Pixel Cube |

Buz Halfboot
NE Gunslinger
Male goblin gunslinger 1
NE Small humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft; Perception +6
AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +4 Dex, +1 size)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2
Special: Gunslinger's Dodge
Speed 30 ft
Melee dogslicer +1 (1d4/19-20)
Ranged medium blunderbuss +3, scatter+1 (1d8/20),
Special: Deadeye, Quick Clear, +1 critical hit confirmations
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 7
Base Attack +1; CMB +0, CMD 14
Grit (2 grit points)
Feats: Gunsmithing, Roll With It
Traits: Color Thief, Goblin Pirate
Skills: Acrobatics +7, Perception +6, Profession (sailor) +6, Ride +3, Sleigh of Hand +7, Stealth +13, Swim +7
Combat Gear: small leather, small dogslicer, medium blunderbuss, powder horn with 12 doses of black powder, 6 firearm bullets, 6 handfulls of pellets, 1 dragon's breath cartridge, gunsmith's kit
Other Gear: Corsair hat (worn sideways), black eyepatch (worn over his left eye), handkerchief with flower motives worn as a bandana, a rat's tail worn as a ponytail, red stained shirt, small backpack, small rusty knife, wooden pipe used as a toothpick, broken astrolabe, coin purse full of bone irregular dice, his former lucky toad (Drowny) that died of dysentery: he glued a crow's beak to the toad face and now he usually put that over his shoulder, half a bottle of rum, old healing potion full of seawater, 8 crusts of cheese (counts as a daily ration).
Buz's Song
Hear Buz thunder, hear Buz shoot,
hear yar buttocks meet his boot.
Toads and mud he don't give a hoot,
Cuz he wants the shiniest shiny loot.

Whosi Blackface |

Gobby Engineer shamanishwizzy class. Am thinking; skills like Tinker; Forge; carpender, chemistry and blow stuff up.
weapon; blunderbuss for range; torch/club with spikes or forge hammer for melee
wears a thick leather apron and a leather cap. Missing the two little fingers on his left hand, usually has burn blisters on his face and fingers.
trained Rat named Scurv
Whosi generally smells like sulphur and charcoal and whatever rot he last ate.
Talent for running faster than other gobbies and able to eat just about anything, keen nose to detect scents.
Whosi loves his strong liquors.
spells; am thinking cantrip type stuff and pyrotechnics/fire.
Whosi make
Biggie Bomb
Whosi lite
Biggie Bomb
Whosi run
From Biggie Bomb.
Biggie Bomb
make big boom
Biggie Bomb
Clear da room
Biggie Bomb
Smoke and Gloom

Valegrim |

As there is a cleric and druid, that is a lot of magic; so I will build my guy on the rogue base, but the city rogue doesnt really make sense so I would like to use the wilderness rogue changes from the Unearth Arcana which is more along the outside pirate goblin theme.

Shunka Warakin |

As there is a cleric and druid, that is a lot of magic; so I will build my guy on the rogue base, but the city rogue doesnt really make sense so I would like to use the wilderness rogue changes from the Unearth Arcana which is more along the outside pirate goblin theme.
I don't know if there's an official 'engineer' class, but earlier you were talking about doing an 'engineer' and the GM surely didn't sound against the idea.
Found this:
The Engineer (Alchemist Archetype) which is what it says on the tin?
(And Whosi is hilarious, also I dunno if I'm accepted yet and even if I am party balance isn't as important as unbalanced nuttiness probably. :) I just posted here cuz I saw you ask about how to make an engineer)

Pixel Cube |

I just saw that we are supposed to have minimun starting gold, 60 gp in my case. That's barely any money for ammo! If I drop the dragon's breath cartridge, the armor, 2 doses of powder, 1 bullet and 1 pellets I might get to that money. James, are you ok with this or can you just let me keep the armor?

