Starflit |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Actually, upon further review, Eldarius gave the group a legitimate invitation and a clockwork armadillo (which, for some reason, I assume is rolled up into a ball and is stored in Starflit's handy haversack. Maybe the invitation's in there as well.
motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
Starflit |
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"Ah...please allow us to bring them inside--we'll banish them to a corner," Starflit purrs. She smirks before adding, "They are very well-trained." As she looks at the others, she flashes Tristain a glare previously retained exclusively for Lothan. Lastly, she looks up at Al with her lips pursed and her eyes looking like those of a dog hopeful of table scraps. "Pleeeease, dahling?"
Starflit Diplomacy Check (Aid Another--Al): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (8) + 15 = 23
Tristain the Chalker |
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Tristain enters and is very happy to go to a corner…as a corner usually implies walls. And walls, as everyone know, are for bonking. When he finds a quiet corner, he turns to put his back to the wall and give himself a chance to relax…
….and take in the scenery….
1d20 + 20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 20 + 2 = 31 Perception
…and get ready to be social, in a social situation.
motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
Entering the manor, you see a red carpet runs down the center of this room, toward a set of grand staircases that lead upstairs. Gleaming brass candelabras are positioned in corners to provide a festive light, along with a crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling. The dark hardwoods of the floors and doors have been recently polished, and the smell of scented oils lingers lightly in the air. A number of doors also lead off to the sides and forward.
Four people, two who appear to be vampires and two who appear human, are here chatting among themselves. A fifth -- a tall, dark-haired man with a neatly trimmed beard who appears hale and robust -- is dressed in elegant clothing, with a rapier on one side and a mask hooked on his belt on the other. He spots you and approaches.
"Welcome to my home," he says. "May I know your names?"
Also, as a reminder, in addition to Delmaria, you've been instructed to seek out "the Musician," who Eldarius named as Erich Zann, a powerful bard who governed one of the other stolen cities and has a reputation of circumventing many of Carcosa’s worst degradations with his unique magical masterpieces.
Starflit |
Did the invitation we were given have a name on it already or is it more of an anonymous "Admit One Couple' sort of deal?
Albert Hazred |
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"Thank you for your hospitality, and for welcoming us to your home, it's most impressive. I am the Count of (insert name from invitation here) and these are my companions. We were admiring your hedge garden when we arrived, surely you must be a great supporter of the arts for your vision to stretch to botanical designs. I myself am a great fan of the musical arts, though I must admit I lack any talent in that area myself. Perhaps it's why I'm so enchanted by those with the ear and creativity for the shaping of sound."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (1) + 22 = 23
I swear, it reads 1d2 instead of 1d20 half the time "The scented oils you use for your home are most interesting, do I detect a faint touch of spilled blood with undertones of feral animal?" Al adds in an attempt to seem like a sophisticated vampire.
motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
It is more a generic invitation. You have one, thus you were allowed in.
Avaric arches an eyebrow. "I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about. I imagine if there any blood has been spilled in here, the staff would clean it up most hastily.
"I'm afraid I don't recognize your name, but please, be welcome. You can't make new friends without meeting new people, I say. If you should need anything during your stay, you only need to ask."
Tristain the Chalker |
"If you should need anything during your stay, you only need to ask."
Tristain speaks up, his worry about not fitting in overcoming his worry about getting his blood drunk by vampires.
"Do you have any extra cravats? We arrived to late to acquire the latest and I would feel better mingling with a proper cravat."
motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
Avaric slowly looks Tristain up and down, and a smile slowly grows on his face. He pauses for a moment and then begins undoing his own neckwear.
"I should hate for a guest in my home to feel out of sorts. Please, take mine. Could I interest any of you in some ruby artemesia, our local wine?"
Forgot to share a pic; it's in the overall map link.
Starflit |
Starflit tries to ignore Tristain, taking a glass of wine with a smile. "Quite a lovely place you have here," she comments while looking around to take in the setting.
Actually, she's looking for any mirrors hanging in the place.
Starflit Perception Check: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (18) + 22 = 40
Tristain the Chalker |
Tristain takes the offered cravat, already feeling more at home. He holds it up.
"Starflit? Is this green, jade, or shamrock? What color do you think it is? And does it clash with my eyes?" he asks as he begins to don the offered item.
"Am I wearing this right? Is it straight?"
