[PFS/DMK/YSK] 6-21 Tapestry's Toil (Inactive)

Game Master Kludde

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Dark Archive

Fave Terr&Enemy:
Favoured Enemy:Human +4/Outsider (Evil) +2/ Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival, Attk & Dmg. // Favoured Terrain:Urban+2 Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, Survival and Init.
1/2Orc HP:115, AC: 23/T:14/FF:20 - Percep: +24*(Dark Vision/Scent) F: +16/R: +12/W: +9- CMB: +15 - CMD: 29, Speed: 40ft, Init: +6
HP:76/76, AC:24/T:13/FF:21 - Percep: +6(LLVision/Scent) F: +9/R: +9/W: +6 - CMB: +12 - CMD: 25, Speed: 40ft, Init: +3

Aethrys casts a spell and warps at Ironwhip, leaving a multi hued pattern behind her!

Standard Action: Casts Bladed Dash, avoids a lot of AoOs
Swift action: Arcane Strike

Attacks Ironwhip!

+3 Keen Dawnblade
Attack 1d20 + 12 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 12 + 3 + 2 = 30
Damage 1d6 + 8 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 8 + 2 + 2 = 17

I THINK I got the To hit mods right, I might be off a point too high, can happily recrunch if its a line call :)

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

With a swift and precise strike, Aetherys stabs the dwarf where the heart would be. His incessant preaching stops, and make place for a gurgling sound, until he keels over dead.

The duergar near Aetherys completes his spell and doubles in size, ready to pound on Pitbull. Apparently, though, this one is not very used to wielding weaponry of this size.

Waraxe, Pitbull: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

The other dwarf keeps defending himself, and hacks at Marra, while Grimaldus tries to get to the brain of Pitbull

Waraxe, Marra: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Slam, Pitbull: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17


Duergar - Blue
Duergar - Cyan (19)

Dark Archive

Fave Terr&Enemy:
Favoured Enemy:Human +4/Outsider (Evil) +2/ Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival, Attk & Dmg. // Favoured Terrain:Urban+2 Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, Survival and Init.
1/2Orc HP:115, AC: 23/T:14/FF:20 - Percep: +24*(Dark Vision/Scent) F: +16/R: +12/W: +9- CMB: +15 - CMD: 29, Speed: 40ft, Init: +6
HP:76/76, AC:24/T:13/FF:21 - Percep: +6(LLVision/Scent) F: +9/R: +9/W: +6 - CMB: +12 - CMD: 25, Speed: 40ft, Init: +3

P 24/53
A 26/51

Pitbull and Asbo keep doing what they do.

Pitbull slices at Zomgrimbaru
Attack 1d20 + 10 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (11) + 10 + 2 - 2 = 21
Damage 2d4 + 6 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (4, 4) + 6 + 6 + 2 = 22

Asbo turns on the Dwarf (CYAN)

Attack 1d20 + 9 + 2 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 9 + 2 - 2 + 2 = 23
Damage 1d6 + 5 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 5 + 6 + 2 = 18

Attack 1d20 + 9 + 2 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 9 + 2 - 2 + 2 = 22
Damage 1d4 + 5 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 5 + 6 + 2 = 14

Attack 1d20 + 9 + 2 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 9 + 2 - 2 + 2 = 20
Damage 1d4 + 5 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 5 + 6 + 2 = 15

Grand Lodge

Halfling Bard 9 | AC 24 T 18 FF 18 | HP 75 | F +7 R +13 W +8* | CMD 22 | Init + 5 | Perception +14

Horrified at IronWhip atrocity for killing helpless foe and turning his corps into a undead, Marra figures the Cyan Duergar is Owlbear food and charges forward to strikes at the large blue Duergar. All the while continuing the bardic inspiration and the arcane charge on her weapon.

{If by some chance the Cyan Duergar is not dead, Marra will stay and attack it with flank}

(Inspire courage +2 to hit, damage and vs fear 12 of 13r)

scimitar w/IC: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 10 + 2 = 17
damage w/+2 IC,+2 AS, +2 Risky Strike: 1d4 + 6 + 2 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 6 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 14

if the attack fails, Marra cast Gallant Inspiration {link} Making the attack a Adjusted ToHit: 2d4 + 19 ⇒ (4, 1) + 19 = 24

(Adjusted AC is 22 for the round)

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Asbo pecks and hoots, leaving nothing but a bloody pulp of a dwarf, studded with some feathers.

