![]() Sam C. wrote:
Looks mostly good to me. Only thing is I don't see a drawback. Did you already select one? ![]()
![]() Sam C. wrote:
No prob. Same team. ;) ![]()
![]() Sam C. wrote: The other is to remember that you don't need to wear the pack in a fight; every campaign I've played thus far to a point where encumbrance mattered also allowed packs to be shrugged off as a free action, maybe a swift at most. If it wasn't for this preanswer question my inclination probably would have been to set it as part of a move action to start with. The difference between that and a swift is mostly semantics, so we will begin with swift and rebalance during if needed. No need to dismember the packs. Pretty easy to shrug off a backpack. Probably easier than slicing the straps. ![]()
![]() Sam C. wrote: Akil Khalid - Aasimar Herald Caller (Cleric) Only thing here is that I see a long bow but I don't see any ammunition for it. ![]()
![]() Sam C. wrote: Hmmm, one trick to consider, though it would require BC's agreement and a party member with the mending cantrip, is to recover your used ammunition after a fight and get the spellcaster to go over it with mending to restore it to use. I allow perception checks to recover spent ammo where the dc is based on the accuracy of the shot. Critical hits result in the ammo's destruction. Also I will be rolling a d100 to determine some ammo as irrecoverable regardless. It is a nethack-ish home brew rule set I use. Mending would make any recovered ammo like new again. ![]()
![]() Bron Frostbreath wrote: So, could I just discard (not even asking for selling) items from the kit? I certainly don't see myself with an iron pot running up and down there while keeping a certain amount of mobility. Feel free to 'leave at home' any part of the kit you don't think you need or where the cost/benefit of the weight just doesn't work. Might be something to discuss as a party once selection occurs. ![]()
![]() Sam C. wrote:
Droga - I have looked over your submission - nothing jumps out at me as concerning or missing right now, except it looks like you still have some minor equipping to do... Shopping is the most fun part! ![]()
![]() rungok wrote:
I have looked over your submission - the only thing I think is missing (and if you put it in later posts and I have overlooked it and I apologize) is your spell selections for your traits. As I read them for Magical Lineage and Wayang Spell Hunter you need to select the two spells (or one for both) that they effect now. Because there is no telling what scrolls and spell books you will come across in the dungeon I have decided to allow as a subsequent benefit of these traits that you will start with the one or two selected spells in your spell book for free. Magical Lineage
Wayang Spell Hunter
![]() Godwyn Blaecwulf wrote: Looking at the above...the party will have Bron, Stenne and Akil. That leaves choosing 1/2 for arcane and 1/4 for melee. Makes choosing easier with categories like this. Forcing party balance this way is rarely the right choice, but for some adventure paths, and I think especially long dungeon delves that are low on outside resources, it gives the party the best chance of success. Of course you could also always go with the team cleric FTW strategy. ![]()
![]() Sam C. wrote:
The only thing I am not clear on is how the Tengu sword training comes into play on that. Katana have 2 levels of proficiency, so does sword training give you MWP (2hands) or EWP (1hand) for the katana? I need to think on it and look at the balance. If you have specific rules examples that would give me a precedence 1way or the other let me know. ![]()
![]() Sam C. wrote:
Thanks for running the update to get Akron on the list. For 3pp, generally I am not a fan, so I don't carte blanche let it in. But I am willing to review on a case by case basis. The lighten weapon tree I am okay with with one caveat. Improved lighten weapon says choose a weapon, not choose a weapon type. I don't know if it was intentional or not, but I like the flavor. This specific item is your signature. It is like an extension of your arm. The only thing I dislike about it is that it locks you in a little too tightly. So, Improved Lighten Weapon. Choose a weapon when taking this feat. When using the Lighten Weapon feat, you do not suffer the associated −2 penalty to attack when using that feat with your chosen weapon. You may change this choice by practicing with a new weapon for an hour each day for 7 consecutive days. Once the practices begin you lose all benefit to this feat until the 7 days are completed. If you are unable to practice on one day during the 7 day regimen then you must start over. This allows the feat to stay viable as you level up your gear and get better versions of your signature weapon. ![]()
