One Step Beyond

Game Master Lemmy Z

Welcome to Blue Shell Island - The Land of New Beginnings! Now try to make sure it doesn't bring your end as well... At least, not too soon.

Initiative for Current Combat:

Dwarf Priest
Elf Archer
Stone Demon
Staff Orc
Stone Warrior
Brother Cyrus
Scimitar Human

Round: 7
Current Turn: Eitylen & Frederick

Combat Rules:

Keep in mind that if you're next to each other in Initiative count, you can switch attack order if you want. If you post more or less simultaneously, I'll follow the "official" Initiative order and allow whoever goes second to change his action if something relevant happens (e.g.: the first guy kills the second guy's target).

Additionally, remember that you have 24h before I allow other players to control your character and 48h before I simply skip your turn. Similarly, if I don't post a creature's actions for 48h, you are allowed to consider I skipped its turn.

Last, but not least.. If I have to allow others to control your character or skip your turn twice in a row, I'll start allowing other players to decide your character's actions as soon as your turn comes up for the rest of the combat. I'll still wait 48h before skipping your turn, though.

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Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10
Scavion wrote:
Wish me luck guys! Finally taking my driver's test today.

Hey, good luck! Hope you do better than I did at my first try, which is not difficult, considering I was particularly bad at it. :P

Nicos wrote:
Well, yes, ¬¬, but where?

Didn't I send you a PM with the invitation for the Roll20 campaign? I think it takes you straight to the game, but I'm not sure.

I'll send you another invitation when I get home (and therefore can access Roll20).

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

I failed my first test parking. Tipped my mirror into one of the cones on the way out.

Passed the second one with no points off though. Had gotten an instructor in the meantime since I never really drove before that.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

So... Uh... Does anyone plan on doing anything? I dunno, charge in, make some sound or throw a cat in the corridor to attract the guards to your room, become invisible and sneak past them? Leave and forget about Ayren's job?

I didn't think 3 guys in a corridor would be that much of a game stopper. oO

Male Human 69/69 HP AC 22[24] (tch 14; ff 20); CMD 25; Fort +12, Ref +10, Will +12;Low-light Vision; Perception +7; Sense Motive +1; Init +8

Passed first try guys! Woo! Woe to the Texas Department of Public Safety for they know not the horror they unleashed!

Clearly our masterful plan has 0lsucceeded in disorienting Lemmy hehe.

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

Well Leng snuck up on the ones in the corridor but it was never acknowledged so I dunno if they saw him or what.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

Ah, my bad, then... Sorry.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

How long does Tai Leng's Vanish last? 3 rounds? If he's not invisible, the guards will most likely detect him as soon as he enters the corridor, unless you manage to distract them somehow.

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

He would no longer be invisible at this point.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

Then he'd have no cover or concealment, and unlike the previous guards, these 3 ain't focusing all their attention on a game of cards, so they'd pretty much immediately detect Tai Leng, which why I suggested you guys find a way to attract them to your room (also gives you more room to fight).

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

Tell you what, you can try to sneak up to them to get a surprise round, but they get a +8 to Perception since Stealth would probably be impossible.

(If I'm misunderstanding any rule, feel free to tell me).

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

For some reason I thought the room was dimly lit (when I think "underground room full of cages" my first thought isn't usually "well lit". =)).

But that sounds fine to me. They'll probably see me.

Oh, by the by, how do you rule when Style Feats can be activated? Could I have gone into Dragon Style as a I moved in to initiate combat, or would I have to wait until it fully started?

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

Well, there are torches and it's a relatively small corridor. (The room is slightly darker, though. since it's bigger). Let me check... Yeah, torches have a 20ft radius of normal light. The corridor is 60ft long... Assuming 2 wall torches you have about 10ft. of dim light next to each end of the corridor.

(Without the torches it'd be complete darkness, since the corridor is underground).

You can have a style active any time you'd be able to make an unarmed attack (So basically any time you aren't paralyzed or in similar condition). Fuse Styles allows you to have more than one active at the same time, of course.

On a completely unrelated note... I just watched Dr.Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. It's awesomely fun! :)

Lemmy wrote:

On a completely unrelated note... I just watched Dr.Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. It's awesomely fun! :)


Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10
Nicos wrote:
Lemmy wrote:
On a completely unrelated note... I just watched Dr.Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. It's awesomely fun! :)

It's a short tragicomedy musical directed by Joss Whedon and starred by Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion and Felicia Day.

Look it up! You won't regret it! :)

It is posible for Eitylen to stealth pass the guards? or are they blocking the way out?

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

They are between you and the door, although you can try to sneak past them... Any reason you don't want to stay and finish the job?

Lemmy wrote:
They are between you and the door, although you can try to sneak past them... Any reason you don't want to stay and finish the job?

Because Eitylen can not trust Ayren anymore, but more importantly, he went to that place looking for the opportunity of an heroic action, not to be a thief.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

Well... To be fair, trusting someone who is described as shady-looking is pretty naive. (And as he pointed out, he never did say it was a human child).

And technically, you are still rescuing "someone", not stealing.

Lemmy wrote:

Well... To be fair, trusting someone who is described as shady-looking is pretty naive. (And as he pointed out, he never did say it was a human child).

That is because he is naive (Wis 8, no sense motive). He would had not met ayren in the first place is not for naivety.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

Doesn't he worry a poor, innocent cat? :'(

What about his "mother" who loves him so dearly?