Starflit |
I'm hoping Tristain's questions are covered by the 40 Perception check above. Whether 'Flit actually answers him remains to be seen.
Kyffin Rhees |
Kyffin can't help giggling when Tristain asks for a cravat, and he's surprised when their host provides one so readily - and his own to boot! That's very generous that is. If it comes to it, Kyffin will kill him quickly and as painlessly as he can.
Good man, for a vampire. He thinks to himself.
He looks around the room to see what there is to see. He's particularly looking for secret panels or peepholes. Seems like that kind of place.
Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (20) + 15 = 35
Lothan Robgard |
Remaining unusually quiet, Lothan is still trying to wrap his mind around their situation. A freaking corner?! I don't want to stand in no corner! What am I, 4?! What a joke.
Tristain takes the offered cravat, already feeling more at home. He holds it up.
"Starflit? Is this green, jade, or shamrock? What color do you think it is? And does it clash with my eyes?" he asks as he begins to don the offered item.
"Am I wearing this right? Is it straight?"
Turning and sporting an incredulous look right at Tristain, "Nope. It's crooked. And it's more of a puke green mixed with a little seafoam and possibly a hint of mint," he says plainly, rolling his eyes.
"I should hate for a guest in my home to feel out of sorts. Please, take mine. Could I interest any of you in some ruby artemesia, our local wine?"
Then cutting his attention back to their host, he raises his hand and says, "I'll take some. I could use a drink. Make it a double."
Albert Hazred |
"Thank you again for your hospitality." Albert nods diplomatically and then slowly meanders away looking and listening for the bard and his music.
assist Kyffin's perception check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
There don't seem to be any mirrors, but also not any peepholes or other such secrets that you can see. You would have described the color as more of a dark cream, but perhaps Lothan's right? Or perhaps one of you is color blind and never been aware of it until now?
At Lothan's assent, he snaps a finger, sending a servant scurrying over with several glasses of the ruby red vintage. The man hands one glass to Lothan and looks around to see if anyone else is interested.
"Delightful, is it not?" Avaric asks.
Let me know if anyone else drinks. If not, you're free to explore the area more -- there doesn't seem to be anything else in this room of particular interest. There are several doors, plus the stairs, all visible on the overall map.
Starflit |
Starflit doesn't yet drink the wine she took, though she now tries to read the face and mannerisms of their host, trying to discern if he seems to know the group doesn't consist of vampires or that the wine might be tainted.
Starflit Sense Motive Check: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (6) + 22 = 28
If someone has the right spell, Starflit's waiting to see if anyone in the party can detect any poison in the wine...once the group is somewhat alone.
Tristain the Chalker |
"Delightful, is it not?" Avaric asks.
Tristain chooses not to drink just yet, as he assumes anything red colored is going to be blood.
If there are any astounding works of art that Tristain could notice, what might he comment upon to both flatter the host and honor the party? I know you said there isn’t much, but maybe something fun is about.
1d20 + 27 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 27 + 2 = 31 Know (History)
1d20 + 27 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 27 + 2 = 31 Know (Local)
Tristain will follow Kyffin to the north/left.
Albert Hazred |
Al also declines the wine. As Kyffin pokes his head around the corner and Tristain inspects the art, Albert waits to see what they discover while also listening for the faint sounds of music.
Lothan Robgard |
There don't seem to be any mirrors, but also not any peepholes or other such secrets that you can see. You would have described the color as more of a dark cream, but perhaps Lothan's right? Or perhaps one of you is color blind and never been aware of it until now?
At Lothan's assent, he snaps a finger, sending a servant scurrying over with several glasses of the ruby red vintage. The man hands one glass to Lothan and looks around to see if anyone else is interested.
"Delightful, is it not?" Avaric asks.
Nodding, he accepts the drink and drinks it all down. "Ahhhhh, that is good stuff. Thanks." He places the empty glass back on the tray and grins. "I like this place. Nice digs you got here, chief. Lived here long?" he asks, simply out of curiosity.
motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
So one thing that this module isn't making clear is whether it's visibly clear at a glance whether someone's a vampire or not (which has been holding me up). I'm going to say it is, especially considering vampires have disguise self as a spell. Obviously they could use it for other reasons, but I'm going to stick with this ruling.
