
Elias Carver's page

35 posts. Alias of lifeisaparody.

Full Name

Elias Carver


Revenant (Half-Elf)










Common, Elven

About Elias Carver

iplay4e character sheet


Carver had been one of the Dead Rats' most promising members. The half-elf had risen quickly up the gang's hierarchy in Luskan after proving his worth at a few jobs. 'King Toy' had even permitted for him to participate in the blood ritual with a wererat - a mark of things to come for the promising thief, since only those who were recognized for their potential were given such an 'honor'.

Carver still didn't like to remember it.

It was after the job he performed at the Temple of Kelemvor. His haul had been good, he thought - not fantastic, but adequate. Who knew that the Lord of the Dead's followers didn't help themselves to wealth that the dead had no need of? Nevertheless, he had given King Toy his share and thought that was that.

So it came as a surprise when he was brought to King Toy and accused of being a traitor. He wasn't sure how it happened, perhaps that damn coin he stole from Kelemvor was cursed, or that the Lord of the Dead had his own twisted joke he wanted to play out, but when he came to... well, he was dead, but still alive.

Dumped outside the city, and in a state that he was still mystified over, Carver sought to find out the reason for his death - and afterdeath.