Old World (Warhammer) D&D 5e Game. (Inactive)

Game Master PrismaticMonk

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Here is a discussion/ooc board for crafting characters, sharing ideas, or just discussing the lore in general if required. Have fun.

I will leave it to the group, Gold Wizard or Priest of Ulric? Both are equally appealing.

Okay, some questions have come up in the Recruitment thread.

Rolling for Abilities
There are several methods listed starting on page 12 of the Player's Handbook. (I believe most of the basic rules are posted someplace on the Dungeons and Dragons website if you don't have the PHB)

I will also accept the Focus/Foible method from Way of the Wicked campaign as I believe this will generate comparable numbers.

Determining Hit Points
This is determined by your selected class, and is usually one of the first things listed under Class Features. I don't see any reason to deviate from the protocol.

Starting Equipment
Starting Equipment is determined by your class and background, or alternatively you can roll for starting wealth. I think the class and background method works best though.

I'll take focus/foible, as I like that stat creation method.

I think I'm going with Fighter as my base class; not sure about background yet though.

1d10 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
1d10 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
1d10 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
1d10 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

Final stats: 18, 8, 12, 13, 14, 18. Done and done.

Edit: After looking through the non-casting classes, I think Barbarian will be the way to go. I'm going to be an interesting build (and a bit different than you might expect given my ability scores). We'll see where it takes me/us.

@Nohwear: I would select whichever one you feel more interested in playing, and will keep you coming back for more tales of thrilling heroics.

Cool, so I think I have a Warrior/Barbarian, a Cleric (Priest of Sigmar), and a Bright Wizard. We're starting to have a well rounded little group, at least if the Priest of Sigmar has access to healing magic as well.

Any other ideas pop up yet that I missed?

I might also have a correction on the use of the Focus/Foible method. I thought it was 1d10+7 instead of 1d10+8? Maybe I read it wrong somewhere. But the 1d10+7 seems correct because it prevents other 18s from being rolled. Also to remember, besides the Focus and the Foible, the other 4 scores are rolled in order. Again, unless I read it wrong. I'll check again soon.

(I know that randomization sucks, but the Old World is a harsh reality.)

I was am a priest of Ulric.

Ah, that's what I meant. Sorry. :P

you may be right about putting them in order. Let me check the wrath of the wicked player's guide.

EDIT: Looks like you have the right of it. I'll get my stats changed around then.

Stats will be:

str 13, dex 12, Con 20, int 13, wis 8, cha 17

Pretty tough, but not a very good fighter. Really likeable for some reason, too.

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12

Somehow I missed this discussion thread. I'll work on my paladin today.

Let the Fates decide my future...

4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 6, 5) = 17 14
4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 3, 3) = 8 7
4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 4, 6) = 17 16
4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 1, 3) = 11 10
4d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 2, 5) = 10 9
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 2, 2) = 11 9

so 16,14,10,9,9,7 Should be challenging.

Elven Paladin

STR 10
DEX 16
WIS 10
CHA 16

Not too smart or strong, but quick and pretty. I'll get to work...

I think we're missing a good dose of skuzzy sneak...a robber or cutpurse perhaps....I think on it and get some stats up a bit later.

Assuming that I can not take the standard array:

4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 1, 2) = 7 6
4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 3, 2) = 9 8
4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 3, 2) = 15 13
4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 4, 1) = 12 11
4d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 3, 4) = 13 10
4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 3, 6) = 14 12

Is there any rerolling allowed?

You can take the Standard Array if you want.

Question about the Elven Paladin: High Elf or Wood Elf?

1d10 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Good enough I think.
Race : not quite sure yet.

Dex:18 (focus)
Cha:8 (foible)

Silver Crusade

thinking bright wizard(arcansit) (or blaster)
focus Int
foible Str
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
1d10 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17


very wise,intelligent an likeable, but barely able to lift a blade. hmmm... well that dampens my ray based blaster :(

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12

Wood elf. I'm thinking Oath of the Ancients.

rorek55 wrote:

thinking bright wizard(arcansit) (or blaster)

focus Int
foible Str


very wise,intelligent an likeable, but barely able to lift a blade. hmmm... well that dampens my ray based blaster :(

Spell attack rolls are spellcasting ability bonus + proficiency bonus, so I don't see why that dampens your rays.

scranford wrote:
Wood elf. I'm thinking Oath of the Ancients.

That could work. Oath of the Ancients is what I've based most of my High Elf paladins on. Slightly modified for Dragon Princes of Caledor. Good job.

Silver Crusade

PrismaticMonk wrote:
rorek55 wrote:

thinking bright wizard(arcansit) (or blaster)

focus Int
foible Str


very wise,intelligent an likeable, but barely able to lift a blade. hmmm... well that dampens my ray based blaster :(

Spell attack rolls are spellcasting ability bonus + proficiency bonus, so I don't see why that dampens your rays.

Conans well oiled nipples! thats right! this is 5th ed. silly me!