![]() Akron wrote:
Sorry, yes, just an oversight. Was working from Sam's list and was late, wanted to get to bed. ![]()
![]() Jereru wrote:
Some equipment is specified on the mobs, otherwise it will be random loot rolls. Getting what you think you need may be a challenge, but that is what makes a dungeon delve fun. I promise as DM to adjust the prescribed campaign to ensure any characters selected remain at least viable, and don't get completely borked. I would probably recommend the appropriate craft skills so that you can make your own ammo if you find the raw materials. ![]()
![]() Submissions Notes from me are italicized Arcane
Ranged Divine
Sam C.: Pazeek Splitbeak - Kenku Ranger Skilled
Dotted for Interest/Submission Pending
Some great submissions so far. I will try to take a deeper look at them tomorrow night after work and give feedback on any gaps I see. Will not be speaking to quality of build or its viability, more of just an audit...stuff like the comments listed above. ![]()
![]() Is that it for now? looks like... I think it is interesting...open up the half-breed outsiders and everyone wants to play one...Can't we get some love for a straight up human or half orc in here? lol...Thank you Steene for giving at least 1 dwarf to consider. ;) Oh and rungok from giving me a human...yay! ![]()
![]() Akil - Khalid wrote:
We will be working with the standard Golarion Pantheon for most needs. If you have a custom deity that you want to pitch though (think Kashaw in Critical Role) then I am open to hearing about it. ![]()
![]() Thank you Sam for making the consolidation list...that was on my action item list for today... Looks like a good crop so far, not bad for a couple of days in...let's answer some questions Sam C. wrote:
Sorry for being cagey...not intentional...mostly because I don't know...I tend to be a start small and build as you go world builder, and the dungeon delve is not specific to a setting...especially since I am lifting it out of DnD. It is more plug and play. Westheim is a human city and capital of the northern province of a beneficient human empire, Alethkmere. Beyond the borders of this northern province is wilderness, mountains, and frozen waste. All of the common races are seen in some amount or another throughout the city, as it is the northern most trading hub. Some adventerous souls travel northward to find pelts and artifacts for trade, but mostly Westheim serves as an import capital, bringing in goods to be distributed throughout the province, and exporting mostly agricultural products and currency. As a beginning adventurer you have seen your normal share of orcs, goblins, and kobolds; as well as wild beasts that are known to exist in the northern reaches. As for what you will find when you go to investigate this rumored "ancient evil" who knows? Probably nothing more than wive's tales and hokey religions. ![]()
![]() Sam C. wrote:
The pathfinder pantheon will do for deities. If you want a specific god from something else let me know. As for languages and favored enemies, I see it as my job as GM to ensure your choices factor into an interesting story. The delve I have planned has a wide array of creature types, so I am sure whatever you pick will be fine. Be guided by character and story. What languages would your tengu study? Who does he hate/hunt/need to avoid. For background skills, I am fond of anything that helps a player turn their character into something more than a stat block. Background skills are good so long as the serve RP purposes and min-max ones. ![]()
![]() EmissaryOfTheNorth wrote:
You can choose a prebuilt variant like Grumbaki is or take the base and then roll 2d100, 1 for a sla replacement and 1 for a physical characteristic for a seed of roll playing flavor. We trust the dice gods 100%, so first rolls are the locked in answer. ![]()
![]() Sam C. wrote: Any value to Craft skills in this campaign? And if we do take one or more Craft skills (and the tools to use them), can we get a discount on the relevant equipment? Stores will be thin on the ground in the dungeon, but you might also have difficulty doing crafty things on the go or bunkering down for periods of time to get projects done. Locating raw materials also might be difficult. I am open to giving it a try if you are, there are certainly pros and cons to it. ![]()
![]() Grumbaki wrote:
Will need to audit the whole post, but this jumped out at me. Sacred touch reads "As a standard action, you may automatically stabilize a dying creature merely by touching it." Since it is a standard action by itself, it can't be part of an attack action. Requires too much concentration. ![]()
