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He tilted his head to side looking at his dog whom suddenly was speaking. It was more than passing strange, then again lots of things had been weird the last few days.He was glad that at least he was a well spoken talking dog.
"I...uh... yeah, I suppose would she deal with this Taradiddle. Any uh... What do we know?"

MiniGM |

I gained the ability to speak after Miro let me drink that bizarre liquid. It as quite jarring to my system. Ms. Tarvi has always said that she thought I was more intelligent than young Tram here...and now I am determined to prove her right!
He says with a wink, and he pads over to Tram and gives him a loving lick on the hand.
As it stands now, I am at your service, how can I assist? As you can tell the mansion has exploded, the mayor appears to have escaped...yes I can hear him bellowing ineffectually from here.

MiniGM |

Sir Barksalot leads the way to where the mayor stands he is shouting at everyone, anyone who gets near him. This is your fault! I can't believe you did this! I am not taking the blame for your negligence!

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"You know i would be hurt if it probably werent true. Dogs supposedly have better senses than we do. Is there anything you can smell or hear that we are not hearing?"
He asked as he head torwards the mayor.
perception 10: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
sense motive 15: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
"Keep you wits gentlemen.I'd wager my cousin is looking to blame someone for this."
He whispered as they approached both put off by the face he could have swore he saw in the smoke and well his cousin.
"By the gods above what a conflageration! Some careless soul is no doubt to blame cousin. Are your people safe? Is anyone still trapped in that mess?"
He asked trying to appease his cousins need for flattery.
diplomancy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

Exxor |

Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (17) + 16 = 33 Is it recognizable?
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22
Exxor will let Tram take the lead on speaking with the Mayor, and will listen but keep focused on the smoke and flames.
We need to figure out what is going on here. I feel like we are constantly one step behind.

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Tram wanted to cover his face in shame.
"He's a work in progress. What happened?"
He continued trying to get any sort of information before they just ran into the mess.

Exxor |

Exxor represses the simultaneous urges to laugh at and punch the mayor in the face. Sadly, he doubted the mayor would look much differently at him. That was ok though, he was in better company with Miro and Tram.
He continues to listen for anything the mayor says that might actually be useful.

Exxor |

In far better company with Miro... Exxor places a hand on Miro's shoulder.
This one would cost you too dearly, your excellency. But, I have no doubt you will get exactly what you need in due time. For now, let us address the matter at hand. He nods to the conflagration.

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Sorry guys knowledge planes is one of the couple of knowledges i have nothing in. >.<
"If we can figure out and save the place Im sure Miro here knows some folk looking for work. Gentlemen."
He nodded to Miro and Exxor offering his cousin a slight bow before leading away the man and torwards the mess.

MiniGM |

Our heroes move closer, with Sir Barksalot following along, sniffing here and there.
As you make you way closer it becomes apparent that the destruction is complete. The mayors house is utterly obliterated. Flames spout and gutter, but things seem to have calmed down. You can see that Hellknights are making there way to secure the area, as well as some other type of militia or guard
Sir Barksalot speaks Might I recommend we leave for now, and let this calm a bit and we can investigate later?

MiniGM |

Fast forward 2 weeks. Things are settling dloely. Sell and buy what you need
Two leads for the moment...well not leads just things to follow.
1. The mayor seems to be missing.
2. One of the minor houses seems to be having an issue w guards turning up missing. Tarvi seems bent our of shape over it too

Miro Took |

Miro looks into selling some goodies.
“Whisperslash—the dueling sword of Baron Agustine
II, the Cold Veteran of Oppara” (This exquisite blade is
a +1 defending mithral rapier.)
• “Hand of the Pharaoh of Nagas, Osirion” (This is a wellpreserved,
five-fingered, long-nailed mummy’s hand—
it functions as a luckstone.)
• “Chess set gifted from Taldor to Cheliax in 4315 ar”
(This exquisite chess set is worth 1,500 gp.)

MiniGM |

Fast forward 2 weeks. Things are settling dloely. Sell and buy what you need
Two leads for the moment...well not leads just things to follow.
1. The mayor seems to be missing.
2. One of the minor houses seems to be having an issue w guards turning up missing. Tarvi seems bent our of shape over it too
This is a little bit of DM railroading here. I would check these out first

MiniGM |

Me? I don't know what you mean? I don't have any guards, well other than my furry knight here...
She pauses Ah you are talking about my cousin's estate. Yes, well though She and I have never been close, many of the footmen, and guards and servants are going missing of late. If this had all been around the time of the explosion, I would understand, as it is right across the square from that mess, but it seems this started a week or so before the blast, and has continued since. Most of those men and women are good people, just doing what they can to get by.