MW Small Scmitar 1d4 18-20 Small Club 1d4, Leather Armor (2 AC) Small sling 20 sling bullets backpack, water skin, flint and steel, blanket,5 rations
cure light wound wand 12 charges
cure light wound wand 15 charges
rod of wonder
small doll of a beardless dwarf (spots toy)
27 gold pieces, 44 silver and 102 copper 76 gold 31 silver 15 copper from cave 192 pp 430 gp 3 large sapphires from fight in town
Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2
+1 Scimitar
+2 wild leather armor (keep ac in wild shape)
Druid's Vestments
-Potion = Cure Moderate Wounds potion
-Bracers of Armor +3 (Light Fortification)
- Medium Mithral +2 Full Plate
- Medium +1 Mithral Ghost Touch Shirt
- Medium +1 Holy Longsword
- Small +1 Flaming LOngsword
- Medium +2 Light Crossbow
- Medium +1 Wounding Cutlass
- Medium +1 Unholy Pistol