Pitbull hacks at his erstwhile friend - young viewers may want to look away - and ensures his unlife is short.

Marra charges up to the enlarged duregar, who sees the opportunity to strike as she comes in. His efforts are in vain, and with a furious strike, Marra stabs the duergar in the belly.

Dw Waraxe, Marra, AoO: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15


Duergar - Blue (14)

Liberty's Edge

Two-handed Fighter-5/Hellknight-5 | AC 26 T 14 FF 24 | HP 39/99 | F +12 R +6 W +7 (+2 vs. compulsion)| Init +5 | Perc +13

Sorry - went on a business trip this week. Wayfinder on my phone wouldn't let me post, and the hotel computer had old browser software so I couldn't log in to Paizo... =/ Back home now and catching up! Go get 'em!!

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Let me just roll Aetherys' action to see what happens:

Aetherys' attack: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31
Aetherys' confirm: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19

Total damage: 2d6 + 16 ⇒ (5, 4) + 16 = 25 Probably more

Witha final stab of fury, Aetherys drives the dawnblade into the chest of the last dwarf, killing him on the spot.

Combat over!

Behind the barred door to the west, a room can be seen. A gleaming, solid, ovoid piece of metal with four cylindrical indentations and strange, fluid engravings rests on top of a long stone table.

To the east are two prison cells. In one, a gaunt wayang is manacled to the wall, suspended over a pile of dirty straw.

Grand Lodge

Halfling Bard 9 | AC 24 T 18 FF 18 | HP 75 | F +7 R +13 W +8* | CMD 22 | Init + 5 | Perception +14

Marra finds the battle bittersweet with the foes defeated but at the cost of one of there own. She goes looks the wayang over, offers water and what help she can until the manacles can be removed "Who might you be and how did you come to be decorating the walls of the late IronWhip?"

heal check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

My name is Swareti the wayang answers, Ironwhip sent a raiding party to my village to capture and enslave. He and that Mueritt force us to work day and night, until we are too tired and weak. They say if we don’t keep up, they will sacrifice us to their god. So many people have already been taken away, and they never return. I collapsed and woke up here, chained to the wall.

His manacles are DC 25 DDV to open

There are many slaves like me, all chained up in this mountain. If only we had a key to these manacles, we could stage a revolt. The duergar don't know how to tell us apart, so one of us could slip in among the chained slaves and set them all free. The duergar are powerful, but they are slow. We are quick and stealthy, we'd sneak out before they find us.

Do any of you have wayfinders and wear them openly?

Grand Lodge

Halfling Bard 9 | AC 24 T 18 FF 18 | HP 75 | F +7 R +13 W +8* | CMD 22 | Init + 5 | Perception +14

(No wayfinder.)

Marra looks to Castien, "Try that iron key you found in the smith."

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Magus (Bladebound) 9 | HP 68/68 | AC: 26 T: 16 FF: 21 CMD: 23 | F+11 R+12 W+9 | Init +9 | Perception +13

Back from my holidays. Thanks for botting me and sorry for the delay. Aetherys indeed has a Wayfinder and wears it in the open unless stated otherwise.

Wiping the duergar's blood from Dawnblade, Aetherys nods at Marra's suggestion.

Scarab Sages

Male Elf Fighter (Lore Warden) 1/Wizard (Enhancer)) 5 [ HP 41/41 | AC 19/FF14/T16 (23/18/20 w/Mage Armor) | Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6 (immune to sleep, +2 vs. ench) | Init +7 | Perception +9 ]

Castien nods silently and removes the key from his belt pouch, trying it in the lock.

