Old World (Warhammer) D&D 5e Game. (Inactive)

Game Master PrismaticMonk

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Male 1/2 Elf (Elvish) - Human appearance, Elvish features; XP 247 Fighter/ 1 (Archer), AC 16/17; HP 11, Spd. 30, FP 3/3| (STR)+2 |(DEX)+3 | CON+1| INT +0 | WIS +1 | CHA +0

If you saw signs that someone was breaking into your home, would you put that off, and take another job somewhere so that you could take out all criminals, or would you take care of your own home.

He wants to find out who is defiling his land, and for that he doesn't need an army, he needs information.

In addition in the old world it's very unlikely that anybody could earn enough money to afford to hire an army, as most humans are not that eager to help elves anyway. His vow, and his mission are to protect the ancient areas... This is his motivating factor, and what drives him to be who he is. He doesn't understand how a meager pocketful of gold will help stem the tide of chaos.

If this is to be a campaign about acquiring stuff, then Spiro is not the character for that. As I mentioned I could roll up a human rogue type character or fighter type.

I think sometimes the atmosphere of the Old World is morphed into being more like a D&D world. The Old world is about heroism despite overwhelming odds, and in spite of what the world throws at you, not about dying with the most stuff.

Well enough for my rant. We'll see where this goes.

AC 14; HP 5/5; str -1 Dex +4 con -1 Int +7 wis +4 cha +1; Perception +4; Spell attack +7; Spell DC 15; Melee attack +1; ranged attack +6 Female High elf Jade wizard(enchanter) 1

Only if you wish Spiro to go.
Then again Oath of the ancients melds well with a Jade Mage, and If Ashai realized his peril, she could convince him.

Final remarks, for every spell I cast there will be some Gaelic word to accompany it, just for flavor. Since Druidcraft has many uses, I would have a few words, like Teann. So yes figured I'd add some flavor

Spiro, I would continue to ask others about the monocle. One Jade Wizard might not have all the right answers to the questions you are asking. You may get more information from asking Herr Hendrick and company, so where others may be interested in gathering coin to enhance their investigation into including magical research and the like, you might continue to ask questions. Diplomacy and Intrigue are part of what being a paladin is all about, so get out there and use those fantastic social skills of yours. At least that's my input.

The monocle events were not intended to derail the adventure process, but I am enjoying rolling with the events as they unfold. I can tell you

that the two events introduced to the adventure so far are connected
, but that information is only for those who are having a hard time roleplaying their character(s) in the current situation.

Spiro sell it to Artor warrior to warrior then. Not self-righteous twit throwing a temper tantrum because people didn't immediately od what he wanted. So far Artor has seen nothing but your elf pride that suggests that he should sacrifice preparedness aka making some money for whatever comes up for speed.

AC 14; HP 5/5; str -1 Dex +4 con -1 Int +7 wis +4 cha +1; Perception +4; Spell attack +7; Spell DC 15; Melee attack +1; ranged attack +6 Female High elf Jade wizard(enchanter) 1

Just secured 2 men at arms.

So Spiro. Is there really an issue with waiting, now that we have two more men.

Also Druidcraft may work as a good distraction. there doesn't seem to be a limit on the leaves. I could burst them if we need to, and well pretty much make us disappear in a cloud of leaves. Plus I can make it look like a trick, there is an audience in the inn.

Waiting on a few things here. Got back in touch with the player who wanted to be the Bright Wizard, who is working on his character (first 5E game). Also, need a consensus or general agreement from the party.

AC 14; HP 5/5; str -1 Dex +4 con -1 Int +7 wis +4 cha +1; Perception +4; Spell attack +7; Spell DC 15; Melee attack +1; ranged attack +6 Female High elf Jade wizard(enchanter) 1

Sure why not.

Silver Crusade

hey guys, been busier than I thought with work and school and haven't had the time to sit down and work everything out. are we using any "house rules" or just straight from 5th ed?

Hmm, the only house rules I currently have in play are the racial rules for nonhumans. And a subtle magic rule that goes with the setting, but I do not think you need to worry about that as it will have virtually no in-game mechanic. So straight 5e should be alright. You might want to try to keep it Warhammer-themed.

male Dwarf Ranger 1 HP 11/11

I am good with the current course of action.

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I will have the next post up tonight after work.

GM I am not trying to avoid whatever you have planned for us, but to a dwarf sending him and two elves to make friends of beastmen sympathizers probably won't work, and he would rather just find and kill beastmen.

AC 14; HP 5/5; str -1 Dex +4 con -1 Int +7 wis +4 cha +1; Perception +4; Spell attack +7; Spell DC 15; Melee attack +1; ranged attack +6 Female High elf Jade wizard(enchanter) 1

Kill the beast men. Much easier.

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Will update after work tomorrow afternoon. Sorry about the wait. Also hoping the Bright Wizard gets back with us.

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Sorry about the wait, stayed for a long shift at work and have more work today. I will update on Tuesday. :(

AC 14; HP 5/5; str -1 Dex +4 con -1 Int +7 wis +4 cha +1; Perception +4; Spell attack +7; Spell DC 15; Melee attack +1; ranged attack +6 Female High elf Jade wizard(enchanter) 1

Don't worry about it

I am still around. Unfortunately work is taking a lot of my time right now, as we recently had to let someone go and I took most of their hours. I will try to post something on Saturday, but you won't have to reply until Monday if you are not around. Sorry again for the wait.

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12

My apologies, but I'm going to have to drastically reduce the time I spend with online games for the foreseeable future. Due to an upcoming wedding, and several personal issues, I am unable to continue to efficiently post in the majority of my games. I appreciate the opportunity to game with each of you, and hope that life will eventually allow me to return to more of the games.

Again Sorry, and thanks.


Looks like we lost Spiro, what do you all want to do, try to re-recruit someone or have me bot Spiro for now?

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AC 14; HP 5/5; str -1 Dex +4 con -1 Int +7 wis +4 cha +1; Perception +4; Spell attack +7; Spell DC 15; Melee attack +1; ranged attack +6 Female High elf Jade wizard(enchanter) 1

Either works. up to you

Apologies for delay everyone, our internet went down over the weekend, just now got it fixed....

Here are some helpful tutorial/5e related videos on youtube.

Roll Initiative
Black Belt Gaming
Table Top Gaming
Dawnforge Cast
Roll20 Developer Series ("Lost in Oz")

(I'll put up links if you think that would be helpful)

My apologies everyone, for the hiatus. It seems as though it might be a permanent one if we don't get another player or two... :( I have to say I've enjoyed the game so far, even if the racial difference element came up rather soon. (It's the Old World, though, so that seems right on par.)

I agree running with only two people doesn't make sense.

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