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The minimum starting gold is to reflect the fact that you're all starving goblin members of a failing tribe that has been hounded by enemies on all sides. You're not bright eyed heroes out to conquer the world. Lose everything down to the minimum. Don't worry, treasure will flow.
Also: everything used in the build must be Paizo-made. No Unearthed Arcana, no third party stuff. I've had bad experiences with both.

Pixel Cube |

Pix; how did you make your character; is there a book? I have some ideas and some pathfinder stuff. Gunpowder? yes?
hehe Goblin most likely to blow himself sky high. could use some help fleshing out my guy; am posting basic idea.
The book I'm using is the Goblins of Golarion companion. It gives you the stats for goblins PCs, new traits and feats and info about the different tribes. The stat block and the Other Gear section is instead inspired by the pregenerated characters in the We Be Goblins module, which unlike the Companion is free at the Paizo store.
I see that you are going with Rogue. A good trait to choose could be Color Thief: you blend into the enviroment due to the odd colour of your skin (+2 stealth if you wear light or no armor), which is fine since you are basically covered in coal.
As for feat, in the Companion there is the Burn!Burn!Burn! one (1d4 extra damage when attacking with nonmagical or alchemical fire, +4 reflexes to avoid catching fire). I think it would fit your character.

Pixel Cube |

The minimum starting gold is to reflect the fact that you're all starving goblin members of a failing tribe that has been hounded by enemies on all sides. You're not bright eyed heroes out to conquer the world. Lose everything down to the minimum. Don't worry, treasure will flow.
Also: everything used in the build must be Paizo-made. No Unearthed Arcana, no third party stuff. I've had bad experiences with both.
Gotcha. Dropping all the stuff, getting a padded armor (5 gp) instead. I'm not using any 3rd party stuff as far as I can see.
What do you think of my character? Do you have any suggestions to make?

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Buz looks fine to me. Feel free to head over to the Game Thread here.
Whosi: What are your trained skills?
Shunka and Splurg: You're good to go! Head over to the Game Thread!

Shriga |

James Martin wrote:The minimum starting gold is to reflect the fact that you're all starving goblin members of a failing tribe that has been hounded by enemies on all sides. You're not bright eyed heroes out to conquer the world. Lose everything down to the minimum. Don't worry, treasure will flow.
Also: everything used in the build must be Paizo-made. No Unearthed Arcana, no third party stuff. I've had bad experiences with both.
Gotcha. Dropping all the stuff, getting a padded armor (5 gp) instead. I'm not using any 3rd party stuff as far as I can see.
What do you think of my character? Do you have any suggestions to make?
You can get stuff for 3/4 the cost if it is 'cobbled together'. This means that it weighs double what it should and it breaks on a natural roll of a 1.
Which just adds wonderfully to the image of gobs running around with tied-together weapons too large for them that are as liable to damage the wielder as the target, IMHO. :)
That's a rule from the Goblins of Golarion Companion, btw, so totally legal here (I made a LOT of use of it!)

Valegrim |

Pix; I dont have the Companion; would you mind just making my gobby? I think you have a good grip on what I am trying for and this feat and trait you suggested are fine.
Valegrim wrote:Pix; how did you make your character; is there a book? I have some ideas and some pathfinder stuff. Gunpowder? yes?
hehe Goblin most likely to blow himself sky high. could use some help fleshing out my guy; am posting basic idea.
The book I'm using is the Goblins of Golarion companion. It gives you the stats for goblins PCs, new traits and feats and info about the different tribes. The stat block and the Other Gear section is instead inspired by the pregenerated characters in the We Be Goblins module, which unlike the Companion is free at the Paizo store.
I see that you are going with Rogue. A good trait to choose could be Color Thief: you blend into the enviroment due to the odd colour of your skin (+2 stealth if you wear light or no armor), which is fine since you are basically covered in coal.
As for feat, in the Companion there is the Burn!Burn!Burn! one (1d4 extra damage when attacking with nonmagical or alchemical fire, +4 reflexes to avoid catching fire). I think it would fit your character.

