DM Ashman |

Mia is approached at Halfling'Gem a small tavern. As Mia sits at the bar drinking her favorite drink, she approached by Dragonborn. Good evenng Ranger, I hear you come highly recommended by the owner here, I would like to hire you to put a group together. Your purpose would be to assit a college of mine in Neverwinter. She is priestess of Selune. She is having dreams of coming danger for her. I would like for you to aid her. I am paying 120Gp per person you can round up.
As the Dragonborn pauses.. You consider it. what do you do

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Jade enters the bar and looks for a quiet, empty table to sit down. She slowly walks through the tavern, almost like she did not want to draw any attention. Her face shows a quite uncomfortable look until she finally sits down at a table near one of the corners. "Ugh... This place is huge, I'm completely lost... And all those people around... I miss my parents already..."

Padawan09 |

Tavar walked into the nearest bar while he was out walking through the city. He walked up and took a stool at the bar. "Get me whatever meat you're serving... And a tankard of ale please." Tavar set his shield, inscribed with Oghma's holy symbol down leaning face out against the bar.

Elias Carver |

Walking in behind Tavar, Carver was content to let the paladin take the lead while he tried to blend into the background. He never did like too much attention to himself. His nose twitched at the many smells in the taproom - some pleasant, while others less so.
Seating himself next to the paladin, Carver softly requested, "Pale ale. Please." From whichever server was closest.
He took his time to take in the atmosphere in the room, his eyes scanning the crowd to discern people or incidents that seemed... interesting, though by habit, he would also size people up based on their wealthy appearances.
Noting the dragonborn talking to the shifter in what he guessed was a business transaction, his interest was piqued.

Valinae, Seeker of Knowledge |

Valinae entered the tavern, a tome of the history of Neverwinter in hand. Heading towards a nearby table, the elf unslung her falchion and laid it to rest beside the chair, within easy reach if needed. Turning the page of the tome, Valinae waved a waiter down, "Some wine please," she requested, turning back to her book as the conversation of the dragonborn and the shifter went on in the background. Picking up a few words, the avenger tried to show indifference, though the possibility of this transaction could get her started on her quest?
Was it a sign from Oghma? the elf thought, continuing to listen in.

Valinae, Seeker of Knowledge |

"I'm headed that way myself," Valinae said, rising from her seat, "It is a worthy cause, and it may further help me in my own goals."
Closing the tome, Valinae tucked it into her pack and headed towards the bar, wine glass in one hand, and falchion in the other.
"I am Valinae." The elf nodded to the group in front of her, "I have skills that might be able to assist you in this task."

Mia Marshal Pierce |
Mia, a little confused, says Oh! Okay then, Thank you... Master Dram.
Alright, there is five of us... wait; what about that elf... Jade, that was her name She looks around the tavern and spots her in the corner. Hey Jade, remember me? Mia waves her hand softly as she calls slightly loudly.
Sorry, if I'm wrong to assume that we know each other, but I would kinda assume we do, since we are both rangers that stalk the wilderness, we might know each other from there, I'll retract if neccesary.

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Jade chokes being surprised the instant Mia calls her name, but then she looks at Mia and tries to remember why she knows her. After a couple of seconds she stands up and slowly walks up to Mia and all the others, stopping right in front of Mia. She bends over a bit and leans the head aside looking at Mia's face. "Hmm..." Jade comes awkwardly close to check Mia's face. Then she opens her eyes wide open. "Oh its you!" she almost screams, attracting the attention of almost the entire tavern. "I am so happy to see a familiar face!" she says with a very happy expression on her face. "Would you like to take me with you for this mission the other guy told you about? I would love to aid someone in need, knowing that a friend has my back. Rangers have to stick together no?" she smiles and gives a little twink.

DM Ashman |

Unless there is more role playing to be done. Here is what is happening,
The following morning, the first person up to Tavern keeper, gets this note.
I was called away during the night by a messenger. I have paid your for stay & food. I have also left the payment for our party as well. Please disperse the gold and make all haste to Neverwinter. General Sabrine is your contact when you arrive.
May Selune guide you.
There is sack full of gold and a parchment that gives you authority to do business in Selune name.

Elias Carver |

"Perhaps," says Carver, but he's not very hopeful. He did better with ships than with horses - for some reason the creatures tended not to like him very much.
"In either case, let's leave town as soon as we can." He suggests. "Our mission awaits."
Not to mention, this is still too close to Luskan.

Valinae, Seeker of Knowledge |

"I am not a fan of the sea, and I have never been on a ship. Though if it is necessary, I will board. I just do believe that it might be as fast to go via road." Valinae said, walking out the door with the rest.
Streetwise DC18: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (20) - 1 = 19
Well, that was unexpected

DM Ashman |

Tavar remembers from his past life that Umbralee the sea goddess is angry at Port Lass. This anger has made travel unfavorable for most pirates. This has led to the increase crime among the high seas. Valinae has heard about the increase in crime because of the sea goddess. Tavar also remembers a friend in the area name Sebastain that may know a different route to Neverwinter.

DM Ashman |

Carver sits at the bar and after speaking to Tavar. He hears the following from another person at the bar sharing a drink with a friend. " You would not believe the size of the creature. This thing was huge, it looked like an underground worm. This thing was blue and Salos said it spoke to his mind. It called to him, like a voice that convince him, to come to it. A good thing that dwarf and drow where in the area. The drow did things from his hat and tossed daggers. The dwarf almost got swallowed twice. After all that work the creature got away. Poor Salos lost his arm, the drow and dwarf left after that. There is bounty on the creature should anyone catch it or kill it. The dang elf wizard wants to see it, he says there nothing like it. He thinks it a plague changed creature. The men get up and then leave the bar.