As a reminder, however, you were told that a large number of Aevan-Vhor’s citizens are intelligent undead and, curiously, they are almost universally unaware of their condition This obliviousness is the result of a powerful curse over this city, and is more than a mere hallucination. It is a delusion, one which they return to again and again if it is temporarily shattered. When something challenges this perception, the delusion compensates. So the vampires MAY not realize they are undead.
As Tristain looks around, he sees plenty of artwork -- but unfortunately, nothing that he recognizes or could identify. Though he could certainly praise them despite that.
Starflit can't tell if he recognizes you as not vampires, or even if he's afflicted and unable to tell any living from undead.
Lothan drinks the ruby artemesia, which is fine, though it has an odd aftertaste. Avaric nods at his question. "Yes, all my life," he replies.
As Kyffin opens the door, he finds a dining area: Three dark cherry tables run parallel to each other along the center of the long room. Against the north wall and the northeast corner, wine and other refreshments are displayed; this area also serves as a place for servants to exchange dishes. A crystal chandelier hung in the center of the hall provides illumination. A door with a glass window opens to the east and provides a view of a sloping garden and hedge maze beyond. Three wooden doors exit to the west and north. Four vampires can be found here socializing with a few humans. They look up as Kyffin pokes his head in, but don't seem unduly alarmed.
1d20 ⇒ 8
Lothan Robgard |
Lothan drinks the ruby artemesia, which is fine, though it has an odd aftertaste. Avaric nods at his question. "Yes, all my life," he replies.
Nodding repeatedly, "Nice, nice."
He quickly snags another drink that was supposed to be for one of the others and drinks it down, quickly placing the empty glass back upon the tray before it's taken away. Dragging a sleeve across his mouth, "Man, that really is some good stuff." He smiles, finding himself quite relaxed. "So, mind if we take a look around? Or is there some type of entertainment we're waiting on, or what?"
Tristain the Chalker |
Tristain follows along, proud to be wearing such a fancy cravat. He does note any fun art, but keeps his opinions to himself. A man in a fancy cravat doesn’t need to air his views to show he has fancy taste…the cravat speaks for itself.
He follow Kyffin to the next room, but, again, doesn’t eat anything as he’s still a bit too nervous about eating and possibly spilling on his new neck wear.
He waits to hear the answer to Lothan’s good question, hoping that not too much was off limits.
Kyffin Rhees |
Kyffin nods and smiles, "Greetings." he mumbles as he closes the door again. He's not interested in socializing quite yet - he wants a lay of the land first. However, if others seem to be ready to chat, he lingers.
He crosses back over to the other tower and checks that door as well.
Starflit |
Starflit peeks into the room before Kyffin shuts the door and tries to ascertain if any of the vamps or humans are the young woman they seek. Then she smiles and gives a polite wave as the door closes again.
Starflit Perception Check: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (3) + 22 = 25
Albert Hazred |
Al hopes the curse and delusions provide the party with a measure of cover to move freely among the guests. Not wanting to waste any more time than necessary, he presses forward with the task of finding the girl and the musician. "They must be here somewhere, lets keep looking."
perception to aid Starflit: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
Sigh. I apparently failed my reading comprehension -- or basic ability to tell left from right -- and had Kyffin open a different door. Sorry about that.
It doesn't appear that any of the people in the dining room are Delmaria, so you continue your search. As Avaric doesn't indicate any concerns about you looking around, you decide to do so, staying together. Continuing with the towers -- Kyffin wanted to start there, yet somehow found himself in the dining room; perhaps some fell magic? -- you head to the north first.
This enclosed chamber is empty save for a statue of a beautiful and proud-looking woman, sculpted to appear to be gazing out one of the windows. A pair of vases with flowers and a few pieces of bric-a-brac adorn the windowsills. This room is not in use and has no light source. You'll need a light source if you want to explore more here.
To the south, aa simple wooden table and chairs sit in the center of this chamber, which is subdivided into smaller rooms. A flight of stairs wraps around the west wall, and an indoor well stands in the northeast corner. Three human servants are busily packing personal items. "Oh, um, do you require any assistance?" one asks, glancing back at his half-filled bag of clothes.
Kyffin Rhees |
No worries, Kyffin is making the rounds - hoping eventually to open all the doors.
Kyffin is, at this point, just getting the lay of the land, and so doesn’t enter either round room. He nods to the servants vaguely, to recognize their existence, without putting any response together otherwise.