Shriga |

Shriga the Slimy, Priestess of Lady Lastbreath, Meddler, and Stacker of Slippery Rocks.
CE Cleric of Zogmugot (Lady Lastbreath)
Female Goblin Cleric 1
CE Small humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +1, Senses: Darkvision 60', Perception +2 (+4 hearing)
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +1 Dex, +1 Size)
HP 8 (1d8+0)
Fort +2, Ref +1, Wil +4
Spd 30'
Melee Cobbled Sickle (1d4-1/1d6-1, Trip)
Ranged Darts (1d3-1/1d4-1, 20')
Domains: Evil (Touch of Evil: Sickened creatures count as 'Good' for purposes of spell descriptors for (1/2 cleric lvl min. 1) rds, 3+2/day), Oceans (Surge: Make CMB check against target using Lvl+Wis Bonus instead of normal CMB to pull/push creature as if using Bull Rush or Drag maneuver, 3+2/day)
Orisons: Detect Poison, Guidance, Virtue
1st Level: Cause Fear, Doom, Protection from Good (D)
Str 8, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 13
BAB 0, CMB -2, CMD 9
Feats: Channel Smite
Traits: Big Ears, Flounderer
Skills: Profession: Sailor +6, Heal +6, Craft: Ships (rafts!) +5
Combat Gear: Small Leather Armor, Cobbled Small Lt. Wooden Shield (Platter), 6 Darts, Cobbled Sickle, Cobbled Small Barbed Vest
Other Gear: Artisan's Tools (shipbuilding, crude), Tribal Fetish (Hunk of dead, pitted coral that looks something like a large seagull skull, Shriga tends to ornament it with seaweed tassels and bits of colorful shell and strap it atop her head), Jar of Pickled Eels, Ball of bits of String, Twine and Yarn, Bag of Bits of Sea-Polished Glass and Slippery Rocks, One Dead Seagull (usually replaced when she gets hungry) with a Crude Noose Around its Neck (worn on back, wings out), Spare Fish, a Bedraggled ex-Halfling Ball Gown (Originally Hot Pink), Various Fish Bones (Many Sharpened), Rather a Lot of Seaweed, Pet Crab ("Cuddles"), Assorted Tide Pool Slime
Shriga was born into the Gullchoker tribe and earned her name well prior to being uncaged for her incessant attempts to mimic gull calls. On a good day, this performance actually brought food on the wing. On a bad day, it didn't make anyone's headaches any more bearable. She is more skilled than most goblins of the tribe when it comes to the art of salvaging Things That Float and assembling them into Still Larger Things That Float, at times even taking raftbuilding and ship-repair to a level that could even be considered craft. Her other hobbies appear to involve faceplanting in tidepools and licking semi-toxic marine life. When she fell off a raft one evening, the more ingrogulated locals deemed it a relief. Unfortunately, a few days later as the tribe was engaged in breaming a larger captured hull, she flopped out of the shallows with a wide-eyed glassy look, a face full of urchin spines, and an almost inarticulate announcement that she had Spoken To Lady Lastbreath. Subjected to several days of alternately breathing dried stonefish smoke and attempts by the existing priestess to drown her, Shriga finally was reluctantly admitted as an apprentice. That incident occurred over a year ago, and at the last Spring tide, the priestess booted her out again, having announced to all and sundry that she'd taught Shriga 'as much as she needed to know' while grudgingly admitting that Shriga was 'a priestess' but certainly not 'The Priestess' and that anything else was 'between her and the goddess'. Shriga has spent a fair amount of time engaged in her disconcerting pastime of lying face-down in tidepools since then, a habit made even more disturbing since now she seems to be able to do it for extensive periods of time. When not apparently drowning inland, she is often seen wandering about with various bits of salvaged flotsam, small buckets with captured toxic sea creatures, and either glaring or looking with hungry cunning in the direction of The Priestess's raft.
Voted most-likely in her litter to be mistaken for flotsam. Stormy-ocean dark grey-green hide, three foot two, many well-honed teeth, lean and bony, with charmingly scarlet enormous bulging eyes and...Is that hair or seaweed trailing down her scalp and back? Yes to both! She tends to be rather damp. Also slimy. Wears what was once a stunning halfling ball-gown. Now the only thing stunning about it is its color, which is a synapse-searing hot neon pink with undertones of scarlet where the sun hasn't yet bleached it. Over the gown she wears a sort of open long (on her) jack-coat of soggy leather, patched with kelp and turtle-skin and covered with tangled netting and old rusty fish-hooks. Many, many old rusty fish-hooks of various sizes. If it isn't propped up reverently on a post, a boulder or the remnants of a barrel, she will have a hunk of heavy coral which looks like a large bird-skull tied atop her head (not in the 'cool fantasy' I am wearing a skull way but in the 'I am ludicrously skinny and have a big rock on my head' way). Said hunk of coral is similarly decorated with seaweed and shiny shells. Usually has a dead gull on her back, partly making use of the available fish-hooks there and partly tied with twine, dismembered just enough at the joints to let the wings flap around when she is waving her arms excitedly. The gull is wearing a reasonably well-tied noose. She carries a freakishly hook-curved length of sharpened, ocean-patinaed jagged metal attached to a stick, and has what served in better years as someone's wooden trencher strapped to one arm. Has two alternating settings: mumbling, or shrieking at the top of her lungs. Also one factory default setting: face down in a tide-pool with her ears occasionally giving spasmodic twitches.
Shriga's Awfully Pompous Priestess Song
(Alternately near-whispered and shrieked, to no perceivable rhythm or tune)
Clever, cunning quick,
She teaches us every trick.
All slippery and slick
Fun toxic things to lick!
From Laaaaaaaaaaady Lastbreath!
All that we could wish:
Drowning in anguish,
Wood, dead things and fish
All make a tasty dish
From Laaaaaaaaaaady Lastbreath!
Drown-dead gulls and drown-dead men
Things to fix and use again!
(Shriga doesn't have to rhyme.)
Calls Laaaaaaaaaaady Lastbreath!

