irrisen. Do this and I will take you home and tell you how to cure Skelg of his curse."

Silver Crusade

Male Aasimar Paladin/10 [HP:85/85] [AC:30/T:13/FF:29] [Perc.:+3] [F:+14/R:+9/W:+13] [CMB:+14, CMD:25] [Speed: 20, Init.:+1]

Owyn stands and bows to Natalya as he says "Very well, my lady. We shall go to Skelg with this information and return to you shortly with an answer."

"Very well," Natalya says. "Tell Skelg that Irrisen is not half so cold as his current condition. I shall await your answer."

Silver Crusade

Male Aasimar Paladin/10 [HP:85/85] [AC:30/T:13/FF:29] [Perc.:+3] [F:+14/R:+9/W:+13] [CMB:+14, CMD:25] [Speed: 20, Init.:+1]

We return to Skelg through the icy portal as quickly as possible and explain Natalya's deal for him. What does Skelg have to say in return?
Pretty sure I don't need a diplomacy check for Skelg but just in case...
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

Grand Lodge

AC(23)19/Touch18/Flat14/CMD27||HP53[53]|Fort:+6;Ref:+8;Will:+7(+2 for encha/compul)|Percept.+14|Init.+9 Elf Wizard (Wood Mage) 6 Fighter (Lore Warden) 1 Eld. Knt 2

Going back to Skelg's, Caradeum lets Zandibus and Owyn do the talking.

The Exchange

Sylvan Sorcerer 1 (wildblooded seeker) - HP 8/8 - AC: 13/T: 13 /FF: 11 - Perception +1 - F: +2/ R: +2/W: +1 CMD: 8, Init. +8 Ambroscious Elephant HP 11/11 - AC: 20/T: 12/FF: 18 - Perception +5 - F: +4/ R: +25/W: +1 - CMD 15 Init +2

"Hey Skelg still hanging in there? Your Natalya Lady says she'll tell you how to remove the curse if you go back to Irrisen with her. Reading between the lines it will be cold but she'll be happy to warm you up! What do you say?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Grand Lodge

AC(23)19/Touch18/Flat14/CMD27||HP53[53]|Fort:+6;Ref:+8;Will:+7(+2 for encha/compul)|Percept.+14|Init.+9 Elf Wizard (Wood Mage) 6 Fighter (Lore Warden) 1 Eld. Knt 2

Caradeum nods emphatically.

Diplomacy Aid: 1d20 ⇒ 12

Skelg shakes in his bed, freezing to death by inches. "Alright," he says. "I'll g...go. I g...guess she's a fine enough w...woman." he sighs.

As soon as you can help Skelg to the portal, he steps through and you all return to the iceberg-locked funeral ship. Natalya is graceful and cool, but the slightly quickened pace and huskier voice tell observant onlookers that the winter witch is in love. Despite being gruff and sick, Skelg the Ripper nonetheless also seems to move with a certain spring in his step.

"My lord Skelg," she says. "You are not well. I am of a mind to return to Whitethrone and desire your protection. Will you accompany me?"

Pulling his thick furs tighter around him, Skelg says "I've heard worse p...proposals. Aye, I'll go. What's Whitethrone like, then?"

"Cold, my lord," replies the winter witch. "But you will not mind it so much as that you now suffer, I think."

And so Natalya turns to you. "To end the curse, we must affix the Lantern of the North to the prow of the ship. This will open a portal to Whitethrone and close all others, thus ending Skelg's 'curse'."

The figurehead is locked in seven feet of ice. Natalya aids you in cutting through to it using her flaming sphere spell. Soon, the party cuts its way through to the figurehead and Natalya opens a portal to Whitethrone. The ship sails right out of the iceberg and arrives in the frigid waters of Irrisens' capital. Skelg is already shaking off the effects of the Lantern.

"My thanks," says the winter witch. "But this is no place for you. Time for you to go home." Moments later, Natalya opens another portal back to the tapestry at Greydog Manor, allowing you to return home.


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