Motteditor's Reign of Winter PBP (Inactive)

Game Master motteditor

Combat map / overall map

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RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Not sure when I'll get to post next but am. Waiting on round two actions.

Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

Eek. I should also mention I'm wandering around in 100 degree Dallas weather for two days. I should still be able to check in, just more scattershot...

Manly Stats:
HP 179; F:17/R:10/W:19;Fly +13; (Loc) +21, (Nat) +22, (Geog) +5, (Plns) +10, Perc +33, Surv +18,Spllcrft+16
Tracksmage 16
Tsin Windscar wrote:
I should still be able to check in, just more scattershot...

Oh, so more of the usual, eh, Butcher?

Hektir spits, emphasizing his point. ;)

Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

Tsin glares at Hektir, but doesn't argue. :)

Male Elf Traveler 16 | init +6, per +32 | AC 35/19/29 | HP 130 | Fort +17, Reflex +15, Will +20 (+2) | CMB +14, CMD 33

I'll be at PaizoCon the next few days, I'll try to post, but please take actions for Quinn as needed. If you're at the Con, stop by and say hi and have a beer :)

Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

Hope your weekend is full of hoot, Quinn :) We're inhabiting Downtown Chitown for the weekend, so I'll try and do the same.

retired (AP completed)
Hektir the Tracksmage wrote:

Round 5

Hektir spits and recasts Produce Flame, using it to highlight the target (20' light).

"C'mere, I want to show you something."

Aaaaand leave it to Hektir to say that to the likeness of a little girl. Creeper!


Male Elf Traveler 16 | init +6, per +32 | AC 35/19/29 | HP 130 | Fort +17, Reflex +15, Will +20 (+2) | CMB +14, CMD 33
Pems wrote:
Because the die bot is a b!tch.

Repent! Repent now! The Dice Bot hears all! Oh great Dice Bot, heed not the words of this distraught soul, we pledge to continuing believing that your algorithm does produce a random number.

HP 98/98; AC 19, T 14, FF 15; F+9, R+14, W+15; Init +8; Perc+23 (24 vs traps); SR 27; immune to cold


Male Elf Traveler 16 | init +6, per +32 | AC 35/19/29 | HP 130 | Fort +17, Reflex +15, Will +20 (+2) | CMB +14, CMD 33

Quinn looks to the sky apprehensively and subtly shifts away from Pems.

Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

Constructs are not swayed by supplication, nor adulation, nor aggravation. That is not dead which can eternal lie yet with strange aeons even death may die. The Dice Bot simply waits...

Male Elf Traveler 16 | init +6, per +32 | AC 35/19/29 | HP 130 | Fort +17, Reflex +15, Will +20 (+2) | CMB +14, CMD 33

so the Dice Bot becomes Skynet, f*ck!

retired (AP completed)

QUINN! Your d6's only roll 1's! Your channels, your alchemist fires, your-everything-else-that-calls-for-a-d6!

What gives, man?! ONES! ALWAYS ONES!

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

In his defense, I rolled it for him. Don't forget a Round 14 action, Quinn, and you can roll the fire damage too if you want.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Elf Traveler 16 | init +6, per +32 | AC 35/19/29 | HP 130 | Fort +17, Reflex +15, Will +20 (+2) | CMB +14, CMD 33

yea, but I'm a beast at Axis and Allies!

Manly Stats:
HP 179; F:17/R:10/W:19;Fly +13; (Loc) +21, (Nat) +22, (Geog) +5, (Plns) +10, Perc +33, Surv +18,Spllcrft+16
Tracksmage 16
Quinn Kestrel wrote:
yea, but I'm a beast at Axis and Allies!


retired (AP completed)

So, between the falling snow, dogpile of bodies, and stupid cover bonuses, there's nothing Malavarius can really do to help in this encounter any longer except shoot scorching rays over and over while hoping for a natural 20 - which I'm not going to do.

Even if I waded in and landed a shot in melee - max damage would be soaked up by the doll's DR.

Basically, you lot are on your own. =P

Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

Ohoho, you would think so, Mal. No, I think you're here to watch, wait, and wonder with the rest of us for when we get the thing to stop thinging us :)

retired (AP completed)

Well, you've got 5 rounds before I become it's unwitting and unwilling friend and turn this wand on you!

Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

Well, if you put it that way.... hehehe

Might I suggest a wand handoff to your feathered friend to keep you harmless, let's say, in 4 rounds? :)

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Hektir the Tracksmage wrote:
Like a master of his domain, he waits for it to freeze in the cold air before flicking it off ...


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Just FYI, I've been having Interwebs problems at home, so don't know if I'll be able to post Tuesday.

Manly Stats:
HP 179; F:17/R:10/W:19;Fly +13; (Loc) +21, (Nat) +22, (Geog) +5, (Plns) +10, Perc +33, Surv +18,Spllcrft+16
Tracksmage 16

Hmmm. I've been playing it wrong. I sit corrected. Thank you.

And I even found the relevant rule (if you're saying snowstorm=darkness, which Motte is):


In areas of darkness, creatures without darkvision are effectively blinded. In addition to the obvious effects, a blinded creature has a 50% miss chance in combat (all opponents have total concealment), loses any Dexterity bonus to AC, takes a –2 penalty to AC, and takes a –4 penalty on Perception checks that rely on sight and most Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks. Areas of darkness include an unlit dungeon chamber, most caverns, and outside on a cloudy, moonless night.

I guess, in theory, this also applies to stealthed rogues who are sniping, eh?

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Hurrah! Thanks, mal.

I was actually looking at it as invisibility, I think, since all you can see is five feet but it's basically the same situation. What I do still need to figure out is whether you'd gotten into the igloo, in which case I believe the stone would miss. I should have time to do that later tonight, I think, though it may be a little while still.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Crap; flickr's down, so I can't look at my maps. However, looking at snowshoes, it looks like it costs Hektir 2.5 squares (12.5 feet) to move 1 square (5 feet).

Snowshoes reduce the penalty for walking through heavy snow by 50%; for example, if moving through snow normally costs you 2 squares of movement (1 square plus a 1 square penalty) per square traveled, snowshoes reduce this cost to 1.5 squares per square traveled.

Again, I don't have the map in front of me, but I think Hektir would not have been able to get inside in Round 1. He will be able to in Round 2, I think, before the opponent gets an attack off.

Male Elf Traveler 16 | init +6, per +32 | AC 35/19/29 | HP 130 | Fort +17, Reflex +15, Will +20 (+2) | CMB +14, CMD 33

Given Quinn's initiative of 4, if Quinn entered the hut in two squares does he have a remaining standard/move action that could be used to drag Mal to safety? Or could he use a burst of channel heal to help the party?

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

IIRC, it took your full move to get into the igloo but I can check the map when I get home.

HP 98/98; AC 19, T 14, FF 15; F+9, R+14, W+15; Init +8; Perc+23 (24 vs traps); SR 27; immune to cold


...That is all.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Yup. In my Savage Tide game, I'm DMPC'ing a player who's on vacation and it rolled two 4s for his attacks. Then nice high numbers for the bad guys...

Male Elf Traveler 16 | init +6, per +32 | AC 35/19/29 | HP 130 | Fort +17, Reflex +15, Will +20 (+2) | CMB +14, CMD 33

I made the assumption that Quinn wouldn't actually be able to see anything to attack this round, either the flying beastie above him, or the creatures Pems is fighting that he stumbled across.

Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

Seems all too depressingly reasonable, Quinn. This battleground is for the imps.

Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

Sloppy-post-apology time. Most of the weekend will be seeking out intentional hearing loss at Lollapalooza, so all posts will be by phone. I threw down a Quick Stats section for Tsin. Thanks for your continued put-uppance :)

retired (AP completed)


This is surpassingly brutal.

Subniggudiceboteth will consume us all in bitter fire.

HP 98/98; AC 19, T 14, FF 15; F+9, R+14, W+15; Init +8; Perc+23 (24 vs traps); SR 27; immune to cold

Can I just bring Kereek over and let him toast the lot of 'em?

Male Elf Traveler 16 | init +6, per +32 | AC 35/19/29 | HP 130 | Fort +17, Reflex +15, Will +20 (+2) | CMB +14, CMD 33

Adopting the oldest of rules, Quinn prays only for the fortune of his companions, asking for no benefit to himself. "Oh Great DiceBot, please bless Tsin, and Mal, and Pems with splendid rolls, I shall carry the burden of our collective dice cursing!"

Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

Careful, Quinn!! We need your rolls o healing to be blessed too!!

retired (AP completed)

This is when the dicebot manages to produce zeroes on all Quinn's healing d6's.

Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

It wasn't possible... til now... we've slipped through the dicebot looking glass...

