[Gameday XIII] GM Dennis - SF2 Playtest #1: Shards of the Glass Planet

Game Master Dennis Muldoon

Level 1 Pregens

Playtest Tracking Sheet

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they/them |Pahtra Witchwarper (precog) level 1|HP 14/16; Hero Points: 0/3 | AC 17/18(shield) | F(T) +3, R(T) +5, W(E) +5 |spell DC 17| focus 1/1| spells 1st 2/3 | Perc(T) +3; darkvision| Stealth(T) +5 |speed 30| Active Conditions: suppressed 1 round, concealed

Flwon rocks back on their heels, gathers magic from the timestream, and sends three crackling shards of magic toward the creature who keeps assaulting them. 3 action force barrage

force damage: 3d4 + 3 ⇒ (1, 3, 1) + 3 = 8

This action lifts their spirits, driving away the fear.

Grand Lodge

Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

The creature bellows in pain as Flwon's missiles impact. Meanwhile, the other one continues its assault on Revizin and Dae.

Jaws vs. Dae: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
Piercing: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Fist vs. Revizin, agile 2nd: 1d20 + 9 - 4 ⇒ (16) + 9 - 4 = 21
Bludgeoning: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

It then raises its shell protectively.



  • Chk Chk 17/20hp
  • Skorresh 2 Shell raised, Get ‘Em (penalty to AC)
  • Flwon 14/16 hp
  • Skorresh 1 Shell raised
  • Ferns
  • Dae
  • Navasi
  • Iseph 14/18hp
  • Revizin 14/24hp

    Dae, Navasi, Iseph, Revizin, and Chk Chk are up!

  • Pahtra (Meyel's chosen) solarian 1 | HP 19/19 | AC 18| F +4 R +7 W +5 | Perc +5 | Stealth +2 | Speed: 25 ft | Active Conditions: ---

    Dae takes a little step to the left, then attacks twice with their battle ribbon.

    attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
    ouch!: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 fire

    attack: 1d20 + 7 - 5 ⇒ (11) + 7 - 5 = 13
    ouch!: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8 fire

    male shirren shadow mystic 1 HP 17/20 | AC 17 | F +5 R +5 W +9 | Perc +7 (+2 ini. 1/day)| 1st: 2/3; Vitality: 0/10 speed 25 ft | focus 1/1| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

    Energy flows back into Chk Chk's vitality network, and he passes it through to Revizin. He fires a beam of magic at the creature Navasi suggested.

    Tranfer Vitality, Cast eldritch lance

    Revizin gains 4 HP and is concealed.

    spell attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 for mental: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 2) = 5

    Grand Lodge

    Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

    Dae isn't able to connect with their battle ribbon, but Chk Chk is much more successful, clobbering one of the creatures with a powerful eldritch lance! It remains standing, but you can see the panic start to set in, like it might turn to flee at any moment.

    She/Her | Human Envoy 1 (guns blazing) | hp 16/16; Hero Points 1/3 | AC 16; F+3 R+7 W+6 | Perception +4T; low-light vision | Speed 25ft| Current conditions: none|

    "Keep pressing on, the tide is turning," Navasi says as she takes control of the battle. She takes a shot at her chosen foe, pressing forward.

    1st Action: Get Em (w/ Lead By Example +1 to damage) on 2
    2nd Action: Attack on 2

    Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
    Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

    She then looks at that one about to flee and chuckles, firing a shot into the air to see if she can shoo it away.

    3rd Action: Attempting an Intimidating Shot
    Intimidation to Demoralize: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

    “ISEPH” TN Andriod (Skirmisher) Operative 1 | HP 18 (-4), Force Field 6/6 | AC 18 | F/R/W +5/+9/+5 | Perc +7 | Stealth +7 | Speed 25 | Hero Points 0/1 | Spells: NA | Active Conditions: NA

    Iseph keeps drifting around the battlefield, trying to find the right angle.

    Aim while moving 20ft and then shooting twice at #2.

    Pistol: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18 for Piercing + Precision: 1d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (5) + (3) = 8

    Pistol - 2nd shot penalty: 1d20 + 9 - 5 ⇒ (15) + 9 - 5 = 19 for Piercing + Precision: 1d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + (1) = 2

    "Keep pressing? How about keep missing, that's all I seem to be doing."

    14, 17, 18, 19, slowly ticking that to hit roll up!