Valegrim |

Whosi probably needs to redo skills for pathfinder; for AD&D; all those are class skills for a wilderness rogue except for knowledge: Architecture and Enginering.
Buz looks fine to me. Feel free to head over to the Game Thread here.
Whosi: What are your trained skills?
Shunka and Splurg: You're good to go! Head over to the Game Thread!

Shriga |

Whosi probably needs to redo skills for pathfinder; for AD&D; all those are class skills for a wilderness rogue except for knowledge: Architecture and Enginering.
There is a Rogue Archetype called 'Trapsmith' in the APG, but it hasn't got the Architecture or Engineering skills. Perhaps our benefactor will let you swap 'Knowledge (Dungeoneering)' for 'Knowledge (Architecture)' or 'Knowledge (Engineering)' or some such like?
There's a suggested 'Tinker' with the traits 'Improvisational Equipment' and 'Master Craftsman' somewhere around here with a skill list like that.
Aha. Also a 'Trapsmith' Rogue in the same thread.
But it's all under 'houserules'.
http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizoPublishing/pathfinder/pathfinderR PG/houseRules/tinkerGnomes&page=1
From most of what I am seeing, depended on how wedded you are to the idea, you might just be better off picking a class that matches the effects you want and describing your spells/feats as clockwork/technomagic. Sorry.
There seems to be some steampunky/clockworky stuff in the Rhune Pathfinder supplement but I haven't got it, so I don't know beyond the illos online...