No wayfinder for Castien - should probably remedy that at some point

Dark Archive

Fave Terr&Enemy:
Favoured Enemy:Human +4/Outsider (Evil) +2/ Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival, Attk & Dmg. // Favoured Terrain:Urban+2 Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, Survival and Init.
1/2Orc HP:115, AC: 23/T:14/FF:20 - Percep: +24*(Dark Vision/Scent) F: +16/R: +12/W: +9- CMB: +15 - CMD: 29, Speed: 40ft, Init: +6
HP:76/76, AC:24/T:13/FF:21 - Percep: +6(LLVision/Scent) F: +9/R: +9/W: +6 - CMB: +12 - CMD: 25, Speed: 40ft, Init: +3

Pitbull's armour bears the markings of both Cheliax, and the Hellknights she aids chasing down heretics... nothing about her seems comforting and pleasant, like a Wayfinder.

She gets to checking over the strange zombie from earlier.

Wonder what THAT was all about?

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Strange, the wayang says, looking at Aetherys' compass, while Castien opens his manacles are you pathfinders? Perhaps what we heard about them is not the whole truth. We were warned about the Pathfinder Society, told they are an organization of ruthless and greedy murderers, and that they always wear compasses.

Feel free to still react here, I'm just putting in the rest

It seems like this keys fit indeed! Let's set the plan in motion!

Leaving the dwarves fortress - there is little the adventurers can do for the slave revolt, other than get killed by overwhelming duergar odds - is straightforward with the revolt as a distraction, and the group returns to the grand lodge through the planar eddy.

When the party returns to the Grand Lodge, they find Aram Zey staring at the tapestry, deep in thought. He snaps out of it immediately upon seeing the pathfinders and says You're back, good. Report, please!

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Magus (Bladebound) 9 | HP 68/68 | AC: 26 T: 16 FF: 21 CMD: 23 | F+11 R+12 W+9 | Init +9 | Perception +13

"It appears you've been told lies about us. I'll let our actions speak for themselves so that you can make up your own mind, but simply know this: the Pathfinder Society is an alliance of archaeologists, scholars and truth-seekers about our past. While it is true that our motivation to join the Society differs from one individual to another, we strongly reject the behavior you've just mentioned. Actually, I'm a little curious. Did those who told you that bear insignas made of bronze or silver? If so, those liars are the Aspis Consortium, and I can honestly tell you that the words "greedy murderers" apply all too well to them. Their organization is based upon the will to make a profit from their operations, all too often at the expense of innocent people. As I've said, I'll let you make your own mind and decide if we are trustworthy or not. Know this - we would greatly enjoy a peaceful alliance with your people, if only to get to know you better. What say you?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (18) + 16 = 34

I'll let someone else do the report so that everyone gets to participate.

Silver Crusade

NG Male Gnome Bard2/Summoner4 Condition: Inspire Courage Init +2; AC18, Touch13, FF16, CMD13; hp 30/34; Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +8 (+2 vs Illusions; +4 vs bardic, sonic); Perception: +6 (low-light)

"Master Zey, we found the dwarven village called the Taldak's point, but it was raised by some creatures, so we took a long way east to find their fortress. It was duergars, who were acting in the name of their dark god, and they were enslaving all the nearby villages. We found a Tanbark - a spirit oni creature, who offered us his help to guide and find the duergar leader. We travelled deep inside their fortress, but were unable to save... he paused for a moment, because he lost his idea, but then decided that pause is too long and continued, as previously, ... because he already desecrated the body, preparing it for transformation into undead creature, but then Grimbaru charged forward and was killed. I tried my best to save him, but he was in that blast and then dirty duergar channeled his evil energy, making him stand back as zombie, but Aetherys and her mythical blade was there to save us all. And then we set a wayang, name Swarety free, and he told us about duergars and we gave him a key, so he could set other wayangs free and start a revolt and prove that Pathfinder's who carry the wayfinders are not as they are told, but much... much better."

d20: 1d20 ⇒ 4 Diplomacy 13, Perform (oratory) 11 :)

Dark Archive

Fave Terr&Enemy:
Favoured Enemy:Human +4/Outsider (Evil) +2/ Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival, Attk & Dmg. // Favoured Terrain:Urban+2 Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, Survival and Init.
1/2Orc HP:115, AC: 23/T:14/FF:20 - Percep: +24*(Dark Vision/Scent) F: +16/R: +12/W: +9- CMB: +15 - CMD: 29, Speed: 40ft, Init: +6
HP:76/76, AC:24/T:13/FF:21 - Percep: +6(LLVision/Scent) F: +9/R: +9/W: +6 - CMB: +12 - CMD: 25, Speed: 40ft, Init: +3

Pitbull just nods along and grunts at appropriate times, she's not a great storyteller, and her stringing more than five words together is normally just a prelude to a fight.

