Tenzekil Braybittle (Bleachling)

Onyo's page

63 posts. Organized Play character for Zoomba.

Full Name

Onyo Shasparrat


Male Wayang HP 19/19 | AC: 18 | T:13 | FF:13 | CMD:15 | Fort:+5 | Ref:+5 | Will:+0 | Init:+3 | Perc:+6 | Speed 20


Alchemist 2












Common, Wayang, Draconic, Goblin, Aklo, Abyssal, Ancient Orisian, Polyglot



Strength 12
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 10
Charisma 7

About Onyo

HP 10/10
Speed 20 ft

F/R/W: +5/+5/+0
CMD: 15

Attacks: Bomb +4 (1d6+4) 7/day, ranged touch attack


Craft Alchemy +11
Disable Device +7
Know (Arcana) +9
Know (History) +8
Know (Nature) +8
Linguistics +6 (+8 vs codes)
Perception +7
Sleight of Hand +7
Stealth +10 (+8)
Spellcraft +8

Traits: Resiliant, Mathematical Prodigy

Feats: Extra Bombs (B), Throw Anything (B), Point Blank Shot

Extracts Known:

~Reduce Person
~Cure Light Wounds
~Targeted Bomb Admixture
~Disguise Self
~Endure Elements
~Expeditious Retreat
~Crafter's Fortune

Gear: Chain Shirt, quarterstaff, formula book

Society Logs

#511.2.14/4715 Decided to transition into field work by investigating secret library within Taldan archives. Mission was partially successful, with some information about the Shining Crusade. Still, unable to discover much of the sought documents; a frustrating failure I shall not repeat.

#610.4.14/4715 Later uncovered scheme to manipulate records of fallen Pathfinders during routine errand for VC Dreng (question if eccentricities rise to level making him unfit for office). Interesting cache of documents found within [Hall of Unascended].

#612.614.616/4715 Next journeyed to Garund and the Mwangi Expanse is response to report of missing VC Sharrowsmith. It became clear the Captain had antagonized local kobolds in his attempt to catalogue overgrown dwarven temple. Along way had to rescue kidnapped miners from the lizards in order to repair relations with local business, but had to tactically retreat from temple in face of powerful Guardian.

Note found in Sharrowsmith’s pack indicated dwarven talisman held by nearby Grippli tribe. They offered to exchange the orb for dinosaur eggs (hoped to raise defenders of village). Plan questionable at best, but set out and easily retrieved several eggs, only to flee (alongside Apsis agents attempting similar deal) from angry mother. Returned eggs in hand, and received orbs from Grippli (after fighting off Apsis agents, sore about their failure)

With Device in hand, made way back to dwarven ruins to delve the temple. Convincing kobolds of our intentions only to retrieve Sharrowsmith (whose recklessness had not only angered the lizards but cost him his life in a cave-in), we made way through temple. In excellent shape despite being abandoned for years; it seems sudden plague struck dwarven population leading the Torag temple to be swiftly abandoned. Subdued guardian (enhanced gargoyle) with orb, which turned out to contain fragment of Sky Key society has been searching for, and fended off Apsis assault (seemingly weakened by fellow Pathfinder Agents in Bloodcove).

#615.4.12/4715 After far too long in dank Mwangi, finally recalled to Absalom. Careless scribe unleashed fairy-tale-esque denizens from some form of riddle prison, one of whom led to flooding risk within Overflow Archives. In effort to stem damage to materials, pieced together scattered text and resealed escaped kitsune, “Caught”. Two colleagues seemed quite perturbed at the trickster’s plight and recapture, but both also showed little compunction with snatching ethically-compromised text for Paracountess Dralneen.
{Personal note: Prior to this I had considered joining the Chelaxian’s ‘Dark Archive’, hoping that it could aid in my research. However, and reconsidering idea in light of these developments. Archive seems cold and calculating; while undoubtedly font of knowledge, do not wish to be drawn into whichever scheme their pursuit is aimed towards.}