neptix |
Well, here's Greblak, assuming there's still room in the party.
Male Goblin Sorcerer 1 Elemental(Fire) Bloodline
Standard goblin racial abilities, + fleet
Skills - Use Magic Device, Intimidate
Traits - Big Ears, Colour Thief

Pixel Cube |

There you go. I tried to make it as similar as the one you posted it already. You have to come up with the background yourself tough.
Whosi Blackface
Male Goblin Rogue 1
CE Small humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +2, Senses: Darkvision 60', Perception -1
AC 15, Touch 13, Flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +1 Size)
HP 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will -1
Spd 30'
Melee Small Heavy Mace (forge hammer) +1 (1d6)
Melee Torch (improvised weapon) -3 (1d6+1d4 fire)
Ranged Sling +3(1d3, 10 stones)
Special: Sneak Attack +1d6
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 8
BAB 0, CMB -1, CMD 11
Feats: Burn! Burn! Burn! (+1d4 damage when attacking with nonmagical fires)
Traits: Color Thief, Goblin Pirate
Special: Trapfinding
Skills: Acrobatics +6, Appraise +7 ,Craft (alchemy) +7, (woodworking) +7, (mining) +7, (blacksmithy) +7, Disable Device +6, Escape Artist +6, Knowledge (engineering) +7, Profession (sailor)+4, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +16, Swim +4
Combat Gear: Small Leather Armor (apron), Sling with 10 stones
Other Gear: Cobbled Thieves Tools, Artisan's Tools (woodworking, blacksmithy), flask of acid, spare rusty parts and gears, torch.

Valegrim |

Woot!; thanks so much Pixel Cube; is this good to go GM James?
There you go. I tried to make it as similar as the one you posted it already. You have to come up with the background yourself tough.
Whosi Blackface
Male Goblin Rogue 1
CE Small humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +2, Senses: Darkvision 60', Perception -1Defensive
AC 15, Touch 13, Flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +1 Size)
HP 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will -1Offensive
Spd 30'
Melee Small Heavy Mace (forge hammer) +1 (1d6)
Melee Torch (improvised weapon) -3 (1d6+1d4 fire)
Ranged Sling +3(1d3, 10 stones)
Special: Sneak Attack +1d6Statistics
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 8
BAB 0, CMB -1, CMD 11
Feats: Burn! Burn! Burn! (+1d4 damage when attacking with nonmagical fires)
Traits: Color Thief, Goblin Pirate
Special: Trapfinding
Skills: Acrobatics +6, Appraise +7 ,Craft (alchemy) +7, (woodworking) +7, (mining) +7, (blacksmithy) +7, Disable Device +6, Escape Artist +6, Knowledge (engineering) +7, Profession (sailor)+4, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +16, Swim +4
Combat Gear: Small Leather Armor (apron), Sling with 10 stones
Other Gear: Cobbled Thieves Tools, Artisan's Tools (woodworking, blacksmithy), flask of acid, spare rusty parts and gears, torch.

Pixel Cube |

Hey Pixel; can you help me figure out my skills for next level; I really need some climb and perception; thanks
Adding skill in PF is very easy. A rogue gets 8+Int ranks per level, so 11 in your case. You can also add another 1 as Favored Class Bonus (rogue), or you can decide to spend the bonus as an additional hit point, your pick.
For skills that you are already trained in (the ones you have rank in) is very easy: add 1 of your 11 ranks to the ones you want to improve (I'd suggest Stealth, Acrobatics, Sleigh of Hands, Disable Device, Escape Artist, and the four Craft you have) Add +1 to all of them.. This mean we spent 9 ranks in improving skills you already know.
Learning a new skill is slightly different. Climb and Perception are class skill for you, so learning them gives you a bonus of +3 to them. This is how you figure out the final bonus:
1 rank + 3 (training) + the appropriate stat modifier.
So, Climb would be 1+3+Str modifier (0) = +4
Perception 1+3+ Wis mod (-1) = +3.
This mean we spent all our 11 ranks. Your choice is if you want to spend another 1 from the favored class bonus or if you want an extra hit point (I'd go for the hit point).
Please remember to copy your stats in Whosi character's page! This way James and us can easily access your stats during the game.