"Grim fought well and died a glorious death, twice. We shovelled up his guts, now we need him kicked back to us from the heavens, as his killing and dying is not over yet"

Scarab Sages

Male Elf Fighter (Lore Warden) 1/Wizard (Enhancer)) 5 [ HP 41/41 | AC 19/FF14/T16 (23/18/20 w/Mage Armor) | Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6 (immune to sleep, +2 vs. ench) | Init +7 | Perception +9 ]

Castien smiles grimly, "W-well, h-hopefully any f-future d-d-death w-will w-wait f-for s-some t-t-time."

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

I almost forgot, but you of course also took that sky key fragment with you :-)

“The transformation of Naldak’s descendants into duergar was an unexpected and unfortunate development, as is the presence of Aspis agents in the Tapestry working against us. However what matters is that you recovered another piece of the Sky Key. You successfully completed your mission.” The Master of Spells returns his attention to the tapestry. After a few moments, he barks, “Why are you still standing around? Do you want an award for doing your jobs?”

DC 20 Sense Motive:

Despite his cold words, Aram Zey is actually quite pleased with the party performance

That's a wrap! I'll prepare chronicles and report. I can imagine it is a bit confusing what exactly has been transpiring here, so if you guys have any questions, I'll answers them after you had the opportunity to theorize :-)

Do we have the necessary funds for Grim's resurrection?

Dark Archive

Fave Terr&Enemy:
Favoured Enemy:Human +4/Outsider (Evil) +2/ Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival, Attk & Dmg. // Favoured Terrain:Urban+2 Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, Survival and Init.
1/2Orc HP:115, AC: 23/T:14/FF:20 - Percep: +24*(Dark Vision/Scent) F: +16/R: +12/W: +9- CMB: +15 - CMD: 29, Speed: 40ft, Init: +6
HP:76/76, AC:24/T:13/FF:21 - Percep: +6(LLVision/Scent) F: +9/R: +9/W: +6 - CMB: +12 - CMD: 25, Speed: 40ft, Init: +3

SM 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

Pitbull just sneers and mutters to herself, Asbo seems just as shirty. They both leave.

Odd one. Fun scenario, but the how and why is what I don't get :)

Grim's pass-the-hat wrote:

Aethis 1818
Marra 1818
Pitbull 1818
Tiaburn 1818
Maeglin 1500
TOTAL 8772

Leaves Grim a bill of 2138 to cover, basically should be no problem and means he wont need to sell anything

Grand Lodge

Halfling Bard 9 | AC 24 T 18 FF 18 | HP 75 | F +7 R +13 W +8* | CMD 22 | Init + 5 | Perception +14

sense motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

Marra shugs, "Interesting trip into a tapestry, anyone else want to join me at the local taver where we can have a pint while waiting to see if healers can do for Grim?"

DMK, thanks for DMing excellent game. extra points for the evil PC death!

Dark Archive

Fave Terr&Enemy:
Favoured Enemy:Human +4/Outsider (Evil) +2/ Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival, Attk & Dmg. // Favoured Terrain:Urban+2 Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, Survival and Init.
1/2Orc HP:115, AC: 23/T:14/FF:20 - Percep: +24*(Dark Vision/Scent) F: +16/R: +12/W: +9- CMB: +15 - CMD: 29, Speed: 40ft, Init: +6
HP:76/76, AC:24/T:13/FF:21 - Percep: +6(LLVision/Scent) F: +9/R: +9/W: +6 - CMB: +12 - CMD: 25, Speed: 40ft, Init: +3

It was fun, and nasty :)

"If the local healers no good, I take his head to Cheliax, they have good magic men there"

Unsurprisingly, Pitbull and Asbo are usp for ale at the pub.

