Kartari |

Katari, please play which ever character you feel strongly about. This goes for the table. I really want you all to play characters that you are excited to play. The table balance issues will work themselves out, so please go with your gut and roll out the PC you most want to play.
Appreciate that. :) I am excited to play both characters. I am tempted to go with Bregolas more atm though, as Kumal still needs some preparations.

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This is the correct character number for what I'll be playing but an incomplete character at this time, it will be completed by Sept. 2nd, but I was hoping to see what the party was bringing.

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I think looking around the group, I'll go with a Life Oracle. Stats and such should be more or less finished now.

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Had to make a couple of adjustments due the Ultimate Combat Errata.

GM Brew |
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My god is a 3rd party publisher, but I'm only a "semi-devote" follower,
This a problem for you at all GM? If so I can modify my sheet!
Material from 3rd party publishers is not permitted for PFS organized play. Even though it sounds like your diety choice mostly flavor, probably a good idea to find a Golarion diety that is equivalent.

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An elvish man in shades of green and brown leans upon a wall, off to one side of the new recruits as they await their orientation. Arms folded across his chest, he observes his new companions with aloof curiosity. A large curved blade is sheathed across his back, alongside a bow and twin quivers. Several shorter blades are sheathed at his belt and thighs.
The elven swordsman looks the nagaji man up and down as he speaks softly, low enough to make those without keen hearing strain to understand. Fluid and enchanting syllables flutter from his lips, though one might discern sarcasm in his tone. "أي نوع من المخلوقات لم الكرام منتجع المجتمع في تجنيد هذه الأيام؟"
I think I'll go with Bregolas. Hope you don't mind me starting a little pregame roleplaying. :)

Kartari |

For those new to PFS and haven't spotted it yet, here's a neat resource for seeing if what you want for your character is officially accepted for PFS: Additional Resources.

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Perception (taking 10) 10+7 = 17
Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Linguistics: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Why hello long-lived one, I am Tokusatsu Gozira, but people call me Satsu, I am a Nagaji from Nagajor in the far-east. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance, and while I don't believe myself to be an example for all my race I think I can show that we can be quite useful to many beyond our normal borders. I myself specialize in healing my allies and harming our foes. Who might you be?
Speakers listening to Satsu will notice a lilting (sing-song) quality to his speech that is somewhat hypnotic along with slightly elongated sibilants (s-sounds). (I find it annoying to keep typing extra ones.) This elongation of the s is especially noticeable at the end of words.

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Iris blushed at the sight of so many strangers. Going directly to one of her two methods for coping, she opened her holy text with a calm inhale and began to read "The Birth of Light and Truth." Sarenrae and her flute had never steered her wrong before- but she could never help her shy blush behind her silver cloth.
I'll take 10 on the perception as well for a 12
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Aw, Satsu seems to have misunderstood the Elf... Oh Sarenrae, you hold truth so dear! Do I intervene? Hmmm... Well...
With a gentle giggle Iris cleared her throat and spoke through a blush to Satsu, her eyes down cast with her hands fidgeting around her text
I don't mean to start trouble, but Bregolas was insulting you, Satsu....
Iris turned her blush to Bregolas, her voice even quieter as she spoke in Elvish back to him.
You shouldn't be so brash, elf-kin. What brought you here brought Satsu here- doesn't that make you even enough?
Let's be friends!: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

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A human is seated in the corner, a red cloak pulled over his head. He was paging through a book while he sat, with his eyes averted from the other recruits in the room. The conversation around him has piqued his interest, though, and he glances up to take in the exchange between the nagaji and the elves... at least the bits he can make out.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Regnel returns to paging through his book, but now he's paying more attention to his new colleagues than what he's reading.
Hello, everyone! This is my first PbP and my first PFS game, so I'm very excited and look forward to playing with you all! :-)

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Oh, insulting me... well maybe he's a bit set in his ways
I'm sorry to hear that, if my appearances offend I can only say I was born this way as others here were born to elves or humans. If you would prefer to travel without my company that would be most disappointing, but maybe the Pathfinder Society is more close-minded than I was led to believe and my talents would be better suited elsewhere. Though maybe we should first find out why we are gathered here, it may turn out we can all make each other better agents in the end
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Ahh nice to see my dice fail me online, feels just like home

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One of the elven swordsman's brows raises in slight surprise. His slanted eyes now narrow in on the half-human woman. Speaking in the common tongue now, his tone remains soft spoken and cool at all times. "Insult? None was intended. You misunderstand, I was simply... curious."
Looking to the serpentine man, he shrugs. "I am sure your company shall be adequate to the task. I simply have never seen your kind before, and wondered what kind of creature you might be." The elf appears oblivious to the insulting nature of his choice of wording...
...but it does not escape his notice that Iris knows Bregolas by name, without him revealing it yet. "I see my reputation, such as it is, precedes me?"
To the group, he takes a slight and formal bow. "Indeed. I am he, Bregolas Fierceleaf, at your service."
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
...and there goes my nat 20 for the game. :)

