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Please, list following information for your characters.
Player name:
Character name:
Chronicle #:
Current Prestige:
Current Fame:
Just add ] symbol at the end of each line
[b]Player name:[/b
[b]Character name:[/b
[b]PFS ID#:[/b
[b]Chronicle #:[/b
[b]Current Prestige:[/b
[b]Current Fame:[/b
If you like, you might want to supply any other information, you'd like to see on your chronicle.

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Player: Nightfiend
Character Name: Tatiana Ungaro
Chronicles Completed: 3
Fame: 6 / PP: 4
XP: 3
GP: 1,442
Society ID: 23083-07
Faction: Grand Lodge
Items bought before the scenario
(MW) Lamellar armor -210 gp
(MW) Longsword -315 gp
(MW) Scorpion whip -305 gp
(MW) Thieves tools -100 gp
Alchemist’s fire x2 -40 gp
Items sold before the scenario
Lamellar armor +30 gp
Longsword +7 gp
Scorpion whip +2 gp
Thieves tools +15
Beginning funds 1442 gp / Ending funds 526 gp
The Prince of Augustana # 13 Date 07/17/2014 Code: 43,179
The Temple Of Empyreal Enlightenment #3-21 Date 08/08/2014 Code: 48,020 GM Credit
Trial by Machine # 6-01 Date 08/22/2014 Code: 48,932 GM Credit

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My deepest apologies. I had no idea that we were waiting on me or I'd have posted long ago.
Player name: Hawkeye127
Character name: Aramil Sionadel
PFS ID#: 89501-3
Faction: Sovereign Court
Chronicle #: 7
Experience: 6
Current Prestige: 8
Current Fame: 10

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Just to give a heads up, I will likely be unable to post at all tomorrow through Sunday. My last day at my present job is tomorrow, so I will likely be busy finishing up work-related stuff, and then I'm out of town at a convention until Sunday night.
Feel free to NPC me over the weekend as needed, GM.

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My posting is very sporadical during weekend. No worries, nothing major planned till Monday

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Wy wife won an IT conference ticket in nearby city, she will be attending. I will be accompanying her in travel, so my posting will be sporadic from November, 15th till 21st.

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I am participating RPG event in other city (representing PF Society games for unfamiliar audience) and it will take me most of my weekend to drive back-n-forth. My appearance here will be sporadic during that time.

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Welcome to our first combat :)
You can act if you are marked bold. It doesn't matter, when you post, I will apply effect of your action according to initiative order. If your intend do not apply, I will try to modify it to follow basic logic: If A is dead, you will charge B, etc. If you posted your intent, but see that it is not applicable any more - feel free to post again. If you don't want to do certain action, for example, you do not want to attack C, note or role-play that in your post.
Please, prefix your posts during combat with this information.
[ ooc] Round X, Init Y
hp/hpMAX (nonlethal: ?), HD X; AC X, Touch Y, FF Z, CMD ??; Fort +?, Ref +?, Will +?; Conditions or Effects: empty; [/ooc]
In next round, you need to update changed information. (at least round and init count). You may not update your character sheet until end of combat, if you keep this information actual.
There is monster stats in footer. You can use that stats to understand and role-play effects of your actions.
After combat is over, your alias character sheet should be updated to include information of used resources (like arrows or potions), abilities (like, rage), gained conditions (like, nauseated or fatigued), etc (like, spells or something).
Feel free to ask something you don't understand, correct me if I have error in math or you want to bring up new rule, I missed.

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You can post anyways. If there will be no post from Flash in 2 hours, I will skip him.
Since it has been no post since Friday from him, I will drop his action.
He can act again in Round 1 on his Init count and if he decide on some move-action non-movement action (like retrieve item, f.e.) I think I will allow that.

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Just had an idea, that due to all celebrations and preparations, I almost had no time and checked message boards quite sporadically. I will fix it now.

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@Aramil, I think you can post your throwing of Alchemical fire inside, if there is no answer from others during today
With respect, are they still playing? We haven't heard from either of them since Dec. 29.

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Even if they not, I promised ratio for 1 post/day, so I think you can do it now.
If they left game, I think we should expect them to return. Other option, you can send them to perform extra check in some room, you finished to verify no more clues left and they will be there until their players decide to return.
I'll sent reminder message to both players, meanwhile every player can say what would you like to have: extra power, but time delay (and probably risk we won't finish it in time) or extra check in any room? Majority wins.

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I'm at a loss myself. As far as I can tell, we've explored every room available. Metagamer-me says that there is obviously more to this module as there are still sections of the map uncovered. However, roleplayer-me say that, since we can't find the entrance to these sections, our characters wouold assume that they're done.

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Problem isn't the uncovered map. The in game problem is the fact that we haven't yet discovered what our patron sent us here for.
GM Question: How much time has passed so fare?

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Again, I'm not even entirely sure what that is supposed to be. We were sent to retrieve undoctored/'edited' historical documents, as well as information about military crusades and the fight vs the Whispering Tyrant. We've got that (some anyway) so far, but Onyo isn't exactly an expert in the Taldan political minefield and In- and out- of character I am still unclear as to the type of 'smoking gun' document Miss Marilla is secretly after

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Specific documents from what I can asses from the introduction, although no specific description was given. I am assuming we haven't found any such documents, based on the descriptions of what we have actually found. That being said, I am not exactly sure what we are looking for ether.

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Time spend at top of the page +/-10% because you actually have no means to say definitely, how much time passed since you started. The crescendo you used to cover your fight with book swarm was at 1h mark, but after that you have been researching/copying and doing other stuff, and music which is 5-15 minutes stopped already. And some more minutes passed after that.
You have researched through library and found several important documents regarding your Society goal. The only target, which is still in question, is patron's request, but this one wasn't disclosures during briefing.
You actually have a letter from that "patron" and even unsigned you can determine Patron's person via successful Knowledge (nobility) DC 15
Per scenario notes: you can occasionally find this information if you succeed both Perception and Knowledge (nobility) rolls. But, since you brought this topic up, feel free to investigate through letter, it's paper and other regalia and roll only Knowledge(check).
I will allow you to use simple hints (like +3 to roll or roll twice) you found in this library or other creative approach.
This scenario is pretty much dependent on several rolls.
Some of them secret, some of them are not.
Anyway, you know degree of your success only when you return to the lodge.

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No Know: Nobility here :p
I just posted my last idea: beyond that I can't think of anything to do but use the 'Card Catalogue' clue to see if anything's left in the big room and one of the others (like one of the two rooms to the north?) and just accept what research we could find.

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Well, in his case I'm about ready to call it and head back upstairs to make sure we aren't discovered (pending results of my last action ofc).
What do you guys, or your characters, think?

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As we approach to our story end, I'd like to see your Day Job / Craft rolls in this thread.
Boon Rolls:
DM Tiaburn: 1d20 ⇒ 18
Tatiana Ungaro: 1d20 ⇒ 17
ThreeEyedSloth: 1d20 ⇒ 12
Onyo: 1d20 ⇒ 14
Odmar Krufft: 1d20 ⇒ 16
Flash_PFS: 1d20 ⇒ 9
Aramil Sionadel: 1d20 ⇒ 13
Boon of players choice on a natural roll of 1 or 20
**Re-Rolls not allowed on boons**
Looks like no luck
I will prepare chronicles and wrap up the story tomorrow.

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Hork's Day Job: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24 Craft (alchemy)
Flash's Day Job: 0 = 0 No skill to make it