Exxor |

That would have been Hippa....I have no knowledge skills.
Me either. But... Light generates shadow... otherwise all you have is darkness. This could be the "light" half of the relic that the Mwangi expedition brought back. I have a potion of invisibility and one of gaseous form... perhaps the invisibility might enable us to get close enough to that thing to cover it with something? Maybe if we contain the light we can figure out what it is later? Exxor looks to Miro and Tram for suggestions.
@Mini - is this thing small enough to fit in a bullseye lantern? ... if so, blasting shadowbeasts with a bullseye of pure brilliance could be quite the weapon!

Exxor |

Would like to have Tram's input... otherwise, Exxor will drink the invisibility potion and try to get there... having something ready to put the "relic" into... a lantern preferably,otherwise a box or the most solid thing big enough.
I still think simply flinging Miro out would be bad... for so, so, so many reasons... only half of which actually deal with the light.

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"I've no clue. What studies i have down in the academies certainly didnt cover anything like this."
He began sounding concerned.
"We can rip down a door or the like, hide behind it like a huge shield and get close to the light. but ive a bad feeling about this."

Exxor |

It still creates a shadow... that is the whole point of using an invisibility potion... no shadow. Besides, if I fry you can try the door thing and tell my smoldering corpse "I told you so" as much as you like.

Exxor |

Exxor takes a deep breath, readies a lantern and whatever other container we have; drinks the invisibility potion and steps out into the light.
If he survives, he will take another step, then proceed out to the statuette. If he doesn't survive, Miro can deliver a well deserved I told you so, and then Exxor will return to haunt Miro.
Here I go guys, if you hear a thud, get that door....

MiniGM |

Exxor reaches out and the moment he lays his fingers on the idol, the light goes out. Everything is quiet.
Everyone breathes a sigh of relief, then there is a massive flash of light, everyone is thrown from their feet, crashing into the walls.
It goes dark. You are not sure how long you are out, but you come too, groggy, but unharmed.

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The large nobleman stirred and groaned a moment more before shouting out.
"Tarvi! No! You bastard I'll!"
He sat upright suddenly reaching both arms forward as if to strangle something not there. He blinked for a moment at nothing then glanced to the others with a scowl.
"I guess that worked... in a way."
He said as he rose to his feet shaking his head as if to clear cobwebs not there.

Exxor |

Wooo hooo! Still alive.... What were you yelling about Miss Tarvi?
Exxor picks himself up and makes sure the idol is tucked into something for safe keeping. He looks about. Well, lets check these guys and see if there is anything else useful here. I am still a bit confused, although that might just be the blast.

MiniGM |

Our heroes make their way back to the base, and are immediately met by Ailyn
Tell me everything! She says bring you to a table and calling for booze.
It is the middle of the night and only she is around. She does tell you that two weeks have passed, apparently time passed slower in side...not much, but definitely slower.

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Earlier in the time stream
Bah! there was this stupid play we had to do earlier with this dirtbag actor... anyhow Somehow I guess i had a nightmare about him going after miss Tarvi. Its just my mind disturbed by the events in this place."
The Base!
"What? two weeks? Tarvi's bound to be annoyed with me somehow im sure. Where is everyone?"
He asked as he settled into a chair before launcing into the tale of travels. He didnt even embelish his role in things. In fact he seemed to be playing up how brave and helpful Exxor and Miro was.

Exxor |

Exxor is humbled at Tram's accounting - and points out how Tram went toe to toe with the vampire cleric, fought the skeletal beast and stood tall also without embellishment. He will also point out Miro's steadfast actions and quick thinking to get them through the rough spots.
You disappear for two whole weeks without a word.. yup Miss Tarvi is gonna have your butt in a sling for sure... I am sure it is only because she worries.
Does the relic seem to be doing anything?

MiniGM |

The relic is not doing anything atm Exx, but once Tarvi looks at it you will know how to use it!
Also apologies I did not give you this loot!
“Whisperslash—the dueling sword of Baron Agustine
II, the Cold Veteran of Oppara” (This exquisite blade is
a +1 defending mithral rapier.)
• “Hand of the Pharaoh of Nagas, Osirion” (This is a wellpreserved,
five-fingered, long-nailed mummy’s hand—
it functions as a luckstone.)
• “Chess set gifted from Taldor to Cheliax in 4315 ar”
(This exquisite chess set is worth 1,500 gp.)
Rememer stuff sells at 1/4 value
She listens to the tale and grins, and shakes her head. Ms. Tarvi has been very occupied with Sir Barksalot, so I suspect your absence has been endured well enough.
This is excellent news, I will make my way back to Absalom on the morrow to report to the society. I suspect that they will want to reclaim this lodge, though it will be some time before they do so.
Now. what you have missed. Something is happening at the mayoral estate. Something big, something underneath is...awakening...and someone is trying to use it for their benefit. There is no chance that this will not be bad for the city. Your reputation has only been growning and I suspect the people will be looking towards you to keep them safe.
She looks at each of you I will not blame you if you want to come to Absalom with me to be honest.

Exxor |

Exxor is smart enough to keep Miro away from the artifact... nicely.
Mayoral Estate you say... Tram, I know what we are going to do today. Exxor flashes a knowing smile to Tram and Miro. What specifically is known of the awakening and the malefactor?

MiniGM |

As soon as you open the door you see 5 massive columns of flame rocking hundreds of feet Into the air. As you watch people run up to you.
. Please. We all know you are fighting for us come deal with this!
It would appear you are no longer as secret as you thought. The flames are coming from what is likely the mayor's home

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He was on his feet the moments after the noise and light, his face a little crestfallen. He didnt really like his distant cousin, the mayor, but still... He sighed heavily glancing at his ruined clothes, and his barely bandaged cuts.
With a shrug he moved back to the table and grabbed his halberd.
"Lets go."
He muttered tiredly.

Exxor |

Yay Hippa!! As we approach, what is going on?
Exxor will go with the others toward the things everyone else is running away from. Columns of fire... that's new.
Thoughts? Do you think the idol is tied to this?

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"Thanks Hippa, see if you can find some of the others and see about pulling innocent folk away from that."
He began gesturing torwards the columns of fire.
"I dont know about a joker, but barring my distant cousin having really upset something powerful thats a good bet.
He closed his eyes a moment and took a deep breath. When he opened them he gave the others a nod.
"Let's go."
He began heading for the estate.

MiniGM |

Our heroes make there way across town and they see the flames launchjg up from the mayor's house...the house you were just at for a party
You have vague memories of oddities with lights and the like going on when you were there...
You hear suddenly someone clear their throat behind you