GM Kate's Extinction Curse [closed]

Game Master Kate Baker

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LN male human civic wizard 10 | hp 98/98; Hero Points 3/3 | AC 27 (26 w/o mystic armor); F+18 R+19 W+17 (17/18/16 w/o mystic armor) | Perception +14 | Speed 25ft | Drain bonded item 1/1; Focus points 3/3; Staff charges 5/5 | Resist void 1, heal 1hp/min | Spell DC 29 (reduce status bonus to saves vs. magic by 1) | Current conditions: | ◆◇↺

"Hm. Statues stirring is concerning."

Kennari tries to recall anything he might know about such things.

Recall Knowledge:
Recall Knowledge: 1d20 ⇒ 18 Arcana +22, Crafting +22, Occultism +17

F HP 146, AC 27 or 28, F+18/19, R +20/21, W +16/17, Hero Pts 3 Halfling circusfolk doomsayer 10

"Oh, yes, a definite sign of The End. That's, I think, it's the fifth sign? You have demons and devils, of course. That's one. Then plague. A god being ripped apart and their guts dripping all over everyone. That's one people don't talk about a lot, but I definitely think that'll happen," Rova says, ticking signs off on her fingers.

"Maybe if the statues are coming back to life, that's like what's happening with the ghosts," she adds after a minute. "We should go check."

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Kennari thinks that these statues sound like clay effigies and stone bulwarks. Both are guardians created by priests or wizards without the failings of flesh. Some are scuplted by master artisans and are true works of art, while others are more crude.

They are immune to a wide variety of conditions due to being constructs. They are resistant to both physical attacks and spells, though adamantium weapons and cold, earth, and water based spells can affect them normally.

Do you all want to check out the tower first and then put on a circus? I'll assume that you wait a day to do so and that people can shop and/or reset spell lists based on what you know.

F HP 146, AC 27 or 28, F+18/19, R +20/21, W +16/17, Hero Pts 3 Halfling circusfolk doomsayer 10

That makes sense. Thanks! We should also see if there's anything we can buy; not sure the last time we made purchases.

Female Gnome | HP 138/138 AC: 28 (29 w/shield) +2 AC vs Trap| F: +19 R: +21 (Evasion), W: +15 +2 vs traps | Perception: +16; +2 vs traps; +2 Init (M, Low-Light Vision) Default Exploration: Avoid Notice

Indeed, the Tower should probably take priority.

"Can yu stop them from 'stirring' Kennari?" Prism asks if the wizard has any tricks she can learn.

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

After a day or two's rest in Castinlee, you head out for the tower. Meanwhile, your crew is hard at work setting up the circus and spreading some buzz around town.

Uneven ground and sporadic foliage mark the edges of the Sulwen Hills. A break in the scattered copses of trees provides a view of the tower known as the Liferoot Stone just beyond the next ridge. Its basic shape of a stepped pyramid is still discernible, but much of its upper portions have collapsed, leaving only a broken fragment of its former immensity rising above its first tier. Along with this destruction, it’s apparent that the years have not been kind to this structure. Nevertheless, hundreds of feet above the ground, its shining orb still floats in the air completely unsupported, giving off light as a beacon visible for miles in every direction.

How are you approaching the Tower? Sneakily? Checking for tracks? Watching for traps?

F HP 146, AC 27 or 28, F+18/19, R +20/21, W +16/17, Hero Pts 3 Halfling circusfolk doomsayer 10

"I wonder if there will be xulgaths here too," Rova muses, somehow sure there will be. She gazes up at the orb, looking so much like great Groetus hanging in the sky, and wonders if all of this is His hand.

Rova will be riding Thkrull, so not really able to sneak, so will be watching out for xulgaths from her vantage point.

Male fleshwarp swashbuckler (monk dedication) 10 | HP 150/150 | AC 26 |Speed 40 ft.; Climb 5 ft. | Panache Points1 |Perception 16 (+17 to find traps); low-light vision, motion sense (imprecise) 30 feet Condition: none | Fort +18; Ref +20 (Success is crit); Will +16; +1 circumstance bonus vs. disease and poison, +1 circumstance bonus vs. tr | Opportune Reposte (triggered by foe's crit fail of Strike on Unset)
Acrobatics +20 (Successes to Balance are critical successes instead), Athletics +20, Circus Lore +13, Nature +14, Occultism +13, Religion +14, Society +13, Stealth +16, Survival +14, Thievery +16

"Ole Unset here, Sure hope not, he does." The fleshforged man shakes his head. He pauses for a moment. "Could well be. Could.well be.". Then continues, "But sure hope not. Sure hope not."