    Male vesk soldier 1 | AC 17 | HP 24/24 | Fort +9; Ref +4; Will +4
    Athletics +6, Computers +5, Crafting +5, Intimidation +3, Piloting +4, Society +5, Stealth +4, Warfare Lore +5

    Revizin snarls at the creature before him.
    Intimidation to Demoralize v. yellow: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

    He then snaps at the creature.
    Strike jaws (grapple, vesk) v. yellow: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
    Damage (P): 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

    Then swings his doshko at it.
    Strike doshko (unwieldy, parry, analog, vesk) v. yellow: 1d20 + 6 - 5 ⇒ (5) + 6 - 5 = 6
    Damage (P): 1d12 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

    Grand Lodge

    Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

    Navasi's shot ricochets harmlessly off the creature's shell, but her shout distracts it enough to allow both of Iseph's strikes to land home (Iseph's first shot only hit because of Get 'Em). Revizin has a hard time mustering enough snarl to scare the creature, and his attacks are equally ineffective.

    The creature threatening Flwon, wounded and clearly frightened, drops its shells and lopes away!



  • Chk Chk 17/20hp
  • Skorresh 2 Fleeing
  • Flwon 14/16 hp
  • Skorresh 1
  • Ferns
  • Dae
  • Navasi
  • Iseph 14/18hp
  • Revizin 21/24hp

    Flwon may act.

  • Cognates

    they/them |Pahtra Witchwarper (precog) level 1|HP 14/16; Hero Points: 0/3 | AC 17/18(shield) | F(T) +3, R(T) +5, W(E) +5 |spell DC 17| focus 1/1| spells 1st 2/3 | Perc(T) +3; darkvision| Stealth(T) +5 |speed 30| Active Conditions: suppressed 1 round, concealed

    Flwon likes the idea of scaring the creatures away, but isn't quite sure how to achieve that. They reach deep into the dark spaces of time and stars to find something scary to aim at the remaining critter.

    spell attack eldritch lance: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
    mental damage: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 5) = 6
    2 actions

    Then they cast shield in case this backfires and only attracts more attention.
    1 action

    Grand Lodge

    Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

    Flwon lances the remaining creature with mental energy and sees it writhe in pain, but it does not seem ready yet to flee the field like its brethren. The creature again lashes out at the threats beside it, then raises its shell again to defend itself.

    Jaws vs. dae: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
    Piercing: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

    Fist vs. Revizin, agile 2nd: 1d20 + 9 - 4 ⇒ (20) + 9 - 4 = 25
    Bludgeoning: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 Crit -> 12 damage



  • Chk Chk 17/20hp
  • Flwon 14/16 hp
  • Skorresh 1
  • Ferns
  • Dae
  • Navasi
  • Iseph 14/18hp
  • Revizin 9/24hp

    Everyone may act.

  • Pahtra (Meyel's chosen) solarian 1 | HP 19/19 | AC 18| F +4 R +7 W +5 | Perc +5 | Stealth +2 | Speed: 25 ft | Active Conditions: ---

    Dae, struggling to connect with their weapon, instead moves around to avoid getting anyone else and blows up!

    supernova!: 1d8 ⇒ 2 fire, DC 17 Reflex save

    Critical Success: The creature is unaffected.
    Success: The creature takes half damage and is dazzled for 1 round.
    Failure: The creature takes full damage and is blinded for 1 round.
    Critical Failure: The creature takes double damage and is blinded for 1 minute.

    male shirren shadow mystic 1 HP 17/20 | AC 17 | F +5 R +5 W +9 | Perc +7 (+2 ini. 1/day)| 1st: 2/3; Vitality: 0/10 speed 25 ft | focus 1/1| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

    Chk Chk transfers more health into his vesk companion, then cuases the enemy creature's shadow to snap out at it. He gives Revizin a bit of an ego boost, as well!

    Transfer vitality, cast shadow snap, cast guidance

    Revizin gains 4 HP, +1 on attack roll, Perception check, saving throw, or skill check

    spell attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18 for cold: 1d10 ⇒ 3

    “ISEPH” TN Andriod (Skirmisher) Operative 1 | HP 18 (-4), Force Field 6/6 | AC 18 | F/R/W +5/+9/+5 | Perc +7 | Stealth +7 | Speed 25 | Hero Points 0/1 | Spells: NA | Active Conditions: NA

    The android repeats his earlier actions again, "I seem to be caught in a programming loop."

    Aim while moving 10ft and then shooting twice at #1.

    Pistol: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16 for Piercing + Precision: 1d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (5) + (4) = 9

    Pistol - 2nd shot penalty: 1d20 + 9 - 5 ⇒ (6) + 9 - 5 = 10 for Piercing + Precision: 1d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (5) + (4) = 9

    "And it is definitely preventing me from aiming properly."

