Motteditor's Reign of Winter PBP (Inactive)

Game Master motteditor

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retired (AP completed)


I was sure I'd put together the spoils from our fight with ol' mossy Teb, but if I did I can't find the numbers anywhere. So I've done them over again from scratch. So, all the red items in the Party Stores tab are what we've acquired after Teb. The remaining items in the party stores still haven't technically been distributed to any specific person.

Not sure what the final price for the mancatcher spear is. A plain +1 boar spear is 2,305 retail, so that's what's currently in the inventory log.

I've also NO IDEA what the values of these other treasures listed below might be. I'm thinkin' well need Pemsworth and myself to cooperate on appraising them.

  • Blue Diamonds (4)
  • Silver Diadem (1)
  • Near Flawless White Diamond (1)
  • Jeweled Necklace (1)
  • Sapphire Rings (3)
  • Decorative Filigree Longsword Scabbard (1)
  • Scrimshaw Sculpture of Sprites and Satyr (1)
  • Painting of White City with Creepy Spikes and Towers (1)

    We also acquired 4 potions of feather step, of which Tsin's already had one to drink, so we're down to 3.

  • Manly Stats:
    HP 179; F:17/R:10/W:19;Fly +13; (Loc) +21, (Nat) +22, (Geog) +5, (Plns) +10, Perc +33, Surv +18,Spllcrft+16
    Tracksmage 16

    Thanks Mal!

    According to HeroLab, the spear of manhunting is 3925 gp. It has a few extra abilities on it. Hopefully, Pems can embellish the history of the thing when we sell it.

    I edited the Google Treasure Doc to reflect that.

    retired (AP completed)
    Hektir the Tracksmage wrote:

    I edited the Google Treasure Doc to reflect that.

    Bless you, good sir!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

    Bless you both for the work involved keeping the numbers up to speed!

    retired (AP completed)

    Oh! If anyone wants mundane alchemical items, I've got a +11 so I could perhaps craft some simpler ones at 1/3 cost.


    That means Alchemist's Kindness.


    Manly Stats:
    HP 179; F:17/R:10/W:19;Fly +13; (Loc) +21, (Nat) +22, (Geog) +5, (Plns) +10, Perc +33, Surv +18,Spllcrft+16
    Tracksmage 16


    Actually, loading up Pems and Quinn with a slew of Alchy Fires doesn't seem to be a bad plan. If they had a slew each, it might be nice.

    HP 98/98; AC 19, T 14, FF 15; F+9, R+14, W+15; Init +8; Perc+23 (24 vs traps); SR 27; immune to cold

    I support this plan and want to subscribe to its 'zine.

    retired (AP completed)

    Mott, would you like to handwave the appraising of the stones and artsy things, actually roll it out in the gameplay thread, or make some rolls here in the discussion thread?

    If it matters, with Pems taking 10 and Malavarius aiding (or vice versa), we'd reliably have an 18 for the appraisal checks.

    RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

    We can handwave it, I think. I've never quite liked the idea of appraise, since it means I need to keep track of what you've misappraised, decide whether it's high or low, then decide what the person you sell it to thinks and blah blah blah.

    Have to run out and do a few chores; will post this afternoon.

    HP 98/98; AC 19, T 14, FF 15; F+9, R+14, W+15; Init +8; Perc+23 (24 vs traps); SR 27; immune to cold

    Sadly I have experienced a very similar situation to the dear Master Quinn in Hektir's story... It was unpleasant, to say the least.

    RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

    Ha. That's a story I want to hear.

    Manly Stats:
    HP 179; F:17/R:10/W:19;Fly +13; (Loc) +21, (Nat) +22, (Geog) +5, (Plns) +10, Perc +33, Surv +18,Spllcrft+16
    Tracksmage 16
    Pemsworth Smith, Esq. wrote:
    Sadly I have experienced a very similar situation to the dear Master Quinn in Hektir's story... It was unpleasant, to say the least.

    Ooh...sorry if I brought up bad memories. were also caught in a...uh, you a thing? Do tell.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    HP 98/98; AC 19, T 14, FF 15; F+9, R+14, W+15; Init +8; Perc+23 (24 vs traps); SR 27; immune to cold

    Well, suffice to say, don't try out a new massage oil on your wife just before you decide to have Happy Time. I never knew I was apparently allergic to one of the ingredients. Now I do.

    retired (AP completed)

    I am in stitches. STITCHES! Ooooooh man, that's the funniest thing I've read in I don't know how long. Hooooooooo!

    This is how I'm laughing.

    If the time stamp isn't working, jump to 1:55.

    Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

    It doesn't suffice it to say... we talking anaphylaxis, emergency room visit, or bowlegs for a week??

    retired (AP completed)

    I fixed my link!

    HP 98/98; AC 19, T 14, FF 15; F+9, R+14, W+15; Init +8; Perc+23 (24 vs traps); SR 27; immune to cold

    Oh we were talking about half a bottle of Benedryl and a lot of back and forth over whether or not to go to the emergency room. It's a good thing I have some flab to me, cause I was swelling in some really uncomfortable places that night...

    Thankfully around 4 am the swelling started going down. I was spared having to explain why I looked like the red Staypuft Marshmallow man...

    Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

    Picture painfully painted :) We are very glad to live vicariously through your suffering. My mom is an ER nurse, and you would have competed with some of her best stories... :)

    retired (AP completed)

    I'm still laughing!
    "Happy Time"... LOL

    Manly Stats:
    HP 179; F:17/R:10/W:19;Fly +13; (Loc) +21, (Nat) +22, (Geog) +5, (Plns) +10, Perc +33, Surv +18,Spllcrft+16
    Tracksmage 16

    After some consideration, I'm leaning towards the belt of constitution for either Hektir or Tsin. I don't think we'll have a chance to buy (or craft) exactly what we want, and, like the wand of scorching ray, it's not a bad item and will serve us well for a bit.