Unset is pretty decent Stealth, if the party wishes to send a scout.

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Female Gnome | HP 138/138 AC: 28 (29 w/shield) +2 AC vs Trap| F: +19 R: +21 (Evasion), W: +15 +2 vs traps | Perception: +16; +2 vs traps; +2 Init (M, Low-Light Vision) Default Exploration: Avoid Notice

"Hoping that the Xulgath's contract ended with Mistress Dusklights." Prism's shoulders slump as her stomach isn't able to handle much more of the Xulgath's smell. "I can scout ahead with Unset if we want."

Decent at Stealth as well. Stealth +20

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

GM screen:

2d20 ⇒ (11, 18) = 29

Prism and Unset sneak up ahead quietly and spot several xulgaths with a tyrannasaurus on patrol!

How would you like to handle this? You could try to avoid the patrol or try to ambush it.

F HP 146, AC 27 or 28, F+18/19, R +20/21, W +16/17, Hero Pts 3 Halfling circusfolk doomsayer 10

We are one Stealthy party!

"I don't want to fight," Rova whispers, "but if they realize we're here, they might attack us later. But I bet we can avoid them!"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP 108, AC 27/28, F+18, R+18, W+17, Per +17 Savage elephant animal companion 10

Thkrull grumbles, barely stopping himself from trumpeting. He could beat any stupid tyrant lizard. He'd squash it like a bug!

Ghost Level Delve || Extinction Curse

Great! Can I get everyone to make a skill check related to how you avoid the patrol party? Stealth would be an obvious choice, but Nature or Survival to find the best terrain to get through discreetly would work too. Or pitch me something!

F HP 146, AC 27 or 28, F+18/19, R +20/21, W +16/17, Hero Pts 3 Halfling circusfolk doomsayer 10

Rova Stealth (expert): 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (15) + 18 = 33
Thkrull Stealth (trained): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (19) + 16 = 35

Rova ghosts through the underbrush, barely disturbing it. "Just like Uncle Siberius showed me," she whispers.

Much more surprisingly, Thkrull is even quieter, seeming to have picked up that no one else is brave enough to fight the tyrant lizard.

Female Gnome | HP 138/138 AC: 28 (29 w/shield) +2 AC vs Trap| F: +19 R: +21 (Evasion), W: +15 +2 vs traps | Perception: +16; +2 vs traps; +2 Init (M, Low-Light Vision) Default Exploration: Avoid Notice

Prism Stealth: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (15) + 20 = 35

Prism slowly strides through the trees, motioning to the others as she guides a path. "Slow and easy now."

LN male human civic wizard 10 | hp 98/98; Hero Points 3/3 | AC 27 (26 w/o mystic armor); F+18 R+19 W+17 (17/18/16 w/o mystic armor) | Perception +14 | Speed 25ft | Drain bonded item 1/1; Focus points 3/3; Staff charges 5/5 | Resist void 1, heal 1hp/min | Spell DC 29 (reduce status bonus to saves vs. magic by 1) | Current conditions: | ◆◇↺

Stealth: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (12) + 16 = 28

Kennari does his best to keep pace with his stealthier allies, trying not to make too much noise in the process.

Male fleshwarp swashbuckler (monk dedication) 10 | HP 150/150 | AC 26 |Speed 40 ft.; Climb 5 ft. | Panache Points1 |Perception 16 (+17 to find traps); low-light vision, motion sense (imprecise) 30 feet Condition: none | Fort +18; Ref +20 (Success is crit); Will +16; +1 circumstance bonus vs. disease and poison, +1 circumstance bonus vs. tr | Opportune Reposte (triggered by foe's crit fail of Strike on Unset)
Acrobatics +20 (Successes to Balance are critical successes instead), Athletics +20, Circus Lore +13, Nature +14, Occultism +13, Religion +14, Society +13, Stealth +16, Survival +14, Thievery +16

Unset's form twists and shrinks,altering his humanoid silhouette.
Stealth: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (1) + 16 = 17
Stealth with Hero Point: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (6) + 16 = 22

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