    Male vesk soldier 1 | AC 17 | HP 24/24 | Fort +9; Ref +4; Will +4
    Athletics +6, Computers +5, Crafting +5, Intimidation +3, Piloting +4, Society +5, Stealth +4, Warfare Lore +5

    "Stand still! Revizin snarls as he tries to take a more strategic position.

    He again snaps at the creature.
    Strike jaws (grapple, vesk) v. yellow w/flank: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
    Damage (P): 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

    He pulls back for a moment with a toothy, satisfied smile. He spits, then swings his doshko at it.
    Strike doshko (unwieldy, parry, analog, vesk) v. yellow w/flank: 1d20 + 6 - 5 ⇒ (13) + 6 - 5 = 14
    Damage (P): 1d12 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

    Grand Lodge

    Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

    Reflex vs. supernova DC 17: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

    The creature is burned and blinded by Dae's sudden explosion! Taking advantage, Chk Chk lands a spell, freezing part of its carapace. Iseph's shots, unlucky, still ricochet off the thing's raised shell however. Revizin has more luck, though, taking a powerful bite out of the creature's leg, though his doshko goes wide.

    Flwon may act.

    She/Her | Human Envoy 1 (guns blazing) | hp 16/16; Hero Points 1/3 | AC 16; F+3 R+7 W+6 | Perception +4T; low-light vision | Speed 25ft| Current conditions: none|

    If the creature attacks any ally on its turn, I'll Watch Out!.

    "Let's get em," Navasi says, continuing to encourage the fight. They take careful aim and lets off an additional shot.

    Action 1: Get Em
    Action 2: Strike

    Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
    Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

    Action 3: Reload


    they/them |Pahtra Witchwarper (precog) level 1|HP 14/16; Hero Points: 0/3 | AC 17/18(shield) | F(T) +3, R(T) +5, W(E) +5 |spell DC 17| focus 1/1| spells 1st 2/3 | Perc(T) +3; darkvision| Stealth(T) +5 |speed 30| Active Conditions: suppressed 1 round, concealed

    Flwon realizes Revizin is looking a little beaten up, then the vesk perks up a bit. The pahtra's mental debate between casting soothe or helping eliminate the threat, leans toward the latter.

    Flwon repeats the previous spell combination:
    spell attack eldritch lance: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
    mental damage: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 5) = 9


    Grand Lodge

    Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

    Sorry Navasi, not sure why I didn't list you there.

    Navasi's shot deflects off a raised shell, but Flwon's eldritch lance lands true, burning into the creature's hide! It bellows in pain, then awkwardly turns around and tries it's best to flee, the spots in its eyes still blocking most of its vision.

    Everyone is up if you want to try to finish it off, otherwise you can let it flee.


    they/them |Pahtra Witchwarper (precog) level 1|HP 14/16; Hero Points: 0/3 | AC 17/18(shield) | F(T) +3, R(T) +5, W(E) +5 |spell DC 17| focus 1/1| spells 1st 2/3 | Perc(T) +3; darkvision| Stealth(T) +5 |speed 30| Active Conditions: suppressed 1 round, concealed

    Flwon sighs at having caused such pain and lets the creature flee, hoping that it will heal well and cause no others any problems.

    She/Her | Human Envoy 1 (guns blazing) | hp 16/16; Hero Points 1/3 | AC 16; F+3 R+7 W+6 | Perception +4T; low-light vision | Speed 25ft| Current conditions: none|

    "Let it go," Navasi agrees. "No need to keep fighting it."

    They look around at the world as it seems to reintroduce the missing animals expected of the lush jungle.

    "Though it's strange that it appeared."

    “ISEPH” TN Andriod (Skirmisher) Operative 1 | HP 18 (-4), Force Field 6/6 | AC 18 | F/R/W +5/+9/+5 | Perc +7 | Stealth +7 | Speed 25 | Hero Points 0/1 | Spells: NA | Active Conditions: NA

    Iseph slowly holsters their weapon, ”We aren’t being paid to exterminate it, so might as well. Now, what triggered the attack? Something we did?”

    male shirren shadow mystic 1 HP 17/20 | AC 17 | F +5 R +5 W +9 | Perc +7 (+2 ini. 1/day)| 1st: 2/3; Vitality: 0/10 speed 25 ft | focus 1/1| Hero 1 | Active Conditions:

    "I got no sense of their reasoning from them," Chk Chk informs everyone. "Who is injured?"

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