He moves on to the next door - more or less methodically checking out the rooms. He’ll try the southern double doors next, then the singular doors to the north, starting from the western side.
Tristain the Chalker |
Tristain continues to follow Kyffin, also trying to figure out the lay of the land, as well as trying to fit in in general. He's quite sure someone is about to start trying to suck his blood at any moment, but thankfully his lucky cravat to put a stop to that.
Tristain can cast Light as needed.
"What are you packing for? Why aren't you enjoying the party? Is this part of the party? I think it sounds better than than mingling. Maybe we should stay here and help pack things up?" Tristain questions.
Starflit |
Starflit lingers behind Tristain, waiting to hear (and judge) the servants' reply.
Starflit Sense Motive Check: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (16) + 22 = 38
I just came up with a great nickname/code name for Tristain: Wally McBonky. :D
Albert Hazred |
Al strolls forward trying to appear non threatening as Tristain asks his questions. "Is it safe here? Is there something you're fleeing from? You don't happen to know where we would find the musical entertainment do you?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (7) + 23 = 30
motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
“Lord Avaric gives us the night off during the party, after the dinner is served. A wonderful man he is,” one of them says, cheerily.
"Musical entertainment? I don't know that there is any..."
He definitely seems more scared than happy.
At Al's words, one of them glances ever so briefly upward, a look of fear crossing his face, before returning to his former smile.
Starflit |
Starflit is torn. It's obvious (to her at least) that the servants are frightened, likely of what is to come later in the night. Would they know where a secret dungeon might be? I doubt it.
"Safe travels," she tells the group.
Starflit Sense Motive Check: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (20) + 22 = 42
Starflit Perception Check: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (4) + 22 = 26
Kyffin Rhees |
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22 vs DC 20
Can't make the perception check.
It must be horrible to live in such fear. Kyffin thinks to himself. He feels sorry for these people. And he's starting to warm up to the idea of killing every vampire in here...
But though he rests his hand on his scimitar, he does not yet draw it. They have people to find first.
Tristain the Chalker |
1d20 + 20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 20 + 2 = 41 Sense Motive
1d20 + 20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 20 + 2 = 39 Perception
Tristain nods as their fear adds to his own.
”Well, thanks for the update. Enjoy your night off,” Tristain mentions confused. ”Is all the staff off after the dinner? Who will be left to serve my liege?”
Starflit |
"You will, of course."
motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Perception: 1d20 + 35 ⇒ (16) + 35 = 51
Lothan easily spots one of the servants' upward glances, but remains quiet at first until he realizes he's the only one who did. "Wait, are you guys serious? None of you saw him look upward? What's up there? Is it something not safe? Is it some hot damsel you're hoping will flee with you? Piles of treasure we should go loot?" he asks.
The servant who looked upward's eyes widen and a look of panic crosses his face as another urgently tries to signal for Lothan to stop talking, a gesture he's never recognized before (or now).
“They’ll hear you and then the beasts will awaken!" he whispers. "They will transform soon enough and kill everyone here. You should leave while you still can!"
With that, he turns back to his packing, throwing a last few items in his bag, and pushes out past you.
Tristain the Chalker |
Tristain looks at Lothan and shakes his head. He didn't see anything...and wonders if Lothan saw something or just wishes he did. However, he keeps quiet.
"So...they are upstairs? Are there guards upstairs too? What kinds of beasts are we talking about?"
Lothan Robgard |
Watching the servant push past them, he looks to the others with a raised eyebrow and asks rhetorically, "Was it something I said?" He shrugs.
"Anyway, it doesn't matter what they turn into, we'll be killing them before they kill us. It's destiny. Trust me." He winks, nodding confidently. "Also, we're looking for someone...," he pauses, thinking a long moment before, "Yeah I don't remember the name. Margaret or something?" he asks, a questioning look about him. Shrugging again and not waiting for confirmation, "Whatever. We're looking for her. Do either of you two know where she is?"
motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
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VAMPIRES!" one of them hisses at Tristain, sounding like he suspects he's talking to someone who bonks his head against the wall for no reason at all. "And who needs guards here? They can defend themselves if you provoke them! Which you shouldn't do if you don't want to become one of them!"
They don't know where anyone is, but suggest you might try the ballroom upstairs