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Oh my... Perhaps I should have remained silent.... Is that your lesson, Sarenrae? Or maybe I should have played the flute
Iris blushed even brighter, burying her nose in her book with a shameless giggle as she blurted in common
Sorry for the confusion.... Sarenrae- She shyly holds up her Holy Text now covering her mouth with a chasuble of sun bursts and silver She demands we be honest, her Sun-Bards. I'm.....
Her toes point in toward one another, but her downward glance catches her scimitar- there was more to Sarenrae than blinding truth and humility with a good heart-
She straightened, slightly, continuing to speak in common for the comfort of the others, though it was still through a downward glance and blush
I'm Iris, Iris "The Silver" Rose, a half-elf from Sothis. Well, from Absalom.... AND Sothis.... I'm a Sun-Bard!!!
I.... I could have done a little better....
Iris, realizing she had forgot to politely bow to each of them, did the Dawnflower bow to all the others in the room.

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Regnel looks up from his book and closes it on his lap.
If we're doing introductions, then, I am Regnel. I'm new to the Society and relatively new to Absalom, though I've certainly read a lot about it...
Regnel stands and offers a slight bow to the others in the room. When he stands, his red scholar's cloak opens enough that you can see he wears armor under it and that an old-looking longsword hangs on his hip.

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Jim gets up from the bench he was sitting on and comes over
I'm so sorry for this but something has come up and i not going to be able to join up on this epic adventure.
Good bye and good luck
and with that he turns and leaves.

GM Brew |

Sorry for the terrible formating I'm still learning
No worries! The folks on the board clearly have some practice posting. Great posts by the way, keep it up and I think we will have an excellent board. Maybe some general guidelines will help.
When I play PbP, I generally format as follows:
I describe third person what my character (or GM stuff) in regular or plain text. When my character speaks, I will bold. For any out of character communications, I use the ooc tags. So a typical post for a character action may look something like this:
The sorcerer draws from his inner power and taps the dragon blood flwoing within him. He eyes the drooling ogre standing over hsi fallen comrade and goads the brute. Foul creature! You shall pay for your crimes. Now feel my full wrath! The sorcerer extends his hand and a brilliant white hot stream of scorching energy shoots forth from his hand toward the gloating ogre.
The sorcerer takes a standard action to cast scorching ray at the ogre and a free action to speak to the ogre.
The formatting tags are conveniently listed at the bottom of the posting entry box under "How to format your text". Additionally, I woul dcheck out the links I posted under the campaign info tab on this board. Painlord's guide is particularly helpful in regards of how to play and post in PbP.

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Are you people going on the expedition to Kortos?
This odd looking man approches.
he almost looks like my avatar
P.S the eye screen is cosmetic
If so, I'm Floyd Lawton, I will provide long range support with my musket here.

Kartari |

To add, many posters such as myself like to place speech in quotes in addition to boldface, in keeping with proper grammar. However, boldface alone is enough to distinguish speech well enough if it is your preference. It's actually harder to discern speech from other text when quotes but no boldface is used.

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Regnal receives merely a nod of recognition from the elf, and a cool lack of concern remains on his face when the first gunslinger takes his sudden leave.
Bregolas' stare at the sun bard does not let up as she fumbles for words, possibly making her all the more nervous. With a sigh of mild exasperation, "Ah. Religion. I much prefer the solace of nature..." The elf's gaze then shifts. He stares off, averting his unnerving gaze at last from the poor minstrel of Sarenrae.
When the second gunslinger enters and queries the group, the elf gives the newcomer a vague nod of acknowledgement and, one might assume, affirmation of their destination. Noting his choice of armament, Bregolas sighs. "Ah. One of those. So noisy, I much prefer the tried and true path of the archer." He adds, shaking his head, "Humans..."

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Any chance we can dot into the Gameplay thread, so as to have it track on our campaign page?

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Tokusatsu Gozira wrote:Any chance we can dot into the Gameplay thread, so as to have it track on our campaign page?Dot away.

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I literally went into the gameplay thread and typed 'dot'. (It then updates so that you will have a campaign in your profile, if you're in multiple games, which I may have done to myself due to a small PFS addiction, it's helpful - I just learned this myself). I then deleted my comment to make it easier to read (apparently this is some people's preference, but not everyone's). Also, it makes it so that your character will show up in the characters thread

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The elf looks at the gunslinger with aloof curiosity. Continuing in his soft voice, "Well since you ask. The kin of the dead god simply have..." he ponders his choice of words carefully, wise enough to evade direct insult, however blunt the woodsman warrior can be, "different values than elvenkind." Looking at his gun, "I suppose in your defense, for a people who live not longer than elven children, a weapon that is far more easily mastered than the bow would be a more prudent choice."
Noticing the nervous half-human woman clutching her book tightly, and giving the gunslinger's raised voice a second thought, he pauses a moment to wonder to himself, Have I spoken something... alarming, again? No, no, I do not believe so. Have I not merely spoken the truth?

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I know that the PbP Gameday IV starts on 19 September. Is that when this game is going to get started, too? I just want to make sure I don't miss it. :-)

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Looking forward to it as well.

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Tokusatsu Gozira (The Exchange)