Thinking some kind of dwarf warrior. I was initially leaning barbarian slayer but if Vrog is going that route it will be either a fighter or a ranger.

Focus Str 18

Dex 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Con 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Int 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Wis 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Foible Cha 8

Will add racial modifiers when I get home and can look at the book.

Dark Archive

Ah! Probably should have looked here first. In keeping with the stat generation, I'll go for 4d6 drop lowest.

4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 5, 2) = 11 10
4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 3, 3) = 12 11
4d6 ⇒ (5, 1, 1, 6) = 13 12
4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 6, 2) = 12 10
4d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 6, 2) = 11 10
4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 1, 2) = 6 5


Right. Standard array it is. I think that's the worst I've ever rolled on 4d6.

Browman wrote:

Thinking some kind of dwarf warrior. I was initially leaning barbarian slayer but if Vrog is going that route it will be either a fighter or a ranger.

Focus Str 18

Dex 1d10+7

Con 1d10+7

Int 1d10+7

Wis 1d10+7

Foible Cha 8

Will add racial modifiers when I get home and can look at the book.

For a dwarf scout would it be better to go with a fighter instead of a ranger? Rangers with spells don't really fit in warhammer, especially for dwarves.

You can always roleplay the spells as natural abilities. And you can modify your spell selection so that you only have spells which feel natural.

PrismaticMonk wrote:
You can always roleplay the spells as natural abilities. And you can modify your spell selection so that you only have spells which feel natural.

I am cool with that. I just wanted to make sure you didn't have issues with it. So I will be going with dwarf ranger.

male Dwarf Ranger 1 HP 11/11

This is Browman's character. Artor is a dwarf ranger who specializes in killing orcs and goblins.

Cool, the DMG is on its way from Amazon. Go ahead and choose your background and roll for backstory. Feel free to add details to what you roll, so that its all gloriously Old World-ified.

male Dwarf Ranger 1 HP 11/11

Origin 1d10 ⇒ 10 Tribal Marauder

Personality trait 1d8 ⇒ 4 I have a lesson in every situation, drawn from observing nature.

Ideal 1d6 ⇒ 2 Greater good, it is each person's responsibility to make the most happiness for the whole clan.

Bond 1d6 ⇒ 3 I will bring terrible wrath on the evildoers who destroyed my home.

Flaw 1d6 ⇒ 1 I am too enamoured with dwarven ale.

So we have a dwarf ranger who spends his days fighting enemies of the dwarves attempting to honour a grudge from his clan's book of grudges. He acts for the greater good of his clan, but has an annoying tendency to make suggestions of following the ways of animals. He is also a borderline alcoholic. I will expand more when I have done some more research.

I'll get my thief stated up in the next couple of days...

Current Submissions:
Spiro Hawke (Wood Elf Paladin Knight Errant)
Artor (Dwarf Ranger Marauder)

Partial Submissions:
Spazmodeus' Rogue character
Nohwear's Priest of Ulric
Rorek's Bright Wizard Evoker)

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Male hungerseed barbarian 1

I am thinking of a high elf Jade Mage.

Very cool. Let me know if you need any help building the character. 5e is still a new creation.

I will be out of town next week, but hope to have enough submissions to make selections when I return. I might have a chance to aid in character creation if needed.

Male Human Ranger 1

Sorry I've been MIA, but I finally finished putting together the crunch. I still need to sit down and write up his story, though now that the holidays are over, I should be able to manage that tomorrow.

Male hungerseed barbarian 1

Sorry have been busy. Going Foible focus.

Well As the High elf Jade mage...
Foible Str 8
dex 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17 (+2 from elf added later?)
con 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Focus Int 18 (+1 from elf added later?)
Wis 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Cha 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Decent stats anyway. when adding in racial that puts me at 19 dex and 19 int. the 9 con may be a problem, but with the druid list in addition to the spell list... This could be really good

AC 14; HP 5/5; str -1 Dex +4 con -1 Int +7 wis +4 cha +1; Perception +4; Spell attack +7; Spell DC 15; Melee attack +1; ranged attack +6 Female High elf Jade wizard(enchanter) 1

This Is Helix moltaran.

Reason for seclusion 1d8 ⇒ 6 I needed to commune with Nature, far from civilization.
personality traits 2d18 ⇒ (4, 3) = 7 I feel tremendous sympathy for those who suffer. The leader of my community had something wise to say on every topic, and I am eager to share that wisdom.
Ideal1d6 ⇒ 4 Solitude and contemplation are paths toward mystical or magical power
bond 1d6 ⇒ 6 My isolation gave me insight to a great evil only I can destroy.
flaw 1d6 ⇒ 1 Now that I have returned to the world, I enjoy its delights a bit to much.

Keep this chick from bars. She is another alcoholic. And well, keep her from a lot I guess. Granted, she could always be the dwarfs drinking buddy.

