[PFS/PbP] Master of the Fallen Fortress (Inactive)

Game Master Tiaburn

First Floor Map
Second Floor Map
Third Floor Map
Forth Floor Map
Fifth Floor Map

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The Exchange

Appraise gem: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Appraise scmitar: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Appraise short sword: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Liberty's Edge

Human Barbarian 5 | HP 50/50 | AC 18; Tch 12; FF 18 | F +6; R +3; W +3 | CMB+11; CMD 22 | Speed 40 ft | Init +2 | +1 Greatsword (adamantine): +11 (2d6+8/19-20) | Perc +11

Evenstar is unusually quiet on the way back to town. Having been knocked unconscious twice during the fights in the fallen fortress, she is keenly aware of her need to improve her skill in combat. Her very life depends on it.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Rogue(Sniper) 1

Odmar, on the other hand, was in a pretty good mood.

"Well mates, we did good! We got us some treasures, we killed the bad angry crazy troglodyte and best of all, we are alive"

He noticed that Evenstar was in a bad mood and went to her

"Hey Evenstar, cheer up! You did good! I saw very few people that could fight like you, even back home!" he winked to her.
"I really hope that this would not be our last mission together"

Lantern Lodge

Male Human GM Murder's Mark

Upon return back to Grand Lodge, Balenar arranged all the small details: dry and clean clothes to change, hot wine and fire place to wait and after several hours of rest, the Venture Lieutenant came in.

"Oh, gratz my friend! I welcome you in Absalom Grand Lodge of Pathfinder Society. I understand, that you've applied to join our community before, but were victims of bureaucratic mistake. Currenly, I have best recommendations from two experienced Society agents, that you are full of adventurous spirit and ready to complete Pathfinder Society's three main duties", he hesitated a bit, probably expecting several voices to name them, but silence and sounds of fire burning in a fireplace, was only sound he heard.

"Nevermind, those are ‘Explore, Report, Cooperate’, but you'll learn them as your study in Pathfinder Society continues. Welcome, new agents!", and he passed 4 fibulas with Glyph of Open Roads on them to party members.

Satisfied Evenstar and Balenar were standing behind his back and smiling.

Liberty's Edge

Human Barbarian 5 | HP 50/50 | AC 18; Tch 12; FF 18 | F +6; R +3; W +3 | CMB+11; CMD 22 | Speed 40 ft | Init +2 | +1 Greatsword (adamantine): +11 (2d6+8/19-20) | Perc +11

Evenstar cheers up now that her new friends have become Pathfinders. "Congratulations, everyone! Let's go get in that bar fight!"

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