HP 98/98; AC 19, T 14, FF 15; F+9, R+14, W+15; Init +8; Perc+23 (24 vs traps); SR 27; immune to cold

For my next character I'm going to play a damn ifrit. If anyone needs me I'll be on fire.

retired (AP completed)

My next character is Zeno. He's actually the wizard. It's all just been a big misdirection the whole time.

HP 98/98; AC 19, T 14, FF 15; F+9, R+14, W+15; Init +8; Perc+23 (24 vs traps); SR 27; immune to cold

Hmm, maybe Flash could be my next character... Awakened animals unite! Together we'll form Voltron!

Manly Stats:
HP 179; F:17/R:10/W:19;Fly +13; (Loc) +21, (Nat) +22, (Geog) +5, (Plns) +10, Perc +33, Surv +18,Spllcrft+16
Tracksmage 16

Yeah, our attack rolls have seemed to have sucked, uh? Here they are since the start of the fight:

The good guys:

7,11,9,3,16(ready, never used),1,18,18,7,2,19,6,3,7,4,3,4,1,4,3,11,8,3,3,11=182/25=a smidge over 7 average over 25 attack rolls

But thats nothing unless you compare to the bad guys (Motte):
11,18,5,4,16,8,20,11,2,18,7,9,14,19,14,10,10,20,5,17,4,1,14,14,6,10,8,12,19 ,8,13=(thru round 9)=337/31=about 10.8 over 31 attack rolls

To make matters worse, we really needed healing last round (to keep both Hektir and Mal up in hopes of taking down TK before doom), but because of snow and RP, it didn't happen.

We'll see what happens. As long as Hektir can still drool, it means he can spit. And if he can spit, he can fight.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Don't blame me! Quinn could've healed you all!

And, it's also bad luck with some timing. Tsin could've taken that AoO but instead it downs Mal and then misses on its actual attack.

Male Elf Traveler 16 | init +6, per +32 | AC 35/19/29 | HP 130 | Fort +17, Reflex +15, Will +20 (+2) | CMB +14, CMD 33

hey, I was trying to play it non-meta, in that blasted snow it would take a round or two to realize his companions were bleeding out!

that 6 felt like a natural 20, and probably as rare

retired (AP completed)

You played it well, Quinn. You played it well.

Though if the troll or sprites had any damage on them, it's all healed up now. =\

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

See I'd forget about things like that if you didn't mention them, Mal. Speaking of which, what are the rules re: healing. My thought would be once Quinn heals them, Mal and Hektir can act in this round, though obviously delayed until after the healing burst.

And, yes, you were correct about the damage, Mal. Not sure where I got 8 from.

And finally, Pems, it might help if you stop rolling 3s.

retired (AP completed)

I've always had pcs preserve their spots in the initiative order when unconscious/recovering - just for simplicity's sake (and accurately keeping track of stabilization checks, bleed damage, etc).

You got 8 from my current (at the time at least) hps, methinks!


If we TPK here, I propose we return as Team FIRE. An Oracle of Flames, a Fire Elemental wizard, a Fire or Efreeti bloodline sorcerer, an Ifrit with any full BAB class and an Inquisitor with the Fire domain.


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

That'd probably help. It's one of the oddities of the game that in some ways it makes less sense to use winter-themed characters since a lot of the baddies are used to cold (that said, it does give you protection and plenty of things aren't OK with cold).

Also FYI, for the one person in this game who I think hasn't seen me post it in half a dozen other spots: I've got at least one person off the next two weeks at work, so I'll be a bit busier than usual. I still expect to be able to post daily (especially in the games I'm playing as opposed to running), but if you're waiting on me, that may be why.

Male Elf Traveler 16 | init +6, per +32 | AC 35/19/29 | HP 130 | Fort +17, Reflex +15, Will +20 (+2) | CMB +14, CMD 33

I've always treated unconscious like a condition. If something that removes a condition, such as remove blindness, is listed as instantaneous on the duration of the spell then the character has the blindness removed on the healer's turn, instantly as the spell is cast. Healing, like CLW, is instantaneous, so they become conscious on the healer's turn if healing brings them back above 0 hp. Of course, I'm a bit biased in this situation :)

retired (AP completed)

So, we still wouldn't act this turn (11) but we'd no longer be unconscious or helpless, Quinn? That sounds effectively like the same way I handle it, though you explained it better =)

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