Valegrim |

So; if I understand this right; I can add +1 to the skills you mentioned AND get climb and perception as noted and one hit point? or is it add 1 to those skills or get climb and percept? I think the hit point is a good deal too.
will check back ;but will update assuming I got it right the first time.
Do any of my saves or attack bonus change at this level? I am not sure how much like D&D this Pathfinder tracks.
thanks much.

Pixel Cube |

So; if I understand this right; I can add +1 to the skills you mentioned AND get climb and perception as noted and one hit point? or is it add 1 to those skills or get climb and percept? I think the hit point is a good deal too.
will check back ;but will update assuming I got it right the first time.
Do any of my saves or attack bonus change at this level? I am not sure how much like D&D this Pathfinder tracks.
thanks much.
You get the pluses AND the new skills AND the hit point. Remember that you should get 5 more hit points regardless of this extra one due to the 2nd level.
You saves and attack go up to! Add +1 to both base attack and to the Reflex save.You also get the Evasion class feature (if you manage to successfully save against some magical attacks that go against Reflexes, like fireball, you get no damage instead than half damage as it normally is).
Then there's your Rogue Talent you can choose. The list is long and you can just see it yourself here.
To have a general reference of the Pathfinder Rogue class, here's the SRD page for it.
Looks like you come from older D&D editions: I didn't realize that at first. Are you a veteran from AD&D?

Our Mysterious Benefactor |

Question GM: could Ank-hore use his surge ability to help push the ship along it is meant to bull rush or drag a target could the ship be the target where he is low enough level it shouldn't damage the ship more just push it along.
Hmmm, I like the idea. Let's go with it.

Our Mysterious Benefactor |

Alright, interest check!
I know I threw a curveball at you with the submersible, so let's see what you like, what you don't like and what you'd like to see. Throw me your wishlists and we'll see how many things I can fit into the game.
Just to give you an idea of what comes next: You're going to find the island that the skull spoke of, and being underwater for that journey will become a good thing. Eggs will hatch and we'll probably transition from being ship-based to island based for a time. I'm envisioning a treasure hunt/dungeon crawl with an eventual return to the ship, hopefully after the crew has made some much needed repairs. From there, it's open seas and I'm open to any ideas for what you want to do after the Island. I promise to keep the Lost plot lines to a minimum. Although, an ogre named Hurley would be pretty fun...

Our Mysterious Benefactor |

Our Mysterious Benefactor |

nothing the matter on my end, am just trying to be true to my character type and skills; am not a up front warrior type so there hasnt been a lot for me to do yet that is very rogueish; am letting the wrriors shine their warrior stuff and giving support.

Our Mysterious Benefactor |

Alright, let's sound off gobbos! What do you like, what do you not like, what would you like to see more of, what do you think you would like to do next?

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I'm really enjoying it, I like the gonzo-goblin things (dinosaurs, cannibals, devil-worshippers, giant fish).
Goblins are super-sneaky, so I wouldn't mind a bit more stealth to be able to enjoy a sneaky party (rather than a single sneak in party).
Honestly, though, Crang is not really a pro-active character, he doesn't have the concentration, so it will be interesting to see where the others want to go. Crang is bound to follow.

Splurg |

Loved the crazy goblin cannibals. I'm good with the sneak side as well, so far my only concern has been running out of spells super fast :P. Just need to pace myself more.
So things I'd like to see
goblin swashbuckling pirate attack on another boat
sewer run for food in city!
getting another pet dinosaur or two
Finding/founding a goblin city <-- Or trying to take over the city from We Be Goblins!
Trying to take over a small town like it's a major accomplishment....
LEVEL 5! ;)
Is everyone still here?