Of Beginnings
Game Master
Character Portraits ~~Thanks to Titania!~~
Party Inventory
Strange Things on the Trail
Male Aasimar Zen Archer 1; HP 13/13; AC 14, T 14, FF 13; Fort 6, Ref 3, Will 5; Init 3: Perc 7; Darkvision 60'
Investigator 2 | Alchemist 2 AC 16 | HP 27/27 | Fort 4/ Ref 9/ Will 3/ Init +2 | Darkvision 60' | Perception +17 |Stealth +9 |
Just checking in. Hope all is going well this weekend.
Nothing else will really be happening with the Tough. Unless anyone else has something to say to him I will be having Sonod move him into a secure room and the wall of texting us into the morning departure when I post tomorrow.
If you have any actions you would like to take before the evening rest is completed please post them before 10 AM CST tomorrow morning.
Investigator 2 | Alchemist 2 AC 16 | HP 27/27 | Fort 4/ Ref 9/ Will 3/ Init +2 | Darkvision 60' | Perception +17 |Stealth +9 |
Just want to get a full night's sleep
I have updated the party inventory with the contents of your guys' shopping trip. You were charged 304.5 gc for the equipment, bringing the total liquid funds down to 67.9 gold.
You now have everything you asked for, as well as the daggers, quarterstaffs, and sets of armor that you took off of your assailants.
Now that Fenlin is sharing the information I had sent him in PM, you are all able to make Know (Local) rolls to see if you have any knowledge to add to the conversation.
If you are skilled please include that roll in your next post...I will take it from there.
I'll be dropping from this game due to RL being busy and draining.
I hope you guys have a good rest of the game.
I said as much in the PM, but I will also say publicly, I am sorry to see you go Titania, but glad if it is the right decision for you. Best of luck...so long and thanks for all the fish...and all the rest of that.
With Titania dropping you guys are right on the edge of what I would consider minimum power level for the adventure I have planned. Also you are limited even more on casting now.
Fenlin can activate the wand of CLW since it is on the Alchemist Formula list...but the wand of silence that you recently looted is not something you can activate without a DC 20 UMD check.
It brings up a question for party discussion. Should we reopen recruitment? I could see slotting in 1 - 2 more party members. I might up the challenge a little to ensure you still get a level when I am wanting you to.
Or do you forge ahead as is, knowing (as players, not characters) that at some points it might make the chellenges very hard, or possibly even insurmountable?
Kind of depends on what difficulty level you generally put your video games on I think.
Thoughts? Comments? Testimonials?
I personally like a challenge, but I think you would know more than we would about how difficult the adventure will be. I don't mind proceeding as a group of four. However if you think adding more players will enhance the experience then I'm all for it.
Investigator 2 | Alchemist 2 AC 16 | HP 27/27 | Fort 4/ Ref 9/ Will 3/ Init +2 | Darkvision 60' | Perception +17 |Stealth +9 |
Aw drat! Sorry to see you go Titania, but I totally understand. Good luck!
As to the party make-up, that's a tough call Pbp. More parts can slow things down. That said, I would like to bring aboard at least an arcane caster or bard (or both).
Just my two copper.
HP4/11 AC15
Well that bites. We were already basically all martial anyway, right? Let's try for a while, and just see if we can just kick ass as we go. We can always try and recruit someone else later if we get swamped and barely scratch it out alive.
Male Aasimar Zen Archer 1; HP 13/13; AC 14, T 14, FF 13; Fort 6, Ref 3, Will 5; Init 3: Perc 7; Darkvision 60'
I like a challenge too. With GMs approval, perhaps I can reskin into the empyreal sorcerer like I originally had planned in the recruitment thread.
You are still fine to take a level of Sorc next level as planned...I don't particularly like the idea of reskinning level 1 though...it changes to much of what has already happened and makes the game more mechanics than story I think.
Based on the general consensus I think we will forge ahead without going back into recruitment.
We'll see what happens.
I am on vacation today through Monday for my Anniversary. don't have time for the next post right now. Will try to get something to you guys tomorrow. Sorry for the delay.
And we are back...I apologize about the delay...Holiday and work stuff and all of that.
*looks at previous post above*
I should work on not apologizing about delays so much and make sure they don't happen.
I think I have fixed the map thing...
Investigator 2 | Alchemist 2 AC 16 | HP 27/27 | Fort 4/ Ref 9/ Will 3/ Init +2 | Darkvision 60' | Perception +17 |Stealth +9 |
Going through a family crisis. Will not be able to post for a while. Possibly all this week. Hope to come back soon.
Investigator 2 | Alchemist 2 AC 16 | HP 27/27 | Fort 4/ Ref 9/ Will 3/ Init +2 | Darkvision 60' | Perception +17 |Stealth +9 |
No worries. Wishing you and your family all the best.
Male Aasimar Zen Archer 1; HP 13/13; AC 14, T 14, FF 13; Fort 6, Ref 3, Will 5; Init 3: Perc 7; Darkvision 60'
Absolutely no worries. You do what you need to do.
Investigator 2 | Alchemist 2 AC 16 | HP 27/27 | Fort 4/ Ref 9/ Will 3/ Init +2 | Darkvision 60' | Perception +17 |Stealth +9 |
Just checking in. Hope everything is well for all.
I'm still checking in once in awhile too. Started a new job so busy with that but still committed to this game.
Investigator 2 | Alchemist 2 AC 16 | HP 27/27 | Fort 4/ Ref 9/ Will 3/ Init +2 | Darkvision 60' | Perception +17 |Stealth +9 |
Hey guys, please PM me if this pick back up.
Male Aasimar Zen Archer 1; HP 13/13; AC 14, T 14, FF 13; Fort 6, Ref 3, Will 5; Init 3: Perc 7; Darkvision 60'
Yes, but this game is likely over. The GM hasn't posted in over 40 days which most campaigns don't recover from.
Recent threads in Play-by-Post Discussion