What is more heroic than risking your life to save an animal? What creature could be more innocent? ;)

Damn... I should have added that last line to Ayren's dialogue. ^^

Actually, that line would had convinced him

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

I shall add it, then! Talking is a free action, anyway. And Ayren is both smarter and more charismatic than me... So if I can think of it, so can he. ;)

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

Oh by the by, I think you may be able to allow Clustered Shots for this particular campaign. Considering Penetrating Strike is no longer Fighter only (I'm assuming your problem with it was that it exacerbates the "Archers rule, melee drool" problem).

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

It was more about it completely bypassing any sort of DR, no matter how high. I never had a problem with archery. Besides, melee-focused characters got a lot of buffs with my house rules, including the ability to move and attack, so I don't think they are too outclassed.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

Hey, look at that... If my neighbor's screams are anything to go by, Brazil wasn't eliminated yet.

Male Goblin Vivisectionist Trap Breaker 10

If anything, I'm surprised there isn't a "Battering Blows" version of Clustered Shots.

By the way, Happy 4th of July everybody.

Dreaded his work at the theme park

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

I dunno... Really don't like the idea of a single feat defeating all sorts of DR. Seems a bit too much.

PS: Nicos... It's Eitylen's turn.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

So... I've been thinking, here's a rule I don't think anyone will oppose (but if you do, tell me).

Everyone gets +1 skill point per level, but must assign it to a craft, perform or profession skill.

This is just for RP purposes, so while I don't have a problem with these skill points being used to fulfill feats prerequisites, they can't be used for stuff with direct mechanical impact, such as Versatile Performance.

Everyone agrees?

(BTW, it's Nicos' turn again ).

Elf Hp 41/41; AC 21 (Touch 16, FF 16 ); CMD 18 ; Fort+4, Ref: +10, WIll:+3; Low-light vision; Perception +8 ; Sense motive +8; Initiative +6
[dice]10+13;1d4+7[/dic ]

It is a rule that I have used in the past. Perform is too strong for bard though.

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3


I didn't have any ranks free for Craft: Alchemy and I quite want those.

It's double the fun, I get to brew my own booze, and stock up on grenades and such.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10
Eitylen wrote:
It is a rule that I have used in the past. Perform is too strong for bard though.

Which is why I said it shouldn't be used for direct mechanical benefits (and even cited Versatile Performance as an example). Although stuff like fulfilling prerequisites or crafting alchemical fire and such doesn't bother me.

Male Goblin Vivisectionist Trap Breaker 10

Cool, I can nab Perform(Oratory).

Male Goblin Vivisectionist Trap Breaker 10

Hey Rynjin, shouldn't you be making two attacks since one is through Spell Combat/Spellstrike and the other is normal?

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

I'm not making an attack with Spell Combat, that's Elemental Fist. Probably should have put that on the attack roll instead of the damage but whatevs.

Currently I need to roll a 9 to pass the Concentration check for even a 0 level spell. Considering my rolls...

Male Goblin Vivisectionist Trap Breaker 10


Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

LOL... Just found out Brazil got its ass kicked by Germany.

Now I'm glad I spent my time playing shovel knight! :)

(Awesome game, BTW! Anyone who enjoys side-scrollers should buy it)

The world have not seen so much evil from mgermany since the WWII.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

Pfff... Brazil deserved every inch of pain it got. The team had this absurd notion that they were the favorites, despite not having a single convincing victory in the whole tournament. Truth is, it's a very weak team, and Germany is very strong.

Brazil hasn't had a good team in over a decade. Who knows... Maybe this huge humiliation will make fans angry enough for them to force CBF (Brazil's Football Confederation) into actually doing its job instead of focusing on just making quick money by simply selling any slightly-better-than-average player.

Well... At least I can be glad that the only tournament I care about is Evo2k, which happens next weekend! :)

Go SmugDaBeast! Dudley FTW! :D

(I don't think he has a real chance to win, though). :(

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

It's spawned some fun pictures, that's for sure.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

It sure did. I got at least a dozen of them via FB. :P

My favorite is the "real time coverage of the German goal keeper", which comes with a picture of a German goalie reading a book while sitting on the grass. That one made me LOL.

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3

So (not that it matters for this game since nobody's a half-elf) have you reconsidered banning Paragon Surge with the FAQ from today?

what FAQ?

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

BTW, Nicos. I didn't see your question earlier in Roll20.

The corridor is lit by 2 torches, the room the guards are in is lit by a couple torches in each wall and a candle on the desk.

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

I want these guys to go out and try to stab you in the face, but I honestly don't see any reason for them to leave the room, considering time is on their side.

Male Goblin Vivisectionist Trap Breaker 10
Rynjin wrote:
So (not that it matters for this game since nobody's a half-elf) have you reconsidered banning Paragon Surge with the FAQ from today?

It's gone from a ridiculously powerful option to just an incredibly powerful one heh.

Male Goblin Vivisectionist Trap Breaker 10

I regret not acquiring Bull's Strength.

Lemmy wrote:
What do you mean no map? It's on Roll20.

...The map confuse me, does Cyrus enter the bad guys room?

Male Human Dungeon Master 10/ Munchkin 10

He did.

Well, I missed with the bomb anyways.

Male Goblin Vivisectionist Trap Breaker 10

I'll be sure to have Cyrus #2's character sheet ready asap.


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