Mia Marshal Pierce |
Mia sighs, as though she is agitated to be here. She has always hated cities, with their buercratic laws and loopholes and... she just didn't want to think about it... All she wanted from civilization was the oppurtunity for a nice; warm bath in relative comfort, safety, and anomimity- and the few provisions she couldn't get in the wild.
So where are we going, and where are we staying? Mia asks, her voice almost purring in her excitement. Still, she would be needing more arrows, that beast that was out of place, it's element; just like her, took just one too many arrows to fell... and she would like to know her bearings too; if they would be around for that long.
Sorry if this came off kind of weird, I got bored on my computer and just started typing...

DM Ashman |

The city spans before you, as you are led into The Protectors Enclave, you hear the merchants haggling. You see the ancient temple of Tyr and the steps up the Moonstone Inn. The mote floats in the air chained by the bridge that holds it as it floats. Sensation can see a free floating moat that he has heard of from the Nethril. The is your chance to purchase anything that you will need.

DM Ashman |

After arriving at the Temple of Selune and making your way to the main chapel area. Lady Jasmine starts to speak
“Last night,” she says, “three shooting stars fell into the
city. I believe these were neither portents nor mere celestial
bodies, but true tears of Selûne come to earth in solid form.
I need you to recover these shards and deliver them safely to
me. Those of us who revere Selûne believe that she is sending
us a message—possibly a warning. With your help, we
shall learn the truth. I saw that the Shards fell in these places.
The first shard landed near the Protector’s Enclave
on the far side of the Wall.The second shard fell within the Blacklake
District. The third shard came down over the River
District. How will you procede?

DM Ashman |

"No I do not", You may try talking to Lord Neverember or maybe the guards to see what the saw, for the first Shard. Also since the Temple of Oghma is near the river try asking some your people, I know that you may have to travel to the Blacklake are and ask around" Lady Jasmine says to you. She hand you a map of the general area of Neverwinter not a detailed maped.

Valinae, Seeker of Knowledge |

I suggest that we head to the River district first. I myself have business at the Temple of Oghma, and so it makes sense to get everything like that out of the way." Valinae said, "The Seekers there might be able to illuminate us on these star fragments as well.

DM Ashman |

Knowledge of Selûne
Characters can learn the following facts about Selûne
with a DC 8 Religion check or in conversation with
Lady Jasmine. A character who has the Selûne domain
automatically knows this information.
F Selûne, the Moonmaiden, is the good goddess of
the moon. Alongside her dark sister, Shar, she created
the world.
F The goddess counsels her followers to never lose
hope, to bring light to the darkness, and to soothe
lycanthropes that have lost control of the beast
within them.
F Selûne used to gaze down from her home on the
moon, advocating compassion and restraint. Since
the Spellplague, she and her followers have taken
a more active role in the world.

Valinae, Seeker of Knowledge |

Watch out, we're being tailed. Valinae hissed at the rest of the party. Looking around at the crowd, she ducked into it, trying to get lost in it so she'd would be harder to tail.
Let's see them try and follow me now. She chuckled to herself as she slowly started making her way to the Wall.
Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Did you add the +1 to perception from being near me because I'm an elf?
Also, Passive Perception 23, Passive Insight 21. So I assume that I see them as well

Mia Marshal Pierce |
Great... Mia thinks We can't even walk into the city without getting attention drawn to ourselves; I suppose that is to be expected, if even some rumors are true... People here are right to be cautious. Mia makes no effort to conceal any of her actions; concluding that it will only cause more problems in the end. And makes a mental note to voice her concerns in private.