Liberty's Edge

Two-handed Fighter-5/Hellknight-5 | AC 26 T 14 FF 24 | HP 39/99 | F +12 R +6 W +7 (+2 vs. compulsion)| Init +5 | Perc +13

Grim will cover 5,010 - treasure from this scenario and what he had accumulated. If you don't mind each pitching in 1,180 gp I will be eternally grateful. Really =)

Scarab Sages

Male Elf Fighter (Lore Warden) 1/Wizard (Enhancer)) 5 [ HP 41/41 | AC 19/FF14/T16 (23/18/20 w/Mage Armor) | Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6 (immune to sleep, +2 vs. ench) | Init +7 | Perception +9 ]

Castien nods at the suggestion as well. "Odd th-that th-things always s-seem t-t-to g-go wr-wr-wrong in t-t-tapestries."

Dark Archive

Fave Terr&Enemy:
Favoured Enemy:Human +4/Outsider (Evil) +2/ Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival, Attk & Dmg. // Favoured Terrain:Urban+2 Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, Survival and Init.
1/2Orc HP:115, AC: 23/T:14/FF:20 - Percep: +24*(Dark Vision/Scent) F: +16/R: +12/W: +9- CMB: +15 - CMD: 29, Speed: 40ft, Init: +6
HP:76/76, AC:24/T:13/FF:21 - Percep: +6(LLVision/Scent) F: +9/R: +9/W: +6 - CMB: +12 - CMD: 25, Speed: 40ft, Init: +3

Righto Grim, if the tribe is ok with that (lesser) proposal then that is ok, just didn'ty want you hocking off items etc

Grand Lodge

Halfling Bard 9 | AC 24 T 18 FF 18 | HP 75 | F +7 R +13 W +8* | CMD 22 | Init + 5 | Perception +14

Grim, Marra is fine with the proposal.

Scarab Sages

Male Elf Fighter (Lore Warden) 1/Wizard (Enhancer)) 5 [ HP 41/41 | AC 19/FF14/T16 (23/18/20 w/Mage Armor) | Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6 (immune to sleep, +2 vs. ench) | Init +7 | Perception +9 ]

Ditto - Castien will happily fork over some cash, especially since it was potentially his action of greasing the weapon that caused all of the exploding...

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Magus (Bladebound) 9 | HP 68/68 | AC: 26 T: 16 FF: 21 CMD: 23 | F+11 R+12 W+9 | Init +9 | Perception +13

Same here, fine with contributing 1,180 gp.

Silver Crusade

NG Male Gnome Bard2/Summoner4 Condition: Inspire Courage Init +2; AC18, Touch13, FF16, CMD13; hp 30/34; Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +8 (+2 vs Illusions; +4 vs bardic, sonic); Perception: +6 (low-light)

Maeglin is ready sacrifice 1180 gp for Grim resurrection. This will make him a bit better for not having contributed much during adventure as well as checking a box on his Silver Crusade faction journal

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

It's a done deal, then. No new entry for the wall of names.

Liberty's Edge

Two-handed Fighter-5/Hellknight-5 | AC 26 T 14 FF 24 | HP 39/99 | F +12 R +6 W +7 (+2 vs. compulsion)| Init +5 | Perc +13

Huzzah! Thank you =) And by a stroke of luck, Grim was going to advance to 6th level. So instead of having to recalculate everything due to his negative level, he can just stay at 5th...for three more games... =)

| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

'Negative level' is actually a misnomer, a bit of a legacy thing from previous D&D editions. It's not actually a complete level missing, but:

Negative Level wrote:

For each negative level a creature has, it takes a cumulative –1 penalty on all ability checks, attack rolls, combat maneuver checks, Combat Maneuver Defense, saving throws, and skill checks. In addition, the creature reduces its current and total hit points by 5 for each negative level it possesses. The creature is also treated as one level lower for the purpose of level-dependent variables (such as spellcasting) for each negative level possessed. Spellcasters do not lose any prepared spells or slots as a result of negative levels. If a creature's negative levels equal or exceed its total Hit Dice, it dies.

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