    If Tsin doesn't want it, Hektir will wear it.


    Male Elf Traveler 16 | init +6, per +32 | AC 35/19/29 | HP 130 | Fort +17, Reflex +15, Will +20 (+2) | CMB +14, CMD 33

    Holy crap that's funny!

    Manly Stats:
    HP 179; F:17/R:10/W:19;Fly +13; (Loc) +21, (Nat) +22, (Geog) +5, (Plns) +10, Perc +33, Surv +18,Spllcrft+16
    Tracksmage 16

    On an unrelated note....

    Holy Piddlespot!!! Strikethrough!!!

    retired (AP completed)

    I'm on board for snagging the girdle/belt for Tsin. Better Fort saves and more HP are always nice.


    Are we planning to regroup in Other Heldre... in Waldsby for a day or two more before setting out for the Pale Tower? If so, I can try some (more like one attempt, actually) alchemy crafting.

    Sample Alchemy Check - Alchemist's Fire:
    Cost: 20 gp (200 sp)
    DC: 20
    Material cost: 6.67 gp

    Craft Alchemist's Fire: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19 FAIL, technically no progress this whole week
    Craft Alchemist's Fire: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28
    28 (skill check result) x 20 (DC) = 560
    560/5 (work days in a week) = 112
    200 (cost in sp's)/112 = 1.78

    So, with a 19 for his craft check, Malavarius would fail and not make any progress (technically according to RAW, for a whole week). With a 29, it'd take Malavarius 2 days of work and 6.67 gp to make one alchemist's fire.

    Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

    For the number of times Hektir has kissed the dirt, should we consider the belt for the tracker?

    retired (AP completed)

    Yeah, but we got through it alright. The number of times Tsin hasn't, however, makes me think we'll be in terribly hot water if she does. =P

    EDIT: Quinn could drink more if he got the belt!

    Honestly, it doesn't matter to me who wears it if we buy it. If no one wants it though, let's save our money for finer markets elsewhere.

    Manly Stats:
    HP 179; F:17/R:10/W:19;Fly +13; (Loc) +21, (Nat) +22, (Geog) +5, (Plns) +10, Perc +33, Surv +18,Spllcrft+16
    Tracksmage 16

    Lets buy the belt. Hektir will wear it for now. It'll never go out of fashion for one of our yahoos.

    retired (AP completed)

    Removed all the artsy loots except for the painting, added the fancy belt to Hektir's sheet.

    Did that trade for the belt include selling the spear? My impression was it was just for the gems and jewelry and scrimshaw and whatnot and that we still have the spear.

    RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

    It did not include the spear.

    RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

    Tsin Windscar wrote:

    "Witch? What witch?" Tsin's eyes narrow on Quinn, as she tries to remember. Remember a face. Mark a face.

    "Are you sure it was a witch? And if you're sure, can you point her out to me?" A new flush rises in Tsin's cheeks.

    How do you know it was a witch?

    Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

    Tsin doesn't know, but is responding to Quinn's questioning observation.

    RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    No, the proper answer is she turned you into a newt!

    Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28


    Holy Grail reference... Please, hold onto my nerd card, until I earn it back...:)

    HP 98/98; AC 19, T 14, FF 15; F+9, R+14, W+15; Init +8; Perc+23 (24 vs traps); SR 27; immune to cold

    I got better.

    Does she weigh the same as a duck?

    retired (AP completed)

    Tsin got better too, another keen proof of witcheyness!

    RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

    Tsin, are you planning to stay up all night?

    Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

    Yep. The debate will be when Mal goes to sleep. She's too wired from the second mind control.

    RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

    The debate?

    Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

    To leave Nadya's in search for the likely witch... She really wants to, but doesn't have the others to back her play. So she'll remain in Nadya's, simmering after the debate concludes :)

    She won't sleep though.

    retired (AP completed)

    2000 posts in the gameplay thread! Whoop! Yay, us!

    retired (AP completed)

    Malavarius, not trusting witches or anything related to Baba Yaga, would not be carrying any of the tokens from Umber Twilight. Which of you other gullible chumps wonderful people would like to carry one or more of them?


    HP 98/98; AC 19, T 14, FF 15; F+9, R+14, W+15; Init +8; Perc+23 (24 vs traps); SR 27; immune to cold

    Pems would, I suppose, not knowing any better.

    RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

    Just FYI, I expect to be away Sunday and Monday.

    Male Elf Traveler 16 | init +6, per +32 | AC 35/19/29 | HP 130 | Fort +17, Reflex +15, Will +20 (+2) | CMB +14, CMD 33

    given the recent devastation of the guards and the impending assault on the pale tower, Quinn imagines things will go very much like this

    RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

    I was thinking more like this.

    Male Elf Traveler 16 | init +6, per +32 | AC 35/19/29 | HP 130 | Fort +17, Reflex +15, Will +20 (+2) | CMB +14, CMD 33

    oh, woe is Irrissen, to have been conquered by french witches!

    RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

    In Golarion, we call them Galtan.

    Male Elf Traveler 16 | init +6, per +32 | AC 35/19/29 | HP 130 | Fort +17, Reflex +15, Will +20 (+2) | CMB +14, CMD 33

    I'm making a new bard archetype, the Galtan Taunter

    Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

    The Taunter is likely never seen in taverns, only castle walls... where it's safe...

    retired (AP completed)

    Sheesh - have company over for the weekend and Hektir and Tsin slaughter everyone in sight! Yowza!

    Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

    I blame Hektir. Savage, that one.

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