Sebastian Mornthune |

Sebastian wasn't sure why Tavar wanted to see him at the Halfing's Gem. But Tavar had been looking to secure passage back to Neverwinter for the two of them, perhaps this was it.
Sebastian was grateful that Tavar did not kill him on the outskirts of Port Llast when Sebastian had stumbled out of the Neverwinter wood line into a crowd of peasants that Tavar was attending to. After all he was a shade from Netheral and they were not well liked by most of the folks of Faerûn. Of course Tavar was a bit wary and kept his hand on the sheath of his sword during the initial meeting. But once Sebastian had convinced him that he was also a follower of the Binder, Tavar grew a bit more relaxed and welcomed him.
Tavar wanted to return to Neverwinter to officially induct Sebastian as a Seeker into the Church of Oghma located in the city. Sebastian was quite please with the idea, as Neverwinter would be a far safer place to hide than this small town. And the locals were beginning to talk of a dark skinned man lurking around town. It wouldn't belong before Netherese spies would get wind of his whereabouts.
Sebastian dressed in a heavy brown hooded cloak to conceal his eyes from the harsh morning sun, opened the door cautiously to the Gem. He scanned the room to locate Tavar.
Who were the people gathered around him?
Hopefully this would not lead to any trouble.
As Sebastian approaches Tavar and the others, he speaks in a quiet almost cold voice (and trying not sound sinister)"Well met again Brother Tavar."

Tavar Raham |

"Ah, it's just one mug my friend. Besides... just imagine if I were a dwarf how many I'd have already had by this time in the day!" Tavar took another swig, which he promptly choked on at the surprise of hearing Sebastian's voice. "Well met Brother Sebastian. I was just mentioning you to my fine fellows, and that you might know a way to Neverwinter."

Elias Carver |

"I try not to mistake you for a dwarf, good Tavar," says Carver dryly. "A task that is becoming increasingly challenging." He finishes, as he wipes the choked ale off his hands.
Looking at the newcomer, he extends his now-dry hand in greeting. "Carver. Elias Carver." He introduces himself. "Nice to meet another one of you Oghmanytes." He assumed that was the reason Tavar had called this one 'brother', since the physical resemblance seemed rather... different.

Mia Marshal Pierce |
Mia goes out and buys everyone in the group a horse, out of her pocket, (if possible; if not she heads back to the tavern and in froms everyone of the price...) and requests that the be ready and at the outside stables in a few hours.
Hey; Mia says when she arrives back to the tavern, I found some horses if we need them. I suggest we do because of the pirate attacks on the sea.
Sorry about not posting this weekend, my computer has some problems, and the library was closed :(

Valinae, Seeker of Knowledge |

"So Sebastian, you are a cleric of Oghma? It is good to see another follower of the Binder on this trip." Valinae said, keeping her eye out on the road around. Just because the road was safer, it didn't mean that it was entirely safe, as the loosened falchion on her back suggested. "What is your reason for heading to Neverwinter? For me, it is for the knowledges lost.

Sebastian Mornthune |

Sebastian thinks for a moment before responding to Valinae's question in his oddly cold sounding voice as they ride next to one another on the road.
"Well Brother Tavar mentioned that by going to the temple in Neverwinter, I could officially be inducted into the service of the Binder"
Then after a shift in his saddle to make himself a bit more comfortable he adds, "And of course to seek new knowledge, we gain power spreading knowledge Sister Valinae, rather than hording."
"How is it you were called to the service of the Binder?"

DM Ashman |

"So Sebastian, you are a cleric of Oghma? It is good to see another follower of the Binder on this trip." Valinae said, keeping her eye out on the road around. Just because the road was safer, it didn't mean that it was entirely safe, as the loosened falchion on her back suggested. "What is your reason for heading to Neverwinter? For me, it is for the knowledges lost. Sebastian thinks for a moment before responding to Valinae's question in his oddly cold sounding voice as they ride next to one another on the road.
"Well Brother Tavar mentioned that by going to the temple in Neverwinter, I could officially be inducted into the service of the Binder"
Then after a shift in his saddle to make himself a bit more comfortable he adds, "And of course to seek new knowledge, we gain power spreading knowledge Sister Valinae, rather than hording."
"How is it you were called to the service of the Binder?"
The road ahead becomes more broken, and rocky as if something was upsetting the ground. It appears that this was done several days ago, also the group notices that birds have stopped chirping and that there a weird feel to the air. Nothing jumps out at the moment but there is tension in the air. As the group continues down the road and the light of the day is slowly going away. The group comes across several undead bodies that have broken apart and the surrounding area has recently seen battle.
I will be setting up the map for this on roll20.net I will try set up the generic link so you can be invited to it. Give me a day or so!

Elias Carver |

"Since i'm in the company of such a learned group of... clergy, perhaps I should ask if any of you - including the not-so-religious - has ever heard of a huge, blue worm that can speak into people's minds? " Carver interrupts at an opportune moment. "I overheard someone speaking about it back at the tavern. Looked like an underground worm, and apparently took someone's arm."

Valinae, Seeker of Knowledge |

Nature: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Wracking her mind of what the beast might be. Valinae replied to the revenant, "Can't be sure, but I might know what it might be. Still, best be careful to keep our eyes out no matter what it might be.

Sebastian Mornthune |

Religion: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
"I am afraid I must concur with Brother Tavar and Sister Valinae. I am not aware of this described creature in the service to a particular deity from my studies, Carver."
Sebastian then adds,"However this sounds like knowledge we should uncover."