![]() Early that morning the ground shook violently in the city of Westheim. A great tear was rent through the square; animals brayed and cayed and howled; pottery and the glass windows of the finer houses were shattered, tinkling down to the cobblestone streets. After the heaving stopped people ventured out to survey the damage. A portion of the great wall had fallen inwards, destroying a neighborhood and blocking the well on the east side of the city. One of the great towers had collapsed as if smashed by a giant. Smoke rose to the south where an untended fire had set blaze to some of the houses in the poor sections of the city, where wood was more common than stone. The townspeople gathered at the grand hall, demanding answers. Some wanting to know why the land roiled so, others certain they already knew. "'Tis the halls of the mountain king I tell you! The old legends are true, and his spirit comes again to our world. The evil seed stirs beneath the earth northwards, and mother earth seeks to dispel the noxious seed from her body. Soon the end will come!" *** Welcome to Disquietude. I have a delve that I have always wanted to run (not PF, but I will be doing on the fly conversions). For now it will remain with just this code name, because it is somewhat known. I am looking for a party of up to six to travel northwards and seek the source of the disturbance in nature. Because a balanced party is important there will be some different requirements than normal. Crunch:
We will be starting with 25 point buy level 1 characters. Race - Core + Aasimar + Fetchling + Teifling. If you want another Featured Race ask and I will look and see. Other race categories are out though. 1 alternate racial trait per build is allowed. Class - All Core, Base, Alternate, or Hybrid with the exception of Gunslinger (sorry). Also Summoner must be unchained...unchained available but not required for Rogue, Barb, and Monk. Stacking Archetypes is fine so long as they do not replace the same class skills. Special Caveat - Class Type
When submitting your character please indicate which category you would like to be considered for. During recruitment I will try to update regularly who has completed submissions sorted by these categories. The 6th party member is a wild card, I will select it from the whole pool of candidates. Wealth - Roll for it. Everyone starts with a kit appropriate for their class. All paizo resources are available for feats, equipment, spells, etc. This will be a dungeon delve, so resources after you start will be limited, and we will be using encumberance rules, which some GMs use less than others. Keep all this in mind. Traits - Select 3 traits and a draw back. This is for mechanics and fluff, so see below.
Select 3 traits and a drawback - use this not only to effect the mechanics of your character, but to begin fleshing out his/her personality and quirks. We will do more as we go, but this will be the foundation. No traits that alter starting wealth or start you with a piece of equipment worth more than 150 gp.
I am sure I have missed quite a bit in this initial posting, so please ask questions. I hope to close recruitment on February 3rd and select party members by the end of that weekend. ![]()
![]() You could deal some decent damage if you were in range to get your melee on. Barring that the most productive thing you can probably do would be to explore the room more...several doors could be checked for traps, those results might give you something to do...or kill you. You could scout the next room, you might find something useful...or deadly...etc. It runs the risk of splitting the party or bringing more aggro, which could be dangerous. But engaging in melee is dangerous too, so it is all about risk management and risk v reward analysis I guess. That's my two coppers, for what it's worth, probably right around 2 cp. ![]()
![]() 6 hours since my last post...44 since my last gameplay update that ticked a turn. In the interest of time I am arbitrarily deciding to skip Karran at this point. Probably sucks...but we need to try to keep this moving. Please try to post daily during weekdays, especially during combat situations. If you would like me to bot your character I need some info on what you see yourself doing, just basic strategy stuff...you can PM it to me. Let's get a move on. With an opening at the front of the pack the lead zombie moves forward and again tries to bullrush Luxxanna out of the doorway. AOO from Luxxanna: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25 Seriously? Stop with the crits!