Yes, you can add +1 to the focus from your racial ability, also remember that in this campaign, High Elves get the Keen Mind feat at first level, so that increases your Intelligence by another +1. Keep in mind, also, that per the rules, magic items and spells rarely raise ability scores over 20 (so 20 is generally the max you can have for any ability score without divine intervention)

AC 14; HP 5/5; str -1 Dex +4 con -1 Int +7 wis +4 cha +1; Perception +4; Spell attack +7; Spell DC 15; Melee attack +1; ranged attack +6 Female High elf Jade wizard(enchanter) 1

Wow for got about the keen mind. 20 Int at 1st lvl. This will be fun, and quite deadly. I'm fine with her flaws, granted she has many issues. Alcoholism may be the most obvious. I'll see what I can do to fix her up a bit and just polish the character. Good thing about her constitution is that she cannot drink much.

While she has the 8 strength making her weaker, and the 9 con, I'm glad for the 19 dex and 20 Int. makes it easier for AC. Mage Armour and shield should put me at... 13+4+5...22. not bad. granted that is a huge waste of spells. She won't be very good inside the fight, but outside the fight I could build her up similar to a druid caster.

Granted, This does help the enchanter, so I would be decent at battle field control.

If Rorek does finish the bright wizard blaster, then effectively The two of us could make a great team. Me hindering foes and him blasting them. Also could aid rogues, and anyone who gets out numbered as while I won't focus on removing the extra men, I could stop them. Entangle will probably end as my favorite lvl 1 spell.

male Dwarf Ranger 1 HP 11/11

I assumed we didn't know each other at this point.

Artor has spent most of his life east of the empire in dwarven territory.

AC 14; HP 5/5; str -1 Dex +4 con -1 Int +7 wis +4 cha +1; Perception +4; Spell attack +7; Spell DC 15; Melee attack +1; ranged attack +6 Female High elf Jade wizard(enchanter) 1

Same. So I asked Ator if he knew of any good drinks

On the language question I was talking more about elven or dwarven. How do you want to handle players speaking languages that have no real life equivalent?

Well, if you're trying to keep information secreted from other players, use a Spoiler. Otherwise, its probably best to use Common at least while you're in Imperial lands...

So, if you wanted to say something in Elven (Asur), it might be something like this.


Ok sounds good.

male Dwarf Ranger 1 HP 11/11

The way I see it, the money we make from helping this guy could be useful for rare items we need or to hire mercenaries if the threat is too big to handle by only us.

male Dwarf Ranger 1 HP 11/11

Calling all dwarves cowards probably wasn't the smartest move for making friends with a dwarf, but was probably in character. Fortunately you said that when Artor had only had one drink, otherwise things might have gotten out of hand.

Male 1/2 Elf (Elvish) - Human appearance, Elvish features; XP 247 Fighter/ 1 (Archer), AC 16/17; HP 11, Spd. 30, FP 3/3| (STR)+2 |(DEX)+3 | CON+1| INT +0 | WIS +1 | CHA +0

Yeah I know :-) Spiro is quite the arrogant *&$(.

Tough situation, because I can't imagine a Paladin with "Oath of the Ancients" ever agreeing to move furniture for money while his home is threatened. I guess we'll play it out and see.

Should be interesting to see how these totally different characters come together into an adventuring group.

Do you guys think we should attempt to add more players? Maybe PM some of the others who had interest to make sure they know we've started?

male Dwarf Ranger 1 HP 11/11

couldn't hurt to see if we can track down more people. 3 person parties can be rough, as if things go south they go south quick.

Dwarves and Elves rarely get along well in warhammer, in fact you are probably the only reason artor isn't fighting with elf coughdaemonspawncough mage

I'll look into it. Another wizard would definitely help things out, at least.

AC 14; HP 5/5; str -1 Dex +4 con -1 Int +7 wis +4 cha +1; Perception +4; Spell attack +7; Spell DC 15; Melee attack +1; ranged attack +6 Female High elf Jade wizard(enchanter) 1

Well In Ashia's defence she has been away from Elf society. She also is starting to prefer Dwarves, If How Spiro acts is how all Elves Act. She may want to become a dwarf. Well she will talk about it. She probably won't do it.

male Dwarf Ranger 1 HP 11/11

Artor actually has less of a problem with her being an elf than her being a mage. Dwarves are naturally untrusting of mages.

I also figured out how to deal with more of Artor's spells when he eventually gets them. Some kind of temporary rune activation. Like maybe the runes are imperfectly done and only function for short periods before requiring touch ups. After all dwarves in warhammer may hate magic and not be able to use it, but their runes can mimic a lot of low level magic.

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12

I'm not trying to be a pain guys, but I just can't imagine any situation where an elven paladin with an Oath of the ancients would delay his mission for gold. I'll be glad to roll up another character that might fit in better with you to if you'd like. Again, not trying to be a pain, just can't resolve the situation.

DM... What is your input?

He can't understand that we aren't earning the gold to enrich ourselves, just so that we are better prepared for whatever happens.

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