Zombrush (like a bullrush, just less alive): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12 He gets a rather nasty slice across the chest for his efforts, and unfortunately cannot make Luxxanna budge an inch. There is some milling in the line behind him, but without a path forward the zombies just moan and gnash their teeth angrily. Edit: Party is up. Next GM turn post will probably be either Friday night or Saturday morning (24+ hours from now) ![]()
![]() Zebrynna - Based on the size of the target area, I am comfortable with using the Challenging called shot adjustment on a ranged touch attack (ranged touch attack at -10 to hit). Since you are using magic instead of your own arm it will be using your primary casting stat as the attack modifier bonus, instead of Dex. One other thing though, based on your earlier knowledge religion score, you know this tidbit about monsters that have undead traits... PFSRD wrote: Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless). In light of that you might want to reconsider what you are thinking about doing. Wouldn't want you to waste your hard won petrification 1 shot. *** Luxxana manages to finish off the zombie in the doorway before it gets any additional chances to press the attack. *** Waiting on action from Karran and then Zombies will go. Updating map with the most recent redeading. ![]()
![]() Maybe. It would probably just be another donjon random dungeon, similar to what I am running elsewhere. I think some of you are already in that? Although this one would have an end goal of finding and killing the gamesmaker. Given the powers and resources he has already shown he has it might be interesting to stat him out. So a small amount of story built in. Let me know if you guys are interested...if at least 4 are then I will consider running it. ![]()
![]() I made a whole long post, and then I realized that Karran's move was in correct initiative order after all, which invalidated the whole thing...so let's try this again. Sorry everybody. Kimbwe slashes the front zombie across the chest, dealing some decent damage before retreating. Karran moves up into the place that he vacated, massacering the zombie in front of him. It falls to the ground (Zombie in position B) Zombie AOO v Flair: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
You made your concentration check the first time I rolled it for you, pre edit...so I am going to handwave it at this point. Your spell goes off without a hitch. Flair attempts to cast a spell, getting a pound atop her shoulder for her troubles, she manages to get her spell off despite the distraction though, wreathing her hands in flame before pressing them against the zombie's chest. Zombie Ref Save DC 14: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 The zombie smoulders, groaning in undead pain, but does not ignite. It then crumples to the ground resuming the appearane of fully dead and not just mostly dead, the fire being too much for it. (Zombie in position A) Two more zombies move into the vacated spots, and yet there still seems to be no end to them down the hall. The zombie in the doorway (position A) strikes at Flair.
While the other one barrels into Luxxana, apparently trying to force her back and break through the battleline around the door. AOO from Luxxana: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Slashing out viciously with her scimitar though she is able to stop his advance before he can bring the force of his weight against her. He crumbles to the floor in front of her. This square has enough bodies in it that it is now difficult terrain and costs double movement to get into. No additional zombies move into that square this round, leaving just the one standing in the doorway. Party is up. Luxxana, your readied action does not get used since you critted on the AOO...otherwise you could have attacked the one that tried to push you. This round it is just Flair that takes any damage, please note the 7... ![]()
![]() Actually I think we are going to call the competition after the current round completes...I know that may be disappointing to some, but at this point we have had a third of our original contestants drop. That is discouraging and does not really motivate me to keep going. I have enjoyed reading and it seems like you guys have enjoyed playing, but it is getting harder and harder to adjust for the dropouts... ![]()
![]() You have been stopped for about an hour at this point. The girl has fallen back into sleep, and the cold compresses seem to be some comfort, although the cough continues to rack her body, making her rest fitful at best. Fenlin and Raivin have not yet returned from the campsite. At this point it has been about 30 minutes since they have left, and you are beginning to feel a little worried. *** Fenlin, Raivin has collected enough wood that you think you could shift the man's body onto it and get a decent pyre going. You are going to need something much larger for the horse though, and you are still wondering about how to get it into this clearing at all. Interested in hearing your characters thoughts on this point.